Information in this section helps your user understand your project by themselves.
What do your users need to do to start using your project? This could include downloading/installation instructions, including any prerequisites or system requirements.
Introductory road map
Consider using the headings below for your getting started page. You can delete any that are not applicable to your project.:
## What is <your project name>?
Please refer to:
- the [<your project name> web site]()
- the [<your project name> value proposition]()
## What is the <your project name> architecture?
The <your project name> architecture is the foundational technology and environment on which the <your project name> applications run. It provides a base layer of processes, services, tools, and frameworks that allow developers to build, deploy, and manage applications. Essentially, **it is the design document of <your project name>**.
## What is it good for?
The <your project name> platform serves as an entry point for understanding the broader context of <your project name>. It is useful for:
- Understanding <your project name>'s from different points of view
- Identifying the *skills* required for development and *management roles*
- Setting up the *development environment* and managing *day-to-day operations*.
## What is it not good for?
This is not a place to find detailed component documentation.
About this, refer to the README files in the repositories in the [Component catalog]().
It is not a tool for business things.
## Where should I go next?
1) read the definition of some [terms]() used inside the <your project name> jargon
2) read the [standards]() to which <your project name> conforms
3) read the [architecture overview]()
4) self-assess your [skills]()
5) find the [roles]() best match your competences
6) join a [process]()