This document is meant to help repo owners onboard to performance testing. Currently, following these steps to add performance testing to your repo will allow you to run per-commit performance testing on physical hardware for internal builds. It is also set up to allow per-PR testing to run on virtual machines for functional testing of performance assets, in addition to the ability to run PR performance testing on physical hardware. Performance testing run on internal builds will generate and upload performance data that will be able to be viewed in the performance visualization tool that is being developed by the perf team.
The motivation for these scripts is to allow finer granularity in performance testing. While we test performance out of the dotnet/performance repo frequently, this testing is done at the full stack level. Running performance testing at each level of the stack (i.e. coreclr, corefx, etc.) can help us pinpoint where regressions or improvements originated, improving our ability to understand regressions and improvements.
The performance scripts are a powershell and shell script that set up the environment variables necessary for running performance testing. Scripts can be found here.
The pre-reqs for running performance testing are defined in the template -- performance.yml. The template will need to be added as a job to any repository that wishes to run performance testing. The only required parameters are jobName and pool. If no other parameters are supplied, the testing will pull down the performance repository and run the performance testing against the latest dotnet sdk.
Additional template parameters are:
Name | Type | Description |
displayName | string | The name to display in the Azure Pipeline |
steps | array | Any additional steps that need to be run before running the performance testing (i.e. pulling down the build artifacts, building, etc.) |
container | object | The container to run in (if the build machine is linux) |
extraSetupParameters | string | Extra parameters to send to the performance scripts |
frameworks | array | Dotnet frameworks to run against (i.e. netcoreapp3.0, netcoreapp2.2, etc) |
continueOnError | string | Determines whether to continue the build if the step errors |
dependsOn | object | Jobs that the performance testing depends on (i.e. Previous build jobs whose artifacts the performance testing job will use) |
timeoutInMinutes | int | How long to wait before timing out |
enableTelemetry | bool | If we should enable telemetry |
All parameters that have default values are based off of Azure Pipelines pre-defined variables should only be specified if there is a specific need.
Name | Type | Description |
SourceDirectory | string | The path to the root of the source directory. Default: $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY |
CoreRootDirectory | string | Path to the core root directory. To be used when testing against a built corerun |
BaselineCoreRootDirectory | string | Path to the baseline core root directory. To be used when running PR testing to compare current work against a baseline |
Architecture | string | Architecture of the build to be tested (i.e. x64, x86, arm64). Default: x64 |
Framework | string | Dotnet sdk framework to install. To be specified when testing against older frameworks. Default: netcoreapp3.0 |
CompilationMode | string | CompilationMode to use when jitting. Default: Tiered |
Repository | string | Repository that is running perf testing. Default: $env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME |
Branch | string | Branch that is running perf testing. Default: $env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH |
CommitSha | string | Sha1 of the current branch. Default: $env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSION |
BuildNumber | string | Build number of the run in Azure Pipeline. Default: $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER |
RunCategories | string | Space separated list of test categories to run against. Should match the categories used by the csproj. Default: "coreclr corefx" |
Csproj | string | Relative path from the performance repository root to the csproj to run against. Default: src\benchmarks\micro\MicroBenchmarks.csproj |
Kind | string | Short identifier for the csproj. Should match csproj. Default: micro |
Internal | switch | If this is an official build |
Configurations | string | Space separated list of key=value pairs to describe the build (i.e. "OptimizationLevel=PGO CompilationMode=Tiered"). Default: CompilationMode=$CompilationMode |
Compare | switch | Run comparison. To be used when running PR testing to compare against a baseline. Will tell the helix job to run a baseline run, the test run, and then run ResultsComparer to compare the two |
Note: These parameters should be passed to the yml template in the extraSetupParameters parameter.
The performance repository is a special case of perf testing, where we do not need to 1) first pull down the performance repo, and 2) do not run against a corerun, so do not need to supply extra steps.
# Windows 10 x64 micro benchmarks
- template: /eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
jobName: windows_10_x64_micro
displayName: Windows 10 x64 micro
extraSetupParameters: -Architecture x64
name: Hosted VS2017
${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- netcoreapp3.0
- netcoreapp2.2
- netcoreapp3.1
- net461
# Ubuntu 1604 x64 ml benchmarks
- template: /eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
jobName: ubuntu_1604_x64_ml
displayName: Ubuntu 1604 x64 mlnet
name: Hosted Ubuntu 1604
container: ubuntu_x64_build_container
extraSetupParameters: --architecture x64 --csproj src/benchmarks/real-world/Microsoft.ML.Benchmarks/Microsoft.ML.Benchmarks.csproj --kind mlnet --runcategories mldotnet
- netcoreapp3.0
Performance testing has been fully tested in coreclr. Coreclr, corefx and other repos will need to supply a coreroot directory so that testing is done against new bits. This code will pull down the Windows_NT x64 Release build, performed by a previous job, copy the files to a specified location, build the core_root directory, and then run the steps specified in performance.yml to run performance testing in Helix.
- template: /eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
jobName: perfbuild_windows_x64
displayName: Windows x64 Performance
name: NetCore-Public
queue: Build.Windows.10.Amd64.VS2017.Open
# Test job depends on the corresponding build job
dependsOn: build_Windows_NT_x64_Release
extraSetupParameters: -CoreRootDirectory $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\bin\tests\Windows_NT.x64.Release\Tests\Core_Root -Architecture x64
# Download product build
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
displayName: Download product build
buildType: current
downloadType: single
artifactName: Windows_NT_x64_Release_build
downloadPath: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)
# Populate Product directory
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Populate Product directory
sourceFolder: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/Windows_NT_x64_Release_build
contents: '**'
targetFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/bin/Product/Windows_NT.x64.Release
# Create Core_Root
- script: build-test.cmd Release x64 skipmanaged skipnative
displayName: Create Core_Root
The performance template also supplies support for running PRs on physical hardware to compare the current change against a baseline. The template has two parameters that will enable PR testing:
Name | Type | Description |
BaselineCoreRootDirectory | string | Path to the baseline core root directory. To be used when running PR testing to compare current work against a baseline |
Compare | switch | Run comparison. To be used when running PR testing to compare against a baseline. Will tell the helix job to run a baseline run, the test run, and then run ResultsComparer to compare the two |
For PR testing, the Compare switch is required. It does the following:
- Changes the helix queue to be Windows.10.Amd64.19H1.Tiger.Perf.Open or Ubuntu.1804.Amd64.Tiger.Perf.Open (i.e. physical perf hardware).
- Sets up all perf parameters to match a normal perf run
- Sets FailOnTestFailure to false in the helix project, so that regressions do not fail the run
- Tells helix to run the baseline as a precommand
- Tells helix to run ResultsComparer to compare the baseline and diff
The BaselineCoreRootDirectory is similar to the CoreRootDirectory. It causes the baseline CoreRun to be moved to the payload directory so it can be pushed to the Helix machine, and then adds the --corerun option to the baseline command. It is not required, though strongly recommended, to run a compare PR. If it is not supplied, the baseline will be the most recent dotnet sdk, which may be several commits behind the master of your repository, and could obfuscate actual performance regressions or improvements.
In general, we expect most repositories to test against the default tests and configurations (Microbenchmarks.csproj, coreclr corefx run categories, x64). However, some users may want to to extend their performance testing by testing on additional benchmark suites, or with additional architectures. Below is listed the available options for various parameters.
Name | Options |
Architecture | x64, x86 (Windows only), arm64 (linux only) |
Framework | netcoreapp3.0, netcoreapp2.2, netcoreapp3.1, net461 (windows only) |
CompilationMode | Tiered, NoTiering, FullyJittedNoTiering, MinOpt |
Csproj | src\benchmarks\micro\MicroBenchmarks.csproj src\benchmarks\real-world\Microsoft.ML.Benchmarks\Microsoft.ML.Benchmarks.csproj src\benchmarks\real-world\Roslyn\CompilerBenchmarks.csproj |
RunCategories | For micro benchmarks: coreclr, corefx For ML benchmarks: mldotnet For Roslyn benchmarks: roslyn |
Kind | For microbenchmarks: micro For ML benchmarks: mlnet For Roslyn benchmarks: roslyn |