// in application.conf
play {
modules {
# Enable the BitronixDBApiModule for BTM [[Transactional[Connection]]] support
enabled += dbx.api.btm.BitronixDBApiModule
db {
default {
pool = "hikaricp"
# HikariCP configuration options
hikaricp {
# The datasource class name must be set to BtmDataSource, as for driverProperties configuring problem caused by hikaricp
dataSourceClassName = "dbx.api.btm.BtmDataSource"
# Data source configuration options, i.e, the properties need to configure on PoolingDataSource _in BTM_
dataSource {
className = org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource
uniqueName = default
allowLocalTransactions = true
minPoolSize = 5 # ``Required``
maxPoolSize = 20 # ``Required``
# A workaround for PoolingDataSource's driverProperties property,
# the "classpath://" prefix indicates that we'll try to load it from class path, and you can set it to any url,
# if the path contains no schema info(e.g. http://), BtmDataSource will try to load it from local file system
driverConfig = "classpath://db.default.properties"
# Other configuration goes here...
dbx {
# default settings for transaction management, refer [[TransactionSettings]] for details
transactionSettings {
resource = default
isolationLevel = REPEATABLE_READ