CTF | Category | Points | Date | Solved? |
VishwaCTF 2024 24h |
steg |
100 |
2024-01-04 |
I was always fascinated by how a certain Indian artist combined Eurpoean realism with Indian sensibility. But this fascination wasn't enough help me remember the artist's name. Maybe you could give me a tip to score good in art histroy exams.
Got jpeg file, via AperiSolve got next string
it is our flag encoded in some cypher.
Another method to get it, was using stegseek to get pass and extract flag.txt
The KEY to scoring good in art history is to always know the name of your muse.
(or just try one by one common passwords that was found earlier via aperi solve)
For the cypher, it is a Vigenere's one (more complex Ceaser) and our muse is shankuntala =>
from where we can get next string
that was our flag