diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e38f78d3..43baf0f5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,47 +1,57 @@
 # Lion-Framework-Backend
 ## Install
 composer create-project lion-framework/lion-backend
 ## Update packages
 composer install
 ### Libraries used
 composer require lion-framework/lion-sql
 composer require lion-framework/lion-route
 composer require lion-framework/lion-mailer
 composer require vlucas/valitron
-[PHP dotenv](https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv)
+#####[PHP dotenv](https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv)
 composer require vlucas/phpdotenv
 composer require phroute/phroute
 composer require phpmailer/phpmailer
+composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet
+composer require dompdf/dompdf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Example/ExampleController.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Example/ExampleController.php
index 7c03a222..0785c995 100644
--- a/app/Http/Controllers/Example/ExampleController.php
+++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Example/ExampleController.php
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
 use LionMailer\Attach;
 use Valitron\Validator;
 use App\Models\Example\ExampleModel;
-use App\Http\Functions\Excel;
+use App\Http\Functions\Word;
+use App\Http\Functions\Pdf;
+use App\Http\Functions\Files;
 class ExampleController extends Controller {
@@ -23,4 +25,18 @@ public function methodExample(): Request {
 		return new Request('success', 'Welcome to example.', self::$form);
+	public function createMyWord() {
+		$this->content(true);
+		Word::loadTemplate('public/template/template.docx');
+		Word::add([
+			'user_data_email' => self::$form->user_data_email,
+			'user_data_password' => self::$form->user_data_password
+		]);
+		$word_file = Word::saveTemplate('public/', 'nuevo_data', true);	
+		return new Request('success', 'documento creado.');
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Http/Functions/Excel.php b/app/Http/Functions/Excel.php
index a9e73ebe..1a0c008d 100644
--- a/app/Http/Functions/Excel.php
+++ b/app/Http/Functions/Excel.php
@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ public function __construct() {
-	public static function info(): array {
-		return self::$list_push;
-	}
 	public static function new(string $path, string $file_name): string {
 		$file_name = Files::rename("{$file_name}.xlsx");
@@ -85,10 +81,10 @@ public static function push(string $value, string $char): void {
 	public static function add(string $index = null, string $value = null): void {
 		if ($index != null && $value != null) {
-			self::$worksheet->setCellValue($index, self::replace($value));
+			self::$worksheet->setCellValue($index, Files::replace($value));
 		} else {
 			foreach (self::$list_push as $key => $cell) {
-				self::$worksheet->setCellValue(((string) $key), self::replace($cell));
+				self::$worksheet->setCellValue(((string) $key), Files::replace($cell));
@@ -99,32 +95,4 @@ public static function save(string $path, string $file_name): string {
 		return $file_name;
-	private static function replace($cell): string {
-		$cell = str_replace("á", "á", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("é", "é", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("í", "í", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ó", "ó", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ú", "ú", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ñ", "ñ", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("á", "á", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("é", "é", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("Ã", "í", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ó", "ó", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ú", "ú", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ñ", "ñ", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("Á", "á", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("É", "é", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("Í", "í", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("Ó", "ó", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("Ú", "ú", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("Ñ", "ñ", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("á", "á", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("é", "é", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("í", "í", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ó", "ó", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ú", "ú", $cell);
-		$cell = str_replace("ñ", "ñ", $cell);
-		return $cell;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Http/Functions/Files.php b/app/Http/Functions/Files.php
index 1d771f09..e04a0840 100644
--- a/app/Http/Functions/Files.php
+++ b/app/Http/Functions/Files.php
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ public static function rename(string $file): string {
 	public static function upload(array $tmps, array $names, string $path): bool {
-		if (self::folder($path)) {
-			foreach ($names as $key_name => $name) {
-				if (!move_uploaded_file($tmps[$key_name], $path . self::rename($name))) {
-					return false;
-					break;
-				}
+		self::folder($path);
+		foreach ($names as $key => $name) {
+			if (!move_uploaded_file($tmps[$key], $path . self::rename($name))) {
+				return false;
+				break;
@@ -62,6 +62,14 @@ public static function getExtension(string $url_path): string {
 		return (new \SplFileInfo($url_path))->getExtension();
+	public static function getName(string $url_path): string {
+		return (new \SplFileInfo($url_path))->getBasename("." . self::getExtension($url_path));
+	}
+	public static function getBasename(string $url_path): string {
+		return (new \SplFileInfo($url_path))->getBasename();
+	}
 	public static function folder(string $path): bool {
 		return !self::exist([$path]) ? mkdir($path, 0777, true) : true;
@@ -79,4 +87,32 @@ public static function validate(array $files, array $exts): bool {
 		return true;
+	public static function replace($cell): string {
+		$cell = str_replace("á", "á", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("é", "é", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("í", "í", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ó", "ó", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ú", "ú", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ñ", "ñ", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("á", "á", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("é", "é", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("Ã", "í", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ó", "ó", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ú", "ú", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ñ", "ñ", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("Á", "á", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("É", "é", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("Í", "í", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("Ó", "ó", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("Ú", "ú", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("Ñ", "ñ", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("á", "á", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("é", "é", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("í", "í", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ó", "ó", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ú", "ú", $cell);
+		$cell = str_replace("ñ", "ñ", $cell);
+		return $cell;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Http/Functions/Pdf.php b/app/Http/Functions/Pdf.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b02dcbb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Http/Functions/Pdf.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//require_once  'dompdf/autoload.inc.php';
+namespace App\Http\Functions;
+use Dompdf\Dompdf;
+use App\Http\Functions\Files;
+class Pdf {
+	private static Dompdf $dompdf;
+	public function __construct() {
+	}
+	public static function load(): void {
+		self::$dompdf = new Dompdf();
+	}
+	public static function convertToPdf(string $path, string $url): string {
+		Files::folder($url);
+		$file_name = $url . Files::getName($path) . ".pdf";
+		self::$dompdf->loadHtml(file_get_contents($path));
+		self::$dompdf->render();
+		file_put_contents($file_name, self::$dompdf->output());
+		return $file_name;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Http/Functions/Word.php b/app/Http/Functions/Word.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb28994d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Http/Functions/Word.php
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+namespace App\Http\Functions;
+use PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor;
+use PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord;
+use PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory;
+use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Font;
+use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Section;
+use App\Http\Functions\Files;
+class Word {
+	private static ?TemplateProcessor $templateProcessor = null;
+	private static ?PhpWord $phpWord = null;
+	private static ?Section $section = null;
+	private static ?Font $font = null;
+	public function __construct() {
+	}
+	public static function load(): void {
+		self::$phpWord = new PhpWord();
+		self::$font = new Font();
+	}
+	public static function save(string $path, string $file_name, array $type = [], bool $rename = false): array {
+		Files::folder($path);
+		$list_files = [];
+		$count = 0;
+		foreach ($type as $key => $ext) {
+			if ($count === 0) {
+				$file_name = !$rename ? "{$file_name}.{$ext}" : Files::rename("{$file_name}.{$ext}");
+			} else {
+				$file_name = Files::getName($file_name) . ".{$ext}";
+			}
+			$list_files[$ext] = "{$path}{$file_name}";
+			IOFactory::createWriter(self::$phpWord, $key)->save("{$path}{$file_name}");
+			$count++;
+		}
+		return $list_files;
+	}
+	public static function loadTemplate(string $path): void {
+		self::$font = new Font();
+		self::$templateProcessor = new TemplateProcessor($path);
+	}
+	public static function saveTemplate(string $path, string $file_name, bool $option = false): string {
+		$file_name = !$option ? "{$file_name}.docx" : Files::rename("{$file_name}.docx");
+		self::$templateProcessor->saveAs("{$path}{$file_name}");
+		self::$templateProcessor = null;
+		return "{$path}{$file_name}";
+	}
+	public static function convertToHtml(string $path, string $url, bool $option = false): string {
+		Files::folder($url);
+		$file_name = !$option ? Files::getName($path) : Files::getName($path);
+		$file_name = "{$url}{$file_name}.html";
+		IOFactory::createWriter(IOFactory::load($path), 'HTML')->save($file_name);
+		return $file_name;
+	}
+	public static function add(array $elements): void {
+		foreach ($elements as $key => $element) {
+			self::$templateProcessor->setValue($key, $element);	
+		}
+	}
+	public static function section(array $options = []): void {
+		self::$section = self::$phpWord->addSection($options);
+	}
+	public static function text(string $text): void {
+		self::$section->addText($text)->setFontStyle(self::$font);
+		self::$font = new Font();
+	}
+	public static function bold(): void {
+		self::$font->setBold(true);
+	}
+	public static function name(string $name): void {
+		self::$font->setName($name);
+	}
+	public static function size(int $size): void {
+		self::$font->setSize($size);	
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index b36d3f45..4f4c6cf7 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
         "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^5.4",
         "vlucas/valitron": "^1.4",
         "phpmailer/phpmailer": "^6.6",
-        "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.22"
+        "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.22",
+        "phpoffice/phpword": "^0.18.3",
+        "dompdf/dompdf": "^1.2"
diff --git a/composer.lock b/composer.lock
index 76f6f19a..23efa5e8 100644
--- a/composer.lock
+++ b/composer.lock
@@ -4,8 +4,75 @@
         "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies",
         "This file is @generated automatically"
-    "content-hash": "822cf0f15ef4ad11c6a1638fb075ba74",
+    "content-hash": "86e0f79adbe034940df903afaebc737b",
     "packages": [
+        {
+            "name": "dompdf/dompdf",
+            "version": "v1.2.0",
+            "source": {
+                "type": "git",
+                "url": "https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf.git",
+                "reference": "60b704331479a69e9bcdb3496da2315b5c4f94fd"
+            },
+            "dist": {
+                "type": "zip",
+                "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/dompdf/dompdf/zipball/60b704331479a69e9bcdb3496da2315b5c4f94fd",
+                "reference": "60b704331479a69e9bcdb3496da2315b5c4f94fd",
+                "shasum": ""
+            },
+            "require": {
+                "ext-dom": "*",
+                "ext-mbstring": "*",
+                "phenx/php-font-lib": "^0.5.4",
+                "phenx/php-svg-lib": "^0.3.3 || ^0.4.0",
+                "php": "^7.1 || ^8.0"
+            },
+            "require-dev": {
+                "mockery/mockery": "^1.3",
+                "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5 || ^8 || ^9",
+                "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5"
+            },
+            "suggest": {
+                "ext-gd": "Needed to process images",
+                "ext-gmagick": "Improves image processing performance",
+                "ext-imagick": "Improves image processing performance",
+                "ext-zlib": "Needed for pdf stream compression"
+            },
+            "type": "library",
+            "autoload": {
+                "psr-4": {
+                    "Dompdf\\": "src/"
+                },
+                "classmap": [
+                    "lib/"
+                ]
+            },
+            "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+            "license": [
+                "LGPL-2.1"
+            ],
+            "authors": [
+                {
+                    "name": "Fabien Ménager",
+                    "email": "fabien.menager@gmail.com"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Brian Sweeney",
+                    "email": "eclecticgeek@gmail.com"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Gabriel Bull",
+                    "email": "me@gabrielbull.com"
+                }
+            ],
+            "description": "DOMPDF is a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML to PDF converter",
+            "homepage": "https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf",
+            "support": {
+                "issues": "https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/issues",
+                "source": "https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/tree/v1.2.0"
+            },
+            "time": "2022-02-07T13:02:10+00:00"
+        },
             "name": "ezyang/htmlpurifier",
             "version": "v4.14.0",
@@ -119,6 +186,68 @@
             "time": "2021-11-21T21:41:47+00:00"
+        {
+            "name": "laminas/laminas-escaper",
+            "version": "2.10.0",
+            "source": {
+                "type": "git",
+                "url": "https://github.com/laminas/laminas-escaper.git",
+                "reference": "58af67282db37d24e584a837a94ee55b9c7552be"
+            },
+            "dist": {
+                "type": "zip",
+                "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/laminas/laminas-escaper/zipball/58af67282db37d24e584a837a94ee55b9c7552be",
+                "reference": "58af67282db37d24e584a837a94ee55b9c7552be",
+                "shasum": ""
+            },
+            "require": {
+                "ext-ctype": "*",
+                "ext-mbstring": "*",
+                "php": "^7.4 || ~8.0.0 || ~8.1.0"
+            },
+            "conflict": {
+                "zendframework/zend-escaper": "*"
+            },
+            "require-dev": {
+                "infection/infection": "^0.26.6",
+                "laminas/laminas-coding-standard": "~2.3.0",
+                "maglnet/composer-require-checker": "^3.8.0",
+                "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5.18",
+                "psalm/plugin-phpunit": "^0.16.1",
+                "vimeo/psalm": "^4.22.0"
+            },
+            "type": "library",
+            "autoload": {
+                "psr-4": {
+                    "Laminas\\Escaper\\": "src/"
+                }
+            },
+            "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+            "license": [
+                "BSD-3-Clause"
+            ],
+            "description": "Securely and safely escape HTML, HTML attributes, JavaScript, CSS, and URLs",
+            "homepage": "https://laminas.dev",
+            "keywords": [
+                "escaper",
+                "laminas"
+            ],
+            "support": {
+                "chat": "https://laminas.dev/chat",
+                "docs": "https://docs.laminas.dev/laminas-escaper/",
+                "forum": "https://discourse.laminas.dev",
+                "issues": "https://github.com/laminas/laminas-escaper/issues",
+                "rss": "https://github.com/laminas/laminas-escaper/releases.atom",
+                "source": "https://github.com/laminas/laminas-escaper"
+            },
+            "funding": [
+                {
+                    "url": "https://funding.communitybridge.org/projects/laminas-project",
+                    "type": "community_bridge"
+                }
+            ],
+            "time": "2022-03-08T20:15:36+00:00"
+        },
             "name": "lion-framework/lion-mailer",
             "version": "v1.2",
@@ -480,6 +609,96 @@
             "time": "2021-07-05T08:18:36+00:00"
+        {
+            "name": "phenx/php-font-lib",
+            "version": "0.5.4",
+            "source": {
+                "type": "git",
+                "url": "https://github.com/dompdf/php-font-lib.git",
+                "reference": "dd448ad1ce34c63d09baccd05415e361300c35b4"
+            },
+            "dist": {
+                "type": "zip",
+                "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/dompdf/php-font-lib/zipball/dd448ad1ce34c63d09baccd05415e361300c35b4",
+                "reference": "dd448ad1ce34c63d09baccd05415e361300c35b4",
+                "shasum": ""
+            },
+            "require": {
+                "ext-mbstring": "*"
+            },
+            "require-dev": {
+                "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^3 || ^4 || ^5"
+            },
+            "type": "library",
+            "autoload": {
+                "psr-4": {
+                    "FontLib\\": "src/FontLib"
+                }
+            },
+            "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+            "license": [
+                "LGPL-3.0"
+            ],
+            "authors": [
+                {
+                    "name": "Fabien Ménager",
+                    "email": "fabien.menager@gmail.com"
+                }
+            ],
+            "description": "A library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.",
+            "homepage": "https://github.com/PhenX/php-font-lib",
+            "support": {
+                "issues": "https://github.com/dompdf/php-font-lib/issues",
+                "source": "https://github.com/dompdf/php-font-lib/tree/0.5.4"
+            },
+            "time": "2021-12-17T19:44:54+00:00"
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "phenx/php-svg-lib",
+            "version": "0.4.1",
+            "source": {
+                "type": "git",
+                "url": "https://github.com/dompdf/php-svg-lib.git",
+                "reference": "4498b5df7b08e8469f0f8279651ea5de9626ed02"
+            },
+            "dist": {
+                "type": "zip",
+                "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/dompdf/php-svg-lib/zipball/4498b5df7b08e8469f0f8279651ea5de9626ed02",
+                "reference": "4498b5df7b08e8469f0f8279651ea5de9626ed02",
+                "shasum": ""
+            },
+            "require": {
+                "ext-mbstring": "*",
+                "php": "^7.1 || ^7.2 || ^7.3 || ^7.4 || ^8.0",
+                "sabberworm/php-css-parser": "^8.4"
+            },
+            "require-dev": {
+                "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5 || ^8.5 || ^9.5"
+            },
+            "type": "library",
+            "autoload": {
+                "psr-4": {
+                    "Svg\\": "src/Svg"
+                }
+            },
+            "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+            "license": [
+                "LGPL-3.0"
+            ],
+            "authors": [
+                {
+                    "name": "Fabien Ménager",
+                    "email": "fabien.menager@gmail.com"
+                }
+            ],
+            "description": "A library to read, parse and export to PDF SVG files.",
+            "homepage": "https://github.com/PhenX/php-svg-lib",
+            "support": {
+                "issues": "https://github.com/dompdf/php-svg-lib/issues",
+                "source": "https://github.com/dompdf/php-svg-lib/tree/0.4.1"
+            },
+            "time": "2022-03-07T12:52:04+00:00"
+        },
             "name": "phpmailer/phpmailer",
             "version": "v6.6.0",
@@ -662,6 +881,118 @@
             "time": "2022-02-18T12:57:07+00:00"
+        {
+            "name": "phpoffice/phpword",
+            "version": "0.18.3",
+            "source": {
+                "type": "git",
+                "url": "https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord.git",
+                "reference": "be0190cd5d8f95b4be08d5853b107aa4e352759a"
+            },
+            "dist": {
+                "type": "zip",
+                "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/PHPOffice/PHPWord/zipball/be0190cd5d8f95b4be08d5853b107aa4e352759a",
+                "reference": "be0190cd5d8f95b4be08d5853b107aa4e352759a",
+                "shasum": ""
+            },
+            "require": {
+                "ext-xml": "*",
+                "laminas/laminas-escaper": "^2.2",
+                "php": "^5.3.3 || ^7.0 || ^8.0"
+            },
+            "require-dev": {
+                "dompdf/dompdf": "0.8.* || 1.0.*",
+                "ext-gd": "*",
+                "ext-zip": "*",
+                "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.2",
+                "mpdf/mpdf": "5.7.4 || 6.* || 7.* || 8.*",
+                "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "1.1.0 || ^2.0",
+                "phploc/phploc": "2.* || 3.* || 4.* || 5.* || 6.* || 7.*",
+                "phpmd/phpmd": "2.*",
+                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.36 || ^7.0",
+                "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^2.9 || ^3.5",
+                "tecnickcom/tcpdf": "6.*"
+            },
+            "suggest": {
+                "dompdf/dompdf": "Allows writing PDF",
+                "ext-gd2": "Allows adding images",
+                "ext-xmlwriter": "Allows writing OOXML and ODF",
+                "ext-xsl": "Allows applying XSL style sheet to headers, to main document part, and to footers of an OOXML template",
+                "ext-zip": "Allows writing OOXML and ODF"
+            },
+            "type": "library",
+            "extra": {
+                "branch-alias": {
+                    "dev-develop": "0.19-dev"
+                }
+            },
+            "autoload": {
+                "psr-4": {
+                    "PhpOffice\\PhpWord\\": "src/PhpWord"
+                }
+            },
+            "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+            "license": [
+                "LGPL-3.0"
+            ],
+            "authors": [
+                {
+                    "name": "Mark Baker"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Gabriel Bull",
+                    "email": "me@gabrielbull.com",
+                    "homepage": "http://gabrielbull.com/"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Franck Lefevre",
+                    "homepage": "https://rootslabs.net/blog/"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Ivan Lanin",
+                    "homepage": "http://ivan.lanin.org"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Roman Syroeshko",
+                    "homepage": "http://ru.linkedin.com/pub/roman-syroeshko/34/a53/994/"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "Antoine de Troostembergh"
+                }
+            ],
+            "description": "PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)",
+            "homepage": "http://phpoffice.github.io",
+            "keywords": [
+                "ISO IEC 29500",
+                "OOXML",
+                "Office Open XML",
+                "OpenDocument",
+                "OpenXML",
+                "PhpOffice",
+                "PhpWord",
+                "Rich Text Format",
+                "WordprocessingML",
+                "doc",
+                "docx",
+                "html",
+                "odf",
+                "odt",
+                "office",
+                "pdf",
+                "php",
+                "reader",
+                "rtf",
+                "template",
+                "template processor",
+                "word",
+                "writer"
+            ],
+            "support": {
+                "issues": "https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord/issues",
+                "source": "https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord/tree/0.18.3"
+            },
+            "time": "2022-02-17T15:40:03+00:00"
+        },
             "name": "phpoption/phpoption",
             "version": "1.8.1",
@@ -992,6 +1323,59 @@
             "time": "2017-10-23T01:57:42+00:00"
+        {
+            "name": "sabberworm/php-css-parser",
+            "version": "8.4.0",
+            "source": {
+                "type": "git",
+                "url": "https://github.com/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser.git",
+                "reference": "e41d2140031d533348b2192a83f02d8dd8a71d30"
+            },
+            "dist": {
+                "type": "zip",
+                "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser/zipball/e41d2140031d533348b2192a83f02d8dd8a71d30",
+                "reference": "e41d2140031d533348b2192a83f02d8dd8a71d30",
+                "shasum": ""
+            },
+            "require": {
+                "ext-iconv": "*",
+                "php": ">=5.6.20"
+            },
+            "require-dev": {
+                "codacy/coverage": "^1.4",
+                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.36"
+            },
+            "suggest": {
+                "ext-mbstring": "for parsing UTF-8 CSS"
+            },
+            "type": "library",
+            "autoload": {
+                "psr-4": {
+                    "Sabberworm\\CSS\\": "src/"
+                }
+            },
+            "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+            "license": [
+                "MIT"
+            ],
+            "authors": [
+                {
+                    "name": "Raphael Schweikert"
+                }
+            ],
+            "description": "Parser for CSS Files written in PHP",
+            "homepage": "https://www.sabberworm.com/blog/2010/6/10/php-css-parser",
+            "keywords": [
+                "css",
+                "parser",
+                "stylesheet"
+            ],
+            "support": {
+                "issues": "https://github.com/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser/issues",
+                "source": "https://github.com/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser/tree/8.4.0"
+            },
+            "time": "2021-12-11T13:40:54+00:00"
+        },
             "name": "symfony/polyfill-ctype",
             "version": "v1.25.0",
diff --git a/routes/web.php b/routes/web.php
index 576df554..1221e013 100644
--- a/routes/web.php
+++ b/routes/web.php
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 Route::middleware(['before' => 'no-auth'], function() {
     Route::prefix('autenticar', function() {
-        Route::post('ingreso', [ExampleController::class, 'methodExample']);
+        Route::post('ingreso', [ExampleController::class, 'createMyWord']);