NOTE: Code porting to PHP 8.1 ongoing.
Started as a project for learning the modern PHP, it has become a set of simple and elegant tools for creating web applications.
The development of Framework is done trying to get PHP best pratices always in mind.
If you wish deepen PHP best pratices you can start from phptherightway
- Tested with phpunit and infection
- Analyzed with phpstan and phan
- Commented, ready for phpDocumentor
- Written applying the five SOLID principles
At moment, code, isn't utilized in production environment, Hope in future.
- PHP >= 8.1
- PDO extension (optional)
- Memcached extension (optional)
- Mongodb extension (optional)
- Redis extension (optional)
With composer:
composer require linna/framework
- Model view controller
- Session management
- Login and User/Permission role based access control
- Rest router
- Container and dependency injections
- Wrappers for data base
- Implementation for PSR-4 Autoloader, PSR-11 Container and PSR-16 Simple Cache
For more details please see the user guide (soon) or the api (incomplete) and read licence
Please see
- [IN PROGRESS] Reduce the technical debt
- [IN PROGRESS] Complete the PHP 8.1 porting
- Complete the updating and the review of the code comments
- [IN PROGRESS] Create documentation for the site, api and articles about how to do things
- Unify database session handlers
- [IN PROGRESS] Update tests and do a deep code review for quality and security
- Check the name of arguments in methods where there is the implementation of an interface
- Add support for Redis cache, for general cache and sessions
- Encryption for non standard session storage (redis, memcached, databases)
- Router with PSR-7 support
- More about Router