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File metadata and controls

216 lines (145 loc) · 9.72 KB

taskmaster (@42Paris)

This project was coded for Linux. Here is the subject.

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Taskaster is an implementation in C++ off a job control daemon, with features similar to supervisor.

    ./taskmaster config-file log-file

Taskmaster takes as first argument a path to a configuration file that will be loaded at the beginning of the program. See the configuration file section for more information.

Taskmaster as second argument a path to a log file, where all the events will be report. If the log file specified by the path does not exist, taskmaster will create it.

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Process states

A process controlled by taskmaster will be in one of the below states at any given time:

  • ➡️ STOPPED: the process has been stopped due to a stop request or has never been started.
  • ➡️ STARTING: the process is starting due to a start request.
  • ➡️ RUNNING: the process is running.
  • ➡️ BACKOFF: the process entered the STARTING state but subsequently exited too quickly (before the time defined in starttime) to move to the RUNNING state.
  • ➡️ STOPPING: the process is stopping due to a stop request.
  • ➡️ EXITED: The process exited from the RUNNING state (expectedly or unexpectedly).
  • ➡️ FATAL: The process could not be started successfully.

Each process run under taskmaster progresses through these states as per the following directed graph:

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Building and running the project

  1. Download/Clone this repo

     git clone
  2. cd into the root directory and run make

     cd 42_taskmaster
  3. Create and fill a configuration file.

  4. Run taskmaster by specifying the configuration file and a log file.

     ./taskmaster conf/example_config_file.conf logfile

Shell commands

When launched, taskmaster provides to the user a shell to manage the processes. The following commands are available:

  • help -- display help.
  • status -- print all processes status.
  • start [process_name] -- start a process.
  • stop [process_name] -- stop a process.
  • restart [process_name] -- restart a process (or start if not running).
  • reload -- reload the configuration file.
  • exit -- stop all running processes and exit.

Understanding the configuration file

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Taskmaster need a configuration file that will be loaded at the beginning of the program, which indicate how to manage the different processes.

It works in a similar way than supervisor configuration file:

  • ➡️ The configuration file contains one or many program blocks.
  • ➡️ Each program block defines the parameters for a group of process.
  • ➡️ Each program block are separated from others by empty lines.


The configuration file can be reloaded during the execution of taskmaster using the reload shell command. When a reload occur:

  • New program blocks: the corresponding processes will be added to the job control.
  • Deleted program blocks: the corresponding processes will be stopped and removed from the job control.
  • Modified program blocks: the corresponding processes will be stopped, updated and restarted if needed.
  • Unchanged program blocks: no action will be take on the corresponding processes.

Only [programblockname] and cmd lines are mandatory in the configuration file, the others lines are optionnal and will take default values if not provided. If there is several time the same line inside a programblock, then only the last line will be taken in account.


The configuration file will allow you to setup the following parameters for each process :


The name use to identify the group of process. This line indicate the start of a new program block and must be separated from the previous program block by a newline.
The programblockname must be unique and surrounded by brackets.

Default: none
Required: yes
Value: minimum 1 character, maximum 20 characters


The absolute path to the executable to launch and the arguments if needed.
A non-correct path will not raise an error during the parsing, but the process launch will fail and the process will be put in a FATAL state (spawn failed).

Default: none
Required: yes
Value: minimum 1 character, maximum 1024

Warning: only absolute path, no relative path

🔸 numprocs

The number of instances to start for a process. If superior to 1, the processes will be name the following way: "programblockname_x", where x is the instance number of the process.

Default: 1
Required: no
Value: an integer between 1 and 100

🔸 umask

An octal number (e.g. 002, 022) representing the umask of the process.

Default: 022
Required: no
Value: octal value from 000 to 777

🔸 workingdir

A file path representing the working directory of the process.
A non-correct path will not raise an error during the parsing, but the process launch will fail and the process will be put in a FATAL state (spawn failed).

Default: working directory of taskmaster
Required: no
Value: minimum 1 character, maximum 1024

Warning: only absolute path, no relative path

🔸 autostart

If true, this program will start automatically when taskmaster is started.

Default: false
Required: no
Value: false, true

🔸 autorestart

Specifies if taskmaster should automatically restart a process if it exits when it is in the RUNNING state. If false, the process will not be autorestarted. If unexpected, the process will be restarted when the program exits with an exit code that is not one of the exit codes associated with this process’ configuration (see exitcodes). If true, the process will be unconditionally restarted when it exits, without regard to its exit code.

Default: false
Required: no
Value: false, unexpected, true

🔸 startretries

The number of serial failure attempts that taskmaster will allow when attempting to start the program before giving up and putting the process into an FATAL state.

Default: 0
Required: no
Value: an integer between 0 and 100

🔸 starttime

The total number of seconds which the program needs to stay running after a startup to consider the start successful (moving the process from the STARTING state to the RUNNING state). Set to 0 to indicate that the program needn’t stay running for any particular amount of time.

Default: 0
Required: no
Value: an integer between 0 and 86400

Even if a process exits with an “expected” exit code (see exitcodes), the start will still be considered a failure if the process exits quicker than starttime.

🔸 exitcodes

The list of “expected” exit codes for this program used with autorestart. If the autorestart parameter is set to unexpected, and the process exits in any other way than as a result of a taskmaster stop request, taskmaster will restart the process if it exits with an exit code that is not defined in this list.

Default: 0
Required: no
*Value: a list of integers between 0 and 255. Each exit code must be separated by , character with no spaces

🔸 stopsignal

The signal used to kill the program when a stop is requested. This can be specified using the signal’s name.

Default: TERM
Required: no

🔸 stoptime

The number of seconds to wait for the OS to return a SIGCHLD to taskmaster after the program has been sent a stopsignal. If this number of seconds elapses before taskmaster receives a SIGCHLD from the process, taskmaster will attempt to kill it with a final SIGKILL.

Default: 0
Required: no
Value: an integer between 0 and 86400

🔸 stdout

Put process stdout output in this file.
A non-correct path will not raise an error during the parsing, but the process launch will fail and the process will be put in a FATAL state (spawn failed).

Default: programblockname_pid_stdout.txt
Required: no
Value: minimum 1 character, maximum 1024

Warning: only absolute path, no relative path

🔸 stderr

Put process stderr output in this file.
A non-correct path will not raise an error during the parsing, but the process launch will fail and the process will be put in a FATAL state (spawn failed).

Default: programblockname_pid_stderr.txt
Required: no
Value: minimum 1 character, maximum 1024

Warning: only absolute path, no relative path

🔸 env

A list of key/value pairs in the form KEY="val",KEY2="val2" that will be placed in the child process’ environment. Each environment variable must be separated by , character without any spaces around, and the value of the environment variable must be between double quotes.

Default: empty list
Required: no
Value: A list of environment variable of the following form: KEY="val",KEY2="val2"

Child process spawned with taskmaster environment + the variable from env line in configuration file, or only taskmaster environment if env line is not provided.
