Liman Core allows you to centrally manage all servers in your IT processes remotely, with stable and secure way. You can improve the features with expandable extensions and modules.
More information on the Liman website.
As an open source version of Liman, it meets your basic needs for server management. You can develop extensions according to your wishes or you can manage certain servers with a nice interface with the extensions available in the liman market.
- Server Management
- Extension Infrastracture
- User and Role Management
- Web based management
Liman is packaged as DEB in Aciklab repository. Therefore, it supports Debian, Pardus and Ubuntu. You can find the installation documentation for your Linux distribution.
Liman Core started to be developed by the Aciklab group in HAVELSAN and continues to be developed. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Liman Core is sponsored by HAVELSAN.
MIT License
See LICENSE the full text.
From Liman Core 1.11.1 version, we are using PNPM as package manager. Due to Laravel limitations, you should install packages with this command: pnpm install --shamefully-hoist