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Storj Core protocol specification version 2

Authored by Lily Anne Hall with contributions from Braydon Fuller

remote procedure calls

Nodes communicate with each other using JSON-RPC 2.0 over HTTPS. This requires farmers (nodes who are contracted by renter to store data) to be publicly addressable and enables access to content from web browsers, mobile phones, and any other devices that speak HTTP (hint: everything).

This document outlines the specification for the RPC interface by defining the message structure, required methods, and expected response formats that are needed for a Storj protocol compliant implementation.

Note that there may be other aspects of the protocol that are implemented as SIPs (Storj Improvement Proposals). See the end of this document for a list of implemented SIPs.

Request Format

Requests are formed according to the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification and are issued via HTTP POST. The Storj protocol requires the use of named parameters - positional parameters are not supported. Example:

  "method": "PING",
  "params": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "89cc3ddb4209c6e7e301c10c0257adf4fd85f253",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "3045022100de2e162d017a1e9d0ebfe2a94df3fc847b68281a9882..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

The receiving node for this request would then respond with the result, which in the case of a PING message, is simply an acknowledgement that includes the recipient's contact information and required signature and nonce:

  "result": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

In the event that an error occurs, an error property must be added to the response. You still need to include your contact data in the result property of the response:

  "result": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "OH GOD THERE'S SO MUCH BLOOD"
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Joining the Network

To join the Storj network, one must only know the contact information for a single "seed" node. A node's contact information is defined as the following three properties:

  • address - hostname, domain, or IP
  • port - port number on which the node is listening
  • nodeID - hash of the node's public key (see below)
  • protocol - version of the protocol implementation

This information can be expressed as a URI in the following format:


In addition to knowing this information about the seed, you also will need to know this information about yourself, so that it can be provided to the nodes with which you are communicating. Your "contact card" must be provided as the contact parameter in every message sent (both requests and responses). This is because messages must be signed with your private key and your nodeID is used by recipients to verify two things:

  1. That you own the private key corresponding to your claimed nodeID
  2. That the message was in fact sent by you and not an attacker

In the Storj network, nodes are identified by the hash of the public portion of an ECDSA key pair. Key pairs are generated using curve SECP256K1 and a node's nodeID is the "pubkeyhash", defined as:


This pubkeyhash, combined with a message and signature is enough data to reconstruct the complete public key and is used in the Storj network to sign and verify messages. This ensures that nodes are unable to assume the identity of another node by claiming it has the same nodeID.

Special Headers


Every request sent should include this header. It's value should equal the expected Node ID of the destination. This allows nodes who are tunneling other nodes to determine who the message is intended for.


Before a node can join the network, it must determine whether or not it is reachable (or publicly addressable). This can be determined by sending a PROBE request to a known seed.

  "method": "PROBE",
  "params": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

The PROBE RPC message triggers the recipient to attempt to reach the supplied {@link Contact} directly by sending a PING RPC message. If the target {@link Contact} reponds to the PING, then the PROBE should yield a success response, which is indicated by simply responding to the RPC message with only the required parameters and no error property.

  "result": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

If the PING message triggered by the PROBE fails, then the recipient of the PROBE RPC must respond with an error indicating to the sender that she is not addressable.

  "result": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "PROBE FAILED"
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

If the PROBE fails, you cannot successfully join the overlay and need to establish a tunnel through a node that is addressable on the network.


Finding a node that is willing to tunnel your connection to the overlay begins with a FIND_TUNNEL RPC message sent to a known seed. Nodes on the network maintain a record of known nodes that are willing to tunnel, by subscribing to "tunnel announcements" over the publish/subscribe system.

For more information on how nodes announce willingness to tunnel, see the documentation for {@tutorial tunnel-connections}.

  "method": "FIND_TUNNEL",
  "params": {
    "relayers": [],
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

When a node receives a FIND_TUNNEL message, it should respond with ALPHA (3) contacts that are close the the sender's nodeID who have previously published their willingness to tunnel. If the recipient herself is willing to tunnel the connection, she may include herself in the response even if her nodeID is not closer to the sender's nodeID than her known tunnels.

  "result": {
    "tunnels": [
        "address": "",
        "port": 1337,
        "nodeID": "58dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
        "protocol": "0.6.0"
        "address": "",
        "port": 1337,
        "nodeID": "68dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
        "protocol": "0.6.0"
        "address": "",
        "port": 1337,
        "nodeID": "78dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
        "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

The result of a FIND_TUNNEL message looks almost identical to the result of a FIND_NODE message, with the exception being the name of the result key is tunnels instead of nodes. Now that the original sender possesses the contact information for some known tunnels, she should keep them in her record so that she can later respond to other's FIND_TUNNEL requests appropriately.

Before the node can join the overlay (after determining it is not publicly addressable), it needs to establish a connection tunnel through one of the {@link Contact}s received from the FIND_TUNNEL request.


Establishing a tunnel is initiated by sending an OPEN_TUNNEL RPC message to a node who has indicated their willingness to tunnel. Only the minimum required parameters need to be sent.

In the future, the protocol may be enhanced to include additional information in the OPEN_TUNNEL RPC for negotiating payment channels or other conditions.

  "method": "OPEN_TUNNEL",
  "params": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "1.0.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

The recipient of the OPEN_TUNNEL message must determine whether or not she can satisfy the request. This decision may be based upon an arbitrary limit set by the node regarding how many concurrent tunnels she wishes to open, available bandwidth, etc. If the node is capable of establishing the tunnel, she must do so, assigning a dedicated address or port to receive messages and data channel requests (see {@tutorial data-channels}).

Once the tunnel's dedicated entry point has been established, she responds to the sender of the OPEN_TUNNEL request with a proxyPort to which the client may connect to receive messages.

  "result": {
    "proxyPort": 12000,
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "1.0.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

This response indicates that a proxy has been established and the original sender can receive messages from the overlay by opening a TCP connection to the proxyPort and contact address in the reply. In addition, the sender must update it's {@link Contact} information to mirror the remote tunneler's address and port.

If the recipient of the OPEN_TUNNEL message is not able to establish a tunnel for the sender, then she may respond with an error so that the sender can attempt to open a tunnel with other known contact.

  "result": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "error": {
    "code": -32603,
    "message": "Failed to establish tunnel, multiplexer full"
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Once your node has determined that it is publicly addressable on the network or has successfully established a tunnel, it can join the overlay network by issuing a FIND_NODE request sent to one or more known seeds. The request must include a key, contact (you), along with a signature and nonce.


When issuing a FIND_NODE request, you provide a key that represents the nodeID of the contact of which you would like to know their neighbors. When joining the network, this value is your own nodeID.

  "method": "FIND_NODE",
  "params": {
    "key": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

When a node receives a FIND_NODE RPC message, it must perform a lookup in it's routing table and respond with a nodes array containing the known contacts that are "closest" to the provided key. This is based on the XOR metric as the Storj network uses a Kademlia-based overlay. In addition, if the receiving node is not already aware of the requesting node, it may add the requester to it's own routing table to later inform other requesters.

  "result": {
    "nodes": [
        "address": "",
        "port": 1337,
        "nodeID": "58dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
        "protocol": "0.8.1"
        "address": "",
        "port": 1337,
        "nodeID": "68dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
        "protocol": "0.8.1"
        "address": "",
        "port": 1337,
        "nodeID": "78dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
        "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Upon receipt of the FIND_NODE response, the node attempting to join the network may iteratively send the same FIND_NODE request to contacts that have been newly added to the routing table to build out a wider view of the network. Once the joining node is satisfied with the size of the routing table (or there are no more nodes to discover), this is considered a successful join.

Soliciting Storage

Once a node has a sufficiently complete routing table and view of the network, it's time to buddy up with it's neighbors to cooperate in the sharing and relay of publications. A "publication" is essentially a request for storage. When a node in the network wishes to store some data, it notifies it's closest neighbors who, if interested, will respond to negotiate a storage contract.

If the neighbors are not offering storage or do not wish to fulfill the terms of the storage contract, they must check to see if any of their neighbors are and forward the publication to them. If no known neighbors are interested, then the publication is sent to a random node in that neighbor's routing table and the process repeats until an interested node fulfills the contract.


In order to know what publications in which your neighbors are interested, we select the 3 nodes in our routing table that are identified by a nodeID that is closest to ours and we issue a SUBSCRIBE message to each of them:

  "method": "SUBSCRIBE",
  "params": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

To properly handle a SUBSCRIBE message, the recipient must respond with an attenuated bloom filter, with a size 160 bits and a depth of 3. This data structure represents 3 sets of topics to which the recipient's neighbors are subscribed 3 "hops" away.

  "result": {
    "filters": [
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "58dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

When the original requesting node receives this response, it must update it's local attenuated bloom filter to reflect this response, starting at it's filter at index 1 (since index 0 is reserved for topic to which the node itself is interested).


After the requester updates it's local view of it's neighbor's publication subscriptions, it must in turn update it's neighbors with it's own publication subscriptions by providing it's own attenuated bloom filter:

  "method": "UPDATE",
  "params": {
    "filters": [
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

This method is essentially the "push" version of the SUBSCRIBE message, where instead of providing subscription information as a response, we provide it as a request. Whenever a node subscribes to a new publication topic, it should initiate another SUBSCRIBE/UPDATE loop with it's neighbors to ensure that it may cooperate in publication relay effectively.


Once a node has a view of the publications to which it's neighbors are subscribed, it is capable of issuing a PUBLISH message containing a topic and some content. This message is sent to the node's nearest neighbors, who then relay it to their neighbors based upon their own view of nearby subscriptions.

The topic property and the corresponding contents data is arbitrary, but this mechanism is used for publishing "asks" for storage contracts. In this case, the topic is equal to the {@link Contract} type and the contents is equal to the proposed contract itself. See {@tutorial contract-topics} for more information on how to choose a valid contract type for your storage needs.

  "method": "PUBLISH",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "7f0c40a2-e465-4f3e-b617-3d53460e34f7",
    "topic": "0f02010303",
    "contents": {
      "type": "56ce3e837f575827cb5a94e2b609756a48fa4a3882f5e762b262af31f432878d",
      "renter_id": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "renter_signature": null,
      "farmer_id": null,
      "farmer_signature": null,
      "data_size": 4906,
      "data_hash": "4efc1c36d3349189fb3486d2914f56e05d3e66f8",
      "store_begin": 1455228907665,
      "store_end": 2910457830468,
      "audit_count": 10,
      "payment_storage_price": 1200,
      "payment_download_price": 2,
      "payment_destination": null
    "publishers": [
    "ttl": 1455228597837,
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Upon receipt of a PUBLISH message, a node must first check to make sure it has not already received the publication. This is done by caching the uuid of received publications. If the node has already seen the publication, it should respond with an error message indicating such. The node should also make sure that the publication has not expired by checking that the ttl is a positive integer.

If the node has not previously seen the publication and the message has not expired, then it must check to see if the publication topic is of interest to itself by testing it's attenuated bloom filter at index 0 for the topic. If the node is interested in the publication, it may take action accordingly. In the case of storage contract, the node may begin communicating directly with the original publisher to finalize the contract.

Regardless of whether or not the node is interested in the publication, it should acknowledge receipt of the publication to the forwarder:

  "result": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Then, it must append negative information to the publication message by adding it's own nodeID to the publishers property as well as decrementing the ttl. Once the message has been updated with the negative information, the node must check it's attenuated bloom filter to see if any of it's neighbors are also interested and, if so, forward the message along to them. If no neighbors are interested, the node must select a random contact from the routing table and forward the message to that contact.

Negotiating Storage Contracts

When a node receives a contract proposal in the form of a PUBLISH message and that proposal meets the recipient's criteria, it can send an OFFER message to the original publisher.


The offer message must contain the original contract, supplemented with the information that is required of the offering node, which at minimum must include farmer_id, farmer_signature, and payment_destination.

The *_signature property value should be the hex-encoded signature of the JSON string representation of the contract, minus both signature fields and with keys sorted alphanumerically.

In addition to these fields, the offering node (or "farmer") may modify the other fields in the contract to their liking if they wish to counter the original offer:

  "method": "OFFER",
  "params": {
    "contract": {
      "type": "56ce3e837f575827cb5a94e2b609756a48fa4a3882f5e762b262af31f432878d",
      "renter_id": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "renter_signature": null,
      "farmer_id": "58dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "farmer_signature": "304502203f2be986f4213c45bf2f78c57cbf4001b049c4fd...",
      "data_size": 4906,
      "data_hash": "4efc1c36d3349189fb3486d2914f56e05d3e66f8",
      "store_begin": 1455228907665,
      "store_end": 2910457830468,
      "audit_count": 10,
      "payment_storage_price": 1200,
      "payment_download_price": 2,
      "payment_destination": "1JUhMAZj2Mkb4mRaGxbBYPsStryPyDxPuj"
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

The receiving node must check the offer and determine whether or not the modified contract terms are satisfactory. If so, it may finalize the contract by adding it's signature to the renter_signature field:

  "result": {
    "contract": {
      "type": "56ce3e837f575827cb5a94e2b609756a48fa4a3882f5e762b262af31f432878d",
      "renter_id": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "renter_signature": "304402202ccc152ee81fbff7e802c290cabea0c62384bb12...",
      "farmer_id": "58dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "farmer_signature": "304502203f2be986f4213c45bf2f78c57cbf4001b049c4fd...",
      "data_size": 4906,
      "data_hash": "4efc1c36d3349189fb3486d2914f56e05d3e66f8",
      "store_begin": 1455228907665,
      "store_end": 2910457830468,
      "audit_count": 10,
      "payment_storage_price": 1200,
      "payment_download_price": 2,
      "payment_destination": "1JUhMAZj2Mkb4mRaGxbBYPsStryPyDxPuj"
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Alternatively, the receiving node may counter the offer by modifying any of the fields and returning those in the response. The farmer must check the contract against it's signature to determine if the terms of the contract have been changed. This counter offer loop can continue until one party abandons the offer loop or until both parties have signed the same contract.

Once a contract has been finalized, each node should store a copy locally that can be keyed by the data_hash.

Executing a Storage Contract

Once a storage contract has been signed by both parties, the renter may execute the terms of the contract by issuing a CONSIGN message to the farmer. The purpose of this message is to deliver the data referenced by the contract for the farmer to store.


The consign message must contain the hex-encoded data_shard itself, the contract_hash, as well as an audit_tree that contains the bottom leaves of the audit strategy's merkle tree (see Auditing a Storage Contract below).

  "method": "CONSIGN",
  "params": {
    "data_hash": "4efc1c36d3349189fb3486d2914f56e05d3e66f8",
    "audit_tree": [
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Upon receipt of a CONSIGN message, the farmer must lookup the reference contract by the supplied data_hash and verify that the renter is authorized to store the data and that the number of items in the audit_tree is equal to the next power of 2 of the audit_count supplied in the original contract.

Once verified, the farmer must respond with a generated token that the renter or another authorized party can use to open a data channel with the farmer (via websocket) to deliver the data as a binary stream.

For more information on the Data Channel specification see the tutorial for {@tutorial data-channels}.

In addition, the farmer should verify that the current UNIX time is greater than or equal to the agreed upon store_begin and less than the agreed upon store_end. If everything checks out, the farmer must store the consigned data in such a way that it may later be retrieved by it's hash. Once the farmer has done this, it must acknowledge the renter to confirm:

  "result": {
    "token": "3f62b781e3b5b5288dca587807248261d109bbfb",
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Using Mirrors for Redundancy

In most cases it is desirable for the renter to store multiple copies of the shard across a number of farmers in the event that one of the contracted farmers leaves the network, loses the data, or otherwise breaches the terms of the storage contract. This can be accomplished by simply performing an iterative PUBLISH - OFFER - CONSIGN loop for the desired level of redundancy, followed by the establishment of a data channel as described in {@tutorial data-channels}.

However, this method can introduce a significant amount of latency for completing a full upload that increases linearly with the number of redundant shards. Additionally, the amount of bandwidth consumed by the renter increases in the same way as the renter will have to upload the data for each redundant shard.


In these scenarios, renters can offload the burden of storing multiple copies of a shard to the farmers by issuing a MIRROR RPC in lieu of establishing a data channel. A MIRROR RPC instructs a contracted farmer to retrieve the data already uploaded to another farmer by providing them with a retrieval token authorized by another farmer (this is performed by issuing a RETRIEVE RPC message - see Downloading Consigned Data later in this document). This allows the renter to incur the bandwidth and latency once and instead pay the recently contracted farmer to transfer the data to another farmer for redundancy.

To initiate this process, instead of opening a data channel, issue a MIRROR RPC message to the farmer after contract negotiation is complete:

  "method": "MIRROR",
  "params": {
    "data_hash": "4efc1c36d3349189fb3486d2914f56e05d3e66f8",
    "token": "ce898e520cede42fd847ba5176b6d6b6ea47481f",
    "farmer": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 4000,
      "nodeID": "e77e46ceb7f8dbf2904eff254a479f90a4f8ddbd",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Note that you should wait until data is successfully consigned to the first farmer before sending a MIRROR RPC for replication.

Once the mirroring farmer receives the request, it should open a data channel to the original farmer and pass along the supplied token and data hash in the initial authorization frame. Once the mirroring farmer begins receiving data it must respond to the renter's request with a simple acknowledgement to indicate that the mirror operation was successfully initiated.

  "result": {
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Note that data transfer may fail after the original acknowledgement. It is important to regularly issue AUDIT messages to farmers storing your data. If a mirror farmer later fails an audit, the renter should negotiate a new contract and attempt to create a new mirror to retain the expected level of redundancy.

Auditing a Storage Contract

Before a renter issues a CONSIGN RPC, it must pre-calculate a series of "challenges", the number of which must equal the audit_count defined in the negotiated contract. A challenge is simply 32 random bytes encoded as hex. The generated challenges must not be shared until the renter wishes to issue an AUDIT request.

When issuing a CONSIGN request, the renter must include an audit_tree which contains the bottom leaves of a merkle tree. Each of the bottom leaves of the tree must be equal to the double RIPEMD160(SHA256(challenge + shard)) encoded as hex. In order to ensure that the resulting merkle tree is properly "balanced", the number of bottom leaves must be equal to the next power of 2 of the audit count. To ensure this, the additional leaves can simply be the double RIPEMD160(SHA256('')) (the same hash function for an audit, but applied to an empty buffer).


To audit a farmer is to request proof that it is still honoring the terms of the storage contract without the need to have them supply the entire data_shard. To do this, the renter must supply the farmer with one of the secret pre-calculated challenges:

  "method": "AUDIT",
  "params": {
    "audits": [
        "data_hash": "4efc1c36d3349189fb3486d2914f56e05d3e66f8",
        "challenge": "6290bb9e1766bf3fc00eea3bb14146925611026d453e1aa95c32973f8baa5c98"
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Upon receipt of an AUDIT request, the farmer must lookup the data_shard by the supplied data_hash, then calculate the single RIPEMD160(SHA256(challenge + shard)).

The result of this operation should hash again to match one of the items supplied in the audit_tree property of the original CONSIGN request.

In addition to supplying this single-hashed value as proof that the farmer is still honoring the terms of the contract, the farmer must also provide the uncles required to rebuild the merkle tree. This proof response is specified as a series of nested JSON arrays:

  "result": {
    "proofs": [
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

For clarification, given a simple merkle tree:

+-- Hash_0 (Root)
|   +-- Hash_1
|   |   +-- Hash_3
|   |   +-- Hash_4
|   +-- Hash_2
|   |   +-- Hash_5
|   |   +-- Hash_6 = RIPEMD160(SHA256(RIPEMD160(SHA256(challenge + shard))))

The resulting format of a proof for an audit matching Hash_6 would appear as:

[Hash_1, [Hash_5, [RIPEMD160(SHA256(challenge + shard))]]]

And, the resulting format of a proof for an audit matching Hash_3 would appear as:

[[[RIPEMD160(SHA256(challenge + shard))], Hash_5], Hash_2]

Upon receipt of the farmer's proof, the renter must verify that the proof is valid by using it to rebuild the merkle tree. See {@link Verification#verify} for an implementation example. If the proof is verified successfully, then the renter is expected to issue a payment to the payment_destination defined in the original contract. The amount of the payment should be equal to:

(payment_storage_price / audit_count) + (payment_download_price * downloads_since_last_audit)

If the verification fails then the contract is null and no payment is required. Conversely, if the verification succeeds and the renter does not issue the payment in a timely manner, then the contract is also null and the farmer may decide to cease storage of the data.


When a renter wishes to retrieve data that is stored under contract, it can issue a RETRIEVE RPC message that includes the data_hash to the farmer storing the data:

  "method": "RETRIEVE",
  "params": {
    "data_hash": "4efc1c36d3349189fb3486d2914f56e05d3e66f8",
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

After the recipient of the RETRIEVE message verifies the sender's signature it must lookup the storage contract by the supplied data_hash and verify that the sender is the party with which the contract was negotiated. If all tests pass, then the farmer must respond with a generated token to allow the renter to open a data channel (via websocket) to retrieve the data as a binary stream. After the data shard is delivered successfully, the farmer must increment it's record of the downloads_since_last_audit (which must be reset after the next audit).

For more information on the Data Channel specification see the tutorial for {@tutorial data-channels}.

  "result": {
    "token": "3f62b781e3b5b5288dca587807248261d109bbfb",
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.8.1"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

In addition, the renter must check the integrity of the returned data_shard by calculating the hash and checking it against the expected data_hash. If the test fails, then this effectively a failed audit and the contract is null.

Implemented SIPs

contract topics

Nodes solicit storage contracts with the network by publishing information about their storage requirements as outlined in {@tutorial protocol-spec}. Storj implements a distributed publish/subscribe system based on an algorithm called Quasar.

Quasar works by allowing nodes to advertise topics of interest to their neighbors and keeping a record of these topics in their neighborhood by storing them in an attenuated bloom filter. Each node has a view of the topics in which their neighbors are interested up to 3 hops away. By the nature of this design, the network forms gravity wells wherein messages of interest are efficiently relayed to nodes that are subscribed to the topic without flooding the network.

This approach works well when there is a diverse number of topics. The Storj protocol leverages this by defining a matrix of criteria and descriptors in the form of opcodes representing the degree of which the criteria must be met.


At the time of writing, there are 4 criteria column in the topic matrix:

  • Size
  • Duration
  • Availability
  • Speed


Refers to the size of the data to be stored.


Refers to the length of time for which the data should be stored.


Refers to the relative uptime of required by the contract for retrieval of the stored data.


Refers to the throughput desired for retrieval of the stored data.


At the time of writing, there are 3 descriptor opcodes representing low, medium, and high degrees of the criteria.

  • Low: 0x01
  • Medium: 0x02
  • High: 0x03

The ranges represented by these descriptors are advisory and may change based on network performance and improvements to hardware over time.

| Descriptor      | Size        | Duration   | Availability | Speed           |
| Low    (`0x01`) | 0mb - 8mb   | 0d - 30d   | 0% - 50%     | 0mbps - 6mbps   |
| Medium (`0x02`) | 8mb - 16mb  | 30d - 90d  | 50% - 80%    | 6mbps - 12mbps  |
| High   (`0x03`) | 16mb - 32mb | 90d - 270d | 80% - 99%    | 12mbps - 32mbps |

Topic Format

When publishing or subscribing to a given topic representing the degrees of these criteria, nodes must serialize the opcodes as the hex representation of the bytes in proper sequence. This sequence is defined as:


The first byte, "prefix", is the static identifier for a contract publication. Contracts are not the only type of publication shared in the network, so the prefix acts as a namespace for a type of publication topic.

The prefix for a contract publication is: 0x0f.

To illustrate by example, we can determine the proper topic by analyzing the use case for a given file shard. For instance, if we want to store an asset that is displayed on a web page we can infer the following:

  • The file is small
  • The file may change often, so we should only store it for medium duration
  • The file needs to always be available
  • The file should be transferred quickly

Using the matrix, we can determine the proper opcode sequence:

[0x0f, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03]

Serialized as hex, our topic string becomes:


Another example, by contrast, is data backup. Data backup is quite different than the previous example:

  • The file is large (perhaps part of a hard drive backup)
  • The file will not change and should be stored long term
  • The file will not be accessed often, if ever
  • The file does not need to be transferred at high speed

Using the matrix, we can determine the proper opcode sequence:

[0x0f, 0x03, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01]

Serialized as hex, our topic string becomes:


The resulting hex string from the serialized opcode byte sequence should be used as the topic parameter of a PUBLISH RPC as defined in the {@tutorial protocol-spec}. Nodes that are subscribed to the topic will receive the proposed storage contract and may begin contract negotiation with you directly.

data transfer

Transfering file shards to farmers is a simple process. After a successful CONSIGN or RETRIEVE RPC yields a token, the renter may construct an HTTP request to the farmer, to push or pull the data.

Uploading Shards

To upload a shard to a given farmer, construct an HTTP request:

  • Method: POST
  • Path: /shards/{hash}?token={token}
  • Headers:
    • content-type: application/octet-stream
    • x-storj-node-id: {farmer node id}

Then simply write the encrypted shard to the request. Farmers will respond with appropriate status codes and messages to indicate the result.

Downloading Shards

To download a shard from a given farmer, construct an HTTP request:

  • Method: GET
  • Path: /shards/{hash}?token={token}
  • Headers:
    • content-type: application/octet-stream
    • x-storj-node-id: {farmer node id}

You will receive the shard as a response of type application/octet-stream if you are authorized.

file encryption

This document serves to provide a detailed account of how files are encrypted by default by Storj Core to promote interoperability between different implementations of clients.

Sharding and Encryption Scheme

Before data is stored in the network, the Storj Core library automatically handles file encryption, sharding, and key management for you.

In order of operations:

  1. Complete file is encrypted with a unique key and initialization vector
  2. File is demultiplexed (or "sharded") into individual chunks
  3. Each shard is offered to the network and transferred
  4. Key and IV are encrypted with a passphrase and stored locally

Key and Initialization Vector Generation

Files are encrypted using AES-256-CTR. Use of CTR allows for random read-access to known indices. File keys are generated via one of two methods:

  • Local PBKDF2 key derivation (default)
  • Passphrase-based deterministic key derivation (recommended)

PBKDF2 Key Derivation

By default, the key for each file is the result of a standard key derivation function, PBKDF2. PBKDF2 generates a key from a password and a salt. These two values are randomly generated bytes:

  • Password: 512 random bytes
  • Salt: 32 random bytes

The key length of the PBKDF2 is 512 bytes, should use 25000 iterations, and use SHA-512 as the digest. To create the cipher/decipher and initialization vector, derive the SHA-256 hash of the resulting PBKDF2 for the cipher/decipher key and use the first 16 bytes of the original salt as the iv. The {@link DataCipherKeyIv} class represents these values, and provides methods for their generation.

The {@link KeyRing} class stores the original password and salt locally in an encrypted JSON document keyed by the ObjectId returned from Storj Bridge for the file object. The cleartext JSON document has two properties: pass and salt.

  "pass": "c7c311ee213d10baefd620a004d76485190d82...",
  "salt": "6d33490c999e9d613ccf4b146446763df15de2..."

This JSON string is encrypted with AES-256-CBC using a user-defined passphrase, and encoded as Base58. Each of those encrypted JSON documents is stored in a directory called key.ring/, where the file name is the ObjectId returned from Storj Bridge for the file object.

Portable Key Ring Format

Because the keys in the key ring are generated and stored locally, files encrypted with these keys cannot be accessed by other machines without first duplicating the key files onto that machine. To mitigate this, Storj Core can create a simple portable key ring archive.

A {@link KeyRing} created by Storj Core can be exported into a portable format, which is simply a gzipped tape archive (.tar.gz or .tgz). Importing this archive simply entails:

  1. Decompress and unpack the archive
  2. Decrypt each JSON document using the original passphrase
  3. Encrypt each document with the passphrase of the target keyring
  4. Move the files into the target keyring, optionally overwriting conflicts

Passphrase-based Key Derivation

Rather than relying on locally-generated keys, it is recommended that the user generate a high-entropy passphrase, and generate keys from it via a deterministic key derivation process. Using this method, the user may grant access to all encrypted files by simply transferring the passphrase. Storj Core offers tools for this based on Bitcoin's BIP39 Mnemonic passphrases.

{@link KeyRing} provides tools for generating a mnemonic passphrase and writing it to disk. If a mnemonic is found, Storj Core will prefer passphrase-based key derivation to PBKDF2 derivation. Storj clients should create a file key as follows:

  1. Prepend the passphrase to the Bucket ID
  2. Calculate the sha512 hash of the resulting string
  3. Take the first 64 bits of the resulting hash to make the Bucket Key
  4. Prepend the Bucket Key to the File ID
  5. Calculate the sha512 hash of the resulting string
  6. Take the first 64 bits of the resulting hash to make the File Key

As any client with access to the passphrase can easily generate file keys on demand, this provides additional portability of files between machines and applications.

It is strongly recommended that users write down the passphrase, and keep it in a secure place.

Public Bucket Key Storage

Public Buckets are a feature of Bridge, not a feature of Storj. When a Public Bucket is created, the Bucket Key is stored with Bridge. It is then provided to clients requesting PUSH or PULL tokens from that bucket.

tunnel connections

One of the most daunting problems to tackle when designing a stable and reliable distributed network is the traversal of various constraints such as NAT and firewalls. In some cases, software can use various strategies to "punch out" of these constraints and become publicly addressable on the Internet. The StorjCORE library makes use of these strategies, but when they fail we must devise more complex tactics for ensuring that network participants are reachable by their peers.

The Storj protocol defines a series of RPC messages that can be exchanged in order to establish a "tunnel". See the {@tutorial protocol-spec} for more detail on these RPC messages and their purposes. A tunnel is, in essence, a proxy that allows a client that is not exposed to the Internet to be addressable as if it were.

This works by a private node opening a long-lived connection to a public node who establishes a dedicated means for accepting messages on behalf of the private node and "pipes" any data received via those means directly back to the private node over the previously established connection.

Once a tunnel has been established, the private node can begin identifying herself to the network using her tunnel's address, instead of her own. Private nodes do not need to use the tunnel to contact other nodes on the network, but rather only to be contacted.

Announcing Willingness

When a node joins the network and is publicly addressable, it has the ability to announce to the network that it is willing and capable of tunneling connections on behalf on nodes who are private or unable to punch out to become addressable on the Internet. The process of doing this uses the same publish/subscribe system described in the {@tutorial contract-topics} specification which enables nodes to maintain a view of subscriptions in their neighborhood of the network as described in the {@tutorial protocol-spec}.

The difference between a contract publication and a tunnel announcement is in the opcode used for the topic and in the contents of the publication. Tunnel announcement publications use the opcode prefix 0x0e followed by a single criteria degree opcode to indicate their willingness to tunnel (0x00 to indicate "I am no longer tunneling" and 0x01 to indicate "I am ready to tunnel").

Whenever the condition changes, such as a node's maximum number of tunnels is reached or when a tunnel becomes available, it should issue a PUBLISH RPC message to it's nearest neighbors.

  "method": "PUBLISH",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "7f0c40a2-e465-4f3e-b617-3d53460e34f7",
    "topic": "0e01",
    "contents": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337
    "publishers": [
    "ttl": 1455228597837,
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Public nodes should subscribe to these topics so that they can maintain an up-to-date list of nodes who are capable and willing to tunnel connections, so they can respond accurately to FIND_TUNNEL messages from private nodes.

Establishing a Tunnel

After a private node has discovered some willing tunnels using the FIND_TUNNEL RPC message defined in the {@tutorial protocol-spec}, it can now begin the handshake to establish the tunnel. This begins by sending the OPEN_TUNNEL RPC message to the desired tunneler node. The recipient of OPEN_TUNNEL will check:

  • Do I have enough remaining tunnels? (based on arbitrary limit set by node)
  • Am I already tunneling for this nodeID?
  • Has a payment channel been opened? (future spec)

If the tunneling node has enough tunnels, is not already tunneling the node, and (in a future spec) if a payment channel has been opened for bandwidth, then the tunneling node opens a new dedicated TCP socket on an available port that will be used by the requester to send/receive HTTP messages.

  "result": {
    "proxyPort": 12000,
    "contact": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 1337,
      "nodeID": "48dc026fa01ae26822bfb23f98e725444d6775b0",
      "protocol": "0.6.0"
    "nonce": 1455216323786,
    "signature": "304502207e8a439f2cb33055e0b2e2d90e775f29d90b3ad85aec0c..."
  "id": "7b6a2ab35da6826995abf3310a4875097df88cdb"

Now the private node can open a TCP connect to the proxyPort provided and messages sent to the tunneler that specify your node ID in the x-storj-node-id header will be written to the connected socket. From there, you may pipe this socket directly to your locally running node.

tunnel diagram

private testnet

Setting up a private or partitioned version of the Storj network is very simple. The Storj protocol requires the inclusion of a protocol property nested inside the contact data included in every RPC message. See {@tutorial protocol-spec} for more information on the RPC message format.

Protocol Identifier Format

Nodes on the Storj network identify the version of the protocol they are running with the use of a semantic version tag. When a node is trying to determine whether or not another node is compatible with her version of the protocol, she checks the following:

  • Is the MAJOR version the same?
  • Is the MAJOR version 0?
  • Is the MINOR version the same?

If both nodes are running the same MAJOR version and that version is not 0, then the nodes are compatible. If the MAJOR version is 0, then the nodes are compatible only if the MINOR version is the same.

For example:

  • 0.5.1 is compatible with 0.5.3
  • 0.5.1 is not compatible with 0.6.0
  • 1.5.1 is compatible with 1.13.0
  • 2.1.0 is not compatible with 1.13.0

Special Identifiers

The semantic versions specification also allows for special identifiers by postfixing the version with a hyphen followed by some identifier. This is where the network partitioning magic happens.

Let's say, for example, I work for "Widgets Ltd" and I want to deploy a Storj network within the Widgets Ltd private network. Every workstation would run a modified version of storj/farmer or maybe my own custom interface built atop storj/core.

I would simply change my Storj-based software to use the version 1.5.0-widgetsltd. The Storj protocol sees this identifies as a strict match and therefore any nodes running this version of the software will only communicate with nodes running the exact protocol identifier.

Changing the Version

Changing the version in storj/core is easy as pie. In your code, simply import the module and change the identifier like so:

// Import core library
var storj = require('storj');

// Modify protocol version
storj.version.protocol = '1.5.0-widgetsltd';

// Get on with your stuff...

If you are running "vanilla" Storj software, you can change the protocol version by setting the STORJ_NETWORK environment variable. This will add a postfix to the protocol version, which will partition the network to nodes that are running that exact version:

STORJ_NETWORK=testnet storjshare --datadir /path/to/shards

This concept applies broadly to deploying a custom Storj network for any purpose. This could be used for a public testnet (x.x.x-testnet) or for the private network example above.

environment variables

Below is a list of environment variables that can be used to alter the behavior of the core library and associated tooling.


This value will be postfixed to your announced protocol version in the network. A value of testnet would advertise to the network you are running 0.7.0-testnet, which will isolate you to other nodes running the same exact version. See {@tutorial private-testnet} for more information.


By default, the {@link Network} class will drop and ignore message from nodes who identify themeselves as a loopback interface like localhost,, etc. This is a security precaution to prevent others from causing you to send messages to yourself as well as prevent invalid contacts in your routing table.

To disable this feature (primarily for local testing), set this variable to 1.


This variable will change the default URI for the {@link BridgeClient} class. The default value is If you run your own bridge, testing one locally, or otherwise would like to default to a different host, set this variable.

This works well with the CLI (see {@tutorial command-line-interface}) when testing against other bridges.


This variable will set the --keypass used to unlock the keyring.

Setting your password will make it so other users can't grep it with ps -a.


This variable will set the folder to which the encrypted file will be placed when uploading a file. Shards will also be placed in this folder during upload.

command line interface

This package comes equipped with a command line interface for performing a number of useful operations on the Storj network. The CLI program is generally focused on interacting with a remote Bridge service and makes use of the library's {@link BridgeClient} class to do so. In addition to interacting with a bridge node, the tool also exposes some general purpose utilities.

To use the CLI, follow the instructions in the README to install the module globally or if you are working from within the git repository, you can use:

npm link

Communicating with a Bridge

Once you have access to the storj command, register and authenticate with the bridge:

> $ storj register
 [...]  > Enter your email address  >
 [...]  > Enter your password  >  *************

 [info]   Registered! Check your email to activate your account.

Follow the activation link you receive via email and come back to the CLI to pair with your account:

> $ storj login
 [...]  > Enter your email address  >
 [...]  > Enter your password  >  *************

 [info]   This device has been successfully paired.

Now you can create buckets, transfer files, and manage your bridge account.

Audits, Proofs, and Verifications

The CLI also includes some utility commands for generating file possession audits, proving possession, and verifying proofs. You can generate a challenge set and merkle tree for a file easily:

> $ storj prepare-audits 2
 [info]   Generating challenges and merkle tree...
 [info]   Merkle Root
 [info]   -----------
 [info]   9c8c37935f58d46e3301efe4f44724b8785a81a5
 [info]   Challenges
 [info]   ----------
 [info]   c8573773616e072230d40131e7ce8537d384825e337e5903ff7367ddea798c52
 [info]   7c4d4f57f40d5c95f962e7cd72347e4077e1885aaffd8c1ccbbd02c8d7c48dce
 [info]   Merkle Leaves
 [info]   -------------
 [info]   aaf42766d87a37e6dffbae7172fd0073006bf5f3
 [info]   ccee086dbc8a16b93b79912cb37f3b037bbf8269

A farmer can use parts of this data to prove possession of a file shard:

> $ storj prove-file aaf42766d87a37e6dffbae7172fd0073006bf5f3,ccee086dbc8a16b93b79912cb37f3b037bbf8269 c8573773616e072230d40131e7ce8537d384825e337e5903ff7367ddea798c52
 [info]   Generating proof of possession...
 [info]   Challenge Response
 [info]   ------------------
 [info]   [["153a0d4b1d228043992fec585cadb51974b053f7"],"ccee086dbc8a16b93b79912cb37f3b037bbf8269"]

The result of this operation can be used by the original renter to verify the the proof and confirm that the farmer still has possession of the file:

> $ storj verify-proof 9c8c37935f58d46e3301efe4f44724b8785a81a5 2 '[["153a0d4b1d228043992fec585cadb51974b053f7"],"ccee086dbc8a16b93b79912cb37f3b037bbf8269"]'
 [info]   Expected: 9c8c37935f58d46e3301efe4f44724b8785a81a5
 [info]   Actual:   9c8c37935f58d46e3301efe4f44724b8785a81a5
 [info]   The proof response is valid

For more detailed usage information of the command line interface, run storj --help.

Temporary Files

On Windows temporary files are stored:



Storj Core - Implementation of the Storj protocol for Node.js Copyright (C) 2016 Storj Labs, Inc

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Certain parts of this program are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see