- app: added markdown to comments
- app: added auto blurred images to comments
![Alt text](https://example.com/your-image.jpg)
- auto converts to lazy loaded blurred image
- app: added external link component for markdown rendering
- app: added markdown to thread content
- Images are not allowed in thread content, use image url field
- app: added full profile component
- app: added mini profile component
- app: fixed meshjs version
- app: fixed and simplified the profile transaction
- app: fixed cost model issues being different between networks
- app: fixed some formatting
- app: changed success text link to ExternalLink component
- app: changed github link to ExternalLink component
- app: changed profile wireframe to full and mini with labels
- app: changed notification to have a successful flag, red for bad or green for good
- app: changed thread modal to use mini profile
- app: changed profile title to profile name
- app: removed some logs
- app: removed Profile component
- app: added wire frame folder to hold penpot design wire frames
- app: added default image gimp file
- app: added error image for images that do not load properly
- app: added filter.ts file to hold all the thread filters
- app: added my friends and top threads filters
- app: fixed the background scrolling issue for open modals
- app: fixed blurred images not being centered and jumping in size
- cogno-project: fixed cogno.forum readme link
- app: fixed blurred images auto going into loading.. when refreshing the forum
- app: changed medium-text to dark-text
- app: changed the blues around in the colors
- app: changed the roundedness of the wallet connect button
- app: changed inputs to disable grammerly automatically
- app: changed help text to be always on the right hand side of the help icon
- app: changed refresh cogno button location to the navbar, refresh cogno -> refresh
- app: changed what is being searched inside the thread list
- app: removed medium colors
main is now set up for cicd so staging branch will contain new updates
- cogno-project: added changelog and contributing markdown files
- contracts: added top level and public function documentation, and added additional tests
- headless: added a display cogno functionality, uses feh to view profile images
- headless: added python scripts for cogno creation and updating
- headless: added python scripts for thread creation and comment updating
- headless: added a display threads and thread functionality, uses feh to view thread images
- headless: added beginning of comment parser for advance comments on headless
- cogno-project: added text to contributing about the bounty system
- cogno-project: added text to the landing README in the parent directory
- cogno-project: added text to the headless README
- headless: added script reference tx, contracts, and hashes
- headless: added guardrails to parent level headless scripts
- headless: added wallet protections
- headless: added doctests and documentation to the python scripts
- app: added standard app colors for backgrounds, borders, and text
- app: added an Etc category
- app: added default image instead of placeholder
- app: added top threads and my friends thread filter
- app: added arweave and ipfs support for blur image
- app: added moderation settings to cogno profile
- app: added mini profile to threads
- app: added ability to add and block users
- headless: fixed the newline error occuring when making comments on threads
- app: fixed the image size for threads both at the preview and modal
- app: fixed text on buttons for the threadlist for dynamic screen sizes
- app: fixed the cogno token not be reset when changing accounts
- headless: changed the cogno creation, removal, and updating by adding in guards to prevent accidental changes
- headless: changed the thread creation, removal, and commenting by adding in guards to prevent accidental changes
- app: changed how the comments are displayed on a thread, they now perserve newlines and wrap
- app: changed shadow boxes on all the things
- app: changed any duration to e seconds
- app: changed the tos on the landing page
- app: changed the faq to full width and added additional q&a
- app: changed cogno app is now just the forum
- app: changed how the image is displayed if no content is present
- app: changed the thread modal width from 3xl to 5xl
- app: changed the error messages to lowercase
- app: changed the font family to monospaced
- app: removed commented out code that can't work for now
- app: pre-alpha release of frontend application
- headless: pre-alpha release of headless application
- contracts: pre-alpha release of contracts