Releases: lobehub/lobe-cli-toolbox
Releases · lobehub/lobe-cli-toolbox
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: I18n support specify the configuration file.
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: I18n support specify the configuration file (f1d87c2)
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: I18n support concurrency query.
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: I18n support concurrency query (f0eafc1)
Released on 2023-11-22
🐛 Bug Fixes
- misc: Fix i18n markdown match.
Improvements and Fixes
What's fixed
- misc: Fix i18n markdown match (307507e)
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: Provide more options in markdown mode.
🐛 Bug Fixes
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: Provide more options in markdown mode (e599f60)
What's fixed
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: Lobe I18N support markdown.
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: Lobe I18N support markdown (931590f)
- @lobehub/cli-ui: upgraded to 1.10.0
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: I18n support specify the configuration file.
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: I18n support specify the configuration file (f1d87c2)
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: Provide more options in markdown mode.
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: Provide more options in markdown mode (e599f60)
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: Lobe I18N support markdown.
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: Lobe I18N support markdown (931590f)
- @lobehub/cli-ui: upgraded to 1.10.0
Released on 2023-11-22
✨ Features
- misc: Lobe I18N support markdown.
Improvements and Fixes
What's improved
- misc: Lobe I18N support markdown (931590f)
Released on 2023-11-21
🐛 Bug Fixes
- misc: Fix package, Fix workflow, Fix workflow.
Improvements and Fixes
What's fixed
- @lobehub/cli-ui: upgraded to 1.9.1