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A Short Documentation of FortRAND


Please see the file for information on how to set up FortRAND with your own project.

Random number generation

FortRAND provides you with a simple interface to the Fortran intrinsic pseudo-random number generator. To use the interface, you need to include the fr_random module to your source code:

use fr_random

Through function overloading, the random function provides you with various possibilities for generating pseudo-random numbers by using the same function call with various different parameters.

Pseudo-random real numbers

You can generate a pseudo-random real number from the interval [0,1) easily by using

real(kind=8) :: rand_number 
rand_number = random()

If you want a pseudo-random real number within an interval [a,b], it is just as easy:

real(kind=8) :: rand_number 
real(kind=8) :: a
real(kind=8) :: b
a = -1.d0
b = 22.d0
rand_number = random(a, b)

Be aware that a < b must hold true, otherwise the random function will throw an error.

It is also really easy to generate an array of pseudo-random real numbers from the interval [0,1). All you need to do is

integer                    :: N
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number 
N = 10000
rand_number = random(N)

The same holds if you want to generate an array of pseudo-random real numbers within an interval [a,b]:

integer                    :: N
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number 
real(kind=8)               :: a
real(kind=8)               :: b
N = 10000
a = -1.d0
b = 22.d0
rand_number = random(a,b,N)

Pseudo-random integers

For pseudo-random integers you can use the same random interface as before. The only difference is that creating a single pseudo-random integer does not make any sense without defining an interval to choose from at the same time. You can therefore only use the following two versions of random with integer return types.

integer               :: N
integer               :: rand_number
integer, dimension(N) :: rand_array
integer               :: a
integer               :: b
N = 10000
a = -1
b = 10
rand_number = random(a,b)
rand_array = random(a,b,N)

Bernoulli experiment

If you want to simulate a Bernoulli (coin-flip) experiment, you can use the corresponding bernoulli function as

integer :: coin_flip
coin_flip = bernoulli()

Similar to the random function, you can also use bernoulli to generate a list of coin-flip results, e.g.

integer, parameter    :: N = 100
integer, dimension(N) :: coin_flips
coin_flips = bernoulli(N)

Sampling from a Probability Distribution

FortRAND also gives you the possibility to draw samples from various probability distributions. Distributions supported are currently:

  • Normal Distribution
  • Exponential Distribution
  • Erlang distribution

To use the sampling possibilities, you would need to include the sampling module to your code via

use fr_sampling

Normal Distribution

To draw samples from a standardized normal distribution (mean of zero and standard-deviation of one), you can use the normal_dist interface. By default this interface will use the Marsaglia-Bray/Polar Algorithm [see G. Marsaglia, T. Bray (1964)] for generating the samples. The corresponding function call would look like this:

integer, parameter         :: N = 1000
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number_list
rand_number_list = normal_dist(N)

You can choose which algorithm you want to use by providing an additional flag to the function call. The overall list of methods provided by this is as follows:

Algorithm Default Flag Literature
Marsaglia-Bray/Polar Algorithm X "MBA" G. Marsaglia, T. Bray (1964)
Central Limit Theorem "CLT"
Box-Muller Algorithm "BMA" G. Box, M. Muller (1958)

For example, if you would want to use Box-Muller instead of the default, just use the function call as

integer, parameter         :: N = 1000
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number_list
rand_number_list = normal_dist(N, "BMA")

Now you are able to to sample numbers from the normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. But how do you get samples for any other combination of mean and standard deviation. This is quiet simple in FortRAND, just use the shift_normal_distributed function from the sampling module, for example

integer, parameter         :: N = 1000
real(kind=8), parameter    :: mean = 2.0
real(kind=8), parameter    :: std = 1.5
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number_list
rand_number_list = normal_dist(N)
rand_number_list = shift_normal_distributed(rand_number_list, mean, std)

Exponential Distribution

Sampling from the exponential distribution is achieved by using the inversion method. You can use this method via the exponential_dist function, e.g.

integer, parameter         :: N = 1000
real(kind=8), parameter    :: lambda = 2.5d0
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number_list
rand_number_list = exponential_dist(N, lambda)

Please use the following arguments within the function call:

Argument Optional Restrictions Description
N No N > 0 Number of samples to be drawn
lambda No lambda > 0 Rate parameter

Erlang distribution

Sampling from the erlang distribution is achieved by using the inversion method. You can use this method via the erlang_dist function, e.g.

integer, parameter         :: N = 1000
real(kind=8), parameter    :: lambda = 2.5d0
integer, parameter         :: k = 3
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number_list
rand_number_list = erlang_dist(N, lambda, k)

Please use the following arguments within the function call:

Argument Optional Restrictions Description
N No N > 0 Number of samples to be drawn
lambda No lambda > 0 Rate parameter
k No k > 1 Shape parameter

Students t-distribution

Sampling from the students t-distribution is achieved by using the adapted polar method by Bailey (1994). You can use this method via the t_dist function, e.g.

integer, parameter         :: N = 1000
real(kind=8), parameter    :: nu = 2.5d0
real(kind=8), dimension(N) :: rand_number_list
rand_number_list = t_dist(N, nu)

Please use the following arguments within the function call:

Argument Optional Restrictions Description
N No N > 0 Number of samples to be drawn
nu No nu > 0 Shape parameter