Default conversion rule:
- Boolean is still Boolean after conversion to JSON, such as true-> true
- Floating point and integer types are converted to regular numbers in JSON, such as 1.23-> 1.23
- The string will be converted to UTF-8 encoding and output as a string of Unicode character set. Special characters such as <will be escaped as \ u003c
- Arrays and slices are converted to arrays in JSON. The [] byte class is converted to a base64 encoded string, and the zero value of slice is converted to null.
- The structure will be converted into a JSON object, and only the exportable fields that begin with a capital letter in the structure will be converted and output, and these exportable fields will be used as the string index of the JSON object.
- When converting a map type data structure, the type of the data must be map [string] T (T can be any data type supported by the encoding / json package)
Note: If a field in the JSON does not exist in the Go target type, the json.Unmarshal () function will discard the field during decoding.
Unknown type, follow the rules:
- 1.Boolean values in JSON will be converted to bool in Go
- The value will be converted to float64 in Go
- String type is still string type
- 4.JSON array will be converted to [] interface {} type
- 5.JSON object will be converted to map [string] interface {}
- 6.null value will be converted to nil