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Output Formatter Metadata

Pavel Buchnev edited this page Sep 18, 2024 · 1 revision

Feature Explanation

The code implements two formatter classes: DtoOutputFormatter and OutputFormatter. These classes are part of the LLM (Language Model) Agents solution and are designed to format the output of an AI agent's response.

  • DtoOutputFormatter: This class is used to instruct an agent to format its output according to a specific Data Transfer Object (DTO) or Enum class. It extends the Option class and is marked as final and readonly.

  • OutputFormatter: This class is used to instruct an agent to use a specific output formatter. It also extends the Option class and is marked as readonly.

Both classes are metadata options that can be added to an agent to control how its output is formatted.

Use Cases (5 Examples)

a) Formatting API responses:

use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\DtoOutputFormatter;

class ApiResponse
    public function __construct(
        public readonly int $status,
        public readonly string $message,
        public readonly mixed $data
    ) {}

$agent->addMetadata(new DtoOutputFormatter(ApiResponse::class));

b) Enforcing a specific output structure:

use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\DtoOutputFormatter;

class UserProfile
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $name,
        public readonly int $age,
        public readonly string $email
    ) {}

$agent->addMetadata(new DtoOutputFormatter(UserProfile::class));

c) Limiting output to predefined options:

use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\DtoOutputFormatter;

enum Sentiment: string
    case Positive = 'positive';
    case Neutral = 'neutral';
    case Negative = 'negative';

$agent->addMetadata(new DtoOutputFormatter(Sentiment::class));

d) Using a custom formatter:

use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\OutputFormatter;
use LLM\Agents\LLM\Output\JsonSchemaFormatter;

$jsonFormatter = new JsonSchemaFormatter($schemaMapper);
$customFormatter = $jsonFormatter->withJsonSchema('{
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "summary": {"type": "string"},
        "keywords": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}

$agent->addMetadata(new OutputFormatter($customFormatter));

e) Combining multiple formatters:

use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\DtoOutputFormatter;
use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\OutputFormatter;

class AnalysisResult
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $text,
        public readonly Sentiment $sentiment
    ) {}

$agent->addMetadata(new DtoOutputFormatter(AnalysisResult::class));
$agent->addMetadata(new OutputFormatter(new CustomSentimentFormatter()));

Configuration Options

For DtoOutputFormatter:

  • dtoClass (required): The fully qualified class name of the DTO or Enum to use for formatting. Default: None (must be provided)

    use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\DtoOutputFormatter;
    $formatter = new DtoOutputFormatter(dtoClass: MyDTO::class);

For OutputFormatter:

  • formatter (required): An instance of FormatterInterface to use for formatting. Default: None (must be provided)

    use LLM\Agents\Solution\Metadata\OutputFormatter;
    use LLM\Agents\LLM\Output\SelectFormatter;
    $formatter = new OutputFormatter(formatter: new SelectFormatter('option1', 'option2', 'option3'));

Related Classes

  • Option: Both DtoOutputFormatter and OutputFormatter extend this class. It represents a configuration option for the agent.

  • FormatterInterface: The OutputFormatter class accepts an implementation of this interface. It defines the contract for output formatters.

  • SchemaMapperInterface: Used indirectly by the JsonSchemaFormatter, which can be passed to the OutputFormatter.

  • SolutionMetadata: The parent class of Option, representing metadata that can be added to a solution (like an agent).

Mermaid Class Diagram

Here's a Mermaid class diagram illustrating the relationships between the main features and related classes:

    class SolutionMetadata {
        +MetadataType type
        +string key
        +mixed content
    class Option {
        +string key
        +mixed content
    class DtoOutputFormatter {
        +string dtoClass
    class OutputFormatter {
        +FormatterInterface formatter
    class FormatterInterface {
        +format(string|Stringable output): mixed
        +getInstruction(): ?string
    class SchemaMapperInterface {
        +toJsonSchema(string class): array
        +toObject(string json, ?string class): object
    SolutionMetadata <|-- Option
    Option <|-- DtoOutputFormatter
    Option <|-- OutputFormatter
    OutputFormatter --> FormatterInterface
    FormatterInterface <|.. JsonSchemaFormatter
    JsonSchemaFormatter --> SchemaMapperInterface

This diagram shows the inheritance hierarchy and associations between the classes involved in the output formatting feature of the LLM Agents solution.

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