Releases: lingjf/h2unit
Releases · lingjf/h2unit
- Unify MOCK/STUB primitive
- Update memcmp matcher output
- Caseless to json
- Extend json to javascript
- Illformed json hint
- CountOf matcher
- ListOf without content
- Specified actual array size in OK
- Formatted json print for copy paste
- Execute only last failed cases
- Coverage utility
- Update MOCK failure output
- JSON compare selector
- Update options
- Bugfix and refactoring
- User specified precision when compare floating-point number.
- MOCK support reference argument and return reference value.
- MOCK delegate origin function when no returns specified.
- MOCK STUB support template function, template class member function, and template member function.
- MOCK STUB support no default constructor and abstract class.
- MOCK STUB by function string name.
- Suppress macro expand in OK expression.
- BLOCK key-value attributes, limit, fill, align,noleak
- SOCK key-value attributes, from, to
- COUT attributes can not string type.
- Odd align memory allocate.
- Show check count.
- Memory footprint.
- Refactoring using effective C++ features.
- naive support windows msvc
- improve memcmp matcher: Me(M1e,M8e,M16e,M32e,M64e), for bit/byte/word/dword/qword level
- asymmetric allocate memory and release
- access after free detection
- multiply run round
- update json diff render
- safely enumerate case list
- fix several BUGS
- refactoring
- Obsolete suite setup;
- Attach user message to OK/JE;
- More built-in Matcher, and && || ! logic operate for matchers;
- User defined matcher;
- Global setup and teardown;
- Execution progressing;
- Hijack dns resolve;
- Hijack TCP/UDP transmission;
- Capture stdout/err output;
- Break into debugger;
- Parameterized value generator;
- ForEach;
- ForFullmesh;
- Type adaptive;
Dynamic Mock;
Dynamic Stub;
Lambda make Mock/Stub fitness;
Section mode instead of fixture mode;
Non-invasive memory check, leak, overflow, double free;
Simple check primitive OK;
Suppress some warning (eg. sign compare, writable-strings);
Incompatible api with v3/v2/v1;
3.0 Deprecated
Dynamic Mock and compatible with v2
2.0 Deprecated
v2.0 add version 2.0
1.0 Deprecated
v1.0 Import slre regular express engine