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Docker System Service Stack

A set of system (global) services and tools for Docker based project stacks.


  • Ingress reverse-proxy using Traefik
  • Docker web UI using Portainer
  • Logs and monitoring using TBD

Manage system services

To start the system stack:

make up

Other operations:

$ make
help                 Show this help
build                Build stack images
start                Start project stack
up                   Alias for "start"
stop                 Stop project stack
restart              Restart project start (stop + start)
remove               Remove project stack
reset                Reset project start (remove + start)
ps                   List stack services
logs                 Show stack logs. Examples: make logs; make logs web
show-config          Print effective stack docker-compose config
ctop                 Run ctop to view realtime container CPU/RAM/Disk/Network stats and logs

Environment-specific variables

.env defines the current environment in use, e.g.:


This file should NOT be stored in git and should only be present on the server.

Environment variables for a specific environment can be then set in .<environment>.env, which is included base on the HOSTING_ENVIRONMENT value in the .env file.

Basic HTTP Authentication for web UIs

Credentials: admin:Ch@ngeMePle@se

Generate a new credentials string with:

echo $(htpasswd -nb '<AUTH-USER>' '<AUTH-PASS>') | sed -e 's/\$/\$\$/g'

Set/update ADMIN_BASIC_AUTH variable in .<environment>.env, then run make up.