2.2.5 (2017-10-17)
2.2.4 (2017-08-24)
- use log-symbols package (b0aac74)
2.2.3 (2017-03-20)
2.2.2 (2017-01-19)
- add option printFirstSuccess (9e2f342)
2.2.1 (2016-11-18)
2.2.0 (2016-09-19)
- add option "maxLogLines" to control the number of lines which are printed for the failures (0c484df), closes #75
2.1.0 (2016-07-31)
2.0.5 (2016-07-28)
2.0.4 (2016-06-10)
- Fix multiline string diffs
- Print a test suite with it's child items only after all child items are completed
- Print correct failure summary and colors when a test fails only in one browser
- Move module karma to peerDependencies
- Wait before printing output of a test after all browser have run the test
- Set property success to
when a test is skipped. Prevents wrong output in the failure summary
- Update error message when diff output is enabled and the required modules are missing
- Check if property
has at least one item before calculating the diff output
- Add support for diff output for failed tests
- Fix error that reporter output was truncated when running multiple browsers
- Reverts part of the fix from v1.1.4 (identical it blocks within the same describe block are only printed correctly when the test are run in one browser)
- Show error message when the karma runner ends with an error
- Print specs correctly when names of it blocks are identical within the same describe block
- Fix for divider is always "=" even the user set divider in config
- Show a divider line between multiple test runs for clarity
- Use overwritten colors also for the log symbols
- Add option
to config that allows to overwrite the default colors
- Added plural or singular noun for 'test' based on count
- Changed some formatting to not start at newline
- enable colors when karma is piped
- print out all errors in the summary when spec fails
- add output option
- when set, the failure details are not logged - time to get final with 1.0.0 :-)
- strip color from symbols when colors is set to false
- add option "ignoreSkipped" to ignore the skipped test in the output
- add option "output" to set the output level of the reporter
- add module log-symbols for printing symbols to the console
- report totalTime and netTime the same way "dots" and "progress" reporters do
- don't crash when the name of the describe or it block is a reserved object property (e.g. constructor, toString)
- results summary is now also printed when all tests fail
- better browser names formatting
- fix calculating describe items' success
- use karma's error formatter
- fix missing test results when singleRun = true
- fix that skipped test where reported as failure
- make reporter compatible with karma 0.11
- replace dependency color.js with chalk.js
- first release