http - Make HTTP requests in Elm. Talk to servers.
elm-test - unit and fuzz tests for your Elm code, in Elm.
Here are three example tests:
suite : Test
suite =
describe "The String module"
[ describe "String.reverse" -- Nest as many descriptions as you like.
[ test "has no effect on a palindrome" <|
\() ->
palindrome =
Expect.equal palindrome (String.reverse palindrome)
-- Expect.equal is designed to be used in pipeline style, like this.
, test "reverses a known string" <|
\() ->
|> String.reverse
|> Expect.equal "GFEDCBA"
-- fuzz runs the test 100 times with randomly-generated inputs!
, fuzz string "restores the original string if you run it again" <|
\randomlyGeneratedString ->
|> String.reverse
|> String.reverse
|> Expect.equal randomlyGeneratedString
elm-http-builder - chainable functions for building HTTP requests.
import Http
import HttpBuilder
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
import Url.Builder as UrlBuilder
type Status a = Loading | Loaded a | Failure
type alias Model = { items : Status (List String) }
itemsDecoder : Decode.Decoder (List String)
itemsDecoder =
Decode.list Decode.string
itemEncoder : String -> Encode.Value
itemEncoder item =
[ ("item", Encode.string item) ]
{-| addItem will send a post request to
`""` with the given JSON body and a
custom header. It'll try to decode with `itemsDecoder`.
addItem : String -> Cmd Msg
addItem item =
[ "api", "items" ]
[ UrlBuilder.string "hello" "world" ]
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "X-My-Header" "Some Header Value"
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (itemEncoder item)
|> HttpBuilder.withTimeout 10000
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson GotItem itemsDecoder)
|> HttpBuilder.request
type Msg = GotItem (Result Http.Error (List String))
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotItem (Ok items) ->
( { model | items = Loaded items }
, Cmd.none
GotItem (Err err) ->
( { model | items = Failure } , Cmd.none)