// reflect package type definition
type Kind Sign
const (
Invalid Kind = iota
Bool // Boolean
Int // signed integer
Int8 // signed 8-bit integer
Int16 // signed 16-bit integer
Int32 // signed 32-bit integer
Int64 // signed 64-bit integer
Uint // unsigned integer
Uint8 // unsigned 8-bit integer
Uint16 // unsigned 16-bit integer
Uint32 // unsigned 32-bit integer
Uint64 // unsigned 64-bit integer
Uintptr // pointer
Float32 // single-precision floating-point number
Float64 // double-precision floating-point number
Complex64 // 64-bit complex type
Complex128 // 128-bit complex number type
Array // array
Chan // channel
Func // function
Interface // interface
Map // map
Ptr // pointer
Slice // slice
String // string
Struct // structure
UnsafePointer // underlying pointer
func TypeOf(i interface{}) Type {
eface := *(*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i)) // runtime.eface
return toType(eface.type)
type Type interface {
Align() int
FieldAlign() int
Method(int) Method
MethodByName(string) (Method, bool)
NumMethod() int
Name() string
PkgPath() string
Size() uintptr
String() string
Kind() Kind //Kind Sign
Implements(u Type) bool
AssignableTo(u Type) bool
ConvertibleTo(u Type) bool
Comparable() bool
//... more fields
The general principles of numerical analysis of benchmark results suggest:
- Try to avoid reflection when using native code.
- Buffering reflection value objects in advance can greatly help performance.
- Avoid reflection function calls. When you really need to call, buffer the function parameter list in advance, and use the return value as little as possible.
- The main implementation of gRPC is through reflection.
- Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection
- Type assertion: determine the actual type of the interface variable at runtime