diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7224dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +name: Test + +on: + pull_request: + branches: + - "*" + +jobs: + test: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + + - name: Set up Go + uses: actions/setup-go@v3 + with: + go-version: "1.19" + check-latest: true + cache: true + + - name: Test + run: go test -v ./... diff --git a/auth.go b/auth.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84d1384 --- /dev/null +++ b/auth.go @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package auth + +const ( + APIKeyPrefixString = "AK-" + ServiceKeyPrefixString = "SK-" + ServiceKeySessionPrefixString = "SS-" +) + +var ( + APIKeyPrefix = []byte(APIKeyPrefixString) + ServiceKeySessionPrefix = []byte(ServiceKeySessionPrefixString) +) + +const ( + SessionContextKey = "session" + APIKeyContextKey = "apikey" + ServiceKeySessionContextKey = "service" + UserContextKey = "user" + OrganizationContextKey = "organization" +) + +type Kind string + +const ( + KindContextKey Kind = "kind" + + KindSession Kind = "session" + KindAPIKey Kind = "api" + KindServiceKey Kind = "service" +) diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 19fded4..d22c41b 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -2,115 +2,57 @@ module github.com/loopholelabs/auth go 1.18 -replace github.com/cli/oauth => github.com/loopholelabs/oauth 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applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package aes + +import ( + "bytes" + "crypto/aes" + "crypto/cipher" + "crypto/rand" + "encoding/base64" + "errors" + "io" +) + +var ( + ErrInvalidNonceSize = errors.New("invalid nonce size") + ErrInvalidContent = errors.New("invalid content") +) + +func Encrypt(secretKey []byte, identifier []byte, content []byte) (string, error) { + block, err := aes.NewCipher(secretKey) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + aesGCM, err := cipher.NewGCM(block) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + nonce := make([]byte, aesGCM.NonceSize()) + _, err = io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, nonce) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(aesGCM.Seal(nonce, nonce, append(identifier, content...), nil)), nil +} + +func Decrypt(secretKey []byte, identifier []byte, content string) ([]byte, error) { + block, err := aes.NewCipher(secretKey) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + aesGCM, err := cipher.NewGCM(block) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + nonceSize := aesGCM.NonceSize() + + if len(content) < nonceSize { + return nil, ErrInvalidNonceSize + } + + contentBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(content) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + contentBytes, err = aesGCM.Open(nil, contentBytes[:nonceSize], contentBytes[nonceSize:], nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, ErrInvalidContent + } + + if len(contentBytes) < len(identifier) { + return nil, ErrInvalidContent + } + + if !bytes.Equal(contentBytes[:len(identifier)], identifier) { + return nil, ErrInvalidContent + } + + return contentBytes[len(identifier):], nil +} diff --git a/internal/aes/aes_test.go b/internal/aes/aes_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b37ebac --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/aes/aes_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* + Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package aes + +import ( + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + "testing" +) + +func TestAES(t *testing.T) { + key := []byte("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef") + identifier := []byte("test") + content := []byte("content") + + encrypted, err := Encrypt(key, identifier, content) + require.NoError(t, err) + + decrypted, err := Decrypt(key, identifier, encrypted) + require.NoError(t, err) + require.Equal(t, content, decrypted) + + _, err = Decrypt([]byte("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdee"), identifier, encrypted) + require.ErrorIs(t, err, ErrInvalidContent) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/client.go b/internal/ent/client.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3416111 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/client.go @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "log" + + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/migrate" + + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect" + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" +) + +// Client is the client that holds all ent builders. +type Client struct { + config + // Schema is the client for creating, migrating and dropping schema. + Schema *migrate.Schema + // DeviceFlow is the client for interacting with the DeviceFlow builders. + DeviceFlow *DeviceFlowClient + // GithubFlow is the client for interacting with the GithubFlow builders. + GithubFlow *GithubFlowClient +} + +// NewClient creates a new client configured with the given options. +func NewClient(opts ...Option) *Client { + cfg := config{log: log.Println, hooks: &hooks{}} + cfg.options(opts...) + client := &Client{config: cfg} + client.init() + return client +} + +func (c *Client) init() { + c.Schema = migrate.NewSchema(c.driver) + c.DeviceFlow = NewDeviceFlowClient(c.config) + c.GithubFlow = NewGithubFlowClient(c.config) +} + +// Open opens a database/sql.DB specified by the driver name and +// the data source name, and returns a new client attached to it. +// Optional parameters can be added for configuring the client. +func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string, options ...Option) (*Client, error) { + switch driverName { + case dialect.MySQL, dialect.Postgres, dialect.SQLite: + drv, err := sql.Open(driverName, dataSourceName) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return NewClient(append(options, Driver(drv))...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported driver: %q", driverName) + } +} + +// Tx returns a new transactional client. The provided context +// is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back. +func (c *Client) Tx(ctx context.Context) (*Tx, error) { + if _, ok := c.driver.(*txDriver); ok { + return nil, errors.New("ent: cannot start a transaction within a transaction") + } + tx, err := newTx(ctx, c.driver) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: starting a transaction: %w", err) + } + cfg := c.config + cfg.driver = tx + return &Tx{ + ctx: ctx, + config: cfg, + DeviceFlow: NewDeviceFlowClient(cfg), + GithubFlow: NewGithubFlowClient(cfg), + }, nil +} + +// BeginTx returns a transactional client with specified options. +func (c *Client) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*Tx, error) { + if _, ok := c.driver.(*txDriver); ok { + return nil, errors.New("ent: cannot start a transaction within a transaction") + } + tx, err := c.driver.(interface { + BeginTx(context.Context, *sql.TxOptions) (dialect.Tx, error) + }).BeginTx(ctx, opts) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: starting a transaction: %w", err) + } + cfg := c.config + cfg.driver = &txDriver{tx: tx, drv: c.driver} + return &Tx{ + ctx: ctx, + config: cfg, + DeviceFlow: NewDeviceFlowClient(cfg), + GithubFlow: NewGithubFlowClient(cfg), + }, nil +} + +// Debug returns a new debug-client. It's used to get verbose logging on specific operations. +// +// client.Debug(). +// DeviceFlow. +// Query(). +// Count(ctx) +func (c *Client) Debug() *Client { + if c.debug { + return c + } + cfg := c.config + cfg.driver = dialect.Debug(c.driver, c.log) + client := &Client{config: cfg} + client.init() + return client +} + +// Close closes the database connection and prevents new queries from starting. +func (c *Client) Close() error { + return c.driver.Close() +} + +// Use adds the mutation hooks to all the entity clients. +// In order to add hooks to a specific client, call: `client.Node.Use(...)`. +func (c *Client) Use(hooks ...Hook) { + c.DeviceFlow.Use(hooks...) + c.GithubFlow.Use(hooks...) +} + +// DeviceFlowClient is a client for the DeviceFlow schema. +type DeviceFlowClient struct { + config +} + +// NewDeviceFlowClient returns a client for the DeviceFlow from the given config. +func NewDeviceFlowClient(c config) *DeviceFlowClient { + return &DeviceFlowClient{config: c} +} + +// Use adds a list of mutation hooks to the hooks stack. +// A call to `Use(f, g, h)` equals to `deviceflow.Hooks(f(g(h())))`. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) Use(hooks ...Hook) { + c.hooks.DeviceFlow = append(c.hooks.DeviceFlow, hooks...) +} + +// Create returns a builder for creating a DeviceFlow entity. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) Create() *DeviceFlowCreate { + mutation := newDeviceFlowMutation(c.config, OpCreate) + return &DeviceFlowCreate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// CreateBulk returns a builder for creating a bulk of DeviceFlow entities. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*DeviceFlowCreate) *DeviceFlowCreateBulk { + return &DeviceFlowCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders} +} + +// Update returns an update builder for DeviceFlow. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) Update() *DeviceFlowUpdate { + mutation := newDeviceFlowMutation(c.config, OpUpdate) + return &DeviceFlowUpdate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// UpdateOne returns an update builder for the given entity. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) UpdateOne(df *DeviceFlow) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + mutation := newDeviceFlowMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withDeviceFlow(df)) + return &DeviceFlowUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// UpdateOneID returns an update builder for the given id. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) UpdateOneID(id int) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + mutation := newDeviceFlowMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withDeviceFlowID(id)) + return &DeviceFlowUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// Delete returns a delete builder for DeviceFlow. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) Delete() *DeviceFlowDelete { + mutation := newDeviceFlowMutation(c.config, OpDelete) + return &DeviceFlowDelete{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) DeleteOne(df *DeviceFlow) *DeviceFlowDeleteOne { + return c.DeleteOneID(df.ID) +} + +// DeleteOneID returns a builder for deleting the given entity by its id. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) DeleteOneID(id int) *DeviceFlowDeleteOne { + builder := c.Delete().Where(deviceflow.ID(id)) + builder.mutation.id = &id + builder.mutation.op = OpDeleteOne + return &DeviceFlowDeleteOne{builder} +} + +// Query returns a query builder for DeviceFlow. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) Query() *DeviceFlowQuery { + return &DeviceFlowQuery{ + config: c.config, + } +} + +// Get returns a DeviceFlow entity by its id. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) Get(ctx context.Context, id int) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + return c.Query().Where(deviceflow.ID(id)).Only(ctx) +} + +// GetX is like Get, but panics if an error occurs. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) GetX(ctx context.Context, id int) *DeviceFlow { + obj, err := c.Get(ctx, id) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return obj +} + +// Hooks returns the client hooks. +func (c *DeviceFlowClient) Hooks() []Hook { + return c.hooks.DeviceFlow +} + +// GithubFlowClient is a client for the GithubFlow schema. +type GithubFlowClient struct { + config +} + +// NewGithubFlowClient returns a client for the GithubFlow from the given config. +func NewGithubFlowClient(c config) *GithubFlowClient { + return &GithubFlowClient{config: c} +} + +// Use adds a list of mutation hooks to the hooks stack. +// A call to `Use(f, g, h)` equals to `githubflow.Hooks(f(g(h())))`. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) Use(hooks ...Hook) { + c.hooks.GithubFlow = append(c.hooks.GithubFlow, hooks...) +} + +// Create returns a builder for creating a GithubFlow entity. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) Create() *GithubFlowCreate { + mutation := newGithubFlowMutation(c.config, OpCreate) + return &GithubFlowCreate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// CreateBulk returns a builder for creating a bulk of GithubFlow entities. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*GithubFlowCreate) *GithubFlowCreateBulk { + return &GithubFlowCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders} +} + +// Update returns an update builder for GithubFlow. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) Update() *GithubFlowUpdate { + mutation := newGithubFlowMutation(c.config, OpUpdate) + return &GithubFlowUpdate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// UpdateOne returns an update builder for the given entity. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) UpdateOne(gf *GithubFlow) *GithubFlowUpdateOne { + mutation := newGithubFlowMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withGithubFlow(gf)) + return &GithubFlowUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// UpdateOneID returns an update builder for the given id. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) UpdateOneID(id int) *GithubFlowUpdateOne { + mutation := newGithubFlowMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withGithubFlowID(id)) + return &GithubFlowUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// Delete returns a delete builder for GithubFlow. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) Delete() *GithubFlowDelete { + mutation := newGithubFlowMutation(c.config, OpDelete) + return &GithubFlowDelete{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} +} + +// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) DeleteOne(gf *GithubFlow) *GithubFlowDeleteOne { + return c.DeleteOneID(gf.ID) +} + +// DeleteOneID returns a builder for deleting the given entity by its id. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) DeleteOneID(id int) *GithubFlowDeleteOne { + builder := c.Delete().Where(githubflow.ID(id)) + builder.mutation.id = &id + builder.mutation.op = OpDeleteOne + return &GithubFlowDeleteOne{builder} +} + +// Query returns a query builder for GithubFlow. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) Query() *GithubFlowQuery { + return &GithubFlowQuery{ + config: c.config, + } +} + +// Get returns a GithubFlow entity by its id. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) Get(ctx context.Context, id int) (*GithubFlow, error) { + return c.Query().Where(githubflow.ID(id)).Only(ctx) +} + +// GetX is like Get, but panics if an error occurs. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) GetX(ctx context.Context, id int) *GithubFlow { + obj, err := c.Get(ctx, id) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return obj +} + +// Hooks returns the client hooks. +func (c *GithubFlowClient) Hooks() []Hook { + return c.hooks.GithubFlow +} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/config.go b/internal/ent/config.go similarity index 64% rename from pkg/storage/default/ent/config.go rename to internal/ent/config.go index d585015..c7b085b 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/config.go +++ b/internal/ent/config.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + // Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. package ent @@ -24,9 +40,8 @@ type config struct { // hooks per client, for fast access. type hooks struct { - APIKey []ent.Hook - ServiceKey []ent.Hook - User []ent.Hook + DeviceFlow []ent.Hook + GithubFlow []ent.Hook } // Options applies the options on the config object. diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/context.go b/internal/ent/context.go similarity index 60% rename from pkg/storage/default/ent/context.go rename to internal/ent/context.go index 7811bfa..14a4517 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/context.go +++ b/internal/ent/context.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + // Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. package ent diff --git a/internal/ent/deviceflow.go b/internal/ent/deviceflow.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7edfb35 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/deviceflow.go @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + "time" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" +) + +// DeviceFlow is the model entity for the DeviceFlow schema. +type DeviceFlow struct { + config `json:"-"` + // ID of the ent. + ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` + // CreatedAt holds the value of the "created_at" field. + CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` + // LastPoll holds the value of the "last_poll" field. + LastPoll time.Time `json:"last_poll,omitempty"` + // Identifier holds the value of the "identifier" field. + Identifier string `json:"identifier,omitempty"` + // DeviceCode holds the value of the "device_code" field. + DeviceCode string `json:"device_code,omitempty"` + // UserCode holds the value of the "user_code" field. + UserCode string `json:"user_code,omitempty"` + // Session holds the value of the "session" field. + Session string `json:"session,omitempty"` + // ExpiresAt holds the value of the "expires_at" field. + ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at,omitempty"` +} + +// scanValues returns the types for scanning values from sql.Rows. +func (*DeviceFlow) scanValues(columns []string) ([]any, error) { + values := make([]any, len(columns)) + for i := range columns { + switch columns[i] { + case deviceflow.FieldID: + values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64) + case deviceflow.FieldIdentifier, deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode, deviceflow.FieldUserCode, deviceflow.FieldSession: + values[i] = new(sql.NullString) + case deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt, deviceflow.FieldLastPoll, deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt: + values[i] = new(sql.NullTime) + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected column %q for type DeviceFlow", columns[i]) + } + } + return values, nil +} + +// assignValues assigns the values that were returned from sql.Rows (after scanning) +// to the DeviceFlow fields. +func (df *DeviceFlow) assignValues(columns []string, values []any) error { + if m, n := len(values), len(columns); m < n { + return fmt.Errorf("mismatch number of scan values: %d != %d", m, n) + } + for i := range columns { + switch columns[i] { + case deviceflow.FieldID: + value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field id", value) + } + df.ID = int(value.Int64) + case deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullTime); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field created_at", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + df.CreatedAt = value.Time + } + case deviceflow.FieldLastPoll: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullTime); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field last_poll", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + df.LastPoll = value.Time + } + case deviceflow.FieldIdentifier: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field identifier", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + df.Identifier = value.String + } + case deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field device_code", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + df.DeviceCode = value.String + } + case deviceflow.FieldUserCode: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field user_code", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + df.UserCode = value.String + } + case deviceflow.FieldSession: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field session", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + df.Session = value.String + } + case deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullTime); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field expires_at", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + df.ExpiresAt = value.Time + } + } + } + return nil +} + +// Update returns a builder for updating this DeviceFlow. +// Note that you need to call DeviceFlow.Unwrap() before calling this method if this DeviceFlow +// was returned from a transaction, and the transaction was committed or rolled back. +func (df *DeviceFlow) Update() *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + return (&DeviceFlowClient{config: df.config}).UpdateOne(df) +} + +// Unwrap unwraps the DeviceFlow entity that was returned from a transaction after it was closed, +// so that all future queries will be executed through the driver which created the transaction. +func (df *DeviceFlow) Unwrap() *DeviceFlow { + _tx, ok := df.config.driver.(*txDriver) + if !ok { + panic("ent: DeviceFlow is not a transactional entity") + } + df.config.driver = _tx.drv + return df +} + +// String implements the fmt.Stringer. +func (df *DeviceFlow) String() string { + var builder strings.Builder + builder.WriteString("DeviceFlow(") + builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("id=%v, ", df.ID)) + builder.WriteString("created_at=") + builder.WriteString(df.CreatedAt.Format(time.ANSIC)) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("last_poll=") + builder.WriteString(df.LastPoll.Format(time.ANSIC)) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("identifier=") + builder.WriteString(df.Identifier) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("device_code=") + builder.WriteString(df.DeviceCode) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("user_code=") + builder.WriteString(df.UserCode) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("session=") + builder.WriteString(df.Session) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("expires_at=") + builder.WriteString(df.ExpiresAt.Format(time.ANSIC)) + builder.WriteByte(')') + return builder.String() +} + +// DeviceFlows is a parsable slice of DeviceFlow. +type DeviceFlows []*DeviceFlow + +func (df DeviceFlows) config(cfg config) { + for _i := range df { + df[_i].config = cfg + } +} diff --git a/internal/ent/deviceflow/deviceflow.go b/internal/ent/deviceflow/deviceflow.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13d6d7b --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/deviceflow/deviceflow.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package deviceflow + +import ( + "time" +) + +const ( + // Label holds the string label denoting the deviceflow type in the database. + Label = "device_flow" + // FieldID holds the string denoting the id field in the database. + FieldID = "id" + // FieldCreatedAt holds the string denoting the created_at field in the database. + FieldCreatedAt = "created_at" + // FieldLastPoll holds the string denoting the last_poll field in the database. + FieldLastPoll = "last_poll" + // FieldIdentifier holds the string denoting the identifier field in the database. + FieldIdentifier = "identifier" + // FieldDeviceCode holds the string denoting the device_code field in the database. + FieldDeviceCode = "device_code" + // FieldUserCode holds the string denoting the user_code field in the database. + FieldUserCode = "user_code" + // FieldSession holds the string denoting the session field in the database. + FieldSession = "session" + // FieldExpiresAt holds the string denoting the expires_at field in the database. + FieldExpiresAt = "expires_at" + // Table holds the table name of the deviceflow in the database. + Table = "device_flows" +) + +// Columns holds all SQL columns for deviceflow fields. +var Columns = []string{ + FieldID, + FieldCreatedAt, + FieldLastPoll, + FieldIdentifier, + FieldDeviceCode, + FieldUserCode, + FieldSession, + FieldExpiresAt, +} + +// ValidColumn reports if the column name is valid (part of the table columns). +func ValidColumn(column string) bool { + for i := range Columns { + if column == Columns[i] { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +var ( + // DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the "created_at" field. + DefaultCreatedAt func() time.Time + // DefaultLastPoll holds the default value on creation for the "last_poll" field. + DefaultLastPoll func() time.Time + // IdentifierValidator is a validator for the "identifier" field. It is called by the builders before save. + IdentifierValidator func(string) error + // DeviceCodeValidator is a validator for the "device_code" field. It is called by the builders before save. + DeviceCodeValidator func(string) error + // UserCodeValidator is a validator for the "user_code" field. It is called by the builders before save. + UserCodeValidator func(string) error +) diff --git a/internal/ent/deviceflow/where.go b/internal/ent/deviceflow/where.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5d6f06 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/deviceflow/where.go @@ -0,0 +1,794 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package deviceflow + +import ( + "time" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// ID filters vertices based on their ID field. +func ID(id int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDEQ applies the EQ predicate on the ID field. +func IDEQ(id int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the ID field. +func IDNEQ(id int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDIn applies the In predicate on the ID field. +func IDIn(ids ...int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + v := make([]any, len(ids)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = ids[i] + } + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldID), v...)) + }) +} + +// IDNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the ID field. +func IDNotIn(ids ...int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + v := make([]any, len(ids)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = ids[i] + } + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldID), v...)) + }) +} + +// IDGT applies the GT predicate on the ID field. +func IDGT(id int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDGTE applies the GTE predicate on the ID field. +func IDGTE(id int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDLT applies the LT predicate on the ID field. +func IDLT(id int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDLTE applies the LTE predicate on the ID field. +func IDLTE(id int) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAt applies equality check predicate on the "created_at" field. It's identical to CreatedAtEQ. +func CreatedAt(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// LastPoll applies equality check predicate on the "last_poll" field. It's identical to LastPollEQ. +func LastPoll(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v)) + }) +} + +// Identifier applies equality check predicate on the "identifier" field. It's identical to IdentifierEQ. +func Identifier(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCode applies equality check predicate on the "device_code" field. It's identical to DeviceCodeEQ. +func DeviceCode(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCode applies equality check predicate on the "user_code" field. It's identical to UserCodeEQ. +func UserCode(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// Session applies equality check predicate on the "session" field. It's identical to SessionEQ. +func Session(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAt applies equality check predicate on the "expires_at" field. It's identical to ExpiresAtEQ. +func ExpiresAt(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtEQ(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtNEQ(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtIn applies the In predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtNotIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtGT applies the GT predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtGT(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtGTE(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtLT applies the LT predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtLT(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtLTE(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// LastPollEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollEQ(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v)) + }) +} + +// LastPollNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollNEQ(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v)) + }) +} + +// LastPollIn applies the In predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v...)) + }) +} + +// LastPollNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollNotIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v...)) + }) +} + +// LastPollGT applies the GT predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollGT(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v)) + }) +} + +// LastPollGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollGTE(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v)) + }) +} + +// LastPollLT applies the LT predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollLT(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v)) + }) +} + +// LastPollLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "last_poll" field. +func LastPollLTE(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldLastPoll), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierNEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierIn applies the In predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v...)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v...)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierGT applies the GT predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierGT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierGTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierLT applies the LT predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierLT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierLTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierContains applies the Contains predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierContains(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierHasPrefix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierHasSuffix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierEqualFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// IdentifierContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "identifier" field. +func IdentifierContainsFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeNEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeIn applies the In predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v...)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v...)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeGT applies the GT predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeGT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeGTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeLT applies the LT predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeLT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeLTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeContains applies the Contains predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeContains(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeHasPrefix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeHasSuffix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeEqualFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceCodeContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "device_code" field. +func DeviceCodeContainsFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldDeviceCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeNEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeIn applies the In predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldUserCode), v...)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldUserCode), v...)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeGT applies the GT predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeGT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeGTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeLT applies the LT predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeLT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeLTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeContains applies the Contains predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeContains(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeHasPrefix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeHasSuffix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeEqualFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// UserCodeContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "user_code" field. +func UserCodeContainsFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldUserCode), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionNEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionIn applies the In predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldSession), v...)) + }) +} + +// SessionNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldSession), v...)) + }) +} + +// SessionGT applies the GT predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionGT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionGTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionLT applies the LT predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionLT(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionLTE(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionContains applies the Contains predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionContains(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionHasPrefix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionHasSuffix(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionIsNil applies the IsNil predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionIsNil() predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.IsNull(s.C(FieldSession))) + }) +} + +// SessionNotNil applies the NotNil predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionNotNil() predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotNull(s.C(FieldSession))) + }) +} + +// SessionEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionEqualFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// SessionContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "session" field. +func SessionContainsFold(v string) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldSession), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtEQ(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtNEQ(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtIn applies the In predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v...)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtNotIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v...)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtGT applies the GT predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtGT(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtGTE(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtLT applies the LT predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtLT(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtLTE(v time.Time) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldExpiresAt), v)) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtIsNil applies the IsNil predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtIsNil() predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.IsNull(s.C(FieldExpiresAt))) + }) +} + +// ExpiresAtNotNil applies the NotNil predicate on the "expires_at" field. +func ExpiresAtNotNil() predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotNull(s.C(FieldExpiresAt))) + }) +} + +// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them. +func And(predicates ...predicate.DeviceFlow) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) + for _, p := range predicates { + p(s1) + } + s.Where(s1.P()) + }) +} + +// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them. +func Or(predicates ...predicate.DeviceFlow) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) + for i, p := range predicates { + if i > 0 { + s1.Or() + } + p(s1) + } + s.Where(s1.P()) + }) +} + +// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate. +func Not(p predicate.DeviceFlow) predicate.DeviceFlow { + return predicate.DeviceFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + p(s.Not()) + }) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/deviceflow_create.go b/internal/ent/deviceflow_create.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..012659d --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/deviceflow_create.go @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "time" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" +) + +// DeviceFlowCreate is the builder for creating a DeviceFlow entity. +type DeviceFlowCreate struct { + config + mutation *DeviceFlowMutation + hooks []Hook +} + +// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetCreatedAt(t time.Time) *DeviceFlowCreate { + dfc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(t) + return dfc +} + +// SetNillableCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetNillableCreatedAt(t *time.Time) *DeviceFlowCreate { + if t != nil { + dfc.SetCreatedAt(*t) + } + return dfc +} + +// SetLastPoll sets the "last_poll" field. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetLastPoll(t time.Time) *DeviceFlowCreate { + dfc.mutation.SetLastPoll(t) + return dfc +} + +// SetNillableLastPoll sets the "last_poll" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetNillableLastPoll(t *time.Time) *DeviceFlowCreate { + if t != nil { + dfc.SetLastPoll(*t) + } + return dfc +} + +// SetIdentifier sets the "identifier" field. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetIdentifier(s string) *DeviceFlowCreate { + dfc.mutation.SetIdentifier(s) + return dfc +} + +// SetDeviceCode sets the "device_code" field. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetDeviceCode(s string) *DeviceFlowCreate { + dfc.mutation.SetDeviceCode(s) + return dfc +} + +// SetUserCode sets the "user_code" field. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetUserCode(s string) *DeviceFlowCreate { + dfc.mutation.SetUserCode(s) + return dfc +} + +// SetSession sets the "session" field. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetSession(s string) *DeviceFlowCreate { + dfc.mutation.SetSession(s) + return dfc +} + +// SetNillableSession sets the "session" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetNillableSession(s *string) *DeviceFlowCreate { + if s != nil { + dfc.SetSession(*s) + } + return dfc +} + +// SetExpiresAt sets the "expires_at" field. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetExpiresAt(t time.Time) *DeviceFlowCreate { + dfc.mutation.SetExpiresAt(t) + return dfc +} + +// SetNillableExpiresAt sets the "expires_at" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SetNillableExpiresAt(t *time.Time) *DeviceFlowCreate { + if t != nil { + dfc.SetExpiresAt(*t) + } + return dfc +} + +// Mutation returns the DeviceFlowMutation object of the builder. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) Mutation() *DeviceFlowMutation { + return dfc.mutation +} + +// Save creates the DeviceFlow in the database. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) Save(ctx context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + var ( + err error + node *DeviceFlow + ) + dfc.defaults() + if len(dfc.hooks) == 0 { + if err = dfc.check(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + node, err = dfc.sqlSave(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*DeviceFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + if err = dfc.check(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + dfc.mutation = mutation + if node, err = dfc.sqlSave(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + mutation.id = &node.ID + mutation.done = true + return node, err + }) + for i := len(dfc.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if dfc.hooks[i] == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = dfc.hooks[i](mut) + } + v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, dfc.mutation) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + nv, ok := v.(*DeviceFlow) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from DeviceFlowMutation", v) + } + node = nv + } + return node, err +} + +// SaveX calls Save and panics if Save returns an error. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *DeviceFlow { + v, err := dfc.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return v +} + +// Exec executes the query. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := dfc.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := dfc.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +// defaults sets the default values of the builder before save. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) defaults() { + if _, ok := dfc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { + v := deviceflow.DefaultCreatedAt() + dfc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(v) + } + if _, ok := dfc.mutation.LastPoll(); !ok { + v := deviceflow.DefaultLastPoll() + dfc.mutation.SetLastPoll(v) + } +} + +// check runs all checks and user-defined validators on the builder. +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) check() error { + if _, ok := dfc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "created_at", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "DeviceFlow.created_at"`)} + } + if _, ok := dfc.mutation.LastPoll(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "last_poll", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "DeviceFlow.last_poll"`)} + } + if _, ok := dfc.mutation.Identifier(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "identifier", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "DeviceFlow.identifier"`)} + } + if v, ok := dfc.mutation.Identifier(); ok { + if err := deviceflow.IdentifierValidator(v); err != nil { + return &ValidationError{Name: "identifier", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "DeviceFlow.identifier": %w`, err)} + } + } + if _, ok := dfc.mutation.DeviceCode(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "device_code", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "DeviceFlow.device_code"`)} + } + if v, ok := dfc.mutation.DeviceCode(); ok { + if err := deviceflow.DeviceCodeValidator(v); err != nil { + return &ValidationError{Name: "device_code", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "DeviceFlow.device_code": %w`, err)} + } + } + if _, ok := dfc.mutation.UserCode(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "user_code", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "DeviceFlow.user_code"`)} + } + if v, ok := dfc.mutation.UserCode(); ok { + if err := deviceflow.UserCodeValidator(v); err != nil { + return &ValidationError{Name: "user_code", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "DeviceFlow.user_code": %w`, err)} + } + } + return nil +} + +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + _node, _spec := dfc.createSpec() + if err := sqlgraph.CreateNode(ctx, dfc.driver, _spec); err != nil { + if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return nil, err + } + id := _spec.ID.Value.(int64) + _node.ID = int(id) + return _node, nil +} + +func (dfc *DeviceFlowCreate) createSpec() (*DeviceFlow, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) { + var ( + _node = &DeviceFlow{config: dfc.config} + _spec = &sqlgraph.CreateSpec{ + Table: deviceflow.Table, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: deviceflow.FieldID, + }, + } + ) + if value, ok := dfc.mutation.CreatedAt(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt, field.TypeTime, value) + _node.CreatedAt = value + } + if value, ok := dfc.mutation.LastPoll(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldLastPoll, field.TypeTime, value) + _node.LastPoll = value + } + if value, ok := dfc.mutation.Identifier(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldIdentifier, field.TypeString, value) + _node.Identifier = value + } + if value, ok := dfc.mutation.DeviceCode(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode, field.TypeString, value) + _node.DeviceCode = value + } + if value, ok := dfc.mutation.UserCode(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldUserCode, field.TypeString, value) + _node.UserCode = value + } + if value, ok := dfc.mutation.Session(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldSession, field.TypeString, value) + _node.Session = value + } + if value, ok := dfc.mutation.ExpiresAt(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt, field.TypeTime, value) + _node.ExpiresAt = value + } + return _node, _spec +} + +// DeviceFlowCreateBulk is the builder for creating many DeviceFlow entities in bulk. +type DeviceFlowCreateBulk struct { + config + builders []*DeviceFlowCreate +} + +// Save creates the DeviceFlow entities in the database. +func (dfcb *DeviceFlowCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*DeviceFlow, error) { + specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(dfcb.builders)) + nodes := make([]*DeviceFlow, len(dfcb.builders)) + mutators := make([]Mutator, len(dfcb.builders)) + for i := range dfcb.builders { + func(i int, root context.Context) { + builder := dfcb.builders[i] + builder.defaults() + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*DeviceFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + if err := builder.check(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + builder.mutation = mutation + nodes[i], specs[i] = builder.createSpec() + var err error + if i < len(mutators)-1 { + _, err = mutators[i+1].Mutate(root, dfcb.builders[i+1].mutation) + } else { + spec := &sqlgraph.BatchCreateSpec{Nodes: specs} + // Invoke the actual operation on the latest mutation in the chain. + if err = sqlgraph.BatchCreate(ctx, dfcb.driver, spec); err != nil { + if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + } + } + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + mutation.id = &nodes[i].ID + if specs[i].ID.Value != nil { + id := specs[i].ID.Value.(int64) + nodes[i].ID = int(id) + } + mutation.done = true + return nodes[i], nil + }) + for i := len(builder.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + mut = builder.hooks[i](mut) + } + mutators[i] = mut + }(i, ctx) + } + if len(mutators) > 0 { + if _, err := mutators[0].Mutate(ctx, dfcb.builders[0].mutation); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + return nodes, nil +} + +// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfcb *DeviceFlowCreateBulk) SaveX(ctx context.Context) []*DeviceFlow { + v, err := dfcb.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return v +} + +// Exec executes the query. +func (dfcb *DeviceFlowCreateBulk) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := dfcb.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfcb *DeviceFlowCreateBulk) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := dfcb.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} diff --git a/internal/ent/deviceflow_delete.go b/internal/ent/deviceflow_delete.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f29226 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/deviceflow_delete.go @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// DeviceFlowDelete is the builder for deleting a DeviceFlow entity. +type DeviceFlowDelete struct { + config + hooks []Hook + mutation *DeviceFlowMutation +} + +// Where appends a list predicates to the DeviceFlowDelete builder. +func (dfd *DeviceFlowDelete) Where(ps ...predicate.DeviceFlow) *DeviceFlowDelete { + dfd.mutation.Where(ps...) + return dfd +} + +// Exec executes the deletion query and returns how many vertices were deleted. +func (dfd *DeviceFlowDelete) Exec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + var ( + err error + affected int + ) + if len(dfd.hooks) == 0 { + affected, err = dfd.sqlExec(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*DeviceFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + dfd.mutation = mutation + affected, err = dfd.sqlExec(ctx) + mutation.done = true + return affected, err + }) + for i := len(dfd.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if dfd.hooks[i] == nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = dfd.hooks[i](mut) + } + if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, dfd.mutation); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + return affected, err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfd *DeviceFlowDelete) ExecX(ctx context.Context) int { + n, err := dfd.Exec(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return n +} + +func (dfd *DeviceFlowDelete) sqlExec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + _spec := &sqlgraph.DeleteSpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: deviceflow.Table, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: deviceflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + } + if ps := dfd.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + affected, err := sqlgraph.DeleteNodes(ctx, dfd.driver, _spec) + if err != nil && sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return affected, err +} + +// DeviceFlowDeleteOne is the builder for deleting a single DeviceFlow entity. +type DeviceFlowDeleteOne struct { + dfd *DeviceFlowDelete +} + +// Exec executes the deletion query. +func (dfdo *DeviceFlowDeleteOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + n, err := dfdo.dfd.Exec(ctx) + switch { + case err != nil: + return err + case n == 0: + return &NotFoundError{deviceflow.Label} + default: + return nil + } +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfdo *DeviceFlowDeleteOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + dfdo.dfd.ExecX(ctx) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/deviceflow_query.go b/internal/ent/deviceflow_query.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85cdddd --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/deviceflow_query.go @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "math" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// DeviceFlowQuery is the builder for querying DeviceFlow entities. +type DeviceFlowQuery struct { + config + limit *int + offset *int + unique *bool + order []OrderFunc + fields []string + predicates []predicate.DeviceFlow + // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). + sql *sql.Selector + path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) +} + +// Where adds a new predicate for the DeviceFlowQuery builder. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Where(ps ...predicate.DeviceFlow) *DeviceFlowQuery { + dfq.predicates = append(dfq.predicates, ps...) + return dfq +} + +// Limit adds a limit step to the query. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Limit(limit int) *DeviceFlowQuery { + dfq.limit = &limit + return dfq +} + +// Offset adds an offset step to the query. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Offset(offset int) *DeviceFlowQuery { + dfq.offset = &offset + return dfq +} + +// Unique configures the query builder to filter duplicate records on query. +// By default, unique is set to true, and can be disabled using this method. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Unique(unique bool) *DeviceFlowQuery { + dfq.unique = &unique + return dfq +} + +// Order adds an order step to the query. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Order(o ...OrderFunc) *DeviceFlowQuery { + dfq.order = append(dfq.order, o...) + return dfq +} + +// First returns the first DeviceFlow entity from the query. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no DeviceFlow was found. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) First(ctx context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + nodes, err := dfq.Limit(1).All(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if len(nodes) == 0 { + return nil, &NotFoundError{deviceflow.Label} + } + return nodes[0], nil +} + +// FirstX is like First, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) FirstX(ctx context.Context) *DeviceFlow { + node, err := dfq.First(ctx) + if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { + panic(err) + } + return node +} + +// FirstID returns the first DeviceFlow ID from the query. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no DeviceFlow ID was found. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) FirstID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { + var ids []int + if ids, err = dfq.Limit(1).IDs(ctx); err != nil { + return + } + if len(ids) == 0 { + err = &NotFoundError{deviceflow.Label} + return + } + return ids[0], nil +} + +// FirstIDX is like FirstID, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) FirstIDX(ctx context.Context) int { + id, err := dfq.FirstID(ctx) + if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { + panic(err) + } + return id +} + +// Only returns a single DeviceFlow entity found by the query, ensuring it only returns one. +// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one DeviceFlow entity is found. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no DeviceFlow entities are found. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Only(ctx context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + nodes, err := dfq.Limit(2).All(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + switch len(nodes) { + case 1: + return nodes[0], nil + case 0: + return nil, &NotFoundError{deviceflow.Label} + default: + return nil, &NotSingularError{deviceflow.Label} + } +} + +// OnlyX is like Only, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) OnlyX(ctx context.Context) *DeviceFlow { + node, err := dfq.Only(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return node +} + +// OnlyID is like Only, but returns the only DeviceFlow ID in the query. +// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one DeviceFlow ID is found. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no entities are found. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) OnlyID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { + var ids []int + if ids, err = dfq.Limit(2).IDs(ctx); err != nil { + return + } + switch len(ids) { + case 1: + id = ids[0] + case 0: + err = &NotFoundError{deviceflow.Label} + default: + err = &NotSingularError{deviceflow.Label} + } + return +} + +// OnlyIDX is like OnlyID, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) OnlyIDX(ctx context.Context) int { + id, err := dfq.OnlyID(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return id +} + +// All executes the query and returns a list of DeviceFlows. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) All(ctx context.Context) ([]*DeviceFlow, error) { + if err := dfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return dfq.sqlAll(ctx) +} + +// AllX is like All, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) AllX(ctx context.Context) []*DeviceFlow { + nodes, err := dfq.All(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return nodes +} + +// IDs executes the query and returns a list of DeviceFlow IDs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { + var ids []int + if err := dfq.Select(deviceflow.FieldID).Scan(ctx, &ids); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return ids, nil +} + +// IDsX is like IDs, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) IDsX(ctx context.Context) []int { + ids, err := dfq.IDs(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return ids +} + +// Count returns the count of the given query. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Count(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + if err := dfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return dfq.sqlCount(ctx) +} + +// CountX is like Count, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) CountX(ctx context.Context) int { + count, err := dfq.Count(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return count +} + +// Exist returns true if the query has elements in the graph. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Exist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { + if err := dfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return false, err + } + return dfq.sqlExist(ctx) +} + +// ExistX is like Exist, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) ExistX(ctx context.Context) bool { + exist, err := dfq.Exist(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return exist +} + +// Clone returns a duplicate of the DeviceFlowQuery builder, including all associated steps. It can be +// used to prepare common query builders and use them differently after the clone is made. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Clone() *DeviceFlowQuery { + if dfq == nil { + return nil + } + return &DeviceFlowQuery{ + config: dfq.config, + limit: dfq.limit, + offset: dfq.offset, + order: append([]OrderFunc{}, dfq.order...), + predicates: append([]predicate.DeviceFlow{}, dfq.predicates...), + // clone intermediate query. + sql: dfq.sql.Clone(), + path: dfq.path, + unique: dfq.unique, + } +} + +// GroupBy is used to group vertices by one or more fields/columns. +// It is often used with aggregate functions, like: count, max, mean, min, sum. +// +// Example: +// +// var v []struct { +// CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` +// Count int `json:"count,omitempty"` +// } +// +// client.DeviceFlow.Query(). +// GroupBy(deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt). +// Aggregate(ent.Count()). +// Scan(ctx, &v) +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) GroupBy(field string, fields ...string) *DeviceFlowGroupBy { + grbuild := &DeviceFlowGroupBy{config: dfq.config} + grbuild.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) + grbuild.path = func(ctx context.Context) (prev *sql.Selector, err error) { + if err := dfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return dfq.sqlQuery(ctx), nil + } + grbuild.label = deviceflow.Label + grbuild.flds, grbuild.scan = &grbuild.fields, grbuild.Scan + return grbuild +} + +// Select allows the selection one or more fields/columns for the given query, +// instead of selecting all fields in the entity. +// +// Example: +// +// var v []struct { +// CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` +// } +// +// client.DeviceFlow.Query(). +// Select(deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt). +// Scan(ctx, &v) +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Select(fields ...string) *DeviceFlowSelect { + dfq.fields = append(dfq.fields, fields...) + selbuild := &DeviceFlowSelect{DeviceFlowQuery: dfq} + selbuild.label = deviceflow.Label + selbuild.flds, selbuild.scan = &dfq.fields, selbuild.Scan + return selbuild +} + +// Aggregate returns a DeviceFlowSelect configured with the given aggregations. +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *DeviceFlowSelect { + return dfq.Select().Aggregate(fns...) +} + +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) prepareQuery(ctx context.Context) error { + for _, f := range dfq.fields { + if !deviceflow.ValidColumn(f) { + return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} + } + } + if dfq.path != nil { + prev, err := dfq.path(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dfq.sql = prev + } + return nil +} + +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) sqlAll(ctx context.Context, hooks ...queryHook) ([]*DeviceFlow, error) { + var ( + nodes = []*DeviceFlow{} + _spec = dfq.querySpec() + ) + _spec.ScanValues = func(columns []string) ([]any, error) { + return (*DeviceFlow).scanValues(nil, columns) + } + _spec.Assign = func(columns []string, values []any) error { + node := &DeviceFlow{config: dfq.config} + nodes = append(nodes, node) + return node.assignValues(columns, values) + } + for i := range hooks { + hooks[i](ctx, _spec) + } + if err := sqlgraph.QueryNodes(ctx, dfq.driver, _spec); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if len(nodes) == 0 { + return nodes, nil + } + return nodes, nil +} + +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) sqlCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + _spec := dfq.querySpec() + _spec.Node.Columns = dfq.fields + if len(dfq.fields) > 0 { + _spec.Unique = dfq.unique != nil && *dfq.unique + } + return sqlgraph.CountNodes(ctx, dfq.driver, _spec) +} + +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) sqlExist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { + switch _, err := dfq.FirstID(ctx); { + case IsNotFound(err): + return false, nil + case err != nil: + return false, fmt.Errorf("ent: check existence: %w", err) + default: + return true, nil + } +} + +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) querySpec() *sqlgraph.QuerySpec { + _spec := &sqlgraph.QuerySpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: deviceflow.Table, + Columns: deviceflow.Columns, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: deviceflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + From: dfq.sql, + Unique: true, + } + if unique := dfq.unique; unique != nil { + _spec.Unique = *unique + } + if fields := dfq.fields; len(fields) > 0 { + _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, deviceflow.FieldID) + for i := range fields { + if fields[i] != deviceflow.FieldID { + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, fields[i]) + } + } + } + if ps := dfq.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + if limit := dfq.limit; limit != nil { + _spec.Limit = *limit + } + if offset := dfq.offset; offset != nil { + _spec.Offset = *offset + } + if ps := dfq.order; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Order = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + return _spec +} + +func (dfq *DeviceFlowQuery) sqlQuery(ctx context.Context) *sql.Selector { + builder := sql.Dialect(dfq.driver.Dialect()) + t1 := builder.Table(deviceflow.Table) + columns := dfq.fields + if len(columns) == 0 { + columns = deviceflow.Columns + } + selector := builder.Select(t1.Columns(columns...)...).From(t1) + if dfq.sql != nil { + selector = dfq.sql + selector.Select(selector.Columns(columns...)...) + } + if dfq.unique != nil && *dfq.unique { + selector.Distinct() + } + for _, p := range dfq.predicates { + p(selector) + } + for _, p := range dfq.order { + p(selector) + } + if offset := dfq.offset; offset != nil { + // limit is mandatory for offset clause. We start + // with default value, and override it below if needed. + selector.Offset(*offset).Limit(math.MaxInt32) + } + if limit := dfq.limit; limit != nil { + selector.Limit(*limit) + } + return selector +} + +// DeviceFlowGroupBy is the group-by builder for DeviceFlow entities. +type DeviceFlowGroupBy struct { + config + selector + fields []string + fns []AggregateFunc + // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). + sql *sql.Selector + path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) +} + +// Aggregate adds the given aggregation functions to the group-by query. +func (dfgb *DeviceFlowGroupBy) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *DeviceFlowGroupBy { + dfgb.fns = append(dfgb.fns, fns...) + return dfgb +} + +// Scan applies the group-by query and scans the result into the given value. +func (dfgb *DeviceFlowGroupBy) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + query, err := dfgb.path(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dfgb.sql = query + return dfgb.sqlScan(ctx, v) +} + +func (dfgb *DeviceFlowGroupBy) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + for _, f := range dfgb.fields { + if !deviceflow.ValidColumn(f) { + return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("invalid field %q for group-by", f)} + } + } + selector := dfgb.sqlQuery() + if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { + return err + } + rows := &sql.Rows{} + query, args := selector.Query() + if err := dfgb.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { + return err + } + defer rows.Close() + return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) +} + +func (dfgb *DeviceFlowGroupBy) sqlQuery() *sql.Selector { + selector := dfgb.sql.Select() + aggregation := make([]string, 0, len(dfgb.fns)) + for _, fn := range dfgb.fns { + aggregation = append(aggregation, fn(selector)) + } + if len(selector.SelectedColumns()) == 0 { + columns := make([]string, 0, len(dfgb.fields)+len(dfgb.fns)) + for _, f := range dfgb.fields { + columns = append(columns, selector.C(f)) + } + columns = append(columns, aggregation...) + selector.Select(columns...) + } + return selector.GroupBy(selector.Columns(dfgb.fields...)...) +} + +// DeviceFlowSelect is the builder for selecting fields of DeviceFlow entities. +type DeviceFlowSelect struct { + *DeviceFlowQuery + selector + // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). + sql *sql.Selector +} + +// Aggregate adds the given aggregation functions to the selector query. +func (dfs *DeviceFlowSelect) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *DeviceFlowSelect { + dfs.fns = append(dfs.fns, fns...) + return dfs +} + +// Scan applies the selector query and scans the result into the given value. +func (dfs *DeviceFlowSelect) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + if err := dfs.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return err + } + dfs.sql = dfs.DeviceFlowQuery.sqlQuery(ctx) + return dfs.sqlScan(ctx, v) +} + +func (dfs *DeviceFlowSelect) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + aggregation := make([]string, 0, len(dfs.fns)) + for _, fn := range dfs.fns { + aggregation = append(aggregation, fn(dfs.sql)) + } + switch n := len(*dfs.selector.flds); { + case n == 0 && len(aggregation) > 0: + dfs.sql.Select(aggregation...) + case n != 0 && len(aggregation) > 0: + dfs.sql.AppendSelect(aggregation...) + } + rows := &sql.Rows{} + query, args := dfs.sql.Query() + if err := dfs.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { + return err + } + defer rows.Close() + return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/deviceflow_update.go b/internal/ent/deviceflow_update.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8b53d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/deviceflow_update.go @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "time" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// DeviceFlowUpdate is the builder for updating DeviceFlow entities. +type DeviceFlowUpdate struct { + config + hooks []Hook + mutation *DeviceFlowMutation +} + +// Where appends a list predicates to the DeviceFlowUpdate builder. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) Where(ps ...predicate.DeviceFlow) *DeviceFlowUpdate { + dfu.mutation.Where(ps...) + return dfu +} + +// SetLastPoll sets the "last_poll" field. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) SetLastPoll(t time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdate { + dfu.mutation.SetLastPoll(t) + return dfu +} + +// SetNillableLastPoll sets the "last_poll" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) SetNillableLastPoll(t *time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdate { + if t != nil { + dfu.SetLastPoll(*t) + } + return dfu +} + +// SetSession sets the "session" field. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) SetSession(s string) *DeviceFlowUpdate { + dfu.mutation.SetSession(s) + return dfu +} + +// SetNillableSession sets the "session" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) SetNillableSession(s *string) *DeviceFlowUpdate { + if s != nil { + dfu.SetSession(*s) + } + return dfu +} + +// ClearSession clears the value of the "session" field. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) ClearSession() *DeviceFlowUpdate { + dfu.mutation.ClearSession() + return dfu +} + +// SetExpiresAt sets the "expires_at" field. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) SetExpiresAt(t time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdate { + dfu.mutation.SetExpiresAt(t) + return dfu +} + +// SetNillableExpiresAt sets the "expires_at" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) SetNillableExpiresAt(t *time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdate { + if t != nil { + dfu.SetExpiresAt(*t) + } + return dfu +} + +// ClearExpiresAt clears the value of the "expires_at" field. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) ClearExpiresAt() *DeviceFlowUpdate { + dfu.mutation.ClearExpiresAt() + return dfu +} + +// Mutation returns the DeviceFlowMutation object of the builder. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) Mutation() *DeviceFlowMutation { + return dfu.mutation +} + +// Save executes the query and returns the number of nodes affected by the update operation. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) Save(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + var ( + err error + affected int + ) + if len(dfu.hooks) == 0 { + affected, err = dfu.sqlSave(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*DeviceFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + dfu.mutation = mutation + affected, err = dfu.sqlSave(ctx) + mutation.done = true + return affected, err + }) + for i := len(dfu.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if dfu.hooks[i] == nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = dfu.hooks[i](mut) + } + if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, dfu.mutation); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + return affected, err +} + +// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) int { + affected, err := dfu.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return affected +} + +// Exec executes the query. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := dfu.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := dfu.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +func (dfu *DeviceFlowUpdate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (n int, err error) { + _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: deviceflow.Table, + Columns: deviceflow.Columns, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: deviceflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + } + if ps := dfu.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + if value, ok := dfu.mutation.LastPoll(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldLastPoll, field.TypeTime, value) + } + if value, ok := dfu.mutation.Session(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldSession, field.TypeString, value) + } + if dfu.mutation.SessionCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(deviceflow.FieldSession, field.TypeString) + } + if value, ok := dfu.mutation.ExpiresAt(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt, field.TypeTime, value) + } + if dfu.mutation.ExpiresAtCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt, field.TypeTime) + } + if n, err = sqlgraph.UpdateNodes(ctx, dfu.driver, _spec); err != nil { + if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { + err = &NotFoundError{deviceflow.Label} + } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return 0, err + } + return n, nil +} + +// DeviceFlowUpdateOne is the builder for updating a single DeviceFlow entity. +type DeviceFlowUpdateOne struct { + config + fields []string + hooks []Hook + mutation *DeviceFlowMutation +} + +// SetLastPoll sets the "last_poll" field. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) SetLastPoll(t time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + dfuo.mutation.SetLastPoll(t) + return dfuo +} + +// SetNillableLastPoll sets the "last_poll" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) SetNillableLastPoll(t *time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + if t != nil { + dfuo.SetLastPoll(*t) + } + return dfuo +} + +// SetSession sets the "session" field. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) SetSession(s string) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + dfuo.mutation.SetSession(s) + return dfuo +} + +// SetNillableSession sets the "session" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) SetNillableSession(s *string) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + if s != nil { + dfuo.SetSession(*s) + } + return dfuo +} + +// ClearSession clears the value of the "session" field. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) ClearSession() *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + dfuo.mutation.ClearSession() + return dfuo +} + +// SetExpiresAt sets the "expires_at" field. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) SetExpiresAt(t time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + dfuo.mutation.SetExpiresAt(t) + return dfuo +} + +// SetNillableExpiresAt sets the "expires_at" field if the given value is not nil. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) SetNillableExpiresAt(t *time.Time) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + if t != nil { + dfuo.SetExpiresAt(*t) + } + return dfuo +} + +// ClearExpiresAt clears the value of the "expires_at" field. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) ClearExpiresAt() *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + dfuo.mutation.ClearExpiresAt() + return dfuo +} + +// Mutation returns the DeviceFlowMutation object of the builder. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) Mutation() *DeviceFlowMutation { + return dfuo.mutation +} + +// Select allows selecting one or more fields (columns) of the returned entity. +// The default is selecting all fields defined in the entity schema. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) Select(field string, fields ...string) *DeviceFlowUpdateOne { + dfuo.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) + return dfuo +} + +// Save executes the query and returns the updated DeviceFlow entity. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) Save(ctx context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + var ( + err error + node *DeviceFlow + ) + if len(dfuo.hooks) == 0 { + node, err = dfuo.sqlSave(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*DeviceFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + dfuo.mutation = mutation + node, err = dfuo.sqlSave(ctx) + mutation.done = true + return node, err + }) + for i := len(dfuo.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if dfuo.hooks[i] == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = dfuo.hooks[i](mut) + } + v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, dfuo.mutation) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + nv, ok := v.(*DeviceFlow) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from DeviceFlowMutation", v) + } + node = nv + } + return node, err +} + +// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *DeviceFlow { + node, err := dfuo.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return node +} + +// Exec executes the query on the entity. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := dfuo.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := dfuo.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +func (dfuo *DeviceFlowUpdateOne) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (_node *DeviceFlow, err error) { + _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: deviceflow.Table, + Columns: deviceflow.Columns, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: deviceflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + } + id, ok := dfuo.mutation.ID() + if !ok { + return nil, &ValidationError{Name: "id", err: errors.New(`ent: missing "DeviceFlow.id" for update`)} + } + _spec.Node.ID.Value = id + if fields := dfuo.fields; len(fields) > 0 { + _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, deviceflow.FieldID) + for _, f := range fields { + if !deviceflow.ValidColumn(f) { + return nil, &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} + } + if f != deviceflow.FieldID { + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, f) + } + } + } + if ps := dfuo.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + if value, ok := dfuo.mutation.LastPoll(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldLastPoll, field.TypeTime, value) + } + if value, ok := dfuo.mutation.Session(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldSession, field.TypeString, value) + } + if dfuo.mutation.SessionCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(deviceflow.FieldSession, field.TypeString) + } + if value, ok := dfuo.mutation.ExpiresAt(); ok { + _spec.SetField(deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt, field.TypeTime, value) + } + if dfuo.mutation.ExpiresAtCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt, field.TypeTime) + } + _node = &DeviceFlow{config: dfuo.config} + _spec.Assign = _node.assignValues + _spec.ScanValues = _node.scanValues + if err = sqlgraph.UpdateNode(ctx, dfuo.driver, _spec); err != nil { + if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { + err = &NotFoundError{deviceflow.Label} + } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return nil, err + } + return _node, nil +} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/ent.go b/internal/ent/ent.go similarity index 93% rename from pkg/storage/default/ent/ent.go rename to internal/ent/ent.go index d4668ef..ab6a134 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/ent.go +++ b/internal/ent/ent.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + // Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. package ent @@ -10,9 +26,8 @@ import ( "entgo.io/ent" "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" ) // ent aliases to avoid import conflicts in user's code. @@ -33,9 +48,8 @@ type OrderFunc func(*sql.Selector) // columnChecker returns a function indicates if the column exists in the given column. func columnChecker(table string) func(string) error { checks := map[string]func(string) bool{ - apikey.Table: apikey.ValidColumn, - servicekey.Table: servicekey.ValidColumn, - user.Table: user.ValidColumn, + deviceflow.Table: deviceflow.ValidColumn, + githubflow.Table: githubflow.ValidColumn, } check, ok := checks[table] if !ok { @@ -267,6 +281,7 @@ func IsConstraintError(err error) bool { type selector struct { label string flds *[]string + fns []AggregateFunc scan func(context.Context, any) error } diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/enttest/enttest.go b/internal/ent/enttest/enttest.go similarity index 70% rename from pkg/storage/default/ent/enttest/enttest.go rename to internal/ent/enttest/enttest.go index 27054eb..ea67f76 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/enttest/enttest.go +++ b/internal/ent/enttest/enttest.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + // Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. package enttest @@ -5,12 +21,12 @@ package enttest import ( "context" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent" // required by schema hooks. - _ "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime" + _ "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/runtime" "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/schema" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/migrate" ) type ( diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/test_helpers.go b/internal/ent/generate.go similarity index 63% rename from pkg/storage/default/test_helpers.go rename to internal/ent/generate.go index ae10db2..8d71690 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/test_helpers.go +++ b/internal/ent/generate.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @@ -14,17 +14,6 @@ limitations under the License. */ -package database +package ent -import ( - "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" - "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" - "testing" -) - -func NewTestDatabase(t *testing.T) *Default { - d, err := New("sqlite3", ":memory:?_fk=1", "sqlite3", ":memory:?_fk=1", logrus.New()) - require.NoError(t, err) - - return d -} +//go:generate go run -mod=mod entgo.io/ent/cmd/ent generate ./schema diff --git a/internal/ent/githubflow.go b/internal/ent/githubflow.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0780f10 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/githubflow.go @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + "time" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" +) + +// GithubFlow is the model entity for the GithubFlow schema. +type GithubFlow struct { + config `json:"-"` + // ID of the ent. + ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` + // CreatedAt holds the value of the "created_at" field. + CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` + // State holds the value of the "state" field. + State string `json:"state,omitempty"` + // Verifier holds the value of the "verifier" field. + Verifier string `json:"verifier,omitempty"` + // Challenge holds the value of the "challenge" field. + Challenge string `json:"challenge,omitempty"` + // NextURL holds the value of the "next_url" field. + NextURL string `json:"next_url,omitempty"` + // Organization holds the value of the "organization" field. + Organization string `json:"organization,omitempty"` + // DeviceIdentifier holds the value of the "device_identifier" field. + DeviceIdentifier string `json:"device_identifier,omitempty"` +} + +// scanValues returns the types for scanning values from sql.Rows. +func (*GithubFlow) scanValues(columns []string) ([]any, error) { + values := make([]any, len(columns)) + for i := range columns { + switch columns[i] { + case githubflow.FieldID: + values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64) + case githubflow.FieldState, githubflow.FieldVerifier, githubflow.FieldChallenge, githubflow.FieldNextURL, githubflow.FieldOrganization, githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier: + values[i] = new(sql.NullString) + case githubflow.FieldCreatedAt: + values[i] = new(sql.NullTime) + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected column %q for type GithubFlow", columns[i]) + } + } + return values, nil +} + +// assignValues assigns the values that were returned from sql.Rows (after scanning) +// to the GithubFlow fields. +func (gf *GithubFlow) assignValues(columns []string, values []any) error { + if m, n := len(values), len(columns); m < n { + return fmt.Errorf("mismatch number of scan values: %d != %d", m, n) + } + for i := range columns { + switch columns[i] { + case githubflow.FieldID: + value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field id", value) + } + gf.ID = int(value.Int64) + case githubflow.FieldCreatedAt: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullTime); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field created_at", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + gf.CreatedAt = value.Time + } + case githubflow.FieldState: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field state", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + gf.State = value.String + } + case githubflow.FieldVerifier: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field verifier", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + gf.Verifier = value.String + } + case githubflow.FieldChallenge: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field challenge", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + gf.Challenge = value.String + } + case githubflow.FieldNextURL: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field next_url", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + gf.NextURL = value.String + } + case githubflow.FieldOrganization: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field organization", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + gf.Organization = value.String + } + case githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier: + if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field device_identifier", values[i]) + } else if value.Valid { + gf.DeviceIdentifier = value.String + } + } + } + return nil +} + +// Update returns a builder for updating this GithubFlow. +// Note that you need to call GithubFlow.Unwrap() before calling this method if this GithubFlow +// was returned from a transaction, and the transaction was committed or rolled back. +func (gf *GithubFlow) Update() *GithubFlowUpdateOne { + return (&GithubFlowClient{config: gf.config}).UpdateOne(gf) +} + +// Unwrap unwraps the GithubFlow entity that was returned from a transaction after it was closed, +// so that all future queries will be executed through the driver which created the transaction. +func (gf *GithubFlow) Unwrap() *GithubFlow { + _tx, ok := gf.config.driver.(*txDriver) + if !ok { + panic("ent: GithubFlow is not a transactional entity") + } + gf.config.driver = _tx.drv + return gf +} + +// String implements the fmt.Stringer. +func (gf *GithubFlow) String() string { + var builder strings.Builder + builder.WriteString("GithubFlow(") + builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("id=%v, ", gf.ID)) + builder.WriteString("created_at=") + builder.WriteString(gf.CreatedAt.Format(time.ANSIC)) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("state=") + builder.WriteString(gf.State) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("verifier=") + builder.WriteString(gf.Verifier) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("challenge=") + builder.WriteString(gf.Challenge) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("next_url=") + builder.WriteString(gf.NextURL) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("organization=") + builder.WriteString(gf.Organization) + builder.WriteString(", ") + builder.WriteString("device_identifier=") + builder.WriteString(gf.DeviceIdentifier) + builder.WriteByte(')') + return builder.String() +} + +// GithubFlows is a parsable slice of GithubFlow. +type GithubFlows []*GithubFlow + +func (gf GithubFlows) config(cfg config) { + for _i := range gf { + gf[_i].config = cfg + } +} diff --git a/internal/ent/githubflow/githubflow.go b/internal/ent/githubflow/githubflow.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cc171e --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/githubflow/githubflow.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package githubflow + +import ( + "time" +) + +const ( + // Label holds the string label denoting the githubflow type in the database. + Label = "github_flow" + // FieldID holds the string denoting the id field in the database. + FieldID = "id" + // FieldCreatedAt holds the string denoting the created_at field in the database. + FieldCreatedAt = "created_at" + // FieldState holds the string denoting the state field in the database. + FieldState = "state" + // FieldVerifier holds the string denoting the verifier field in the database. + FieldVerifier = "verifier" + // FieldChallenge holds the string denoting the challenge field in the database. + FieldChallenge = "challenge" + // FieldNextURL holds the string denoting the next_url field in the database. + FieldNextURL = "next_url" + // FieldOrganization holds the string denoting the organization field in the database. + FieldOrganization = "organization" + // FieldDeviceIdentifier holds the string denoting the device_identifier field in the database. + FieldDeviceIdentifier = "device_identifier" + // Table holds the table name of the githubflow in the database. + Table = "github_flows" +) + +// Columns holds all SQL columns for githubflow fields. +var Columns = []string{ + FieldID, + FieldCreatedAt, + FieldState, + FieldVerifier, + FieldChallenge, + FieldNextURL, + FieldOrganization, + FieldDeviceIdentifier, +} + +// ValidColumn reports if the column name is valid (part of the table columns). +func ValidColumn(column string) bool { + for i := range Columns { + if column == Columns[i] { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +var ( + // DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the "created_at" field. + DefaultCreatedAt func() time.Time + // StateValidator is a validator for the "state" field. It is called by the builders before save. + StateValidator func(string) error + // VerifierValidator is a validator for the "verifier" field. It is called by the builders before save. + VerifierValidator func(string) error + // ChallengeValidator is a validator for the "challenge" field. It is called by the builders before save. + ChallengeValidator func(string) error + // NextURLValidator is a validator for the "next_url" field. It is called by the builders before save. + NextURLValidator func(string) error +) diff --git a/internal/ent/githubflow/where.go b/internal/ent/githubflow/where.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4d14e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/githubflow/where.go @@ -0,0 +1,864 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package githubflow + +import ( + "time" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// ID filters vertices based on their ID field. +func ID(id int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDEQ applies the EQ predicate on the ID field. +func IDEQ(id int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the ID field. +func IDNEQ(id int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDIn applies the In predicate on the ID field. +func IDIn(ids ...int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + v := make([]any, len(ids)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = ids[i] + } + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldID), v...)) + }) +} + +// IDNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the ID field. +func IDNotIn(ids ...int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + v := make([]any, len(ids)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = ids[i] + } + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldID), v...)) + }) +} + +// IDGT applies the GT predicate on the ID field. +func IDGT(id int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDGTE applies the GTE predicate on the ID field. +func IDGTE(id int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDLT applies the LT predicate on the ID field. +func IDLT(id int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// IDLTE applies the LTE predicate on the ID field. +func IDLTE(id int) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAt applies equality check predicate on the "created_at" field. It's identical to CreatedAtEQ. +func CreatedAt(v time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// State applies equality check predicate on the "state" field. It's identical to StateEQ. +func State(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// Verifier applies equality check predicate on the "verifier" field. It's identical to VerifierEQ. +func Verifier(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// Challenge applies equality check predicate on the "challenge" field. It's identical to ChallengeEQ. +func Challenge(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURL applies equality check predicate on the "next_url" field. It's identical to NextURLEQ. +func NextURL(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// Organization applies equality check predicate on the "organization" field. It's identical to OrganizationEQ. +func Organization(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifier applies equality check predicate on the "device_identifier" field. It's identical to DeviceIdentifierEQ. +func DeviceIdentifier(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtEQ(v time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtNEQ(v time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtIn applies the In predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtNotIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtGT applies the GT predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtGT(v time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtGTE(v time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtLT applies the LT predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtLT(v time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// CreatedAtLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "created_at" field. +func CreatedAtLTE(v time.Time) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) + }) +} + +// StateEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "state" field. +func StateEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "state" field. +func StateNEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateIn applies the In predicate on the "state" field. +func StateIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldState), v...)) + }) +} + +// StateNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "state" field. +func StateNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldState), v...)) + }) +} + +// StateGT applies the GT predicate on the "state" field. +func StateGT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "state" field. +func StateGTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateLT applies the LT predicate on the "state" field. +func StateLT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "state" field. +func StateLTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateContains applies the Contains predicate on the "state" field. +func StateContains(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "state" field. +func StateHasPrefix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "state" field. +func StateHasSuffix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "state" field. +func StateEqualFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// StateContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "state" field. +func StateContainsFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldState), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierNEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierIn applies the In predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldVerifier), v...)) + }) +} + +// VerifierNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldVerifier), v...)) + }) +} + +// VerifierGT applies the GT predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierGT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierGTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierLT applies the LT predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierLT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierLTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierContains applies the Contains predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierContains(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierHasPrefix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierHasSuffix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierEqualFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// VerifierContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "verifier" field. +func VerifierContainsFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldVerifier), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeNEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeIn applies the In predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldChallenge), v...)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldChallenge), v...)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeGT applies the GT predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeGT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeGTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeLT applies the LT predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeLT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeLTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeContains applies the Contains predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeContains(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeHasPrefix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeHasSuffix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeEqualFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// ChallengeContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "challenge" field. +func ChallengeContainsFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldChallenge), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLNEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLIn applies the In predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldNextURL), v...)) + }) +} + +// NextURLNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldNextURL), v...)) + }) +} + +// NextURLGT applies the GT predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLGT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLGTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLLT applies the LT predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLLT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLLTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLContains applies the Contains predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLContains(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLHasPrefix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLHasSuffix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLEqualFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// NextURLContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "next_url" field. +func NextURLContainsFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldNextURL), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationNEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationIn applies the In predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldOrganization), v...)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldOrganization), v...)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationGT applies the GT predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationGT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationGTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationLT applies the LT predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationLT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationLTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationContains applies the Contains predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationContains(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationHasPrefix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationHasSuffix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationIsNil applies the IsNil predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationIsNil() predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.IsNull(s.C(FieldOrganization))) + }) +} + +// OrganizationNotNil applies the NotNil predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationNotNil() predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotNull(s.C(FieldOrganization))) + }) +} + +// OrganizationEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationEqualFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// OrganizationContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "organization" field. +func OrganizationContainsFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldOrganization), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierNEQ(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierIn applies the In predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v...)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.GithubFlow { + v := make([]any, len(vs)) + for i := range v { + v[i] = vs[i] + } + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v...)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierGT applies the GT predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierGT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierGTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierLT applies the LT predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierLT(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierLTE(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierContains applies the Contains predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierContains(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierHasPrefix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierHasSuffix(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierIsNil applies the IsNil predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierIsNil() predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.IsNull(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier))) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierNotNil applies the NotNil predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierNotNil() predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.NotNull(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier))) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierEqualFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// DeviceIdentifierContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "device_identifier" field. +func DeviceIdentifierContainsFold(v string) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldDeviceIdentifier), v)) + }) +} + +// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them. +func And(predicates ...predicate.GithubFlow) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) + for _, p := range predicates { + p(s1) + } + s.Where(s1.P()) + }) +} + +// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them. +func Or(predicates ...predicate.GithubFlow) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) + for i, p := range predicates { + if i > 0 { + s1.Or() + } + p(s1) + } + s.Where(s1.P()) + }) +} + +// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate. +func Not(p predicate.GithubFlow) predicate.GithubFlow { + return predicate.GithubFlow(func(s *sql.Selector) { + p(s.Not()) + }) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/githubflow_create.go b/internal/ent/githubflow_create.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..559489d --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/githubflow_create.go @@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "time" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" +) + +// GithubFlowCreate is the builder for creating a GithubFlow entity. +type GithubFlowCreate struct { + config + mutation *GithubFlowMutation + hooks []Hook +} + +// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetCreatedAt(t time.Time) *GithubFlowCreate { + gfc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(t) + return gfc +} + +// SetNillableCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field if the given value is not nil. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetNillableCreatedAt(t *time.Time) *GithubFlowCreate { + if t != nil { + gfc.SetCreatedAt(*t) + } + return gfc +} + +// SetState sets the "state" field. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetState(s string) *GithubFlowCreate { + gfc.mutation.SetState(s) + return gfc +} + +// SetVerifier sets the "verifier" field. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetVerifier(s string) *GithubFlowCreate { + gfc.mutation.SetVerifier(s) + return gfc +} + +// SetChallenge sets the "challenge" field. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetChallenge(s string) *GithubFlowCreate { + gfc.mutation.SetChallenge(s) + return gfc +} + +// SetNextURL sets the "next_url" field. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetNextURL(s string) *GithubFlowCreate { + gfc.mutation.SetNextURL(s) + return gfc +} + +// SetOrganization sets the "organization" field. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetOrganization(s string) *GithubFlowCreate { + gfc.mutation.SetOrganization(s) + return gfc +} + +// SetNillableOrganization sets the "organization" field if the given value is not nil. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetNillableOrganization(s *string) *GithubFlowCreate { + if s != nil { + gfc.SetOrganization(*s) + } + return gfc +} + +// SetDeviceIdentifier sets the "device_identifier" field. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetDeviceIdentifier(s string) *GithubFlowCreate { + gfc.mutation.SetDeviceIdentifier(s) + return gfc +} + +// SetNillableDeviceIdentifier sets the "device_identifier" field if the given value is not nil. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SetNillableDeviceIdentifier(s *string) *GithubFlowCreate { + if s != nil { + gfc.SetDeviceIdentifier(*s) + } + return gfc +} + +// Mutation returns the GithubFlowMutation object of the builder. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) Mutation() *GithubFlowMutation { + return gfc.mutation +} + +// Save creates the GithubFlow in the database. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) Save(ctx context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) { + var ( + err error + node *GithubFlow + ) + gfc.defaults() + if len(gfc.hooks) == 0 { + if err = gfc.check(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + node, err = gfc.sqlSave(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*GithubFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + if err = gfc.check(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + gfc.mutation = mutation + if node, err = gfc.sqlSave(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + mutation.id = &node.ID + mutation.done = true + return node, err + }) + for i := len(gfc.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if gfc.hooks[i] == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = gfc.hooks[i](mut) + } + v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, gfc.mutation) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + nv, ok := v.(*GithubFlow) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from GithubFlowMutation", v) + } + node = nv + } + return node, err +} + +// SaveX calls Save and panics if Save returns an error. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *GithubFlow { + v, err := gfc.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return v +} + +// Exec executes the query. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := gfc.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := gfc.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +// defaults sets the default values of the builder before save. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) defaults() { + if _, ok := gfc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { + v := githubflow.DefaultCreatedAt() + gfc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(v) + } +} + +// check runs all checks and user-defined validators on the builder. +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) check() error { + if _, ok := gfc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "created_at", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "GithubFlow.created_at"`)} + } + if _, ok := gfc.mutation.State(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "state", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "GithubFlow.state"`)} + } + if v, ok := gfc.mutation.State(); ok { + if err := githubflow.StateValidator(v); err != nil { + return &ValidationError{Name: "state", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "GithubFlow.state": %w`, err)} + } + } + if _, ok := gfc.mutation.Verifier(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "verifier", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "GithubFlow.verifier"`)} + } + if v, ok := gfc.mutation.Verifier(); ok { + if err := githubflow.VerifierValidator(v); err != nil { + return &ValidationError{Name: "verifier", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "GithubFlow.verifier": %w`, err)} + } + } + if _, ok := gfc.mutation.Challenge(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "challenge", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "GithubFlow.challenge"`)} + } + if v, ok := gfc.mutation.Challenge(); ok { + if err := githubflow.ChallengeValidator(v); err != nil { + return &ValidationError{Name: "challenge", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "GithubFlow.challenge": %w`, err)} + } + } + if _, ok := gfc.mutation.NextURL(); !ok { + return &ValidationError{Name: "next_url", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "GithubFlow.next_url"`)} + } + if v, ok := gfc.mutation.NextURL(); ok { + if err := githubflow.NextURLValidator(v); err != nil { + return &ValidationError{Name: "next_url", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "GithubFlow.next_url": %w`, err)} + } + } + return nil +} + +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) { + _node, _spec := gfc.createSpec() + if err := sqlgraph.CreateNode(ctx, gfc.driver, _spec); err != nil { + if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return nil, err + } + id := _spec.ID.Value.(int64) + _node.ID = int(id) + return _node, nil +} + +func (gfc *GithubFlowCreate) createSpec() (*GithubFlow, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) { + var ( + _node = &GithubFlow{config: gfc.config} + _spec = &sqlgraph.CreateSpec{ + Table: githubflow.Table, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: githubflow.FieldID, + }, + } + ) + if value, ok := gfc.mutation.CreatedAt(); ok { + _spec.SetField(githubflow.FieldCreatedAt, field.TypeTime, value) + _node.CreatedAt = value + } + if value, ok := gfc.mutation.State(); ok { + _spec.SetField(githubflow.FieldState, field.TypeString, value) + _node.State = value + } + if value, ok := gfc.mutation.Verifier(); ok { + _spec.SetField(githubflow.FieldVerifier, field.TypeString, value) + _node.Verifier = value + } + if value, ok := gfc.mutation.Challenge(); ok { + _spec.SetField(githubflow.FieldChallenge, field.TypeString, value) + _node.Challenge = value + } + if value, ok := gfc.mutation.NextURL(); ok { + _spec.SetField(githubflow.FieldNextURL, field.TypeString, value) + _node.NextURL = value + } + if value, ok := gfc.mutation.Organization(); ok { + _spec.SetField(githubflow.FieldOrganization, field.TypeString, value) + _node.Organization = value + } + if value, ok := gfc.mutation.DeviceIdentifier(); ok { + _spec.SetField(githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier, field.TypeString, value) + _node.DeviceIdentifier = value + } + return _node, _spec +} + +// GithubFlowCreateBulk is the builder for creating many GithubFlow entities in bulk. +type GithubFlowCreateBulk struct { + config + builders []*GithubFlowCreate +} + +// Save creates the GithubFlow entities in the database. +func (gfcb *GithubFlowCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*GithubFlow, error) { + specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(gfcb.builders)) + nodes := make([]*GithubFlow, len(gfcb.builders)) + mutators := make([]Mutator, len(gfcb.builders)) + for i := range gfcb.builders { + func(i int, root context.Context) { + builder := gfcb.builders[i] + builder.defaults() + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*GithubFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + if err := builder.check(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + builder.mutation = mutation + nodes[i], specs[i] = builder.createSpec() + var err error + if i < len(mutators)-1 { + _, err = mutators[i+1].Mutate(root, gfcb.builders[i+1].mutation) + } else { + spec := &sqlgraph.BatchCreateSpec{Nodes: specs} + // Invoke the actual operation on the latest mutation in the chain. + if err = sqlgraph.BatchCreate(ctx, gfcb.driver, spec); err != nil { + if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + } + } + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + mutation.id = &nodes[i].ID + if specs[i].ID.Value != nil { + id := specs[i].ID.Value.(int64) + nodes[i].ID = int(id) + } + mutation.done = true + return nodes[i], nil + }) + for i := len(builder.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + mut = builder.hooks[i](mut) + } + mutators[i] = mut + }(i, ctx) + } + if len(mutators) > 0 { + if _, err := mutators[0].Mutate(ctx, gfcb.builders[0].mutation); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + return nodes, nil +} + +// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfcb *GithubFlowCreateBulk) SaveX(ctx context.Context) []*GithubFlow { + v, err := gfcb.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return v +} + +// Exec executes the query. +func (gfcb *GithubFlowCreateBulk) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := gfcb.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfcb *GithubFlowCreateBulk) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := gfcb.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} diff --git a/internal/ent/githubflow_delete.go b/internal/ent/githubflow_delete.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a06a5b --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/githubflow_delete.go @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// GithubFlowDelete is the builder for deleting a GithubFlow entity. +type GithubFlowDelete struct { + config + hooks []Hook + mutation *GithubFlowMutation +} + +// Where appends a list predicates to the GithubFlowDelete builder. +func (gfd *GithubFlowDelete) Where(ps ...predicate.GithubFlow) *GithubFlowDelete { + gfd.mutation.Where(ps...) + return gfd +} + +// Exec executes the deletion query and returns how many vertices were deleted. +func (gfd *GithubFlowDelete) Exec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + var ( + err error + affected int + ) + if len(gfd.hooks) == 0 { + affected, err = gfd.sqlExec(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*GithubFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + gfd.mutation = mutation + affected, err = gfd.sqlExec(ctx) + mutation.done = true + return affected, err + }) + for i := len(gfd.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if gfd.hooks[i] == nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = gfd.hooks[i](mut) + } + if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, gfd.mutation); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + return affected, err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfd *GithubFlowDelete) ExecX(ctx context.Context) int { + n, err := gfd.Exec(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return n +} + +func (gfd *GithubFlowDelete) sqlExec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + _spec := &sqlgraph.DeleteSpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: githubflow.Table, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: githubflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + } + if ps := gfd.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + affected, err := sqlgraph.DeleteNodes(ctx, gfd.driver, _spec) + if err != nil && sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return affected, err +} + +// GithubFlowDeleteOne is the builder for deleting a single GithubFlow entity. +type GithubFlowDeleteOne struct { + gfd *GithubFlowDelete +} + +// Exec executes the deletion query. +func (gfdo *GithubFlowDeleteOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + n, err := gfdo.gfd.Exec(ctx) + switch { + case err != nil: + return err + case n == 0: + return &NotFoundError{githubflow.Label} + default: + return nil + } +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfdo *GithubFlowDeleteOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + gfdo.gfd.ExecX(ctx) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/githubflow_query.go b/internal/ent/githubflow_query.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a44ba8c --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/githubflow_query.go @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "math" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// GithubFlowQuery is the builder for querying GithubFlow entities. +type GithubFlowQuery struct { + config + limit *int + offset *int + unique *bool + order []OrderFunc + fields []string + predicates []predicate.GithubFlow + // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). + sql *sql.Selector + path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) +} + +// Where adds a new predicate for the GithubFlowQuery builder. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Where(ps ...predicate.GithubFlow) *GithubFlowQuery { + gfq.predicates = append(gfq.predicates, ps...) + return gfq +} + +// Limit adds a limit step to the query. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Limit(limit int) *GithubFlowQuery { + gfq.limit = &limit + return gfq +} + +// Offset adds an offset step to the query. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Offset(offset int) *GithubFlowQuery { + gfq.offset = &offset + return gfq +} + +// Unique configures the query builder to filter duplicate records on query. +// By default, unique is set to true, and can be disabled using this method. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Unique(unique bool) *GithubFlowQuery { + gfq.unique = &unique + return gfq +} + +// Order adds an order step to the query. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Order(o ...OrderFunc) *GithubFlowQuery { + gfq.order = append(gfq.order, o...) + return gfq +} + +// First returns the first GithubFlow entity from the query. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no GithubFlow was found. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) First(ctx context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) { + nodes, err := gfq.Limit(1).All(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if len(nodes) == 0 { + return nil, &NotFoundError{githubflow.Label} + } + return nodes[0], nil +} + +// FirstX is like First, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) FirstX(ctx context.Context) *GithubFlow { + node, err := gfq.First(ctx) + if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { + panic(err) + } + return node +} + +// FirstID returns the first GithubFlow ID from the query. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no GithubFlow ID was found. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) FirstID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { + var ids []int + if ids, err = gfq.Limit(1).IDs(ctx); err != nil { + return + } + if len(ids) == 0 { + err = &NotFoundError{githubflow.Label} + return + } + return ids[0], nil +} + +// FirstIDX is like FirstID, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) FirstIDX(ctx context.Context) int { + id, err := gfq.FirstID(ctx) + if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { + panic(err) + } + return id +} + +// Only returns a single GithubFlow entity found by the query, ensuring it only returns one. +// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one GithubFlow entity is found. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no GithubFlow entities are found. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Only(ctx context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) { + nodes, err := gfq.Limit(2).All(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + switch len(nodes) { + case 1: + return nodes[0], nil + case 0: + return nil, &NotFoundError{githubflow.Label} + default: + return nil, &NotSingularError{githubflow.Label} + } +} + +// OnlyX is like Only, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) OnlyX(ctx context.Context) *GithubFlow { + node, err := gfq.Only(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return node +} + +// OnlyID is like Only, but returns the only GithubFlow ID in the query. +// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one GithubFlow ID is found. +// Returns a *NotFoundError when no entities are found. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) OnlyID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { + var ids []int + if ids, err = gfq.Limit(2).IDs(ctx); err != nil { + return + } + switch len(ids) { + case 1: + id = ids[0] + case 0: + err = &NotFoundError{githubflow.Label} + default: + err = &NotSingularError{githubflow.Label} + } + return +} + +// OnlyIDX is like OnlyID, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) OnlyIDX(ctx context.Context) int { + id, err := gfq.OnlyID(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return id +} + +// All executes the query and returns a list of GithubFlows. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) All(ctx context.Context) ([]*GithubFlow, error) { + if err := gfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return gfq.sqlAll(ctx) +} + +// AllX is like All, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) AllX(ctx context.Context) []*GithubFlow { + nodes, err := gfq.All(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return nodes +} + +// IDs executes the query and returns a list of GithubFlow IDs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { + var ids []int + if err := gfq.Select(githubflow.FieldID).Scan(ctx, &ids); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return ids, nil +} + +// IDsX is like IDs, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) IDsX(ctx context.Context) []int { + ids, err := gfq.IDs(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return ids +} + +// Count returns the count of the given query. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Count(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + if err := gfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return gfq.sqlCount(ctx) +} + +// CountX is like Count, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) CountX(ctx context.Context) int { + count, err := gfq.Count(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return count +} + +// Exist returns true if the query has elements in the graph. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Exist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { + if err := gfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return false, err + } + return gfq.sqlExist(ctx) +} + +// ExistX is like Exist, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) ExistX(ctx context.Context) bool { + exist, err := gfq.Exist(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return exist +} + +// Clone returns a duplicate of the GithubFlowQuery builder, including all associated steps. It can be +// used to prepare common query builders and use them differently after the clone is made. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Clone() *GithubFlowQuery { + if gfq == nil { + return nil + } + return &GithubFlowQuery{ + config: gfq.config, + limit: gfq.limit, + offset: gfq.offset, + order: append([]OrderFunc{}, gfq.order...), + predicates: append([]predicate.GithubFlow{}, gfq.predicates...), + // clone intermediate query. + sql: gfq.sql.Clone(), + path: gfq.path, + unique: gfq.unique, + } +} + +// GroupBy is used to group vertices by one or more fields/columns. +// It is often used with aggregate functions, like: count, max, mean, min, sum. +// +// Example: +// +// var v []struct { +// CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` +// Count int `json:"count,omitempty"` +// } +// +// client.GithubFlow.Query(). +// GroupBy(githubflow.FieldCreatedAt). +// Aggregate(ent.Count()). +// Scan(ctx, &v) +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) GroupBy(field string, fields ...string) *GithubFlowGroupBy { + grbuild := &GithubFlowGroupBy{config: gfq.config} + grbuild.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) + grbuild.path = func(ctx context.Context) (prev *sql.Selector, err error) { + if err := gfq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return gfq.sqlQuery(ctx), nil + } + grbuild.label = githubflow.Label + grbuild.flds, grbuild.scan = &grbuild.fields, grbuild.Scan + return grbuild +} + +// Select allows the selection one or more fields/columns for the given query, +// instead of selecting all fields in the entity. +// +// Example: +// +// var v []struct { +// CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` +// } +// +// client.GithubFlow.Query(). +// Select(githubflow.FieldCreatedAt). +// Scan(ctx, &v) +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Select(fields ...string) *GithubFlowSelect { + gfq.fields = append(gfq.fields, fields...) + selbuild := &GithubFlowSelect{GithubFlowQuery: gfq} + selbuild.label = githubflow.Label + selbuild.flds, selbuild.scan = &gfq.fields, selbuild.Scan + return selbuild +} + +// Aggregate returns a GithubFlowSelect configured with the given aggregations. +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *GithubFlowSelect { + return gfq.Select().Aggregate(fns...) +} + +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) prepareQuery(ctx context.Context) error { + for _, f := range gfq.fields { + if !githubflow.ValidColumn(f) { + return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} + } + } + if gfq.path != nil { + prev, err := gfq.path(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + gfq.sql = prev + } + return nil +} + +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) sqlAll(ctx context.Context, hooks ...queryHook) ([]*GithubFlow, error) { + var ( + nodes = []*GithubFlow{} + _spec = gfq.querySpec() + ) + _spec.ScanValues = func(columns []string) ([]any, error) { + return (*GithubFlow).scanValues(nil, columns) + } + _spec.Assign = func(columns []string, values []any) error { + node := &GithubFlow{config: gfq.config} + nodes = append(nodes, node) + return node.assignValues(columns, values) + } + for i := range hooks { + hooks[i](ctx, _spec) + } + if err := sqlgraph.QueryNodes(ctx, gfq.driver, _spec); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if len(nodes) == 0 { + return nodes, nil + } + return nodes, nil +} + +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) sqlCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + _spec := gfq.querySpec() + _spec.Node.Columns = gfq.fields + if len(gfq.fields) > 0 { + _spec.Unique = gfq.unique != nil && *gfq.unique + } + return sqlgraph.CountNodes(ctx, gfq.driver, _spec) +} + +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) sqlExist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { + switch _, err := gfq.FirstID(ctx); { + case IsNotFound(err): + return false, nil + case err != nil: + return false, fmt.Errorf("ent: check existence: %w", err) + default: + return true, nil + } +} + +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) querySpec() *sqlgraph.QuerySpec { + _spec := &sqlgraph.QuerySpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: githubflow.Table, + Columns: githubflow.Columns, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: githubflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + From: gfq.sql, + Unique: true, + } + if unique := gfq.unique; unique != nil { + _spec.Unique = *unique + } + if fields := gfq.fields; len(fields) > 0 { + _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, githubflow.FieldID) + for i := range fields { + if fields[i] != githubflow.FieldID { + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, fields[i]) + } + } + } + if ps := gfq.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + if limit := gfq.limit; limit != nil { + _spec.Limit = *limit + } + if offset := gfq.offset; offset != nil { + _spec.Offset = *offset + } + if ps := gfq.order; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Order = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + return _spec +} + +func (gfq *GithubFlowQuery) sqlQuery(ctx context.Context) *sql.Selector { + builder := sql.Dialect(gfq.driver.Dialect()) + t1 := builder.Table(githubflow.Table) + columns := gfq.fields + if len(columns) == 0 { + columns = githubflow.Columns + } + selector := builder.Select(t1.Columns(columns...)...).From(t1) + if gfq.sql != nil { + selector = gfq.sql + selector.Select(selector.Columns(columns...)...) + } + if gfq.unique != nil && *gfq.unique { + selector.Distinct() + } + for _, p := range gfq.predicates { + p(selector) + } + for _, p := range gfq.order { + p(selector) + } + if offset := gfq.offset; offset != nil { + // limit is mandatory for offset clause. We start + // with default value, and override it below if needed. + selector.Offset(*offset).Limit(math.MaxInt32) + } + if limit := gfq.limit; limit != nil { + selector.Limit(*limit) + } + return selector +} + +// GithubFlowGroupBy is the group-by builder for GithubFlow entities. +type GithubFlowGroupBy struct { + config + selector + fields []string + fns []AggregateFunc + // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). + sql *sql.Selector + path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) +} + +// Aggregate adds the given aggregation functions to the group-by query. +func (gfgb *GithubFlowGroupBy) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *GithubFlowGroupBy { + gfgb.fns = append(gfgb.fns, fns...) + return gfgb +} + +// Scan applies the group-by query and scans the result into the given value. +func (gfgb *GithubFlowGroupBy) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + query, err := gfgb.path(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + gfgb.sql = query + return gfgb.sqlScan(ctx, v) +} + +func (gfgb *GithubFlowGroupBy) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + for _, f := range gfgb.fields { + if !githubflow.ValidColumn(f) { + return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("invalid field %q for group-by", f)} + } + } + selector := gfgb.sqlQuery() + if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { + return err + } + rows := &sql.Rows{} + query, args := selector.Query() + if err := gfgb.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { + return err + } + defer rows.Close() + return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) +} + +func (gfgb *GithubFlowGroupBy) sqlQuery() *sql.Selector { + selector := gfgb.sql.Select() + aggregation := make([]string, 0, len(gfgb.fns)) + for _, fn := range gfgb.fns { + aggregation = append(aggregation, fn(selector)) + } + if len(selector.SelectedColumns()) == 0 { + columns := make([]string, 0, len(gfgb.fields)+len(gfgb.fns)) + for _, f := range gfgb.fields { + columns = append(columns, selector.C(f)) + } + columns = append(columns, aggregation...) + selector.Select(columns...) + } + return selector.GroupBy(selector.Columns(gfgb.fields...)...) +} + +// GithubFlowSelect is the builder for selecting fields of GithubFlow entities. +type GithubFlowSelect struct { + *GithubFlowQuery + selector + // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). + sql *sql.Selector +} + +// Aggregate adds the given aggregation functions to the selector query. +func (gfs *GithubFlowSelect) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *GithubFlowSelect { + gfs.fns = append(gfs.fns, fns...) + return gfs +} + +// Scan applies the selector query and scans the result into the given value. +func (gfs *GithubFlowSelect) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + if err := gfs.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { + return err + } + gfs.sql = gfs.GithubFlowQuery.sqlQuery(ctx) + return gfs.sqlScan(ctx, v) +} + +func (gfs *GithubFlowSelect) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { + aggregation := make([]string, 0, len(gfs.fns)) + for _, fn := range gfs.fns { + aggregation = append(aggregation, fn(gfs.sql)) + } + switch n := len(*gfs.selector.flds); { + case n == 0 && len(aggregation) > 0: + gfs.sql.Select(aggregation...) + case n != 0 && len(aggregation) > 0: + gfs.sql.AppendSelect(aggregation...) + } + rows := &sql.Rows{} + query, args := gfs.sql.Query() + if err := gfs.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { + return err + } + defer rows.Close() + return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/githubflow_update.go b/internal/ent/githubflow_update.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e59269a --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/githubflow_update.go @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" +) + +// GithubFlowUpdate is the builder for updating GithubFlow entities. +type GithubFlowUpdate struct { + config + hooks []Hook + mutation *GithubFlowMutation +} + +// Where appends a list predicates to the GithubFlowUpdate builder. +func (gfu *GithubFlowUpdate) Where(ps ...predicate.GithubFlow) *GithubFlowUpdate { + gfu.mutation.Where(ps...) + return gfu +} + +// Mutation returns the GithubFlowMutation object of the builder. +func (gfu *GithubFlowUpdate) Mutation() *GithubFlowMutation { + return gfu.mutation +} + +// Save executes the query and returns the number of nodes affected by the update operation. +func (gfu *GithubFlowUpdate) Save(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { + var ( + err error + affected int + ) + if len(gfu.hooks) == 0 { + affected, err = gfu.sqlSave(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*GithubFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + gfu.mutation = mutation + affected, err = gfu.sqlSave(ctx) + mutation.done = true + return affected, err + }) + for i := len(gfu.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if gfu.hooks[i] == nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = gfu.hooks[i](mut) + } + if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, gfu.mutation); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + return affected, err +} + +// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfu *GithubFlowUpdate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) int { + affected, err := gfu.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return affected +} + +// Exec executes the query. +func (gfu *GithubFlowUpdate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := gfu.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfu *GithubFlowUpdate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := gfu.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +func (gfu *GithubFlowUpdate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (n int, err error) { + _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: githubflow.Table, + Columns: githubflow.Columns, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: githubflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + } + if ps := gfu.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + if gfu.mutation.OrganizationCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(githubflow.FieldOrganization, field.TypeString) + } + if gfu.mutation.DeviceIdentifierCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier, field.TypeString) + } + if n, err = sqlgraph.UpdateNodes(ctx, gfu.driver, _spec); err != nil { + if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { + err = &NotFoundError{githubflow.Label} + } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return 0, err + } + return n, nil +} + +// GithubFlowUpdateOne is the builder for updating a single GithubFlow entity. +type GithubFlowUpdateOne struct { + config + fields []string + hooks []Hook + mutation *GithubFlowMutation +} + +// Mutation returns the GithubFlowMutation object of the builder. +func (gfuo *GithubFlowUpdateOne) Mutation() *GithubFlowMutation { + return gfuo.mutation +} + +// Select allows selecting one or more fields (columns) of the returned entity. +// The default is selecting all fields defined in the entity schema. +func (gfuo *GithubFlowUpdateOne) Select(field string, fields ...string) *GithubFlowUpdateOne { + gfuo.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) + return gfuo +} + +// Save executes the query and returns the updated GithubFlow entity. +func (gfuo *GithubFlowUpdateOne) Save(ctx context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) { + var ( + err error + node *GithubFlow + ) + if len(gfuo.hooks) == 0 { + node, err = gfuo.sqlSave(ctx) + } else { + var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { + mutation, ok := m.(*GithubFlowMutation) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) + } + gfuo.mutation = mutation + node, err = gfuo.sqlSave(ctx) + mutation.done = true + return node, err + }) + for i := len(gfuo.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if gfuo.hooks[i] == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") + } + mut = gfuo.hooks[i](mut) + } + v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, gfuo.mutation) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + nv, ok := v.(*GithubFlow) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from GithubFlowMutation", v) + } + node = nv + } + return node, err +} + +// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfuo *GithubFlowUpdateOne) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *GithubFlow { + node, err := gfuo.Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return node +} + +// Exec executes the query on the entity. +func (gfuo *GithubFlowUpdateOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := gfuo.Save(ctx) + return err +} + +// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. +func (gfuo *GithubFlowUpdateOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { + if err := gfuo.Exec(ctx); err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +func (gfuo *GithubFlowUpdateOne) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (_node *GithubFlow, err error) { + _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ + Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ + Table: githubflow.Table, + Columns: githubflow.Columns, + ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ + Type: field.TypeInt, + Column: githubflow.FieldID, + }, + }, + } + id, ok := gfuo.mutation.ID() + if !ok { + return nil, &ValidationError{Name: "id", err: errors.New(`ent: missing "GithubFlow.id" for update`)} + } + _spec.Node.ID.Value = id + if fields := gfuo.fields; len(fields) > 0 { + _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, githubflow.FieldID) + for _, f := range fields { + if !githubflow.ValidColumn(f) { + return nil, &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} + } + if f != githubflow.FieldID { + _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, f) + } + } + } + if ps := gfuo.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { + _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { + for i := range ps { + ps[i](selector) + } + } + } + if gfuo.mutation.OrganizationCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(githubflow.FieldOrganization, field.TypeString) + } + if gfuo.mutation.DeviceIdentifierCleared() { + _spec.ClearField(githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier, field.TypeString) + } + _node = &GithubFlow{config: gfuo.config} + _spec.Assign = _node.assignValues + _spec.ScanValues = _node.scanValues + if err = sqlgraph.UpdateNode(ctx, gfuo.driver, _spec); err != nil { + if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { + err = &NotFoundError{githubflow.Label} + } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { + err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} + } + return nil, err + } + return _node, nil +} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/hook/hook.go b/internal/ent/hook/hook.go similarity index 79% rename from pkg/storage/default/ent/hook/hook.go rename to internal/ent/hook/hook.go index 4ba2f31..f1493f8 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/hook/hook.go +++ b/internal/ent/hook/hook.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + // Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. package hook @@ -6,44 +22,31 @@ import ( "context" "fmt" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent" ) -// The APIKeyFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary -// function as APIKey mutator. -type APIKeyFunc func(context.Context, *ent.APIKeyMutation) (ent.Value, error) - -// Mutate calls f(ctx, m). -func (f APIKeyFunc) Mutate(ctx context.Context, m ent.Mutation) (ent.Value, error) { - mv, ok := m.(*ent.APIKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T. expect *ent.APIKeyMutation", m) - } - return f(ctx, mv) -} - -// The ServiceKeyFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary -// function as ServiceKey mutator. -type ServiceKeyFunc func(context.Context, *ent.ServiceKeyMutation) (ent.Value, error) +// The DeviceFlowFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary +// function as DeviceFlow mutator. +type DeviceFlowFunc func(context.Context, *ent.DeviceFlowMutation) (ent.Value, error) // Mutate calls f(ctx, m). -func (f ServiceKeyFunc) Mutate(ctx context.Context, m ent.Mutation) (ent.Value, error) { - mv, ok := m.(*ent.ServiceKeyMutation) +func (f DeviceFlowFunc) Mutate(ctx context.Context, m ent.Mutation) (ent.Value, error) { + mv, ok := m.(*ent.DeviceFlowMutation) if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T. expect *ent.ServiceKeyMutation", m) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T. expect *ent.DeviceFlowMutation", m) } return f(ctx, mv) } -// The UserFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary -// function as User mutator. -type UserFunc func(context.Context, *ent.UserMutation) (ent.Value, error) +// The GithubFlowFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary +// function as GithubFlow mutator. +type GithubFlowFunc func(context.Context, *ent.GithubFlowMutation) (ent.Value, error) // Mutate calls f(ctx, m). -func (f UserFunc) Mutate(ctx context.Context, m ent.Mutation) (ent.Value, error) { - mv, ok := m.(*ent.UserMutation) +func (f GithubFlowFunc) Mutate(ctx context.Context, m ent.Mutation) (ent.Value, error) { + mv, ok := m.(*ent.GithubFlowMutation) if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T. expect *ent.UserMutation", m) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T. expect *ent.GithubFlowMutation", m) } return f(ctx, mv) } diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate/migrate.go b/internal/ent/migrate/migrate.go similarity index 80% rename from pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate/migrate.go rename to internal/ent/migrate/migrate.go index 1956a6b..fbf7bb6 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate/migrate.go +++ b/internal/ent/migrate/migrate.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + // Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. package migrate diff --git a/internal/ent/migrate/schema.go b/internal/ent/migrate/schema.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa41a58 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/migrate/schema.go @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package migrate + +import ( + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/schema" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" +) + +var ( + // DeviceFlowsColumns holds the columns for the "device_flows" table. + DeviceFlowsColumns = []*schema.Column{ + {Name: "id", Type: field.TypeInt, Increment: true}, + {Name: "created_at", Type: field.TypeTime}, + {Name: "last_poll", Type: field.TypeTime}, + {Name: "identifier", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, + {Name: "device_code", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, + {Name: "user_code", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, + {Name: "session", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true, Nullable: true}, + {Name: "expires_at", Type: field.TypeTime, Nullable: true}, + } + // DeviceFlowsTable holds the schema information for the "device_flows" table. + DeviceFlowsTable = &schema.Table{ + Name: "device_flows", + Columns: DeviceFlowsColumns, + PrimaryKey: []*schema.Column{DeviceFlowsColumns[0]}, + } + // GithubFlowsColumns holds the columns for the "github_flows" table. + GithubFlowsColumns = []*schema.Column{ + {Name: "id", Type: field.TypeInt, Increment: true}, + {Name: "created_at", Type: field.TypeTime}, + {Name: "state", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, + {Name: "verifier", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, + {Name: "challenge", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, + {Name: "next_url", Type: field.TypeString}, + {Name: "organization", Type: field.TypeString, Nullable: true}, + {Name: "device_identifier", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true, Nullable: true}, + } + // GithubFlowsTable holds the schema information for the "github_flows" table. + GithubFlowsTable = &schema.Table{ + Name: "github_flows", + Columns: GithubFlowsColumns, + PrimaryKey: []*schema.Column{GithubFlowsColumns[0]}, + } + // Tables holds all the tables in the schema. + Tables = []*schema.Table{ + DeviceFlowsTable, + GithubFlowsTable, + } +) + +func init() { +} diff --git a/internal/ent/mutation.go b/internal/ent/mutation.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4865e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/mutation.go @@ -0,0 +1,1398 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "sync" + "time" + + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/predicate" + + "entgo.io/ent" +) + +const ( + // Operation types. + OpCreate = ent.OpCreate + OpDelete = ent.OpDelete + OpDeleteOne = ent.OpDeleteOne + OpUpdate = ent.OpUpdate + OpUpdateOne = ent.OpUpdateOne + + // Node types. + TypeDeviceFlow = "DeviceFlow" + TypeGithubFlow = "GithubFlow" +) + +// DeviceFlowMutation represents an operation that mutates the DeviceFlow nodes in the graph. +type DeviceFlowMutation struct { + config + op Op + typ string + id *int + created_at *time.Time + last_poll *time.Time + identifier *string + device_code *string + user_code *string + session *string + expires_at *time.Time + clearedFields map[string]struct{} + done bool + oldValue func(context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) + predicates []predicate.DeviceFlow +} + +var _ ent.Mutation = (*DeviceFlowMutation)(nil) + +// deviceflowOption allows management of the mutation configuration using functional options. +type deviceflowOption func(*DeviceFlowMutation) + +// newDeviceFlowMutation creates new mutation for the DeviceFlow entity. +func newDeviceFlowMutation(c config, op Op, opts ...deviceflowOption) *DeviceFlowMutation { + m := &DeviceFlowMutation{ + config: c, + op: op, + typ: TypeDeviceFlow, + clearedFields: make(map[string]struct{}), + } + for _, opt := range opts { + opt(m) + } + return m +} + +// withDeviceFlowID sets the ID field of the mutation. +func withDeviceFlowID(id int) deviceflowOption { + return func(m *DeviceFlowMutation) { + var ( + err error + once sync.Once + value *DeviceFlow + ) + m.oldValue = func(ctx context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + once.Do(func() { + if m.done { + err = errors.New("querying old values post mutation is not allowed") + } else { + value, err = m.Client().DeviceFlow.Get(ctx, id) + } + }) + return value, err + } + m.id = &id + } +} + +// withDeviceFlow sets the old DeviceFlow of the mutation. +func withDeviceFlow(node *DeviceFlow) deviceflowOption { + return func(m *DeviceFlowMutation) { + m.oldValue = func(context.Context) (*DeviceFlow, error) { + return node, nil + } + m.id = &node.ID + } +} + +// Client returns a new `ent.Client` from the mutation. If the mutation was +// executed in a transaction (ent.Tx), a transactional client is returned. +func (m DeviceFlowMutation) Client() *Client { + client := &Client{config: m.config} + client.init() + return client +} + +// Tx returns an `ent.Tx` for mutations that were executed in transactions; +// it returns an error otherwise. +func (m DeviceFlowMutation) Tx() (*Tx, error) { + if _, ok := m.driver.(*txDriver); !ok { + return nil, errors.New("ent: mutation is not running in a transaction") + } + tx := &Tx{config: m.config} + tx.init() + return tx, nil +} + +// ID returns the ID value in the mutation. Note that the ID is only available +// if it was provided to the builder or after it was returned from the database. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ID() (id int, exists bool) { + if m.id == nil { + return + } + return *m.id, true +} + +// IDs queries the database and returns the entity ids that match the mutation's predicate. +// That means, if the mutation is applied within a transaction with an isolation level such +// as sql.LevelSerializable, the returned ids match the ids of the rows that will be updated +// or updated by the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { + switch { + case m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne | OpDeleteOne): + id, exists := m.ID() + if exists { + return []int{id}, nil + } + fallthrough + case m.op.Is(OpUpdate | OpDelete): + return m.Client().DeviceFlow.Query().Where(m.predicates...).IDs(ctx) + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("IDs is not allowed on %s operations", m.op) + } +} + +// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetCreatedAt(t time.Time) { + m.created_at = &t +} + +// CreatedAt returns the value of the "created_at" field in the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) CreatedAt() (r time.Time, exists bool) { + v := m.created_at + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldCreatedAt returns the old "created_at" field's value of the DeviceFlow entity. +// If the DeviceFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldCreatedAt(ctx context.Context) (v time.Time, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldCreatedAt: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.CreatedAt, nil +} + +// ResetCreatedAt resets all changes to the "created_at" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetCreatedAt() { + m.created_at = nil +} + +// SetLastPoll sets the "last_poll" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetLastPoll(t time.Time) { + m.last_poll = &t +} + +// LastPoll returns the value of the "last_poll" field in the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) LastPoll() (r time.Time, exists bool) { + v := m.last_poll + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldLastPoll returns the old "last_poll" field's value of the DeviceFlow entity. +// If the DeviceFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldLastPoll(ctx context.Context) (v time.Time, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldLastPoll is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldLastPoll requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldLastPoll: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.LastPoll, nil +} + +// ResetLastPoll resets all changes to the "last_poll" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetLastPoll() { + m.last_poll = nil +} + +// SetIdentifier sets the "identifier" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetIdentifier(s string) { + m.identifier = &s +} + +// Identifier returns the value of the "identifier" field in the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) Identifier() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.identifier + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldIdentifier returns the old "identifier" field's value of the DeviceFlow entity. +// If the DeviceFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldIdentifier(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldIdentifier is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldIdentifier requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldIdentifier: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.Identifier, nil +} + +// ResetIdentifier resets all changes to the "identifier" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetIdentifier() { + m.identifier = nil +} + +// SetDeviceCode sets the "device_code" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetDeviceCode(s string) { + m.device_code = &s +} + +// DeviceCode returns the value of the "device_code" field in the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) DeviceCode() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.device_code + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldDeviceCode returns the old "device_code" field's value of the DeviceFlow entity. +// If the DeviceFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldDeviceCode(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldDeviceCode is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldDeviceCode requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldDeviceCode: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.DeviceCode, nil +} + +// ResetDeviceCode resets all changes to the "device_code" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetDeviceCode() { + m.device_code = nil +} + +// SetUserCode sets the "user_code" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetUserCode(s string) { + m.user_code = &s +} + +// UserCode returns the value of the "user_code" field in the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) UserCode() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.user_code + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldUserCode returns the old "user_code" field's value of the DeviceFlow entity. +// If the DeviceFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldUserCode(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldUserCode is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldUserCode requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldUserCode: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.UserCode, nil +} + +// ResetUserCode resets all changes to the "user_code" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetUserCode() { + m.user_code = nil +} + +// SetSession sets the "session" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetSession(s string) { + m.session = &s +} + +// Session returns the value of the "session" field in the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) Session() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.session + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldSession returns the old "session" field's value of the DeviceFlow entity. +// If the DeviceFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldSession(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldSession is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldSession requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldSession: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.Session, nil +} + +// ClearSession clears the value of the "session" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ClearSession() { + m.session = nil + m.clearedFields[deviceflow.FieldSession] = struct{}{} +} + +// SessionCleared returns if the "session" field was cleared in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SessionCleared() bool { + _, ok := m.clearedFields[deviceflow.FieldSession] + return ok +} + +// ResetSession resets all changes to the "session" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetSession() { + m.session = nil + delete(m.clearedFields, deviceflow.FieldSession) +} + +// SetExpiresAt sets the "expires_at" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetExpiresAt(t time.Time) { + m.expires_at = &t +} + +// ExpiresAt returns the value of the "expires_at" field in the mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ExpiresAt() (r time.Time, exists bool) { + v := m.expires_at + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldExpiresAt returns the old "expires_at" field's value of the DeviceFlow entity. +// If the DeviceFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldExpiresAt(ctx context.Context) (v time.Time, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldExpiresAt is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldExpiresAt requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldExpiresAt: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.ExpiresAt, nil +} + +// ClearExpiresAt clears the value of the "expires_at" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ClearExpiresAt() { + m.expires_at = nil + m.clearedFields[deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt] = struct{}{} +} + +// ExpiresAtCleared returns if the "expires_at" field was cleared in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ExpiresAtCleared() bool { + _, ok := m.clearedFields[deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt] + return ok +} + +// ResetExpiresAt resets all changes to the "expires_at" field. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetExpiresAt() { + m.expires_at = nil + delete(m.clearedFields, deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt) +} + +// Where appends a list predicates to the DeviceFlowMutation builder. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) Where(ps ...predicate.DeviceFlow) { + m.predicates = append(m.predicates, ps...) +} + +// Op returns the operation name. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) Op() Op { + return m.op +} + +// Type returns the node type of this mutation (DeviceFlow). +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) Type() string { + return m.typ +} + +// Fields returns all fields that were changed during this mutation. Note that in +// order to get all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented, call +// AddedFields(). +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) Fields() []string { + fields := make([]string, 0, 7) + if m.created_at != nil { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt) + } + if m.last_poll != nil { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldLastPoll) + } + if m.identifier != nil { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldIdentifier) + } + if m.device_code != nil { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode) + } + if m.user_code != nil { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldUserCode) + } + if m.session != nil { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldSession) + } + if m.expires_at != nil { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt) + } + return fields +} + +// Field returns the value of a field with the given name. The second boolean +// return value indicates that this field was not set, or was not defined in the +// schema. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) Field(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { + switch name { + case deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt: + return m.CreatedAt() + case deviceflow.FieldLastPoll: + return m.LastPoll() + case deviceflow.FieldIdentifier: + return m.Identifier() + case deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode: + return m.DeviceCode() + case deviceflow.FieldUserCode: + return m.UserCode() + case deviceflow.FieldSession: + return m.Session() + case deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt: + return m.ExpiresAt() + } + return nil, false +} + +// OldField returns the old value of the field from the database. An error is +// returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the query to the +// database failed. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) OldField(ctx context.Context, name string) (ent.Value, error) { + switch name { + case deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt: + return m.OldCreatedAt(ctx) + case deviceflow.FieldLastPoll: + return m.OldLastPoll(ctx) + case deviceflow.FieldIdentifier: + return m.OldIdentifier(ctx) + case deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode: + return m.OldDeviceCode(ctx) + case deviceflow.FieldUserCode: + return m.OldUserCode(ctx) + case deviceflow.FieldSession: + return m.OldSession(ctx) + case deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt: + return m.OldExpiresAt(ctx) + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceFlow field %s", name) +} + +// SetField sets the value of a field with the given name. It returns an error if +// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field +// type. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) SetField(name string, value ent.Value) error { + switch name { + case deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt: + v, ok := value.(time.Time) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetCreatedAt(v) + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldLastPoll: + v, ok := value.(time.Time) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetLastPoll(v) + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldIdentifier: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetIdentifier(v) + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetDeviceCode(v) + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldUserCode: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetUserCode(v) + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldSession: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetSession(v) + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt: + v, ok := value.(time.Time) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetExpiresAt(v) + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceFlow field %s", name) +} + +// AddedFields returns all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented during +// this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) AddedFields() []string { + return nil +} + +// AddedField returns the numeric value that was incremented/decremented on a field +// with the given name. The second boolean return value indicates that this field +// was not set, or was not defined in the schema. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) AddedField(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { + return nil, false +} + +// AddField adds the value to the field with the given name. It returns an error if +// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field +// type. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) AddField(name string, value ent.Value) error { + switch name { + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceFlow numeric field %s", name) +} + +// ClearedFields returns all nullable fields that were cleared during this +// mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ClearedFields() []string { + var fields []string + if m.FieldCleared(deviceflow.FieldSession) { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldSession) + } + if m.FieldCleared(deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt) { + fields = append(fields, deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt) + } + return fields +} + +// FieldCleared returns a boolean indicating if a field with the given name was +// cleared in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) FieldCleared(name string) bool { + _, ok := m.clearedFields[name] + return ok +} + +// ClearField clears the value of the field with the given name. It returns an +// error if the field is not defined in the schema. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ClearField(name string) error { + switch name { + case deviceflow.FieldSession: + m.ClearSession() + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt: + m.ClearExpiresAt() + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceFlow nullable field %s", name) +} + +// ResetField resets all changes in the mutation for the field with the given name. +// It returns an error if the field is not defined in the schema. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetField(name string) error { + switch name { + case deviceflow.FieldCreatedAt: + m.ResetCreatedAt() + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldLastPoll: + m.ResetLastPoll() + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldIdentifier: + m.ResetIdentifier() + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldDeviceCode: + m.ResetDeviceCode() + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldUserCode: + m.ResetUserCode() + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldSession: + m.ResetSession() + return nil + case deviceflow.FieldExpiresAt: + m.ResetExpiresAt() + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceFlow field %s", name) +} + +// AddedEdges returns all edge names that were set/added in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) AddedEdges() []string { + edges := make([]string, 0, 0) + return edges +} + +// AddedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were added for the given edge +// name in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) AddedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { + return nil +} + +// RemovedEdges returns all edge names that were removed in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) RemovedEdges() []string { + edges := make([]string, 0, 0) + return edges +} + +// RemovedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were removed for the edge with +// the given name in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) RemovedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { + return nil +} + +// ClearedEdges returns all edge names that were cleared in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ClearedEdges() []string { + edges := make([]string, 0, 0) + return edges +} + +// EdgeCleared returns a boolean which indicates if the edge with the given name +// was cleared in this mutation. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) EdgeCleared(name string) bool { + return false +} + +// ClearEdge clears the value of the edge with the given name. It returns an error +// if that edge is not defined in the schema. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ClearEdge(name string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceFlow unique edge %s", name) +} + +// ResetEdge resets all changes to the edge with the given name in this mutation. +// It returns an error if the edge is not defined in the schema. +func (m *DeviceFlowMutation) ResetEdge(name string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceFlow edge %s", name) +} + +// GithubFlowMutation represents an operation that mutates the GithubFlow nodes in the graph. +type GithubFlowMutation struct { + config + op Op + typ string + id *int + created_at *time.Time + state *string + verifier *string + challenge *string + next_url *string + organization *string + device_identifier *string + clearedFields map[string]struct{} + done bool + oldValue func(context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) + predicates []predicate.GithubFlow +} + +var _ ent.Mutation = (*GithubFlowMutation)(nil) + +// githubflowOption allows management of the mutation configuration using functional options. +type githubflowOption func(*GithubFlowMutation) + +// newGithubFlowMutation creates new mutation for the GithubFlow entity. +func newGithubFlowMutation(c config, op Op, opts ...githubflowOption) *GithubFlowMutation { + m := &GithubFlowMutation{ + config: c, + op: op, + typ: TypeGithubFlow, + clearedFields: make(map[string]struct{}), + } + for _, opt := range opts { + opt(m) + } + return m +} + +// withGithubFlowID sets the ID field of the mutation. +func withGithubFlowID(id int) githubflowOption { + return func(m *GithubFlowMutation) { + var ( + err error + once sync.Once + value *GithubFlow + ) + m.oldValue = func(ctx context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) { + once.Do(func() { + if m.done { + err = errors.New("querying old values post mutation is not allowed") + } else { + value, err = m.Client().GithubFlow.Get(ctx, id) + } + }) + return value, err + } + m.id = &id + } +} + +// withGithubFlow sets the old GithubFlow of the mutation. +func withGithubFlow(node *GithubFlow) githubflowOption { + return func(m *GithubFlowMutation) { + m.oldValue = func(context.Context) (*GithubFlow, error) { + return node, nil + } + m.id = &node.ID + } +} + +// Client returns a new `ent.Client` from the mutation. If the mutation was +// executed in a transaction (ent.Tx), a transactional client is returned. +func (m GithubFlowMutation) Client() *Client { + client := &Client{config: m.config} + client.init() + return client +} + +// Tx returns an `ent.Tx` for mutations that were executed in transactions; +// it returns an error otherwise. +func (m GithubFlowMutation) Tx() (*Tx, error) { + if _, ok := m.driver.(*txDriver); !ok { + return nil, errors.New("ent: mutation is not running in a transaction") + } + tx := &Tx{config: m.config} + tx.init() + return tx, nil +} + +// ID returns the ID value in the mutation. Note that the ID is only available +// if it was provided to the builder or after it was returned from the database. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ID() (id int, exists bool) { + if m.id == nil { + return + } + return *m.id, true +} + +// IDs queries the database and returns the entity ids that match the mutation's predicate. +// That means, if the mutation is applied within a transaction with an isolation level such +// as sql.LevelSerializable, the returned ids match the ids of the rows that will be updated +// or updated by the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { + switch { + case m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne | OpDeleteOne): + id, exists := m.ID() + if exists { + return []int{id}, nil + } + fallthrough + case m.op.Is(OpUpdate | OpDelete): + return m.Client().GithubFlow.Query().Where(m.predicates...).IDs(ctx) + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("IDs is not allowed on %s operations", m.op) + } +} + +// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetCreatedAt(t time.Time) { + m.created_at = &t +} + +// CreatedAt returns the value of the "created_at" field in the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) CreatedAt() (r time.Time, exists bool) { + v := m.created_at + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldCreatedAt returns the old "created_at" field's value of the GithubFlow entity. +// If the GithubFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldCreatedAt(ctx context.Context) (v time.Time, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldCreatedAt: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.CreatedAt, nil +} + +// ResetCreatedAt resets all changes to the "created_at" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetCreatedAt() { + m.created_at = nil +} + +// SetState sets the "state" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetState(s string) { + m.state = &s +} + +// State returns the value of the "state" field in the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) State() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.state + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldState returns the old "state" field's value of the GithubFlow entity. +// If the GithubFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldState(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldState is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldState requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldState: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.State, nil +} + +// ResetState resets all changes to the "state" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetState() { + m.state = nil +} + +// SetVerifier sets the "verifier" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetVerifier(s string) { + m.verifier = &s +} + +// Verifier returns the value of the "verifier" field in the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Verifier() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.verifier + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldVerifier returns the old "verifier" field's value of the GithubFlow entity. +// If the GithubFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldVerifier(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldVerifier is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldVerifier requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldVerifier: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.Verifier, nil +} + +// ResetVerifier resets all changes to the "verifier" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetVerifier() { + m.verifier = nil +} + +// SetChallenge sets the "challenge" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetChallenge(s string) { + m.challenge = &s +} + +// Challenge returns the value of the "challenge" field in the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Challenge() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.challenge + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldChallenge returns the old "challenge" field's value of the GithubFlow entity. +// If the GithubFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldChallenge(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldChallenge is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldChallenge requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldChallenge: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.Challenge, nil +} + +// ResetChallenge resets all changes to the "challenge" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetChallenge() { + m.challenge = nil +} + +// SetNextURL sets the "next_url" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetNextURL(s string) { + m.next_url = &s +} + +// NextURL returns the value of the "next_url" field in the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) NextURL() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.next_url + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldNextURL returns the old "next_url" field's value of the GithubFlow entity. +// If the GithubFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldNextURL(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldNextURL is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldNextURL requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldNextURL: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.NextURL, nil +} + +// ResetNextURL resets all changes to the "next_url" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetNextURL() { + m.next_url = nil +} + +// SetOrganization sets the "organization" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetOrganization(s string) { + m.organization = &s +} + +// Organization returns the value of the "organization" field in the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Organization() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.organization + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldOrganization returns the old "organization" field's value of the GithubFlow entity. +// If the GithubFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldOrganization(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldOrganization is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldOrganization requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldOrganization: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.Organization, nil +} + +// ClearOrganization clears the value of the "organization" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ClearOrganization() { + m.organization = nil + m.clearedFields[githubflow.FieldOrganization] = struct{}{} +} + +// OrganizationCleared returns if the "organization" field was cleared in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OrganizationCleared() bool { + _, ok := m.clearedFields[githubflow.FieldOrganization] + return ok +} + +// ResetOrganization resets all changes to the "organization" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetOrganization() { + m.organization = nil + delete(m.clearedFields, githubflow.FieldOrganization) +} + +// SetDeviceIdentifier sets the "device_identifier" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetDeviceIdentifier(s string) { + m.device_identifier = &s +} + +// DeviceIdentifier returns the value of the "device_identifier" field in the mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) DeviceIdentifier() (r string, exists bool) { + v := m.device_identifier + if v == nil { + return + } + return *v, true +} + +// OldDeviceIdentifier returns the old "device_identifier" field's value of the GithubFlow entity. +// If the GithubFlow object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. +// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldDeviceIdentifier(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { + if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { + return v, errors.New("OldDeviceIdentifier is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") + } + if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { + return v, errors.New("OldDeviceIdentifier requires an ID field in the mutation") + } + oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) + if err != nil { + return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldDeviceIdentifier: %w", err) + } + return oldValue.DeviceIdentifier, nil +} + +// ClearDeviceIdentifier clears the value of the "device_identifier" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ClearDeviceIdentifier() { + m.device_identifier = nil + m.clearedFields[githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier] = struct{}{} +} + +// DeviceIdentifierCleared returns if the "device_identifier" field was cleared in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) DeviceIdentifierCleared() bool { + _, ok := m.clearedFields[githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier] + return ok +} + +// ResetDeviceIdentifier resets all changes to the "device_identifier" field. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetDeviceIdentifier() { + m.device_identifier = nil + delete(m.clearedFields, githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier) +} + +// Where appends a list predicates to the GithubFlowMutation builder. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Where(ps ...predicate.GithubFlow) { + m.predicates = append(m.predicates, ps...) +} + +// Op returns the operation name. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Op() Op { + return m.op +} + +// Type returns the node type of this mutation (GithubFlow). +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Type() string { + return m.typ +} + +// Fields returns all fields that were changed during this mutation. Note that in +// order to get all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented, call +// AddedFields(). +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Fields() []string { + fields := make([]string, 0, 7) + if m.created_at != nil { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldCreatedAt) + } + if m.state != nil { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldState) + } + if m.verifier != nil { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldVerifier) + } + if m.challenge != nil { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldChallenge) + } + if m.next_url != nil { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldNextURL) + } + if m.organization != nil { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldOrganization) + } + if m.device_identifier != nil { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier) + } + return fields +} + +// Field returns the value of a field with the given name. The second boolean +// return value indicates that this field was not set, or was not defined in the +// schema. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) Field(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { + switch name { + case githubflow.FieldCreatedAt: + return m.CreatedAt() + case githubflow.FieldState: + return m.State() + case githubflow.FieldVerifier: + return m.Verifier() + case githubflow.FieldChallenge: + return m.Challenge() + case githubflow.FieldNextURL: + return m.NextURL() + case githubflow.FieldOrganization: + return m.Organization() + case githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier: + return m.DeviceIdentifier() + } + return nil, false +} + +// OldField returns the old value of the field from the database. An error is +// returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the query to the +// database failed. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) OldField(ctx context.Context, name string) (ent.Value, error) { + switch name { + case githubflow.FieldCreatedAt: + return m.OldCreatedAt(ctx) + case githubflow.FieldState: + return m.OldState(ctx) + case githubflow.FieldVerifier: + return m.OldVerifier(ctx) + case githubflow.FieldChallenge: + return m.OldChallenge(ctx) + case githubflow.FieldNextURL: + return m.OldNextURL(ctx) + case githubflow.FieldOrganization: + return m.OldOrganization(ctx) + case githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier: + return m.OldDeviceIdentifier(ctx) + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown GithubFlow field %s", name) +} + +// SetField sets the value of a field with the given name. It returns an error if +// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field +// type. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) SetField(name string, value ent.Value) error { + switch name { + case githubflow.FieldCreatedAt: + v, ok := value.(time.Time) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetCreatedAt(v) + return nil + case githubflow.FieldState: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetState(v) + return nil + case githubflow.FieldVerifier: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetVerifier(v) + return nil + case githubflow.FieldChallenge: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetChallenge(v) + return nil + case githubflow.FieldNextURL: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetNextURL(v) + return nil + case githubflow.FieldOrganization: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetOrganization(v) + return nil + case githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier: + v, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) + } + m.SetDeviceIdentifier(v) + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown GithubFlow field %s", name) +} + +// AddedFields returns all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented during +// this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) AddedFields() []string { + return nil +} + +// AddedField returns the numeric value that was incremented/decremented on a field +// with the given name. The second boolean return value indicates that this field +// was not set, or was not defined in the schema. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) AddedField(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { + return nil, false +} + +// AddField adds the value to the field with the given name. It returns an error if +// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field +// type. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) AddField(name string, value ent.Value) error { + switch name { + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown GithubFlow numeric field %s", name) +} + +// ClearedFields returns all nullable fields that were cleared during this +// mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ClearedFields() []string { + var fields []string + if m.FieldCleared(githubflow.FieldOrganization) { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldOrganization) + } + if m.FieldCleared(githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier) { + fields = append(fields, githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier) + } + return fields +} + +// FieldCleared returns a boolean indicating if a field with the given name was +// cleared in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) FieldCleared(name string) bool { + _, ok := m.clearedFields[name] + return ok +} + +// ClearField clears the value of the field with the given name. It returns an +// error if the field is not defined in the schema. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ClearField(name string) error { + switch name { + case githubflow.FieldOrganization: + m.ClearOrganization() + return nil + case githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier: + m.ClearDeviceIdentifier() + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown GithubFlow nullable field %s", name) +} + +// ResetField resets all changes in the mutation for the field with the given name. +// It returns an error if the field is not defined in the schema. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetField(name string) error { + switch name { + case githubflow.FieldCreatedAt: + m.ResetCreatedAt() + return nil + case githubflow.FieldState: + m.ResetState() + return nil + case githubflow.FieldVerifier: + m.ResetVerifier() + return nil + case githubflow.FieldChallenge: + m.ResetChallenge() + return nil + case githubflow.FieldNextURL: + m.ResetNextURL() + return nil + case githubflow.FieldOrganization: + m.ResetOrganization() + return nil + case githubflow.FieldDeviceIdentifier: + m.ResetDeviceIdentifier() + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown GithubFlow field %s", name) +} + +// AddedEdges returns all edge names that were set/added in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) AddedEdges() []string { + edges := make([]string, 0, 0) + return edges +} + +// AddedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were added for the given edge +// name in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) AddedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { + return nil +} + +// RemovedEdges returns all edge names that were removed in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) RemovedEdges() []string { + edges := make([]string, 0, 0) + return edges +} + +// RemovedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were removed for the edge with +// the given name in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) RemovedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { + return nil +} + +// ClearedEdges returns all edge names that were cleared in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ClearedEdges() []string { + edges := make([]string, 0, 0) + return edges +} + +// EdgeCleared returns a boolean which indicates if the edge with the given name +// was cleared in this mutation. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) EdgeCleared(name string) bool { + return false +} + +// ClearEdge clears the value of the edge with the given name. It returns an error +// if that edge is not defined in the schema. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ClearEdge(name string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("unknown GithubFlow unique edge %s", name) +} + +// ResetEdge resets all changes to the edge with the given name in this mutation. +// It returns an error if the edge is not defined in the schema. +func (m *GithubFlowMutation) ResetEdge(name string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("unknown GithubFlow edge %s", name) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/predicate/predicate.go b/internal/ent/predicate/predicate.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2993737 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/predicate/predicate.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package predicate + +import ( + "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" +) + +// DeviceFlow is the predicate function for deviceflow builders. +type DeviceFlow func(*sql.Selector) + +// GithubFlow is the predicate function for githubflow builders. +type GithubFlow func(*sql.Selector) diff --git a/internal/ent/runtime.go b/internal/ent/runtime.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88dafa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/runtime.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package ent + +import ( + "time" + + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/schema" +) + +// The init function reads all schema descriptors with runtime code +// (default values, validators, hooks and policies) and stitches it +// to their package variables. +func init() { + deviceflowFields := schema.DeviceFlow{}.Fields() + _ = deviceflowFields + // deviceflowDescCreatedAt is the schema descriptor for created_at field. + deviceflowDescCreatedAt := deviceflowFields[0].Descriptor() + // deviceflow.DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the created_at field. + deviceflow.DefaultCreatedAt = deviceflowDescCreatedAt.Default.(func() time.Time) + // deviceflowDescLastPoll is the schema descriptor for last_poll field. + deviceflowDescLastPoll := deviceflowFields[1].Descriptor() + // deviceflow.DefaultLastPoll holds the default value on creation for the last_poll field. + deviceflow.DefaultLastPoll = deviceflowDescLastPoll.Default.(func() time.Time) + // deviceflowDescIdentifier is the schema descriptor for identifier field. + deviceflowDescIdentifier := deviceflowFields[2].Descriptor() + // deviceflow.IdentifierValidator is a validator for the "identifier" field. It is called by the builders before save. + deviceflow.IdentifierValidator = deviceflowDescIdentifier.Validators[0].(func(string) error) + // deviceflowDescDeviceCode is the schema descriptor for device_code field. + deviceflowDescDeviceCode := deviceflowFields[3].Descriptor() + // deviceflow.DeviceCodeValidator is a validator for the "device_code" field. It is called by the builders before save. + deviceflow.DeviceCodeValidator = deviceflowDescDeviceCode.Validators[0].(func(string) error) + // deviceflowDescUserCode is the schema descriptor for user_code field. + deviceflowDescUserCode := deviceflowFields[4].Descriptor() + // deviceflow.UserCodeValidator is a validator for the "user_code" field. It is called by the builders before save. + deviceflow.UserCodeValidator = deviceflowDescUserCode.Validators[0].(func(string) error) + githubflowFields := schema.GithubFlow{}.Fields() + _ = githubflowFields + // githubflowDescCreatedAt is the schema descriptor for created_at field. + githubflowDescCreatedAt := githubflowFields[0].Descriptor() + // githubflow.DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the created_at field. + githubflow.DefaultCreatedAt = githubflowDescCreatedAt.Default.(func() time.Time) + // githubflowDescState is the schema descriptor for state field. + githubflowDescState := githubflowFields[1].Descriptor() + // githubflow.StateValidator is a validator for the "state" field. It is called by the builders before save. + githubflow.StateValidator = githubflowDescState.Validators[0].(func(string) error) + // githubflowDescVerifier is the schema descriptor for verifier field. + githubflowDescVerifier := githubflowFields[2].Descriptor() + // githubflow.VerifierValidator is a validator for the "verifier" field. It is called by the builders before save. + githubflow.VerifierValidator = githubflowDescVerifier.Validators[0].(func(string) error) + // githubflowDescChallenge is the schema descriptor for challenge field. + githubflowDescChallenge := githubflowFields[3].Descriptor() + // githubflow.ChallengeValidator is a validator for the "challenge" field. It is called by the builders before save. + githubflow.ChallengeValidator = githubflowDescChallenge.Validators[0].(func(string) error) + // githubflowDescNextURL is the schema descriptor for next_url field. + githubflowDescNextURL := githubflowFields[4].Descriptor() + // githubflow.NextURLValidator is a validator for the "next_url" field. It is called by the builders before save. + githubflow.NextURLValidator = githubflowDescNextURL.Validators[0].(func(string) error) +} diff --git a/internal/ent/runtime/runtime.go b/internal/ent/runtime/runtime.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d82c8b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/runtime/runtime.go @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. + +package runtime + +// The schema-stitching logic is generated in github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/runtime.go + +const ( + Version = "v0.11.4" // Version of ent codegen. + Sum = "h1:grwVY0fp31BZ6oEo3YrXenAuv8VJmEw7F/Bi6WqeH3Q=" // Sum of ent codegen. +) diff --git a/internal/ent/schema/deviceFlow.go b/internal/ent/schema/deviceFlow.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4892c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/schema/deviceFlow.go @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package schema + +import ( + "entgo.io/ent" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "time" +) + +// DeviceFlow holds the schema definition for the Device Flow entity. +type DeviceFlow struct { + ent.Schema +} + +// Fields of the DeviceFlow. +func (DeviceFlow) Fields() []ent.Field { + return []ent.Field{ + field.Time("created_at").Immutable().Default(time.Now), + field.Time("last_poll").Default(time.Now), + field.String("identifier").Unique().Immutable().NotEmpty(), + field.String("device_code").Unique().Immutable().NotEmpty(), + field.String("user_code").Unique().Immutable().NotEmpty(), + field.String("session").Unique().Optional(), + field.Time("expires_at").Optional(), + } +} + +// Edges of the DeviceFlow. +func (DeviceFlow) Edges() []ent.Edge { + return nil +} diff --git a/internal/ent/schema/githubFlow.go b/internal/ent/schema/githubFlow.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13e2c95 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/ent/schema/githubFlow.go @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package schema + +import ( + "entgo.io/ent" + "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" + "time" +) + +// GithubFlow holds the schema definition for the Flow entity. +type GithubFlow struct { + ent.Schema +} + +// Fields of the GithubFlow. +func (GithubFlow) Fields() []ent.Field { + return []ent.Field{ + field.Time("created_at").Immutable().Default(time.Now), + field.String("state").Unique().Immutable().NotEmpty(), + field.String("verifier").Unique().Immutable().NotEmpty(), + field.String("challenge").Unique().Immutable().NotEmpty(), + field.String("next_url").Immutable().NotEmpty(), + field.String("organization").Immutable().Optional(), + field.String("device_identifier").Unique().Immutable().Optional(), + } +} + +// Edges of the GithubFlow. +func (GithubFlow) Edges() []ent.Edge { + return nil +} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/tx.go b/internal/ent/tx.go similarity index 79% rename from pkg/storage/default/ent/tx.go rename to internal/ent/tx.go index 2fc5cd5..6f0eb35 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/tx.go +++ b/internal/ent/tx.go @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + // Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. package ent @@ -12,22 +28,14 @@ import ( // Tx is a transactional client that is created by calling Client.Tx(). type Tx struct { config - // APIKey is the client for interacting with the APIKey builders. - APIKey *APIKeyClient - // ServiceKey is the client for interacting with the ServiceKey builders. - ServiceKey *ServiceKeyClient - // User is the client for interacting with the User builders. - User *UserClient + // DeviceFlow is the client for interacting with the DeviceFlow builders. + DeviceFlow *DeviceFlowClient + // GithubFlow is the client for interacting with the GithubFlow builders. + GithubFlow *GithubFlowClient // lazily loaded. client *Client clientOnce sync.Once - - // completion callbacks. - mu sync.Mutex - onCommit []CommitHook - onRollback []RollbackHook - // ctx lives for the life of the transaction. It is // the same context used by the underlying connection. ctx context.Context @@ -72,9 +80,9 @@ func (tx *Tx) Commit() error { var fn Committer = CommitFunc(func(context.Context, *Tx) error { return txDriver.tx.Commit() }) - tx.mu.Lock() - hooks := append([]CommitHook(nil), tx.onCommit...) - tx.mu.Unlock() + txDriver.mu.Lock() + hooks := append([]CommitHook(nil), txDriver.onCommit...) + txDriver.mu.Unlock() for i := len(hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { fn = hooks[i](fn) } @@ -83,9 +91,10 @@ func (tx *Tx) Commit() error { // OnCommit adds a hook to call on commit. func (tx *Tx) OnCommit(f CommitHook) { - tx.mu.Lock() - defer tx.mu.Unlock() - tx.onCommit = append(tx.onCommit, f) + txDriver := tx.config.driver.(*txDriver) + txDriver.mu.Lock() + txDriver.onCommit = append(txDriver.onCommit, f) + txDriver.mu.Unlock() } type ( @@ -127,9 +136,9 @@ func (tx *Tx) Rollback() error { var fn Rollbacker = RollbackFunc(func(context.Context, *Tx) error { return txDriver.tx.Rollback() }) - tx.mu.Lock() - hooks := append([]RollbackHook(nil), tx.onRollback...) - tx.mu.Unlock() + txDriver.mu.Lock() + hooks := append([]RollbackHook(nil), txDriver.onRollback...) + txDriver.mu.Unlock() for i := len(hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { fn = hooks[i](fn) } @@ -138,9 +147,10 @@ func (tx *Tx) Rollback() error { // OnRollback adds a hook to call on rollback. func (tx *Tx) OnRollback(f RollbackHook) { - tx.mu.Lock() - defer tx.mu.Unlock() - tx.onRollback = append(tx.onRollback, f) + txDriver := tx.config.driver.(*txDriver) + txDriver.mu.Lock() + txDriver.onRollback = append(txDriver.onRollback, f) + txDriver.mu.Unlock() } // Client returns a Client that binds to current transaction. @@ -153,9 +163,8 @@ func (tx *Tx) Client() *Client { } func (tx *Tx) init() { - tx.APIKey = NewAPIKeyClient(tx.config) - tx.ServiceKey = NewServiceKeyClient(tx.config) - tx.User = NewUserClient(tx.config) + tx.DeviceFlow = NewDeviceFlowClient(tx.config) + tx.GithubFlow = NewGithubFlowClient(tx.config) } // txDriver wraps the given dialect.Tx with a nop dialect.Driver implementation. @@ -165,7 +174,7 @@ func (tx *Tx) init() { // of them in order to commit or rollback the transaction. // // If a closed transaction is embedded in one of the generated entities, and the entity -// applies a query, for example: APIKey.QueryXXX(), the query will be executed +// applies a query, for example: DeviceFlow.QueryXXX(), the query will be executed // through the driver which created this transaction. // // Note that txDriver is not goroutine safe. @@ -174,6 +183,10 @@ type txDriver struct { drv dialect.Driver // tx is the underlying transaction. tx dialect.Tx + // completion hooks. + mu sync.Mutex + onCommit []CommitHook + onRollback []RollbackHook } // newTx creates a new transactional driver. diff --git a/main.go b/main.go deleted file mode 100644 index daa39bf..0000000 --- a/main.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package main - -import ( - "errors" - dexStorage "github.com/dexidp/dex/storage" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/config" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/options" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/providers" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/server" - database "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default" - "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" -) - -func main() { - logger := logrus.New() - logger.Info("Starting Auth Server") - conf := config.New() - - logger.Infof("Config: %+v", conf) - - d, err := database.New(conf.Database.Type, conf.Database.URL, conf.DexDatabase.Type, conf.DexDatabase.URL, logrus.NewEntry(logger).WithField("COMPONENT", "DATABASE")) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - - var gh *providers.GithubProvider - if conf.OAuth.GithubOAuth.Enabled { - gh = &providers.GithubProvider{ - ID: "github", - ClientID: conf.OAuth.GithubOAuth.ClientID, - ClientSecret: conf.OAuth.GithubOAuth.ClientSecret, - RedirectURI: conf.OAuth.GithubOAuth.RedirectURI, - } - } - err = server.BootstrapConnectors(d, gh) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - - o := &options.Options{ - Issuer: conf.Issuer, - AllowedOrigins: []string{"*"}, - Storage: d, - Logger: logrus.New(), - NewUser: d.NewUser, - } - - s, err := server.New(o) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - - for _, c := range conf.Clients { - err = server.CreateClient(d, c.ID, c.Secret, []string{c.RedirectURI}, c.Public, c.ID, c.Logo) - if err != nil { - if errors.Is(err, dexStorage.ErrAlreadyExists) { - logger.Infof("Client %s already exists, checking if it needs to be updated", c.ID) - cl, err := server.GetClient(d, c.ID) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - if cl.Secret != c.Secret || (len(cl.RedirectURIs) == 1 && cl.RedirectURIs[0] != c.RedirectURI) || cl.Public != c.Public || cl.LogoURL != c.Logo { - logger.Infof("Client %s needs to be updated", c.ID) - err = server.UpdateClient(d, c.ID, c.Secret, []string{c.RedirectURI}, c.Public, c.ID, c.Logo) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - logger.Infof("Client %s updated", c.ID) - } else { - logger.Infof("Client %s does not need to be updated", c.ID) - } - } else { - panic(err) - } - } - } - - err = s.App().Listen(conf.Listen) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} diff --git a/pkg/api/api.go b/pkg/api/api.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e77753f --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/api.go @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package api + +import ( + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2/middleware/cors" + v1 "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1" + v1Docs "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/docs" + v1Options "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/options" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" + "net" +) + +const ( + V1Path = "/v1" +) + +type API struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + app *fiber.App + v1Options *v1Options.Options +} + +func New(v1Options *v1Options.Options, logger *zerolog.Logger) *API { + l := logger.With().Str("AUTH", "API").Logger() + s := &API{ + logger: &l, + app: utils.DefaultFiberApp(), + v1Options: v1Options, + } + + s.init() + + return s +} + +func (s *API) init() { + s.logger.Debug().Msg("initializing") + s.app.Use(cors.New()) + s.app.Mount(V1Path, v1.New(s.v1Options, s.logger).App()) +} + +func (s *API) Start(addr string, host string, tls bool) error { + listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + v1Docs.SwaggerInfoapi.Host = host + v1Docs.SwaggerInfoapi.Schemes = []string{"http"} + if tls { + v1Docs.SwaggerInfoapi.Schemes = []string{"https"} + } + return s.app.Listener(listener) +} + +func (s *API) Stop() error { + err := s.app.Shutdown() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + err = s.v1Options.Manager().Stop() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if s.v1Options.Github() != nil { + err = s.v1Options.Github().Stop() + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if s.v1Options.Device() != nil { + err = s.v1Options.Device().Stop() + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/config/config.go b/pkg/api/v1/config/config.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5b3640 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/config/config.go @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package config + +import ( + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/models" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/options" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" +) + +type Config struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + app *fiber.App + options *options.Options +} + +func New(options *options.Options, logger *zerolog.Logger) *Config { + l := logger.With().Str("ROUTER", "CONFIG").Logger() + i := &Config{ + logger: &l, + app: utils.DefaultFiberApp(), + options: options, + } + + i.init() + + return i +} + +func (a *Config) init() { + a.logger.Debug().Msg("initializing") + a.app.Get("/", a.Config) +} + +func (a *Config) App() *fiber.App { + return a.app +} + +// Config godoc +// @Summary Config gets the public configuration of the API +// @Description Config gets the public configuration of the API +// @Tags config +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Success 200 {array} models.ConfigResponse +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /config [get] +func (a *Config) Config(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + a.logger.Debug().Msgf("received Config from %s", ctx.IP()) + res := new(models.ConfigResponse) + if a.options.Github() != nil { + res.GithubEnabled = true + } + return ctx.JSON(res) +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/device/device.go b/pkg/api/v1/device/device.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acf1cf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/device/device.go @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package device + +import ( + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/models" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/options" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" + "time" +) + +const ( + DefaultPollingRate = 5 // 5 seconds +) + +type Device struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + app *fiber.App + options *options.Options +} + +func New(options *options.Options, logger *zerolog.Logger) *Device { + l := logger.With().Str("ROUTER", "DEVICE").Logger() + i := &Device{ + logger: &l, + app: utils.DefaultFiberApp(), + options: options, + } + + i.init() + + return i +} + +func (d *Device) init() { + d.logger.Debug().Msg("initializing") + d.app.Post("/flow", d.DeviceFlow) + d.app.Post("/callback", d.DeviceCallback) + d.app.Post("/poll", d.DevicePoll) +} + +func (d *Device) App() *fiber.App { + return d.app +} + +// DeviceFlow godoc +// @Summary DeviceFlow starts the device code flow +// @Description DeviceFlow starts the device code flow +// @Tags device, login +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Success 200 {object} models.DeviceFlowResponse +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /device/flow [post] +func (d *Device) DeviceFlow(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("received DeviceFlow from %s", ctx.IP()) + if d.options.Device() == nil { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("device code provider is not enabled") + } + + deviceCode, userCode, err := d.options.Device().StartFlow(ctx.Context()) + if err != nil { + d.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to get device code and user code") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to get device code and user code") + } + + return ctx.JSON(&models.DeviceFlowResponse{ + DeviceCode: deviceCode, + UserCode: userCode, + PollingRate: DefaultPollingRate, + }) +} + +// DeviceCallback godoc +// @Summary DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier +// @Description DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier +// @Tags device, callback +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param code query string true "device code" +// @Success 200 {object} models.DeviceCallbackResponse +// @Failure 400 {string} string +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /device/callback [post] +func (d *Device) DeviceCallback(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("received DeviceCallback from %s", ctx.IP()) + if d.options.Device() == nil { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("device code provider is not enabled") + } + + code := ctx.Query("code") + if code == "" { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).SendString("code is required") + } + + identifier, err := d.options.Device().ValidateFlow(ctx.Context(), code) + if err != nil { + if ent.IsNotFound(err) { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid code") + } + d.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to validate device code") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to validate device code") + } + + return ctx.JSON(&models.DeviceCallbackResponse{ + Identifier: identifier, + }) +} + +// DevicePoll godoc +// @Summary DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code +// @Description DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code +// @Tags device, poll +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param code query string true "user code" +// @Success 200 {string} string +// @Failure 400 {string} string +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 403 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /device/poll [post] +func (d *Device) DevicePoll(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("received DevicePoll from %s", ctx.IP()) + if d.options.Device() == nil { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("device code provider is not enabled") + } + + code := ctx.Query("code") + if code == "" { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).SendString("code is required") + } + + session, expires, lastPoll, err := d.options.Device().PollFlow(ctx.Context(), code) + if err != nil { + if ent.IsNotFound(err) { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid code") + } + d.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to poll device code") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to poll device code") + } + + if lastPoll.Add(DefaultPollingRate * time.Second).After(time.Now()) { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("polling rate exceeded") + } + + if session != "" { + if expires.Before(time.Now()) { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("code expired") + } + + ctx.Cookie(d.options.Manager().GenerateCookie(session, expires)) + + return ctx.SendString("success") + } + + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusForbidden).SendString("code not yet authorized") +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_docs.go b/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_docs.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56eb06b --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_docs.go @@ -0,0 +1,511 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +// Package docs GENERATED BY SWAG; DO NOT EDIT +// This file was generated by swaggo/swag +package docs + +import "github.com/swaggo/swag" + +const docTemplateapi = `{ + "schemes": {{ marshal .Schemes }}, + "swagger": "2.0", + "info": { + "description": "{{escape .Description}}", + "title": "{{.Title}}", + "termsOfService": "https://loopholelabs.io/privacy", + "contact": { + "name": "API Support", + "email": "admin@loopholelabs.io" + }, + "license": { + "name": "Apache 2.0", + "url": "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html" + }, + "version": "{{.Version}}" + }, + "host": "{{.Host}}", + "basePath": "{{.BasePath}}", + "paths": { + "/config": { + "get": { + "description": "Config gets the public configuration of the API", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "config" + ], + "summary": "Config gets the public configuration of the API", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/models.ConfigResponse" + } + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/device/callback": { + "post": { + "description": "DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "device", + "callback" + ], + "summary": "DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "device code", + "name": "code", + "in": "query", + "required": true + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/models.DeviceCallbackResponse" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/device/flow": { + "post": { + "description": "DeviceFlow starts the device code flow", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "device", + "login" + ], + "summary": "DeviceFlow starts the device code flow", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/models.DeviceFlowResponse" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/device/poll": { + "post": { + "description": "DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "device", + "poll" + ], + "summary": "DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "user code", + "name": "code", + "in": "query", + "required": true + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "403": { + "description": "Forbidden", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/github/callback": { + "get": { + "description": "GithubCallback logs in a user with Github", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "github", + "callback" + ], + "summary": "GithubCallback logs in a user with Github", + "responses": { + "307": { + "description": "Temporary Redirect", + "headers": { + "Location": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Redirects to Next URL" + } + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "403": { + "description": "Forbidden", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "404": { + "description": "Not Found", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/github/login": { + "get": { + "description": "GithubLogin logs in a user with Github", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "github", + "login" + ], + "summary": "GithubLogin logs in a user with Github", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Next Redirect URL", + "name": "next", + "in": "query" + }, + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Organization", + "name": "organization", + "in": "query" + }, + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Device Code Identifier", + "name": "identifier", + "in": "query" + } + ], + "responses": { + "307": { + "description": "Temporary Redirect", + "headers": { + "Location": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Redirects to Github" + } + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/loggedin": { + "post": { + "description": "IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "login" + ], + "summary": "IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/logout": { + "post": { + "description": "Logout logs out a user", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "logout" + ], + "summary": "Logout logs out a user", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/servicekey/login": { + "post": { + "description": "ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "servicekey", + "login" + ], + "summary": "ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Service Key", + "name": "servicekey", + "in": "query", + "required": true + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + } + }, + "definitions": { + "models.ConfigResponse": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "github_enabled": { + "type": "boolean" + } + } + }, + "models.DeviceCallbackResponse": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "identifier": { + "type": "string" + } + } + }, + "models.DeviceFlowResponse": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "device_code": { + "type": "string" + }, + "polling_rate": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "user_code": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } +}` + +// SwaggerInfoapi holds exported Swagger Info so clients can modify it +var SwaggerInfoapi = &swag.Spec{ + Version: "1.0", + Host: "localhost:8080", + BasePath: "/v1", + Schemes: []string{"https"}, + Title: "Auth API V1", + Description: "Auth API, V1", + InfoInstanceName: "api", + SwaggerTemplate: docTemplateapi, +} + +func init() { + swag.Register(SwaggerInfoapi.InstanceName(), SwaggerInfoapi) +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_swagger.json b/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_swagger.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb651c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_swagger.json @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +{ + "schemes": [ + "https" + ], + "swagger": "2.0", + "info": { + "description": "Auth API, V1", + "title": "Auth API V1", + "termsOfService": "https://loopholelabs.io/privacy", + "contact": { + "name": "API Support", + "email": "admin@loopholelabs.io" + }, + "license": { + "name": "Apache 2.0", + "url": "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html" + }, + "version": "1.0" + }, + "host": "localhost:8080", + "basePath": "/v1", + "paths": { + "/config": { + "get": { + "description": "Config gets the public configuration of the API", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "config" + ], + "summary": "Config gets the public configuration of the API", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/models.ConfigResponse" + } + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/device/callback": { + "post": { + "description": "DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "device", + "callback" + ], + "summary": "DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "device code", + "name": "code", + "in": "query", + "required": true + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/models.DeviceCallbackResponse" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/device/flow": { + "post": { + "description": "DeviceFlow starts the device code flow", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "device", + "login" + ], + "summary": "DeviceFlow starts the device code flow", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/models.DeviceFlowResponse" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/device/poll": { + "post": { + "description": "DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "device", + "poll" + ], + "summary": "DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "user code", + "name": "code", + "in": "query", + "required": true + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "403": { + "description": "Forbidden", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/github/callback": { + "get": { + "description": "GithubCallback logs in a user with Github", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "github", + "callback" + ], + "summary": "GithubCallback logs in a user with Github", + "responses": { + "307": { + "description": "Temporary Redirect", + "headers": { + "Location": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Redirects to Next URL" + } + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "403": { + "description": "Forbidden", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "404": { + "description": "Not Found", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/github/login": { + "get": { + "description": "GithubLogin logs in a user with Github", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "github", + "login" + ], + "summary": "GithubLogin logs in a user with Github", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Next Redirect URL", + "name": "next", + "in": "query" + }, + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Organization", + "name": "organization", + "in": "query" + }, + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Device Code Identifier", + "name": "identifier", + "in": "query" + } + ], + "responses": { + "307": { + "description": "Temporary Redirect", + "headers": { + "Location": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Redirects to Github" + } + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/loggedin": { + "post": { + "description": "IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "login" + ], + "summary": "IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/logout": { + "post": { + "description": "Logout logs out a user", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "logout" + ], + "summary": "Logout logs out a user", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Bad Request", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "/servicekey/login": { + "post": { + "description": "ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key", + "consumes": [ + "application/json" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "tags": [ + "servicekey", + "login" + ], + "summary": "ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key", + "parameters": [ + { + "type": "string", + "description": "Service Key", + "name": "servicekey", + "in": "query", + "required": true + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "OK", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "401": { + "description": "Unauthorized", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "500": { + "description": "Internal Server Error", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + } + }, + "definitions": { + "models.ConfigResponse": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "github_enabled": { + "type": "boolean" + } + } + }, + "models.DeviceCallbackResponse": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "identifier": { + "type": "string" + } + } + }, + "models.DeviceFlowResponse": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "device_code": { + "type": "string" + }, + "polling_rate": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "user_code": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_swagger.yaml b/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_swagger.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f8a1ce --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/docs/api_swagger.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +basePath: /v1 +definitions: + models.ConfigResponse: + properties: + github_enabled: + type: boolean + type: object + models.DeviceCallbackResponse: + properties: + identifier: + type: string + type: object + models.DeviceFlowResponse: + properties: + device_code: + type: string + polling_rate: + type: integer + user_code: + type: string + type: object +host: localhost:8080 +info: + contact: + email: admin@loopholelabs.io + name: API Support + description: Auth API, V1 + license: + name: Apache 2.0 + url: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html + termsOfService: https://loopholelabs.io/privacy + title: Auth API V1 + version: "1.0" +paths: + /config: + get: + consumes: + - application/json + description: Config gets the public configuration of the API + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + items: + $ref: '#/definitions/models.ConfigResponse' + type: array + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: Config gets the public configuration of the API + tags: + - config + /device/callback: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier + parameters: + - description: device code + in: query + name: code + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/models.DeviceCallbackResponse' + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + type: string + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: DeviceCallback validates the device code and returns the flow identifier + tags: + - device + - callback + /device/flow: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: DeviceFlow starts the device code flow + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/models.DeviceFlowResponse' + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: DeviceFlow starts the device code flow + tags: + - device + - login + /device/poll: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code + parameters: + - description: user code + in: query + name: code + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + type: string + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + type: string + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "403": + description: Forbidden + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: DevicePoll polls the device code flow using the user code + tags: + - device + - poll + /github/callback: + get: + consumes: + - application/json + description: GithubCallback logs in a user with Github + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "307": + description: Temporary Redirect + headers: + Location: + description: Redirects to Next URL + type: string + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "403": + description: Forbidden + schema: + type: string + "404": + description: Not Found + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: GithubCallback logs in a user with Github + tags: + - github + - callback + /github/login: + get: + consumes: + - application/json + description: GithubLogin logs in a user with Github + parameters: + - description: Next Redirect URL + in: query + name: next + type: string + - description: Organization + in: query + name: organization + type: string + - description: Device Code Identifier + in: query + name: identifier + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "307": + description: Temporary Redirect + headers: + Location: + description: Redirects to Github + type: string + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: GithubLogin logs in a user with Github + tags: + - github + - login + /loggedin: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + type: string + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + type: string + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in + tags: + - login + /logout: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: Logout logs out a user + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + type: string + "400": + description: Bad Request + schema: + type: string + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: Logout logs out a user + tags: + - logout + /servicekey/login: + post: + consumes: + - application/json + description: ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key + parameters: + - description: Service Key + in: query + name: servicekey + required: true + type: string + produces: + - application/json + responses: + "200": + description: OK + schema: + type: string + "401": + description: Unauthorized + schema: + type: string + "500": + description: Internal Server Error + schema: + type: string + summary: ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key + tags: + - servicekey + - login +schemes: +- https +swagger: "2.0" diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/github/github.go b/pkg/api/v1/github/github.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d83ab47 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/github/github.go @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package github + +import ( + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/options" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/kind" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" +) + +type Github struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + app *fiber.App + options *options.Options +} + +func New(options *options.Options, logger *zerolog.Logger) *Github { + l := logger.With().Str("ROUTER", "GITHUB").Logger() + i := &Github{ + logger: &l, + app: utils.DefaultFiberApp(), + options: options, + } + + i.init() + + return i +} + +func (a *Github) init() { + a.logger.Debug().Msg("initializing") + a.app.Get("/login", a.GithubLogin) + a.app.Get("/callback", a.GithubCallback) +} + +func (a *Github) App() *fiber.App { + return a.app +} + +// GithubLogin godoc +// @Summary GithubLogin logs in a user with Github +// @Description GithubLogin logs in a user with Github +// @Tags github, login +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param next query string false "Next Redirect URL" +// @Param organization query string false "Organization" +// @Param identifier query string false "Device Code Identifier" +// @Success 307 +// @Header 307 {string} Location "Redirects to Github" +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /github/login [get] +func (a *Github) GithubLogin(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + a.logger.Debug().Msgf("received GithubLogin from %s", ctx.IP()) + if a.options.Github() == nil { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("github provider is not enabled") + } + + redirect, err := a.options.Github().StartFlow(ctx.Context(), ctx.Query("next", a.options.NextURL()), ctx.Query("organization"), ctx.Query("identifier")) + if err != nil { + a.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to get redirect") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to get redirect") + } + return ctx.Redirect(redirect, fiber.StatusTemporaryRedirect) +} + +// GithubCallback godoc +// @Summary GithubCallback logs in a user with Github +// @Description GithubCallback logs in a user with Github +// @Tags github, callback +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Success 307 +// @Header 307 {string} Location "Redirects to Next URL" +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 403 {string} string +// @Failure 404 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /github/callback [get] +func (a *Github) GithubCallback(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + a.logger.Debug().Msgf("received GithubCallback from %s", ctx.IP()) + if a.options.Github() == nil { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("github provider is not enabled") + } + + code := ctx.Query("code") + if code == "" { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("code is required") + } + + state := ctx.Query("state") + if state == "" { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("state is required") + } + + a.logger.Debug().Msgf("completing flow for state %s", state) + userID, organization, nextURL, deviceIdentifier, err := a.options.Github().CompleteFlow(ctx.Context(), code, state) + if err != nil { + if ent.IsNotFound(err) { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("code is invalid") + } + a.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to get token") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to get token") + } + + a.logger.Debug().Msgf("creating session for user %s", userID) + + sessionKind := kind.Default + if deviceIdentifier != "" { + if a.options.Device() == nil { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("device provider is not enabled") + } + sessionKind = kind.Device + } + + cookie, err := a.options.Manager().CreateSession(ctx, sessionKind, a.options.Github().Key(), userID, organization) + if cookie == nil { + return err + } + + if deviceIdentifier != "" { + err = a.options.Device().CompleteFlow(ctx.Context(), deviceIdentifier, cookie.Value, cookie.Expires) + if err != nil { + a.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to complete device flow") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to complete device flow") + } + } else { + ctx.Cookie(cookie) + } + + return ctx.Redirect(nextURL, fiber.StatusTemporaryRedirect) + +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/models/models.go b/pkg/api/v1/models/models.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1999e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/models/models.go @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package models + +type ConfigResponse struct { + GithubEnabled bool `json:"github_enabled"` +} + +type DeviceFlowResponse struct { + DeviceCode string `json:"device_code"` + UserCode string `json:"user_code"` + PollingRate int64 `json:"polling_rate"` +} + +type DeviceCallbackResponse struct { + Identifier string `json:"identifier"` +} + +type ServiceKeyLoginResponse struct { + ServiceKeySessionID string `json:"service_key_session_id"` + ServiceKeySessionSecret string `json:"service_key_session_secret"` + ServiceKeyID string `json:"service_key_id"` + UserID string `json:"user_id"` + Organization string `json:"organization"` + ResourceType string `json:"resource_type"` + ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/options/options.go b/pkg/api/v1/options/options.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c1346f --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/options/options.go @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package options + +import ( + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/manager" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider/device" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider/github" +) + +type Github func() *github.Github + +type Device func() *device.Device + +type NextURL func() string + +type Modifier func(*Options) + +func WithGithub(github Github) Modifier { + return func(options *Options) { + options.github = github + } +} + +func WithDevice(device Device) Modifier { + return func(options *Options) { + options.device = device + } +} + +type Options struct { + github Github + device Device + nextURL NextURL + manager *manager.Manager +} + +func New(manager *manager.Manager, nextURL NextURL, modifiers ...Modifier) *Options { + options := &Options{ + manager: manager, + nextURL: nextURL, + } + + for _, modifier := range modifiers { + modifier(options) + } + + if options.github == nil { + options.github = func() *github.Github { + return nil + } + } + + if options.device == nil { + options.device = func() *device.Device { + return nil + } + } + + return options +} + +func (o *Options) Github() *github.Github { + return o.github() +} + +func (o *Options) Device() *device.Device { + return o.device() +} + +func (o *Options) Manager() *manager.Manager { + return o.manager +} + +func (o *Options) NextURL() string { + return o.nextURL() +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/servicekey/servicekey.go b/pkg/api/v1/servicekey/servicekey.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f64e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/servicekey/servicekey.go @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package servicekey + +import ( + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/models" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/options" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/manager" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" + "strings" +) + +type ServiceKey struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + app *fiber.App + options *options.Options +} + +func New(options *options.Options, logger *zerolog.Logger) *ServiceKey { + l := logger.With().Str("ROUTER", "SERVICEKEY").Logger() + i := &ServiceKey{ + logger: &l, + app: utils.DefaultFiberApp(), + options: options, + } + + i.init() + + return i +} + +func (a *ServiceKey) init() { + a.logger.Debug().Msg("initializing") + a.app.Post("/login", a.ServiceKeyLogin) +} + +func (a *ServiceKey) App() *fiber.App { + return a.app +} + +// ServiceKeyLogin godoc +// @Summary ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key +// @Description ServiceKeyLogin logs in a user with their Service Key +// @Tags servicekey, login +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Param servicekey query string true "Service Key" +// @Success 200 {string} string +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /servicekey/login [post] +func (a *ServiceKey) ServiceKeyLogin(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + a.logger.Debug().Msgf("received ServiceKeyLogin from %s", ctx.IP()) + + servicekey := ctx.Query("servicekey") + if servicekey == "" { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).SendString("service key is required") + } + + if !strings.HasPrefix(servicekey, auth.ServiceKeyPrefixString) { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).SendString("invalid service key") + } + + keySplit := strings.Split(servicekey, manager.KeyDelimiterString) + if len(keySplit) != 2 { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid service key") + } + + keyID := keySplit[0] + keySecret := []byte(keySplit[1]) + + a.logger.Debug().Msgf("logging in user with service key ID %s", keyID) + sess, secret, err := a.options.Manager().CreateServiceKeySession(ctx, keyID, keySecret) + if sess == nil || secret == nil { + return err + } + + return ctx.JSON(&models.ServiceKeyLoginResponse{ + ServiceKeySessionID: sess.ID, + ServiceKeySessionSecret: string(secret), + ServiceKeyID: sess.ServiceKeyID, + UserID: sess.UserID, + Organization: sess.Organization, + ResourceType: sess.ResourceType, + ResourceID: sess.ResourceID, + }) +} + +func (a *ServiceKey) ServiceKeyLogout(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/pkg/api/v1/v1.go b/pkg/api/v1/v1.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f763ca6 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/api/v1/v1.go @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package v1 + +import ( + "fmt" + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/config" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/device" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/docs" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/github" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/options" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/api/v1/servicekey" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" +) + +//go:generate swag init -g v1.go -o docs --parseDependency --instanceName api -d ./ +type V1 struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + app *fiber.App + options *options.Options +} + +func New(options *options.Options, logger *zerolog.Logger) *V1 { + l := logger.With().Str("VERSION", "v1").Logger() + v := &V1{ + logger: &l, + app: utils.DefaultFiberApp(), + options: options, + } + + v.init() + + return v +} + +// @title Auth API V1 +// @version 1.0 +// @description Auth API, V1 +// @termsOfService https://loopholelabs.io/privacy +// @contact.name API Support +// @contact.email admin@loopholelabs.io +// @license.name Apache 2.0 +// @license.url https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html +// @host localhost:8080 +// @schemes https +// @BasePath /v1 +func (v *V1) init() { + v.logger.Debug().Msg("initializing") + + v.app.Mount("/config", config.New(v.options, v.logger).App()) + v.app.Mount("/github", github.New(v.options, v.logger).App()) + v.app.Mount("/device", device.New(v.options, v.logger).App()) + v.app.Mount("/servicekey", servicekey.New(v.options, v.logger).App()) + + v.app.Post("/logout", v.Logout) + v.app.Post("/loggedin", v.options.Manager().Validate, v.IsLoggedIn) + + v.app.Get("/swagger.json", func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + ctx.Response().Header.SetContentType("application/json") + return ctx.SendString(docs.SwaggerInfoapi.ReadDoc()) + }) +} + +func (v *V1) App() *fiber.App { + return v.app +} + +// Logout godoc +// @Summary Logout logs out a user +// @Description Logout logs out a user +// @Tags logout +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Success 200 {string} string +// @Failure 400 {string} string +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /logout [post] +func (v *V1) Logout(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + v.logger.Debug().Msgf("received Logout from %s", ctx.IP()) + + err := v.options.Manager().LogoutSession(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + err = v.options.Manager().LogoutServiceKeySession(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + return ctx.SendString("logged out") +} + +// IsLoggedIn godoc +// @Summary IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in +// @Description IsLoggedIn checks if a user is logged in +// @Tags login +// @Accept json +// @Produce json +// @Success 200 {string} string +// @Failure 400 {string} string +// @Failure 401 {string} string +// @Failure 500 {string} string +// @Router /loggedin [post] +func (v *V1) IsLoggedIn(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + v.logger.Debug().Msgf("received IsLoggedIn from %s", ctx.IP()) + userID, ok := ctx.Locals(auth.UserContextKey).(string) + if !ok { + v.logger.Error().Msg("failed to get userID from context") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("error getting userID from context") + } + return ctx.SendString(fmt.Sprintf("logged in user %s", userID)) +} diff --git a/pkg/apikey/apikey.go b/pkg/apikey/apikey.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0132740 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/apikey/apikey.go @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package apikey + +// APIKey is a user's API Key +type APIKey struct { + // ID is the API Key's unique identifier + ID string `json:"id"` + + // Hash is the hashed secret of the API Key + Hash []byte `json:"hash"` + + // UserID is the user's unique identifier + UserID string `json:"user_id"` + + // Organization is the organization that the API Key belongs to (optional) + Organization string `json:"organization"` +} diff --git a/pkg/refreshpolicy/refreshpolicy.go b/pkg/claims/claims.go similarity index 70% rename from pkg/refreshpolicy/refreshpolicy.go rename to pkg/claims/claims.go index c805a44..a344c86 100644 --- a/pkg/refreshpolicy/refreshpolicy.go +++ b/pkg/claims/claims.go @@ -14,13 +14,10 @@ limitations under the License. */ -package dex +package claims -import ( - "github.com/dexidp/dex/pkg/log" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/server" -) - -func DefaultRefreshPolicy(logger log.Logger) (*server.RefreshTokenPolicy, error) { - return server.NewRefreshTokenPolicy(logger, true, "24h", "720h", "") +// Claims contains the claims for a user from an authentication provider +type Claims struct { + // UserID is the unique identifier for the user. This is often an email address. + UserID string `json:"user_id"` } diff --git a/pkg/client/client.go b/pkg/client/client.go deleted file mode 100644 index e975513..0000000 --- a/pkg/client/client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package client - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "crypto/tls" - "fmt" - "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/client/discover" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" - "golang.org/x/oauth2" - "io" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "strings" -) - -func ContextClient(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) context.Context { - return context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2.HTTPClient, client) -} - -type CompatibleClient struct { - transport http.RoundTripper -} - -func NewCompatibleClient(transport http.RoundTripper) *CompatibleClient { - return &CompatibleClient{transport: transport} -} - -func (c *CompatibleClient) PostForm(uri string, data url.Values) (*http.Response, error) { - if !(strings.HasPrefix(uri, "https://") || strings.HasPrefix(uri, "http://")) { - uri = "https://" + uri - } - req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", uri, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - req.Form = make(url.Values) - for k, v := range data { - req.Form.Set(k, v[0]) - } - req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") - req.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(req.Form.Encode())) - return c.transport.RoundTrip(req) -} - -func UnauthenticatedClient(endpoint string, basePath string, schemes []string, tlsConfig *tls.Config) (*client.Runtime, *http.Client) { - if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "https://") { - endpoint = strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint, "https://") - } - if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "http://") { - endpoint = strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint, "http://") - } - - transport := &http.Transport{ - TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig, - } - httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: transport} - return client.NewWithClient(endpoint, basePath, schemes, httpClient), httpClient -} - -func AuthenticatedClient(endpoint string, basePath string, schemes []string, tlsConfig *tls.Config, authEndpoint string, clientID string, kind tokenKind.Kind, token *Token) (TokenSource, *client.Runtime, error) { - if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "https://") { - endpoint = strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint, "https://") - } - if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "http://") { - endpoint = strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint, "http://") - } - - _, hc := UnauthenticatedClient(endpoint, basePath, schemes, tlsConfig) - - var conf *Config - switch kind { - case tokenKind.OAuthKind: - discovery, err := discover.Discover(hc.Transport, fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", authEndpoint)) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - conf = NewConfig(clientID, "", discovery.Auth, discovery.Token) - case tokenKind.APITokenKind, tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind: - conf = NewConfig(clientID, "", fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/exchange", authEndpoint), fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/refresh", authEndpoint)) - default: - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown token kind: %s", kind) - } - - clientContext := ContextClient(context.Background(), &http.Client{ - Transport: hc.Transport, - }) - tokenSource := NewTokenSource(clientContext, conf, token) - - return tokenSource, client.NewWithClient(endpoint, basePath, schemes, NewClient(clientContext, tokenSource)), nil -} diff --git a/pkg/client/discover/discover.go b/pkg/client/discover/discover.go deleted file mode 100644 index e0f30ab..0000000 --- a/pkg/client/discover/discover.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package discover - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "github.com/cli/oauth" - "golang.org/x/oauth2" - "io" - "mime" - "net/http" - "strings" -) - -type Discovery struct { - Issuer string `json:"issuer"` - Auth string `json:"authorization_endpoint"` - Token string `json:"token_endpoint"` - Keys string `json:"jwks_uri"` - UserInfo string `json:"userinfo_endpoint"` - DeviceEndpoint string `json:"device_authorization_endpoint"` - GrantTypes []string `json:"grant_types_supported"` - ResponseTypes []string `json:"response_types_supported"` - Subjects []string `json:"subject_types_supported"` - IDTokenAlgs []string `json:"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported"` - CodeChallengeAlgs []string `json:"code_challenge_methods_supported"` - Scopes []string `json:"scopes_supported"` - AuthMethods []string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported"` - Claims []string `json:"claims_supported"` -} - -func Discover(transport http.RoundTripper, issuer string) (*Discovery, error) { - wellKnown := strings.TrimSuffix(issuer, "/") + "/.well-known/openid-configuration" - req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, wellKnown, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - resp, err := transport.RoundTrip(req) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) - if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { - if err == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", resp.Status, string(body)) - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", resp.Status, err) - } - - d := new(Discovery) - err = json.Unmarshal(body, d) - if err != nil { - ct := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type") - mediaType, _, parseErr := mime.ParseMediaType(ct) - if parseErr == nil && mediaType == "application/json" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("got Content-Type = application/json, but could not unmarshal as JSON: %v", err) - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected Content-Type = application/json, got %q: %v", ct, err) - } - - return d, nil -} - -func (d *Discovery) GetHosts() *oauth.Host { - return &oauth.Host{ - DeviceCodeURL: d.DeviceEndpoint, - AuthorizeURL: d.Auth, - TokenURL: d.Token, - } -} - -func (d *Discovery) GetScopes() []string { - return d.Scopes -} - -func (d *Discovery) GetEndpoints() *oauth2.Endpoint { - return &oauth2.Endpoint{ - AuthURL: d.Auth, - TokenURL: d.Token, - } -} diff --git a/pkg/client/oauth.go b/pkg/client/oauth.go deleted file mode 100644 index 576d38b..0000000 --- a/pkg/client/oauth.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package client - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "github.com/cli/oauth" - "golang.org/x/oauth2" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "strconv" - "time" -) - -type Config oauth2.Config - -func NewConfig(clientID string, clientSecret string, authURL string, tokenURL string) *Config { - return (*Config)(&oauth2.Config{ - ClientID: clientID, - ClientSecret: clientSecret, - Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ - AuthURL: authURL, - TokenURL: tokenURL, - AuthStyle: oauth2.AuthStyleInParams, - }, - }) -} - -type Flow oauth.Flow - -type Token oauth2.Token - -type Client interface { - PostForm(url string, data url.Values) (*http.Response, error) -} - -func NewToken(accessToken string, tokenType string, refreshToken string, expiry time.Time) *Token { - return (*Token)(&oauth2.Token{ - AccessToken: accessToken, - TokenType: tokenType, - RefreshToken: refreshToken, - Expiry: expiry, - }) -} - -func UnmarshalToken(data []byte) (*Token, error) { - t := new(oauth2.Token) - return (*Token)(t), json.Unmarshal(data, t) -} - -type TokenSource oauth2.TokenSource - -func OAuthConfig(endpoint *oauth2.Endpoint, scopes []string, clientID string) *Config { - return (*Config)(&oauth2.Config{ - ClientID: clientID, - Endpoint: *endpoint, - Scopes: scopes, - }) -} - -func DeviceFlow(hosts *oauth.Host, client Client, scopes []string, clientID string, displayCode func(string, string) error, browser func(string) error) *Flow { - return (*Flow)(&oauth.Flow{ - Host: hosts, - Scopes: scopes, - ClientID: clientID, - DisplayCode: displayCode, - BrowseURL: browser, - HTTPClient: client, - }) -} - -func GetToken(flow *Flow) (*Token, error) { - flowToken, err := (*oauth.Flow)(flow).DeviceFlow() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - expiry, err := strconv.Atoi(flowToken.ExpiresIn) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return (*Token)(&oauth2.Token{ - AccessToken: flowToken.Token, - TokenType: flowToken.Type, - RefreshToken: flowToken.RefreshToken, - Expiry: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(expiry) * time.Second), - }), nil -} - -func NewTokenSource(ctx context.Context, config *Config, token *Token) TokenSource { - return (*oauth2.Config)(config).TokenSource(ctx, (*oauth2.Token)(token)) -} - -func NewClient(ctx context.Context, source TokenSource) *http.Client { - return oauth2.NewClient(ctx, source) -} diff --git a/pkg/config/config.go b/pkg/config/config.go deleted file mode 100644 index e1d117a..0000000 --- a/pkg/config/config.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package config - -import ( - "github.com/joho/godotenv" - "os" - "strconv" -) - -func init() { - _ = godotenv.Load() -} - -type Config struct { - Debug bool `json:"debug"` - Listen string `json:"listen"` - Issuer string `json:"issuer"` - TLS bool `json:"tls"` - Database Database `json:"database"` - DexDatabase Database `json:"dex_database"` - OAuth OAuth `json:"oauth"` - Clients []Client `json:"clients"` -} - -type Database struct { - Type string `json:"type"` - URL string `json:"url"` -} - -type OAuth struct { - GithubOAuth GithubOAuth `json:"github"` -} - -type GithubOAuth struct { - Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` - RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri"` - ClientID string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` - ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"` -} - -type Client struct { - ID string `json:"id"` - Secret string `json:"secret"` - RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri"` - Public bool `json:"public"` - Logo string `json:"logo"` -} - -func New() Config { - debug, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("DEBUG")) - if err != nil { - debug = false - } - - listen, exists := os.LookupEnv("LISTEN") - if !exists { - listen = ":8080" - } - - issuer, exists := os.LookupEnv("ISSUER") - if err != nil { - issuer = "http://localhost:8080" - } - - tls, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("TLS")) - if err != nil { - tls = false - } - - databaseType, exists := os.LookupEnv("DATABASE_TYPE") - if !exists { - databaseType = "sqlite3" - } - - databaseURL, exists := os.LookupEnv("DATABASE_URL") - if !exists { - databaseURL = ":memory:?_fk=1" - } - - dexDatabaseType, exists := os.LookupEnv("DEX_DATABASE_TYPE") - if !exists { - dexDatabaseType = "sqlite3" - } - - dexDatabaseURL, exists := os.LookupEnv("DEX_DATABASE_URL") - if !exists { - dexDatabaseURL = ":memory:?_fk=1" - } - - oauthGithubEnabled, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("OAUTH_GITHUB_ENABLED")) - if err != nil { - oauthGithubEnabled = false - } - - oauthGithubClientID, exists := os.LookupEnv("OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID") - if !exists { - oauthGithubClientID = "" - } - - oauthGithubClientSecret, exists := os.LookupEnv("OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET") - if !exists { - oauthGithubClientSecret = "" - } - - oauthGithubRedirectURI, exists := os.LookupEnv("OAUTH_GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI") - if !exists { - oauthGithubRedirectURI = "" - } - - numClients, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("NUM_CLIENTS")) - if err != nil { - numClients = 0 - } - - clients := make([]Client, numClients) - for i := 0; i < numClients; i++ { - clients[i] = Client{ - ID: os.Getenv("CLIENT_" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "_ID"), - Secret: os.Getenv("CLIENT_" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "_SECRET"), - RedirectURI: os.Getenv("CLIENT_" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "_REDIRECT_URI"), - Public: os.Getenv("CLIENT_"+strconv.Itoa(i)+"_PUBLIC") == "true", - Logo: os.Getenv("CLIENT_" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "_LOGO"), - } - } - - return Config{ - Debug: debug, - Listen: listen, - Issuer: issuer, - TLS: tls, - Database: Database{ - Type: databaseType, - URL: databaseURL, - }, - DexDatabase: Database{ - Type: dexDatabaseType, - URL: dexDatabaseURL, - }, - OAuth: OAuth{ - GithubOAuth: GithubOAuth{ - Enabled: oauthGithubEnabled, - RedirectURI: oauthGithubRedirectURI, - ClientID: oauthGithubClientID, - ClientSecret: oauthGithubClientSecret, - }, - }, - Clients: clients, - } -} diff --git a/pkg/database/database.go b/pkg/database/database.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe63109 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/database/database.go @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package database + +import ( + "context" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/deviceflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent/githubflow" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider/github" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" + "time" + + _ "github.com/lib/pq" + _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" +) + +var _ github.Database = (*Database)(nil) + +type Database struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + client *ent.Client + ctx context.Context + cancel context.CancelFunc +} + +func New(connector string, url string, logger *zerolog.Logger) (*Database, error) { + l := logger.With().Str("AUTH", "DATABASE").Logger() + + l.Debug().Msgf("connecting to %s (%s)", url, connector) + client, err := ent.Open(connector, url) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) + + l.Info().Msg("running database migrations") + err = client.Schema.Create(ctx) + if err != nil { + cancel() + return nil, err + } + return &Database{ + logger: &l, + client: client, + ctx: ctx, + cancel: cancel, + }, nil +} + +func (d *Database) Shutdown() error { + if d.cancel != nil { + d.cancel() + } + + if d.client != nil { + err := d.client.Close() + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (d *Database) SetGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, state string, verifier string, challenge string, nextURL string, organization string, deviceIdentifier string) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("setting github flow for %s", state) + _, err := d.client.GithubFlow.Create().SetState(state).SetVerifier(verifier).SetChallenge(challenge).SetNextURL(nextURL).SetOrganization(organization).SetDeviceIdentifier(deviceIdentifier).Save(ctx) + return err +} + +func (d *Database) GetGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, state string) (*ent.GithubFlow, error) { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("getting github flow for %s", state) + return d.client.GithubFlow.Query().Where(githubflow.State(state)).Only(ctx) +} + +func (d *Database) DeleteGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, state string) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("deleting github flow for %s", state) + _, err := d.client.GithubFlow.Delete().Where(githubflow.State(state)).Exec(ctx) + return err +} + +func (d *Database) GCGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, expiry time.Duration) (int, error) { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("running github flow gc") + return d.client.GithubFlow.Delete().Where(githubflow.CreatedAtLT(time.Now().Add(expiry))).Exec(ctx) +} + +func (d *Database) SetDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, identifier string, deviceCode string, userCode string) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("setting device flow for %s (device code %s, user code %s)", identifier, deviceCode, userCode) + _, err := d.client.DeviceFlow.Create().SetIdentifier(identifier).SetDeviceCode(deviceCode).SetUserCode(userCode).Save(ctx) + return err +} + +func (d *Database) GetDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, deviceCode string) (*ent.DeviceFlow, error) { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("getting device flow for device code %s", deviceCode) + return d.client.DeviceFlow.Query().Where(deviceflow.DeviceCode(deviceCode)).Only(ctx) +} + +func (d *Database) UpdateDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, identifier string, session string, expiry time.Time) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("updating device flow for %s (expiry %s)", identifier, expiry) + _, err := d.client.DeviceFlow.Update().Where(deviceflow.Identifier(identifier)).SetSession(session).SetExpiresAt(expiry).Save(ctx) + return err +} + +func (d *Database) GetDeviceFlowUserCode(ctx context.Context, userCode string) (*ent.DeviceFlow, error) { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("getting device flow for user code %s", userCode) + flow, err := d.client.DeviceFlow.Query().Where(deviceflow.UserCode(userCode)).Only(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + _, err = flow.Update().SetLastPoll(time.Now()).Save(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return flow, nil +} + +func (d *Database) DeleteDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, deviceCode string) error { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("deleting device flow for device code %s", deviceCode) + _, err := d.client.DeviceFlow.Delete().Where(deviceflow.DeviceCode(deviceCode)).Exec(ctx) + return err +} + +func (d *Database) GCDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, expiry time.Duration) (int, error) { + d.logger.Debug().Msgf("running device flow gc") + return d.client.DeviceFlow.Delete().Where(deviceflow.CreatedAtLT(time.Now().Add(expiry))).Exec(ctx) +} diff --git a/pkg/keyset/keyset.go b/pkg/keyset/keyset.go deleted file mode 100644 index 139987c..0000000 --- a/pkg/keyset/keyset.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package keyset - -import ( - "github.com/dexidp/dex/storage" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "sync" - "time" -) - -type KeySet struct { - storage storage.Storage - updater *updater - mu sync.RWMutex -} - -type updater struct { - done chan struct{} - keys []jose.JSONWebKey - rotation time.Time - err error -} - -type Verifier interface { - Verify(jws *jose.JSONWebSignature) ([]byte, error) -} - -func NewPublic(storage storage.Storage) *Public { - return &Public{ - KeySet: KeySet{ - storage: storage, - }, - } -} - -func NewPrivate(storage storage.Storage) *Private { - return &Private{ - KeySet: KeySet{ - storage: storage, - }, - } -} - -func NewRemote(jwksURL string) *Remote { - return newRemote(jwksURL, time.Now) -} diff --git a/pkg/keyset/private.go b/pkg/keyset/private.go deleted file mode 100644 index d72b749..0000000 --- a/pkg/keyset/private.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package keyset - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "time" -) - -type Private struct { - KeySet - CachedKey jose.JSONWebKey - NextRotation time.Time -} - -func (k *Private) Sign(alg jose.SignatureAlgorithm, payload []byte) (string, error) { - var signingKey jose.SigningKey - k.mu.Lock() - if time.Now().Before(k.NextRotation) { - signingKey = jose.SigningKey{Key: &k.CachedKey, Algorithm: alg} - k.mu.Unlock() - } else { - k.mu.Unlock() - key, err := k.keyFromStorage() - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("fetching keys %v", err) - } - signingKey = jose.SigningKey{Key: &key, Algorithm: alg} - } - signer, err := jose.NewSigner(signingKey, &jose.SignerOptions{}) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - signature, err := signer.Sign(payload) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return signature.CompactSerialize() -} - -func (k *Private) keyFromStorage() (jose.JSONWebKey, error) { - k.mu.Lock() - - if k.updater == nil { - k.updater = &updater{ - done: make(chan struct{}), - } - - go func() { - key, rotation, err := k.updateKey() - k.updater.keys = []jose.JSONWebKey{key} - k.updater.rotation = rotation - k.updater.err = err - close(k.updater.done) - - k.mu.Lock() - defer k.mu.Unlock() - - if err == nil { - k.CachedKey = key - k.NextRotation = rotation - } - - k.updater = nil - }() - } - updater := k.updater - k.mu.Unlock() - - t := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 30) - - select { - case <-t.C: - t.Stop() - return jose.JSONWebKey{}, errors.New("updating keys timed out") - case <-updater.done: - t.Stop() - return updater.keys[0], updater.err - } -} - -func (k *Private) updateKey() (jose.JSONWebKey, time.Time, error) { - keys, err := k.storage.GetKeys() - if err != nil { - return jose.JSONWebKey{}, time.Time{}, err - } - - if keys.SigningKey == nil { - return jose.JSONWebKey{}, time.Time{}, errors.New("no signing key found") - } - - return *keys.SigningKey, keys.NextRotation, nil -} diff --git a/pkg/keyset/public.go b/pkg/keyset/public.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6cd5ffa..0000000 --- a/pkg/keyset/public.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package keyset - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "time" -) - -type Public struct { - KeySet - CachedKeys []jose.JSONWebKey -} - -func (k *Public) Verify(jws *jose.JSONWebSignature) ([]byte, error) { - // We don't support JWTs signed with multiple signatures. - keyID := "" - for _, sig := range jws.Signatures { - keyID = sig.Header.KeyID - break - } - - keys := k.keysFromCache() - for _, key := range keys { - if keyID == "" || key.KeyID == keyID { - if payload, err := jws.Verify(&key); err == nil { - return payload, nil - } - } - } - - // If the kid doesn't match, check for new keys from the remote. This is the - // strategy recommended by the spec. - // - // https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#RotateSigKeys - keys, err := k.keysFromStorage() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetching keys %v", err) - } - - for _, key := range keys { - if keyID == "" || key.KeyID == keyID { - if payload, err := jws.Verify(&key); err == nil { - return payload, nil - } - } - } - return nil, errors.New("failed to verify token signature") -} - -func (k *Public) keysFromCache() (keys []jose.JSONWebKey) { - k.mu.RLock() - defer k.mu.RUnlock() - return k.CachedKeys -} - -func (k *Public) keysFromStorage() ([]jose.JSONWebKey, error) { - k.mu.Lock() - - if k.updater == nil { - k.updater = &updater{ - done: make(chan struct{}), - } - - go func() { - keys, err := k.updateKeys() - k.updater.keys = keys - k.updater.err = err - close(k.updater.done) - - k.mu.Lock() - defer k.mu.Unlock() - - if err == nil { - k.CachedKeys = keys - } - - k.updater = nil - }() - } - updater := k.updater - k.mu.Unlock() - - t := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 30) - - select { - case <-t.C: - t.Stop() - return nil, errors.New("updating keys timed out") - case <-updater.done: - t.Stop() - return updater.keys, updater.err - } -} - -func (k *Public) updateKeys() ([]jose.JSONWebKey, error) { - keys, err := k.storage.GetKeys() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if keys.SigningKeyPub == nil { - return nil, errors.New("no public key found") - } - - jwks := jose.JSONWebKeySet{ - Keys: make([]jose.JSONWebKey, len(keys.VerificationKeys)+1), - } - jwks.Keys[0] = *keys.SigningKeyPub - for i, verificationKey := range keys.VerificationKeys { - jwks.Keys[i+1] = *verificationKey.PublicKey - } - return jwks.Keys, nil -} diff --git a/pkg/keyset/remote.go b/pkg/keyset/remote.go deleted file mode 100644 index 792d16a..0000000 --- a/pkg/keyset/remote.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -package keyset - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "golang.org/x/oauth2" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "io" - "mime" - "net/http" - "sync" - "time" -) - -func newRemote(jwksURL string, now func() time.Time) *Remote { - if now == nil { - now = time.Now - } - return &Remote{jwksURL: jwksURL, ctx: context.Background(), now: now} -} - -// Remote is a KeySet implementation that validates JSON web tokens against -// a jwks_uri endpoint. -type Remote struct { - jwksURL string - ctx context.Context - now func() time.Time - mu sync.RWMutex - inflight *inflight - cachedKeys []jose.JSONWebKey -} - -type inflight struct { - doneCh chan struct{} - keys []jose.JSONWebKey - err error -} - -func newInflight() *inflight { - return &inflight{doneCh: make(chan struct{})} -} - -// wait returns a channel that multiple goroutines can receive on. Once it returns -// a value, the inflight request is done and result() can be inspected. -func (i *inflight) wait() <-chan struct{} { - return i.doneCh -} - -// done can only be called by a single goroutine. It records the result of the -// inflight request and signals other goroutines that the result is safe to -// inspect. -func (i *inflight) done(keys []jose.JSONWebKey, err error) { - i.keys = keys - i.err = err - close(i.doneCh) -} - -// result cannot be called until the wait() channel has returned a value. -func (i *inflight) result() ([]jose.JSONWebKey, error) { - return i.keys, i.err -} - -func (r *Remote) Verify(jws *jose.JSONWebSignature) ([]byte, error) { - // We don't support JWTs signed with multiple signatures. - keyID := "" - for _, sig := range jws.Signatures { - keyID = sig.Header.KeyID - break - } - - keys := r.keysFromCache() - for _, key := range keys { - if keyID == "" || key.KeyID == keyID { - if payload, err := jws.Verify(&key); err == nil { - return payload, nil - } - } - } - - // If the kid doesn't match, check for new keys from the remote. This is the - // strategy recommended by the spec. - // - // https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#RotateSigKeys - keys, err := r.keysFromRemote(r.ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetching keys %v", err) - } - - for _, key := range keys { - if keyID == "" || key.KeyID == keyID { - if payload, err := jws.Verify(&key); err == nil { - return payload, nil - } - } - } - return nil, errors.New("failed to verify id token signature") -} - -func (r *Remote) keysFromCache() (keys []jose.JSONWebKey) { - r.mu.RLock() - defer r.mu.RUnlock() - return r.cachedKeys -} - -// keysFromRemote syncs the key set from the remote set, records the values in the -// cache, and returns the key set. -func (r *Remote) keysFromRemote(ctx context.Context) ([]jose.JSONWebKey, error) { - // Need to lock to inspect the inflight request field. - r.mu.Lock() - // If there's not a current inflight request, create one. - if r.inflight == nil { - r.inflight = newInflight() - - // This goroutine has exclusive ownership over the current inflight - // request. It releases the resource by nil'ing the inflight field - // once the goroutine is done. - go func() { - // Sync keys and finish inflight when that's done. - keys, err := r.updateKeys() - - r.inflight.done(keys, err) - - // Lock to update the keys and indicate that there is no longer an - // inflight request. - r.mu.Lock() - defer r.mu.Unlock() - - if err == nil { - r.cachedKeys = keys - } - - // Free inflight so a different request can run. - r.inflight = nil - }() - } - inflight := r.inflight - r.mu.Unlock() - - select { - case <-ctx.Done(): - return nil, ctx.Err() - case <-inflight.wait(): - return inflight.result() - } -} - -func (r *Remote) updateKeys() ([]jose.JSONWebKey, error) { - req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", r.jwksURL, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: can't create request: %v", err) - } - - resp, err := doRequest(r.ctx, req) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: get keys failed %v", err) - } - defer func() { - _ = resp.Body.Close() - }() - - body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read response body: %v", err) - } - - if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: get keys failed: %s %s", resp.Status, body) - } - - var keySet jose.JSONWebKeySet - err = unmarshalResp(resp, body, &keySet) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to decode keys: %v %s", err, body) - } - return keySet.Keys, nil -} - -func doRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - client := http.DefaultClient - if c, ok := ctx.Value(oauth2.HTTPClient).(*http.Client); ok { - client = c - } - return client.Do(req.WithContext(ctx)) -} - -func unmarshalResp(r *http.Response, body []byte, v interface{}) error { - err := json.Unmarshal(body, &v) - if err == nil { - return nil - } - ct := r.Header.Get("Content-Type") - mediaType, _, parseErr := mime.ParseMediaType(ct) - if parseErr == nil && mediaType == "application/json" { - return fmt.Errorf("got Content-Type = application/json, but could not unmarshal as JSON: %v", err) - } - return fmt.Errorf("expected Content-Type = application/json, got %q: %v", ct, err) -} diff --git a/pkg/token/tokenKind/tokenKind.go b/pkg/kind/kind.go similarity index 69% rename from pkg/token/tokenKind/tokenKind.go rename to pkg/kind/kind.go index 170cc13..759435d 100644 --- a/pkg/token/tokenKind/tokenKind.go +++ b/pkg/kind/kind.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @@ -14,18 +14,11 @@ limitations under the License. */ -package tokenKind +package kind type Kind string -var LUT = map[string]Kind{ - "A": APITokenKind, - "S": ServiceTokenKind, -} - const ( - OAuthKind Kind = "oauth" - APITokenKind Kind = "api" - ServiceTokenKind Kind = "service" - RefreshTokenKind Kind = "refresh" + Default Kind = "default" + Device Kind = "device" ) diff --git a/pkg/manager/manager.go b/pkg/manager/manager.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6bc50c --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/manager/manager.go @@ -0,0 +1,699 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package manager + +import ( + "bytes" + "context" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + "fmt" + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/aes" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/apikey" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/claims" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/kind" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/servicekey" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/session" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" + "golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt" + "sync" + "time" +) + +const ( + CookieKeyString = "auth-session" + AuthorizationHeaderString = "Authorization" + BearerHeaderString = "Bearer " + KeyDelimiterString = "." +) + +var ( + CookieKey = []byte(CookieKeyString) + AuthorizationHeader = []byte(AuthorizationHeaderString) + BearerHeader = []byte(BearerHeaderString) + KeyDelimiter = []byte(KeyDelimiterString) +) + +type Manager struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + storage storage.Storage + domain string + tls bool + wg sync.WaitGroup + ctx context.Context + cancel context.CancelFunc + + secretKey []byte + oldSecretKey []byte + secretKeyMu sync.RWMutex + + registration bool + registrationMu sync.RWMutex + + sessions map[string]struct{} + sessionsMu sync.RWMutex + + servicekeySessions map[string]*servicekey.Session + servicekeySessionsMu sync.RWMutex + + apikeys map[string]*apikey.APIKey + apikeysMu sync.RWMutex +} + +func New(domain string, tls bool, storage storage.Storage, logger *zerolog.Logger) *Manager { + l := logger.With().Str("AUTH", "SESSION-MANAGER").Logger() + ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) + return &Manager{ + logger: &l, + storage: storage, + domain: domain, + tls: tls, + ctx: ctx, + cancel: cancel, + sessions: make(map[string]struct{}), + servicekeySessions: make(map[string]*servicekey.Session), + apikeys: make(map[string]*apikey.APIKey), + } +} + +func (m *Manager) Start() error { + m.logger.Info().Msg("starting manager") + + m.secretKeyMu.Lock() + secretKeyEvents, err := m.storage.SubscribeToSecretKey(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.secretKeyMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to secret key events: %w", err) + } + m.wg.Add(1) + go m.subscribeToSecretKeyEvents(secretKeyEvents) + m.logger.Info().Msg("subscribed to secret key events") + m.secretKey, err = m.storage.GetSecretKey(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) { + m.logger.Info().Msg("no secret key found, generating new one") + m.secretKey = utils.RandomBytes(32) + err = m.storage.SetSecretKey(m.ctx, m.secretKey) + m.secretKeyMu.Unlock() + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to set secret key: %w", err) + } + } else { + m.secretKeyMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to get secret key: %w", err) + } + } else { + m.secretKeyMu.Unlock() + } + m.logger.Info().Msg("retrieved secret key") + + m.registrationMu.Lock() + registrationEvents, err := m.storage.SubscribeToRegistration(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.registrationMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to registration events: %w", err) + } + m.wg.Add(1) + go m.subscribeToRegistrationEvents(registrationEvents) + m.logger.Info().Msg("subscribed to registration events") + m.registration, err = m.storage.GetRegistration(m.ctx) + m.registrationMu.Unlock() + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to get registration: %w", err) + } + m.logger.Info().Msg("retrieved registration") + + m.sessionsMu.Lock() + sessionEvents, err := m.storage.SubscribeToSessionIDs(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.sessionsMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to session events: %w", err) + } + m.wg.Add(1) + go m.subscribeToSessionIDEvents(sessionEvents) + m.logger.Info().Msg("subscribed to session ID events") + sessions, err := m.storage.ListSessionIDs(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.sessionsMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to list session IDs: %w", err) + } + for _, sess := range sessions { + m.sessions[sess] = struct{}{} + } + m.sessionsMu.Unlock() + m.logger.Info().Msg("retrieved session IDs") + + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Lock() + servicekeySessionEvents, err := m.storage.SubscribeToServiceKeySessions(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to service key session events: %w", err) + } + m.wg.Add(1) + go m.subscribeToServiceKeySessionEvents(servicekeySessionEvents) + m.logger.Info().Msg("subscribed to service key session events") + servicekeySessionIDs, err := m.storage.ListServiceKeySessions(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to list service key session IDs: %w", err) + } + for _, sess := range servicekeySessionIDs { + m.servicekeySessions[sess.ID] = sess + } + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Unlock() + m.logger.Info().Msg("retrieved service key sessions") + + m.apikeysMu.Lock() + apikeyEvents, err := m.storage.SubscribeToAPIKeys(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.apikeysMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to api key events: %w", err) + } + m.wg.Add(1) + go m.subscribeToAPIKeyEvents(apikeyEvents) + m.logger.Info().Msg("subscribed to api key events") + apikeys, err := m.storage.ListAPIKeys(m.ctx) + if err != nil { + m.apikeysMu.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to list api keys: %w", err) + } + for _, key := range apikeys { + m.apikeys[key.ID] = key + } + m.apikeysMu.Unlock() + m.logger.Info().Msg("retrieved api keys") + + return nil +} + +func (m *Manager) Stop() error { + m.logger.Info().Msg("stopping manager") + m.cancel() + m.wg.Wait() + return nil +} + +func (m *Manager) GenerateCookie(session string, expiry time.Time) *fiber.Cookie { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("generating cookie with expiry %s", expiry) + return &fiber.Cookie{ + Name: CookieKeyString, + Value: session, + Domain: m.domain, + Expires: expiry, + Secure: m.tls, + HTTPOnly: true, + SameSite: fiber.CookieSameSiteLaxMode, + } +} + +func (m *Manager) CreateSession(ctx *fiber.Ctx, kind kind.Kind, provider provider.Key, userID string, organization string) (*fiber.Cookie, error) { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("creating session for user %s (org '%s')", userID, organization) + exists, err := m.storage.UserExists(ctx.Context(), userID) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to check if user exists") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to check if user exists") + } + + if !exists { + if organization != "" { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusNotFound).SendString("user does not exist") + } + + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("user %s does not exist", userID) + m.registrationMu.RLock() + registration := m.registration + m.registrationMu.RUnlock() + + if !registration { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusNotFound).SendString("user does not exist") + } + + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("creating user %s", userID) + + c := &claims.Claims{ + UserID: userID, + } + + err = m.storage.NewUser(ctx.Context(), c) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to create user") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to create user") + } + } + + if organization != "" { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("checking if user %s is member of organization %s", userID, organization) + exists, err = m.storage.UserOrganizationExists(ctx.Context(), userID, organization) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to check if organization exists") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to check if organization exists") + } + + if !exists { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusForbidden).SendString("invalid organization") + } + } + + sess := session.New(kind, provider, userID, organization) + data, err := json.Marshal(sess) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to marshal session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to marshal session") + } + + m.secretKeyMu.RLock() + secretKey := m.secretKey + m.secretKeyMu.RUnlock() + + encrypted, err := aes.Encrypt(secretKey, CookieKey, data) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to encrypt session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to encrypt session") + } + + err = m.storage.SetSession(ctx.Context(), sess) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to set session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to set session") + } + + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("created session %s for user %s (org '%s') with expiry %s", sess.ID, sess.UserID, sess.Organization, sess.Expiry) + + return m.GenerateCookie(encrypted, sess.Expiry), nil +} + +func (m *Manager) GetSession(ctx *fiber.Ctx, cookie string) (*session.Session, error) { + m.secretKeyMu.RLock() + secretKey := m.secretKey + oldSecretKey := m.oldSecretKey + m.secretKeyMu.RUnlock() + + oldSecretKeyUsed := false + decrypted, err := aes.Decrypt(secretKey, CookieKey, cookie) + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, aes.ErrInvalidContent) { + if oldSecretKey != nil { + decrypted, err = aes.Decrypt(oldSecretKey, CookieKey, cookie) + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, aes.ErrInvalidContent) { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid session cookie") + } + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to decrypt session with old secret key") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to decrypt session") + } + oldSecretKeyUsed = true + } else { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid session cookie") + } + } else { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to decrypt session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to decrypt session") + } + } + + sess := new(session.Session) + err = json.Unmarshal(decrypted, sess) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to unmarshal session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to unmarshal session") + } + + if sess.Expired() { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("session expired") + } + + m.sessionsMu.RLock() + _, exists := m.sessions[sess.ID] + m.sessionsMu.RUnlock() + if !exists { + exists, err = m.storage.SessionIDExists(ctx.Context(), sess.ID) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to check if session exists") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to check if session exists") + } + if !exists { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("session does not exist") + } + } + + if oldSecretKeyUsed || sess.CloseToExpiry() { + sess.Refresh() + data, err := json.Marshal(sess) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to marshal refreshed session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to marshal session") + } + + encrypted, err := aes.Encrypt(secretKey, CookieKey, data) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to encrypt refreshed session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to encrypt session") + } + + err = m.storage.SetSession(ctx.Context(), sess) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to set refreshed session") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to set session") + } + + ctx.Cookie(m.GenerateCookie(encrypted, sess.Expiry)) + } + + return sess, nil +} + +func (m *Manager) GetAPIKey(ctx *fiber.Ctx, keyID string, keySecret []byte) (*apikey.APIKey, error) { + m.apikeysMu.RLock() + key, ok := m.apikeys[keyID] + m.apikeysMu.RUnlock() + if !ok { + var err error + key, err = m.storage.GetAPIKey(ctx.Context(), keyID) + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("api key does not exist") + } + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to check if api key exists") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to check if api key exists") + } + } + + if bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(keySecret, key.Hash) != nil { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid api key") + } + + return key, nil +} + +func (m *Manager) GetServiceKey(ctx *fiber.Ctx, keyID string, keySecret []byte) (*servicekey.ServiceKey, error) { + key, err := m.storage.GetServiceKey(ctx.Context(), keyID) + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("service key does not exist") + } + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to check if service key exists") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to check if service key exists") + } + + if bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(keySecret, key.Hash) != nil { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid service key") + } + + return key, nil +} + +func (m *Manager) CreateServiceKeySession(ctx *fiber.Ctx, keyID string, keySecret []byte) (*servicekey.Session, []byte, error) { + serviceKey, err := m.GetServiceKey(ctx, keyID, keySecret) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + if !serviceKey.Expires.IsZero() && time.Now().After(serviceKey.Expires) { + return nil, nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("service key expired") + } + + if serviceKey.MaxUses != 0 && serviceKey.NumUsed >= serviceKey.MaxUses { + return nil, nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("service key has reached its maximum uses") + } + + err = m.storage.IncrementServiceKeyNumUsed(ctx.Context(), serviceKey.ID) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to increment service key num used") + return nil, nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to increment service key num used") + } + + sess, secret, err := servicekey.NewSession(serviceKey) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to create service key session") + return nil, nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to create service key session") + } + + err = m.storage.SetServiceKeySession(ctx.Context(), sess) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to set service key session") + return nil, nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to set service key session") + } + + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("created service key session %s for user %s (org '%s')", sess.ID, sess.UserID, sess.Organization) + + return sess, secret, nil +} + +func (m *Manager) GetServiceKeySession(ctx *fiber.Ctx, sessionID string, sessionSecret []byte) (*servicekey.Session, error) { + m.servicekeySessionsMu.RLock() + sess, ok := m.servicekeySessions[sessionID] + m.servicekeySessionsMu.RUnlock() + if !ok { + var err error + sess, err = m.storage.GetServiceKeySession(ctx.Context(), sessionID) + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("service key session does not exist") + } + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to check if service key session exists") + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to check if service key session exists") + } + } + + if bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(sessionSecret, sess.Hash) != nil { + return nil, ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid service key session") + } + + return sess, nil +} + +func (m *Manager) Validate(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + cookie := ctx.Cookies(CookieKeyString) + if cookie != "" { + sess, err := m.GetSession(ctx, cookie) + if sess == nil { + return err + } + + ctx.Locals(auth.KindContextKey, auth.KindSession) + ctx.Locals(auth.SessionContextKey, sess) + ctx.Locals(auth.UserContextKey, sess.UserID) + ctx.Locals(auth.OrganizationContextKey, sess.Organization) + return ctx.Next() + } + + authHeader := ctx.Request().Header.PeekBytes(AuthorizationHeader) + if len(authHeader) > len(BearerHeader) { + if !bytes.Equal(authHeader[:len(BearerHeader)], BearerHeader) { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid authorization header") + } + authHeader = authHeader[len(BearerHeader):] + keySplit := bytes.Split(authHeader, KeyDelimiter) + if len(keySplit) != 2 { + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("invalid authorization header") + } + + keyID := string(keySplit[0]) + keySecret := keySplit[1] + + if bytes.HasPrefix(authHeader, auth.APIKeyPrefix) { + key, err := m.GetAPIKey(ctx, keyID, keySecret) + if key == nil { + return err + } + + ctx.Locals(auth.KindContextKey, auth.KindAPIKey) + ctx.Locals(auth.APIKeyContextKey, key) + ctx.Locals(auth.UserContextKey, key.UserID) + ctx.Locals(auth.OrganizationContextKey, key.Organization) + return ctx.Next() + } + + if bytes.HasPrefix(authHeader, auth.ServiceKeySessionPrefix) { + key, err := m.GetServiceKeySession(ctx, keyID, keySecret) + if key == nil { + return err + } + + ctx.Locals(auth.KindContextKey, auth.KindServiceKey) + ctx.Locals(auth.ServiceKeySessionContextKey, key) + ctx.Locals(auth.UserContextKey, key.UserID) + ctx.Locals(auth.OrganizationContextKey, key.Organization) + return ctx.Next() + } + } + + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).SendString("no valid session cookie or authorization header") +} + +func (m *Manager) LogoutSession(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + cookie := ctx.Cookies(CookieKeyString) + if cookie != "" { + err := m.storage.DeleteSession(ctx.Context(), cookie) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to delete session") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to delete session") + } + } + + ctx.ClearCookie(CookieKeyString) + return nil +} + +func (m *Manager) LogoutServiceKeySession(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { + authHeader := ctx.Request().Header.PeekBytes(AuthorizationHeader) + if len(authHeader) > len(BearerHeader) { + if !bytes.Equal(authHeader[:len(BearerHeader)], BearerHeader) { + return nil + } + + authHeader = authHeader[len(BearerHeader):] + if !bytes.HasPrefix(authHeader, auth.ServiceKeySessionPrefix) { + return nil + } + + keySplit := bytes.Split(authHeader, KeyDelimiter) + if len(keySplit) != 2 { + return nil + } + + keyID := string(keySplit[0]) + keySecret := keySplit[1] + + sess, err := m.GetServiceKeySession(ctx, keyID, keySecret) + if sess == nil { + return err + } + + err = m.storage.DeleteServiceKeySession(ctx.Context(), sess.ID) + if err != nil { + m.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to delete service key session") + return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).SendString("failed to delete service key session") + } + } + return nil +} + +func (m *Manager) subscribeToSecretKeyEvents(events <-chan *storage.SecretKeyEvent) { + defer m.wg.Done() + for { + select { + case <-m.ctx.Done(): + m.logger.Info().Msg("secret key event subscription stopped") + return + case event := <-events: + m.logger.Info().Msg("secret key updated") + m.secretKeyMu.Lock() + m.oldSecretKey = m.secretKey + m.secretKey = event.SecretKey + m.secretKeyMu.Unlock() + } + } +} + +func (m *Manager) subscribeToRegistrationEvents(events <-chan *storage.RegistrationEvent) { + defer m.wg.Done() + for { + select { + case <-m.ctx.Done(): + m.logger.Info().Msg("registration event subscription stopped") + return + case event := <-events: + m.logger.Info().Msg("registration updated") + m.registrationMu.Lock() + m.registration = event.Enabled + m.registrationMu.Unlock() + } + } +} + +func (m *Manager) subscribeToSessionIDEvents(events <-chan *storage.SessionEvent) { + defer m.wg.Done() + for { + select { + case <-m.ctx.Done(): + m.logger.Info().Msg("session event subscription stopped") + return + case event := <-events: + if event.Deleted { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("session %s deleted", event.SessionID) + m.sessionsMu.Lock() + delete(m.sessions, event.SessionID) + m.sessionsMu.Unlock() + } else { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("session %s created", event.SessionID) + m.sessionsMu.Lock() + m.sessions[event.SessionID] = struct{}{} + m.sessionsMu.Unlock() + } + } + } +} + +func (m *Manager) subscribeToAPIKeyEvents(events <-chan *storage.APIKeyEvent) { + defer m.wg.Done() + for { + select { + case <-m.ctx.Done(): + m.logger.Info().Msg("api key event subscription stopped") + return + case event := <-events: + if event.Deleted { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("api key %s deleted", event.APIKeyID) + m.apikeysMu.Lock() + delete(m.apikeys, event.APIKeyID) + m.apikeysMu.Unlock() + } else { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("api key %s created or updated", event.APIKeyID) + if event.APIKey == nil { + m.logger.Error().Msgf("api key in create or update event for api key ID %s is nil", event.APIKeyID) + } else { + m.apikeysMu.Lock() + m.apikeys[event.APIKeyID] = event.APIKey + m.apikeysMu.Unlock() + } + } + } + } +} + +func (m *Manager) subscribeToServiceKeySessionEvents(events <-chan *storage.ServiceKeySessionEvent) { + defer m.wg.Done() + for { + select { + case <-m.ctx.Done(): + m.logger.Info().Msg("service key session event subscription stopped") + return + case event := <-events: + if event.Deleted { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("service key session %s deleted", event.ServiceKeySessionID) + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Lock() + delete(m.servicekeySessions, event.ServiceKeySessionID) + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Unlock() + } else { + m.logger.Debug().Msgf("service key session %s created or updated", event.ServiceKeySessionID) + if event.ServiceKeySession == nil { + m.logger.Error().Msgf("service key session in create or update event for service key session ID %s is nil", event.ServiceKeySessionID) + } else { + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Lock() + m.servicekeySessions[event.ServiceKeySessionID] = event.ServiceKeySession + m.servicekeySessionsMu.Unlock() + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/pkg/options/options.go b/pkg/options/options.go deleted file mode 100644 index c9a24c4..0000000 --- a/pkg/options/options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -package options - -import ( - "errors" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/pkg/log" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/server" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/web" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/identity" -) - -var ( - InvalidIssuerError = errors.New("invalid issuer") - InvalidAllowsOriginsError = errors.New("invalid allowed origins") - InvalidStorageError = errors.New("invalid storage") - InvalidLoggerError = errors.New("invalid logger") - InvalidNewUserError = errors.New("invalid new user callback") -) - -type Options struct { - Issuer string - AllowedOrigins []string - - Storage storage.Storage - Logger log.Logger - WebConfig *server.WebConfig - - Enabled func() bool - Registration func() bool - NewUser func(claims *identity.IDToken) error -} - -func (o *Options) Validate() error { - if o.Issuer == "" { - return InvalidIssuerError - } - - if len(o.AllowedOrigins) == 0 { - return InvalidAllowsOriginsError - } - - if o.Storage == nil { - return InvalidStorageError - } - - if o.Logger == nil { - return InvalidLoggerError - } - - if o.WebConfig == nil { - o.WebConfig = &server.WebConfig{ - WebFS: web.FS(), - } - } - - if o.Enabled == nil { - o.Enabled = func() bool { return true } - } - - if o.Registration == nil { - o.Registration = func() bool { return true } - } - - if o.NewUser == nil { - return InvalidNewUserError - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/pkg/provider/device/database.go b/pkg/provider/device/database.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69cc972 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/provider/device/database.go @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package device + +import ( + "context" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent" + "time" +) + +type Database interface { + SetDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, identifier string, deviceCode string, userCode string) error + GetDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, deviceCode string) (*ent.DeviceFlow, error) + UpdateDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, identifier string, session string, expiry time.Time) error + GetDeviceFlowUserCode(ctx context.Context, userCode string) (*ent.DeviceFlow, error) + DeleteDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, deviceCode string) error + GCDeviceFlow(ctx context.Context, expiry time.Duration) (int, error) +} diff --git a/pkg/provider/device/device.go b/pkg/provider/device/device.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..395d5c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/provider/device/device.go @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package device + +import ( + "context" + "github.com/google/uuid" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" + "strings" + "sync" + "time" +) + +var _ provider.Provider = (*Device)(nil) + +const ( + Key = "device" + GCInterval = time.Minute + Expiry = time.Minute * 5 +) + +type Device struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + database Database + wg sync.WaitGroup + ctx context.Context + cancel context.CancelFunc +} + +func New(database Database, logger *zerolog.Logger) *Device { + l := logger.With().Str("AUTH", "DEVICE-FLOW").Logger() + ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) + + return &Device{ + logger: &l, + database: database, + ctx: ctx, + cancel: cancel, + } +} + +func (g *Device) Key() provider.Key { + return Key +} + +func (g *Device) Start() error { + g.wg.Add(1) + go g.gc() + return nil +} + +func (g *Device) Stop() error { + g.cancel() + g.wg.Wait() + return nil +} + +func (g *Device) StartFlow(ctx context.Context) (string, string, error) { + deviceCode := strings.ToUpper(utils.RandomString(8)) + userCode := uuid.New().String() + identifier := uuid.New().String() + + err := g.database.SetDeviceFlow(ctx, identifier, deviceCode, userCode) + if err != nil { + return "", "", err + } + + return deviceCode, userCode, nil +} + +func (g *Device) ValidateFlow(ctx context.Context, deviceCode string) (string, error) { + flow, err := g.database.GetDeviceFlow(ctx, deviceCode) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + return flow.Identifier, nil +} + +func (g *Device) PollFlow(ctx context.Context, userCode string) (string, time.Time, time.Time, error) { + flow, err := g.database.GetDeviceFlowUserCode(ctx, userCode) + if err != nil { + return "", time.Time{}, time.Time{}, err + } + + if flow.Session != "" { + err = g.database.DeleteDeviceFlow(ctx, flow.DeviceCode) + if err != nil { + return "", time.Time{}, time.Time{}, err + } + } + + return flow.Session, flow.ExpiresAt, flow.LastPoll, nil +} + +func (g *Device) CompleteFlow(ctx context.Context, identifier string, session string, expiry time.Time) error { + err := g.database.UpdateDeviceFlow(ctx, identifier, session, expiry) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + return nil +} + +func (g *Device) gc() { + defer g.wg.Done() + for { + select { + case <-g.ctx.Done(): + g.logger.Info().Msg("GC Stopped") + return + case <-time.After(GCInterval): + deleted, err := g.database.GCDeviceFlow(g.ctx, Expiry) + if err != nil { + g.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to garbage collect expired device flows") + } else { + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("garbage collected %d expired device flows", deleted) + } + } + } +} diff --git a/pkg/healthcheck/healthcheck.go b/pkg/provider/github/database.go similarity index 53% rename from pkg/healthcheck/healthcheck.go rename to pkg/provider/github/database.go index ab15319..a22f189 100644 --- a/pkg/healthcheck/healthcheck.go +++ b/pkg/provider/github/database.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @@ -14,24 +14,17 @@ limitations under the License. */ -package healthcheck +package github import ( - "github.com/AppsFlyer/go-sundheit" + "context" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/internal/ent" + "time" ) -type Noop struct{} - -func NewNoop() *Noop { - return new(Noop) -} - -func (h *Noop) RegisterCheck(_ gosundheit.Check, _ ...gosundheit.CheckOption) error { - return nil -} -func (h *Noop) Deregister(_ string) {} -func (h *Noop) Results() (map[string]gosundheit.Result, bool) { - return nil, true +type Database interface { + SetGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, state string, verifier string, challenge string, nextURL string, organization string, deviceIdentifier string) error + GetGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, state string) (*ent.GithubFlow, error) + DeleteGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, state string) error + GCGithubFlow(ctx context.Context, expiry time.Duration) (int, error) } -func (h *Noop) IsHealthy() bool { return true } -func (h *Noop) DeregisterAll() {} diff --git a/pkg/provider/github/github.go b/pkg/provider/github/github.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fda7b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/provider/github/github.go @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package github + +import ( + "context" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + "github.com/google/uuid" + "github.com/grokify/go-pkce" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider" + "github.com/rs/zerolog" + "golang.org/x/oauth2" + "golang.org/x/oauth2/github" + "io" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "sync" + "time" +) + +var _ provider.Provider = (*Github)(nil) + +var ( + ErrInvalidResponse = errors.New("invalid response") +) + +const ( + Key = "github" + GCInterval = time.Minute + Expiry = time.Minute * 5 +) + +var ( + defaultScopes = []string{"user:email"} + defaultURL = &url.URL{ + Scheme: "https", + Host: "api.github.com", + Path: "/user/emails", + } +) + +type email struct { + Email string `json:"email"` + Primary bool `json:"primary"` + Verified bool `json:"verified"` + Visibility string `json:"visibility"` +} + +type Github struct { + logger *zerolog.Logger + conf *oauth2.Config + database Database + wg sync.WaitGroup + ctx context.Context + cancel context.CancelFunc +} + +func New(clientID string, clientSecret string, database Database, logger *zerolog.Logger) *Github { + l := logger.With().Str("AUTH", "GITHUB-OAUTH-PROVIDER").Logger() + ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) + + return &Github{ + logger: &l, + conf: &oauth2.Config{ + ClientID: clientID, + ClientSecret: clientSecret, + Scopes: defaultScopes, + Endpoint: github.Endpoint, + }, + database: database, + ctx: ctx, + cancel: cancel, + } +} + +func (g *Github) Key() provider.Key { + return Key +} + +func (g *Github) Start() error { + g.wg.Add(1) + go g.gc() + return nil +} + +func (g *Github) Stop() error { + g.cancel() + g.wg.Wait() + return nil +} + +func (g *Github) StartFlow(ctx context.Context, nextURL string, organization string, deviceIdentifier string) (string, error) { + verifier := pkce.NewCodeVerifier() + challenge := pkce.CodeChallengeS256(verifier) + state := uuid.New().String() + + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("starting flow for state %s", state) + err := g.database.SetGithubFlow(ctx, state, verifier, challenge, nextURL, organization, deviceIdentifier) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + return g.conf.AuthCodeURL(state, oauth2.AccessTypeOnline, oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(pkce.ParamCodeChallenge, challenge), oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(pkce.ParamCodeChallengeMethod, pkce.MethodS256)), nil +} + +func (g *Github) CompleteFlow(ctx context.Context, code string, state string) (string, string, string, string, error) { + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("completing flow for state %s", state) + flow, err := g.database.GetGithubFlow(ctx, state) + if err != nil { + return "", "", "", "", err + } + + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("found flow for state %s, deleting", state) + err = g.database.DeleteGithubFlow(ctx, state) + if err != nil { + return "", "", "", "", err + } + + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("exchanging code for token for state %s", state) + token, err := g.conf.Exchange(ctx, code, oauth2.SetAuthURLParam(pkce.ParamCodeVerifier, flow.Verifier)) + if err != nil { + return "", "", "", "", err + } + + req := &http.Request{ + Method: http.MethodGet, + URL: defaultURL, + Header: http.Header{ + "Authorization": []string{"token " + token.AccessToken}, + }, + } + req = req.WithContext(ctx) + + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("fetching emails for state %s", state) + res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) + if err != nil { + return "", "", "", "", err + } + + if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { + return "", "", "", "", ErrInvalidResponse + } + + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("parsing emails for state %s", state) + body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body) + _ = res.Body.Close() + if err != nil { + return "", "", "", "", err + } + + var emails []email + err = json.Unmarshal(body, &emails) + if err != nil { + return "", "", "", "", err + } + + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("found %d emails for state %s", len(emails), state) + + for _, e := range emails { + if e.Primary && e.Verified { + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("found primary and verified email %s for state %s", e.Email, state) + return e.Email, flow.Organization, flow.NextURL, flow.DeviceIdentifier, nil + } + } + + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("no primary and verified email found for state %s", state) + return "", "", "", "", ErrInvalidResponse +} + +func (g *Github) gc() { + defer g.wg.Done() + for { + select { + case <-g.ctx.Done(): + g.logger.Info().Msg("GC Stopped") + return + case <-time.After(GCInterval): + deleted, err := g.database.GCGithubFlow(g.ctx, Expiry) + if err != nil { + g.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to garbage collect expired github flows") + } else { + g.logger.Debug().Msgf("garbage collected %d expired github flows", deleted) + } + } + } +} diff --git a/pkg/server/models.go b/pkg/provider/provider.go similarity index 61% rename from pkg/server/models.go rename to pkg/provider/provider.go index 2f816ff..301b7d7 100644 --- a/pkg/server/models.go +++ b/pkg/provider/provider.go @@ -14,17 +14,20 @@ limitations under the License. */ -package server +package provider -import "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/identity" +// Key uniquely identifies authentication providers +type Key string -type TokenError struct { - Error string `json:"error"` - ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description"` -} +// Provider is an authentication provider that authorizes +// a user and returns a set of claims +type Provider interface { + // Key returns the authentication provider's unique key + Key() Key -type ExchangeResponse identity.TokenResponse -type RefreshResponse identity.TokenResponse + // Start starts the Provider + Start() error -type ExchangeError TokenError -type RefreshError TokenError + // Stop stops the Provider + Stop() error +} diff --git a/pkg/providers/github.go b/pkg/providers/github.go deleted file mode 100644 index 35aad6c..0000000 --- a/pkg/providers/github.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package providers - -import ( - "github.com/dexidp/dex/connector/github" -) - -type GithubProvider struct { - ID string `json:"id"` - ClientID string `json:"client_id"` - ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"` - RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri"` -} - -func (g *GithubProvider) Validate() bool { - return g.ClientID != "" && g.ClientSecret != "" && g.RedirectURI != "" -} - -func (g *GithubProvider) Populate(conf *github.Config) { - g.ClientID = conf.ClientID - g.ClientSecret = conf.ClientSecret - g.RedirectURI = conf.RedirectURI -} - -func (g *GithubProvider) Convert() *github.Config { - return &github.Config{ - ClientID: g.ClientID, - ClientSecret: g.ClientSecret, - RedirectURI: g.RedirectURI, - } -} diff --git a/pkg/server/middleware.go b/pkg/server/middleware.go deleted file mode 100644 index df3f435..0000000 --- a/pkg/server/middleware.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package server - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/identity" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" - "github.com/valyala/fasthttp" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2/jwt" -) - -var ( - IDPError = errors.New("error while communicating with Dex IdP") - NewUserError = errors.New("error while creating new user") -) - -func passthrough(handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) fiber.Handler { - return func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { - handler(ctx.Context()) - return nil - } -} - -func (s *Server) customClaims(handler fiber.Handler) fiber.Handler { - return func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { - err := handler(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - response := ctx.Response() - if response.StatusCode() == 200 { - tokenResponse := new(identity.TokenResponse) - err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body(), tokenResponse) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error while unmarshalling tokenResponse from response body: %s", err) - return IDPError - } - - if tokenResponse.AccessToken != "" { - accessToken, err := jwt.ParseSigned(tokenResponse.AccessToken) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error parsing access tokenResponse from Dex: %s", err) - return IDPError - } - - tokenResponse.AccessToken, err = s.parseAndModify(accessToken) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error modifying access tokenResponse from Dex: %s", err) - return IDPError - } - s.logger.Debugf("modified access tokenResponse: %s", tokenResponse.AccessToken) - } - - if tokenResponse.IDToken != "" { - idToken, err := jwt.ParseSigned(tokenResponse.IDToken) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error parsing id tokenResponse from Dex: %s", err) - return IDPError - } - - tokenResponse.IDToken, err = s.parseAndModify(idToken) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error modifying id tokenResponse from Dex: %s", err) - return IDPError - } - s.logger.Debugf("modified id tokenResponse: %s", tokenResponse.AccessToken) - } - - payload, err := json.Marshal(tokenResponse) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error marshalling modified tokenResponse: %s", err) - return IDPError - } - - response.SetBody(payload) - } - return nil - } -} - -func (s *Server) parseAndModify(jwt *jwt.JSONWebToken) (string, error) { - claims := new(identity.IDToken) - err := jwt.UnsafeClaimsWithoutVerification(&claims) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error while retrieving claims from JWT: %s", err) - return "", IDPError - } - - if len(claims.Email) == 0 { - s.logger.Errorf("email is empty in tokenResponse") - return "", IDPError - } - - exists, err := s.storage.UserExists(claims.Email) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error while retrieving user from DB: %s", err) - return "", IDPError - } - - if !exists { - if s.options.Registration() { - err = s.options.NewUser(claims) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error while creating new user: %s", err) - return "", NewUserError - } - s.logger.Infof("created new user %s", claims.Email) - } else { - - } - } - - claims.Subject = claims.Email - claims.Kind = tokenKind.OAuthKind - - payload, err := json.Marshal(claims) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error marshalling modified claims: %s", err) - return "", IDPError - } - - signedToken, err := s.privateKeys.Sign(jose.RS256, payload) - if err != nil { - s.logger.Errorf("error signing payload with modified claims: %s", err) - return "", IDPError - } - - return signedToken, nil -} diff --git a/pkg/server/server.go b/pkg/server/server.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5569a98..0000000 --- a/pkg/server/server.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,588 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package server - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/connector/github" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/pkg/log" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/server" - dexStorage "github.com/dexidp/dex/storage" - "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/healthcheck" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/keyset" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/options" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/providers" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/refreshpolicy" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" - "github.com/valyala/fasthttp/fasthttpadaptor" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "net/http" - "time" -) - -const ( - githubID = "github" -) - -const ( - DefaultConnectorName = "Basic-Authentication" -) - -var ( - InvalidConnectorError = errors.New("invalid connector configuration") -) - -type Server struct { - logger log.Logger - storage storage.Storage - - app *fiber.App - server *server.Server - options *options.Options - publicKeys *keyset.Public - privateKeys *keyset.Private -} - -func New(options *options.Options) (*Server, error) { - err := options.Validate() - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid options for auth server: %w", err) - } - - refreshPolicy, err := dex.DefaultRefreshPolicy(options.Logger) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create default refresh policy: %w", err) - } - - s := &Server{ - app: fiber.New(fiber.Config{ - DisableStartupMessage: true, - ReadTimeout: time.Second * 5, - WriteTimeout: time.Second * 5, - IdleTimeout: time.Second * 5, - JSONEncoder: json.Marshal, - JSONDecoder: json.Unmarshal, - }), - logger: options.Logger, - storage: options.Storage, - options: options, - publicKeys: keyset.NewPublic(options.Storage), - privateKeys: keyset.NewPrivate(options.Storage), - } - - return s, s.setupDex(refreshPolicy) -} - -func (s *Server) App() *fiber.App { - return s.app -} - -func (s *Server) createDex(refreshPolicy *server.RefreshTokenPolicy) (*server.Server, error) { - return server.NewServer(context.Background(), server.Config{ - Issuer: s.options.Issuer, - Storage: s.storage, - SupportedResponseTypes: []string{"code"}, - RefreshTokenPolicy: refreshPolicy, - AllowedOrigins: s.options.AllowedOrigins, - AlwaysShowLoginScreen: false, - SkipApprovalScreen: true, - Web: *s.options.WebConfig, - Logger: s.options.Logger, - HealthChecker: healthcheck.NewNoop(), - }) -} - -func (s *Server) setupDex(refreshPolicy *server.RefreshTokenPolicy) error { - d, err := s.createDex(refreshPolicy) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("failed to create dex server: %w", err) - } - - s.server = d - - passThrough := passthrough(fasthttpadaptor.NewFastHTTPHandler(http.HandlerFunc(s.server.ServeHTTP))) - customClaims := s.customClaims(passThrough) - - enabled := func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { - if !s.options.Enabled() { - return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusForbidden, "identity service is disabled") - } - return ctx.Next() - } - - s.app.Post("/exchange", s.exchange) - s.app.Post("/refresh", s.refresh) - s.app.All("/token", enabled, customClaims) - s.app.All("/*", enabled, passThrough) - - return nil -} - -func (s *Server) githubProviderID(name string) string { - return fmt.Sprintf("github-%s", name) -} - -func (s *Server) exchange(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { - if string(ctx.Request().Header.ContentType()) == fiber.MIMEApplicationForm && ctx.FormValue("grant_type") == "authorization_code" { - if key := ctx.FormValue("code"); len(key) != 73 { - clientID := ctx.FormValue("client_id") - if clientID == "" { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_client", - ErrorDescription: "invalid client", - }) - } - client, err := s.storage.GetClient(clientID) - if err != nil || (!client.Public && (client.Secret != ctx.FormValue("client_secret"))) { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_client", - ErrorDescription: "invalid client", - }) - } - - kind, tokenIdentifier, tokenSecret, err := token.Decode(key) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed key", - }) - } - - switch tokenKind.LUT[kind] { - case tokenKind.APITokenKind: - apiKey, err := s.storage.GetAPIKey(tokenIdentifier) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed api key", - }) - } - if !token.Verify(tokenSecret, apiKey.Secret) { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed api key", - }) - } - apiToken := token.NewAPIToken(s.options.Issuer, apiKey, token.Audience{clientID}) - refreshToken := token.NewRefreshTokenForAPIKey(s.options.Issuer, apiKey, token.Audience{clientID}) - - signedAPIToken, err := apiToken.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - signedRefreshToken, err := refreshToken.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - return ctx.JSON(ExchangeResponse{ - AccessToken: signedAPIToken, - TokenType: "Bearer", - ExpiresIn: int((time.Minute * 5).Seconds()), - RefreshToken: signedRefreshToken, - }) - case tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind: - valid := func(key *token.ServiceKey) error { - if key.Expires > 0 && utils.Int64ToTime(key.Expires).Before(time.Now()) { - return errors.New("service key has expired") - } - if key.MaxUses > 0 && key.NumUsed >= key.MaxUses { - return errors.New("service key has reached max uses") - } - if !token.Verify(tokenSecret, key.Secret) { - return errors.New("invalid service key") - } - - return nil - } - - update := func(key *token.ServiceKey) { - key.NumUsed++ - } - - serviceKey, err := s.storage.GetServiceKey(tokenIdentifier, valid, update) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed service key", - }) - } - - serviceToken := token.NewServiceToken(s.options.Issuer, serviceKey, token.Audience{clientID}) - refreshToken := token.NewRefreshTokenForServiceKey(s.options.Issuer, serviceKey, token.Audience{clientID}) - - signedServiceToken, err := serviceToken.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - signedRefreshToken, err := refreshToken.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - return ctx.JSON(ExchangeResponse{ - AccessToken: signedServiceToken, - TokenType: "Bearer", - ExpiresIn: int((time.Minute * 5).Seconds()), - RefreshToken: signedRefreshToken, - }) - } - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed key", - }) - } - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_request", - ErrorDescription: "invalid request", - }) - } - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "unsupported_grant_type", - ErrorDescription: fmt.Sprintf("unsupported grant type: %s", ctx.FormValue("grant_type")), - }) -} - -func (s *Server) refresh(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { - if string(ctx.Request().Header.ContentType()) == fiber.MIMEApplicationForm && ctx.FormValue("grant_type") == "refresh_token" { - if refreshToken := ctx.FormValue("refresh_token"); refreshToken != "" { - clientID := ctx.FormValue("client_id") - if clientID == "" { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_client", - ErrorDescription: "invalid client", - }) - } - client, err := s.storage.GetClient(clientID) - if err != nil || (!client.Public && (client.Secret != ctx.FormValue("client_secret"))) { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(ExchangeError{ - Error: "invalid_client", - ErrorDescription: "invalid client", - }) - } - var r token.RefreshToken - err = r.Populate(refreshToken, s.publicKeys) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed refresh token", - }) - } - - if r.Kind != tokenKind.RefreshTokenKind { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed refresh token", - }) - } - - if time.Time(r.Expiry).Before(time.Now()) { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "refresh token has expired", - }) - } - - switch r.For { - case tokenKind.APITokenKind: - if apiKey, err := s.storage.GetAPIKey(r.ID); err == nil { - apiToken := token.NewAPIToken(s.options.Issuer, apiKey, token.Audience{clientID}) - r.Expiry = token.Time(time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 7)) - r.IssuedAt = token.Time(time.Now()) - - signedAPIToken, err := apiToken.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - signedRefreshToken, err := r.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - return ctx.JSON(RefreshResponse{ - AccessToken: signedAPIToken, - TokenType: "Bearer", - ExpiresIn: int((time.Minute * 5).Seconds()), - RefreshToken: signedRefreshToken, - }) - } else { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed refresh token", - }) - } - case tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind: - if serviceKey, err := s.storage.GetServiceKey(r.ID, nil, nil); err == nil { - serviceToken := token.NewServiceToken(s.options.Issuer, serviceKey, token.Audience{clientID}) - r.Expiry = token.Time(time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 7)) - r.IssuedAt = token.Time(time.Now()) - - signedServiceToken, err := serviceToken.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - signedRefreshToken, err := r.Sign(s.privateKeys, jose.RS256) - if err != nil { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "server_error", - ErrorDescription: "internal server error", - }) - } - - return ctx.JSON(RefreshResponse{ - AccessToken: signedServiceToken, - TokenType: "Bearer", - ExpiresIn: int((time.Minute * 5).Seconds()), - RefreshToken: signedRefreshToken, - }) - } else { - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed refresh token", - }) - } - } - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "invalid_grant", - ErrorDescription: "invalid or malformed refresh token", - }) - } - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "invalid_request", - ErrorDescription: "invalid request", - }) - } - return ctx.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(RefreshError{ - Error: "unsupported_grant_type", - ErrorDescription: fmt.Sprintf("unsupported grant type: %s", ctx.FormValue("grant_type")), - }) -} - -func (s *Server) GetPasswordProvider() (dexStorage.Connector, error) { - return s.storage.GetConnector(server.LocalConnector) -} - -func (s *Server) CreatePasswordProvider() error { - return s.storage.CreateConnector(dexStorage.Connector{ - ID: server.LocalConnector, - Type: server.LocalConnector, - Name: DefaultConnectorName, - }) -} - -func (s *Server) DeletePasswordProvider() error { - connectors, err := s.storage.ListConnectors() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if len(connectors) == 1 { - return InvalidConnectorError - } - - return s.storage.DeleteConnector(server.LocalConnector) -} - -func (s *Server) CreateGithubProvider(name string, provider *providers.GithubProvider) error { - configBytes, err := json.Marshal(provider.Convert()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - connector := dexStorage.Connector{ - ID: s.githubProviderID(name), - Type: githubID, - Name: name, - Config: configBytes, - } - - return s.storage.CreateConnector(connector) -} - -func (s *Server) GetGithubProvider(name string) (*providers.GithubProvider, error) { - connector, err := s.storage.GetConnector(s.githubProviderID(name)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - config := new(github.Config) - err = json.Unmarshal(connector.Config, config) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - provider := new(providers.GithubProvider) - provider.Populate(config) - provider.ID = connector.Name - return provider, nil -} - -func (s *Server) DeleteGithubProvider(name string) error { - connectors, err := s.storage.ListConnectors() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if len(connectors) == 1 { - return InvalidConnectorError - } - return s.storage.DeleteConnector(s.githubProviderID(name)) -} - -func (s *Server) UpdateGithubProvider(name string, provider *providers.GithubProvider) error { - _, err := s.GetGithubProvider(name) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = s.storage.DeleteConnector(s.githubProviderID(name)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return s.CreateGithubProvider(name, provider) -} - -func (s *Server) ListGithubProvider() ([]*providers.GithubProvider, error) { - connectors, err := s.storage.ListConnectors() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - var configs []*providers.GithubProvider - for _, connector := range connectors { - if connector.Type == githubID { - config := new(github.Config) - err = json.Unmarshal(connector.Config, config) - if err != nil { - break - } - provider := new(providers.GithubProvider) - provider.Populate(config) - provider.ID = connector.Name - configs = append(configs, provider) - } - } - - return configs, err -} - -func (s *Server) PublicKeySet() *keyset.Public { - return s.publicKeys -} - -func (s *Server) PrivateKeySet() *keyset.Private { - return s.privateKeys -} - -func CreateClient(st storage.Storage, id string, secret string, redirect []string, public bool, name string, logo string) error { - return st.CreateClient(dexStorage.Client{ - ID: id, - Secret: secret, - RedirectURIs: redirect, - TrustedPeers: nil, - Public: public, - Name: name, - LogoURL: logo, - }) -} - -func GetClient(st storage.Storage, id string) (dexStorage.Client, error) { - return st.GetClient(id) -} - -func UpdateClient(st storage.Storage, id string, secret string, redirect []string, public bool, name string, logo string) error { - return st.UpdateClient(id, func(old dexStorage.Client) (dexStorage.Client, error) { - old.Secret = secret - old.RedirectURIs = redirect - old.Public = public - old.Name = name - old.LogoURL = logo - - return old, nil - }) -} - -func BootstrapConnectors(storage storage.Storage, github *providers.GithubProvider) error { - connectors, err := storage.ListConnectors() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if github == nil { - if len(connectors) == 0 { - return storage.CreateConnector(dexStorage.Connector{ - ID: server.LocalConnector, - Type: server.LocalConnector, - Name: DefaultConnectorName, - Config: []byte("{}"), - }) - } - return nil - } - - if len(connectors) > 0 { - _ = storage.DeleteConnector(server.LocalConnector) - } - - if github != nil { - configBytes, err := json.Marshal(github.Convert()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - connector := dexStorage.Connector{ - ID: github.ID, - Type: githubID, - Name: "Github", - Config: configBytes, - } - - err = storage.CreateConnector(connector) - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, dexStorage.ErrAlreadyExists) { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/pkg/server/validate.go b/pkg/server/validate.go deleted file mode 100644 index ed89967..0000000 --- a/pkg/server/validate.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package server - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/keyset" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/identity" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" -) - -var ( - BearerPrefix = []byte("Bearer ") -) - -const ( - KindKey = "kind" - ClaimsKey = "claims" - IdentifierKey = "identifier" - APIKey = "api" - ServiceKey = "service" -) - -type Identity struct { - Kind tokenKind.Kind - Claims interface{} - Identifier string - Key string -} - -func ValidateHandler(clientIDs []string, issuer string, keySet keyset.Verifier) fiber.Handler { - validate := Validate(clientIDs, issuer, keySet) - return func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { - authorizationHeader := ctx.Request().Header.Peek("Authorization") - if authorizationHeader == nil || len(authorizationHeader) <= len(BearerPrefix) { - return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusUnauthorized, "invalid authorization header") - } - - i, err := validate(string(authorizationHeader[len(BearerPrefix):])) - if err != nil { - return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusUnauthorized, err.Error()) - } - - ctx.Locals(KindKey, i.Kind) - ctx.Locals(ClaimsKey, i.Claims) - ctx.Locals(IdentifierKey, i.Identifier) - switch i.Kind { - case tokenKind.APITokenKind: - ctx.Locals(APIKey, i.Key) - case tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind: - ctx.Locals(ServiceKey, i.Key) - } - - return ctx.Next() - } -} - -func Validate(clientIDs []string, issuer string, keySet keyset.Verifier) func(rawToken string) (*Identity, error) { - return func(rawToken string) (*Identity, error) { - partialToken, payload, err := token.PartialPopulate(keySet, rawToken) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if !partialToken.ValidExpiry() { - return nil, errors.New("token expired") - } - - if !partialToken.ValidIssuer(issuer) { - return nil, errors.New("invalid issuer") - } - - validAudience := false - for _, clientID := range clientIDs { - if partialToken.ValidAudience(clientID) { - validAudience = true - break - } - } - if !validAudience { - return nil, errors.New("invalid audience") - } - - switch partialToken.Kind { - case tokenKind.APITokenKind: - apiClaims := new(token.APIClaims) - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, apiClaims) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !apiClaims.Valid() { - return nil, errors.New("invalid claims") - } - - return &Identity{ - Kind: tokenKind.APITokenKind, - Claims: apiClaims, - Identifier: partialToken.Subject, - Key: apiClaims.ID, - }, nil - case tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind: - serviceClaims := new(token.ServiceClaims) - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, serviceClaims) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !serviceClaims.Valid() { - return nil, errors.New("invalid claims") - } - - return &Identity{ - Kind: tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind, - Claims: serviceClaims, - Identifier: partialToken.Subject, - Key: serviceClaims.ID, - }, nil - case tokenKind.OAuthKind: - idClaims := new(identity.IDClaims) - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, idClaims) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return &Identity{ - Kind: tokenKind.OAuthKind, - Claims: idClaims, - Identifier: partialToken.Subject, - }, nil - case tokenKind.RefreshTokenKind: - fallthrough - default: - return nil, errors.New("invalid token kind") - } - } -} diff --git a/pkg/servicekey/servicekey.go b/pkg/servicekey/servicekey.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1cf03a --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/servicekey/servicekey.go @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package servicekey + +import "time" + +// ServiceKey represents a Service Key +type ServiceKey struct { + // ID is the Service Key's unique identifier + ID string `json:"id"` + + // Hash is the hashed secret of the Service Key session + Hash []byte `json:"hash"` + + // UserID is the user's unique identifier + UserID string `json:"user_id"` + + // Organization is the organization that the Service Key belongs to (optional) + Organization string `json:"organization"` + + // ResourceType is the resource type that the Service Key is authorized to access (optional) + ResourceType string `json:"resource_type"` + + // Resource is the resource that the Service Key is authorized to access (optional unless ResourceType is set) + ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` + + // MaxUses is the maximum number of times the Service Key can be used (optional) + MaxUses int64 `json:"max_uses"` + + // NumUsed is the number of times the Service Key has been used (optional unless MaxUses is set) + NumUsed int64 `json:"num_used"` + + // Expires is the time at which the Service Key expires (optional) + Expires time.Time `json:"expires"` +} diff --git a/pkg/servicekey/session.go b/pkg/servicekey/session.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..752b5b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/servicekey/session.go @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package servicekey + +import ( + "github.com/google/uuid" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth" + "golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt" +) + +// Session represents a user's authenticated service key session +type Session struct { + // ID is the Service Key's unique identifier + ID string `json:"id"` + + // Hash is the hashed secret of the Service Key session + Hash []byte `json:"hash"` + + // ServiceKeyID is the ID of the Service Key that the session is associated with + ServiceKeyID string `json:"service_key_id"` + + // UserID is the user's unique identifier + UserID string `json:"user_id"` + + // Organization is the organization that the Service Key belongs to (optional) + Organization string `json:"organization"` + + // ResourceType is the resource type that the Service Key is authorized to access (optional) + ResourceType string `json:"resource_type"` + + // ResourceID is the resource that the Service Key is authorized to access (optional unless ResourceType is set) + ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` +} + +// NewSession returns a new session for a user with the given service key +func NewSession(servicekey *ServiceKey) (*Session, []byte, error) { + id := uuid.New().String() + secret := []byte(auth.ServiceKeySessionPrefixString + uuid.New().String()) + hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(secret, bcrypt.DefaultCost) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + return &Session{ + ID: id, + Hash: hash, + ServiceKeyID: servicekey.ID, + UserID: servicekey.UserID, + Organization: servicekey.Organization, + ResourceType: servicekey.ResourceType, + ResourceID: servicekey.ResourceID, + }, secret, nil +} diff --git a/pkg/session/session.go b/pkg/session/session.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa93287 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/session/session.go @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package session + +import ( + "github.com/google/uuid" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/kind" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider" + "time" +) + +const ( + // Expiry is the session expiry time for garbage collection purposes + Expiry = time.Hour * 24 * 7 // 7 days + + // Skew is the amount of time before a session expires that we will consider it close to expiring + Skew = time.Hour * 24 // 1 day +) + +// Session represents a user's authenticated session +type Session struct { + Creation time.Time `json:"creation"` + Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"` + Kind kind.Kind `json:"kind"` + ID string `json:"id"` + Provider provider.Key `json:"provider"` + UserID string `json:"user_id"` + Organization string `json:"organization"` +} + +// New returns a new session for a user with the given kind key, provider key, user ID, and organization +func New(kind kind.Kind, provider provider.Key, userID string, organization string) *Session { + return &Session{ + Creation: time.Now(), + Expiry: time.Now().Add(Expiry), + Kind: kind, + ID: uuid.New().String(), + Provider: provider, + UserID: userID, + Organization: organization, + } +} + +// Expired returns true if the session has expired +func (s *Session) Expired() bool { + return time.Now().After(s.Expiry) +} + +// CloseToExpiry returns true if the session is close to expiring +func (s *Session) CloseToExpiry() bool { + return time.Now().After(s.Expiry.Add(-Skew)) +} + +func (s *Session) Refresh() { + s.Expiry = time.Now().Add(Expiry) +} diff --git a/pkg/session/session_test.go b/pkg/session/session_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b01e083 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/session/session_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + +package session + +import ( + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/kind" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/provider" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + "testing" +) + +func TestSession(t *testing.T) { + pkey := provider.Key("test-provider") + sess := New(kind.Default, pkey, "test-userid", "test-organization") + require.Equal(t, kind.Default, sess.Kind) + require.Equal(t, pkey, sess.Provider) + require.Equal(t, "test-userid", sess.UserID) + require.Equal(t, "test-organization", sess.Organization) + + require.False(t, sess.Expired()) + require.False(t, sess.CloseToExpiry()) +} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/default.go b/pkg/storage/default/default.go deleted file mode 100644 index 68fde0a..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/default.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package database - -import ( - "context" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect" - "fmt" - "github.com/dexidp/dex/pkg/log" - dexStorage "github.com/dexidp/dex/storage" - dexSQL "github.com/dexidp/dex/storage/sql" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/identity" - "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" - "net" - nurl "net/url" - "strconv" - "strings" - - _ "github.com/lib/pq" - _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" -) - -var _ storage.Storage = (*Default)(nil) - -type Default struct { - client *ent.Client - dexStorage.Storage -} - -func New(connector string, url string, dexConnector string, dexURL string, logger log.Logger) (*Default, error) { - logger.Infof("connecting to %s database at %s", connector, url) - client, err := ent.Open(connector, url) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - logger.Infof("running database migrations") - err = client.Schema.Create(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - logger.Infof("creating database for dex") - var st dexStorage.Storage - switch dexConnector { - case dialect.Postgres: - logger.Infof("using postgres dialect") - parsed, err := parsePG(dexURL) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - logrus.Infof("parsed postgres url: %+v", parsed) - - port, err := strconv.Atoi(parsed["port"]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - pg := dexSQL.Postgres{ - NetworkDB: dexSQL.NetworkDB{ - Database: parsed["dbname"], - User: parsed["user"], - Password: parsed["password"], - Host: parsed["host"], - Port: uint16(port), - }, - SSL: dexSQL.SSL{ - Mode: parsed["sslmode"], - CAFile: parsed["sslrootcert"], - }, - Options: parsed["options"], - } - - st, err = pg.Open(logger) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - case dialect.SQLite: - logger.Infof("using sqlite dialect") - s := dexSQL.SQLite3{ - File: url, - } - - st, err = s.Open(logger) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported connector %s", connector) - } - - logrus.Info("created database for dex") - - return &Default{ - client: client, - Storage: st, - }, nil -} - -func (d *Default) UserExists(id string) (bool, error) { - return d.client.User.Query().Where(user.Username(id)).Exist(context.Background()) -} - -func (d *Default) GetAPIKey(id string) (*token.APIKey, error) { - a, err := d.client.APIKey.Query().Where(apikey.Value(id)).Only(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - u, err := a.QueryOwner().Only(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return &token.APIKey{ - Created: a.CreatedAt, - ID: a.Value, - Secret: a.Secret, - User: u.Username, - }, nil -} - -func (d *Default) CreateAPIKey(key *token.APIKey) error { - u, err := d.client.User.Query().Where(user.Username(key.User)).Only(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - _, err = d.client.APIKey.Create().SetOwner(u).SetValue(key.ID).SetSecret(key.Secret).Save(context.Background()) - return err -} - -func (d *Default) GetServiceKey(id string, valid storage.ServiceKeyValid, update storage.ServiceKeyUpdate) (*token.ServiceKey, error) { - s, err := d.client.ServiceKey.Query().Where(servicekey.Value(id)).Only(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - u, err := s.QueryOwner().Only(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - sk := &token.ServiceKey{ - Created: s.CreatedAt, - ID: s.Value, - Secret: s.Secret, - User: u.Username, - Resource: s.Resource, - NumUsed: s.NumUsed, - MaxUses: s.MaxUses, - Expires: s.Expires, - } - - if valid != nil { - err = valid(sk) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - if update != nil { - update(sk) - - _, err = d.client.ServiceKey.UpdateOne(s).SetResource(sk.Resource).SetNumUsed(sk.NumUsed).SetMaxUses(sk.MaxUses).SetExpires(sk.Expires).Save(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - return sk, nil -} - -func (d *Default) CreateServiceKey(key *token.ServiceKey) error { - u, err := d.client.User.Query().Where(user.Username(key.User)).Only(context.Background()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - _, err = d.client.ServiceKey.Create().SetOwner(u).SetValue(key.ID).SetSecret(key.Secret).SetResource(key.Resource).SetNumUsed(key.NumUsed).SetMaxUses(key.MaxUses).SetExpires(key.Expires).Save(context.Background()) - return err -} - -func (d *Default) NewUser(claims *identity.IDToken) error { - _, err := d.client.User.Create().SetUsername(claims.Email).Save(context.Background()) - return err -} - -func (d *Default) Shutdown() error { - err := d.Storage.Close() - if err != nil { - return err - } - return d.client.Close() -} - -func parsePG(url string) (map[string]string, error) { - values := make(map[string]string) - u, err := nurl.Parse(url) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if u.Scheme != "postgres" && u.Scheme != "postgresql" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid connection protocol: %s", u.Scheme) - } - - escaper := strings.NewReplacer(`'`, `\'`, `\`, `\\`) - append := func(k, v string) { - if v != "" { - values[k] = escaper.Replace(v) - } - } - - if u.User != nil { - v := u.User.Username() - append("user", v) - - v, _ = u.User.Password() - append("password", v) - } - - if host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host); err != nil { - append("host", u.Host) - } else { - append("host", host) - append("port", port) - } - - if u.Path != "" { - append("dbname", u.Path[1:]) - } - - q := u.Query() - for k := range q { - append(k, q.Get(k)) - } - - return values, nil -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey.go deleted file mode 100644 index c2769a0..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// APIKey is the model entity for the APIKey schema. -type APIKey struct { - config `json:"-"` - // ID of the ent. - ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` - // CreatedAt holds the value of the "created_at" field. - CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` - // Name holds the value of the "name" field. - Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` - // Value holds the value of the "value" field. - Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` - // Secret holds the value of the "secret" field. - Secret []byte `json:"secret,omitempty"` - // Edges holds the relations/edges for other nodes in the graph. - // The values are being populated by the APIKeyQuery when eager-loading is set. - Edges APIKeyEdges `json:"edges"` - user_apikeys *int -} - -// APIKeyEdges holds the relations/edges for other nodes in the graph. -type APIKeyEdges struct { - // Owner holds the value of the owner edge. - Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"` - // loadedTypes holds the information for reporting if a - // type was loaded (or requested) in eager-loading or not. - loadedTypes [1]bool -} - -// OwnerOrErr returns the Owner value or an error if the edge -// was not loaded in eager-loading, or loaded but was not found. -func (e APIKeyEdges) OwnerOrErr() (*User, error) { - if e.loadedTypes[0] { - if e.Owner == nil { - // Edge was loaded but was not found. - return nil, &NotFoundError{label: user.Label} - } - return e.Owner, nil - } - return nil, &NotLoadedError{edge: "owner"} -} - -// scanValues returns the types for scanning values from sql.Rows. -func (*APIKey) scanValues(columns []string) ([]any, error) { - values := make([]any, len(columns)) - for i := range columns { - switch columns[i] { - case apikey.FieldSecret: - values[i] = new([]byte) - case apikey.FieldID, apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64) - case apikey.FieldName, apikey.FieldValue: - values[i] = new(sql.NullString) - case apikey.ForeignKeys[0]: // user_apikeys - values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected column %q for type APIKey", columns[i]) - } - } - return values, nil -} - -// assignValues assigns the values that were returned from sql.Rows (after scanning) -// to the APIKey fields. -func (ak *APIKey) assignValues(columns []string, values []any) error { - if m, n := len(values), len(columns); m < n { - return fmt.Errorf("mismatch number of scan values: %d != %d", m, n) - } - for i := range columns { - switch columns[i] { - case apikey.FieldID: - value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field id", value) - } - ak.ID = int(value.Int64) - case apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field created_at", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - ak.CreatedAt = value.Int64 - } - case apikey.FieldName: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field name", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - ak.Name = value.String - } - case apikey.FieldValue: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field value", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - ak.Value = value.String - } - case apikey.FieldSecret: - if value, ok := values[i].(*[]byte); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field secret", values[i]) - } else if value != nil { - ak.Secret = *value - } - case apikey.ForeignKeys[0]: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for edge-field user_apikeys", value) - } else if value.Valid { - ak.user_apikeys = new(int) - *ak.user_apikeys = int(value.Int64) - } - } - } - return nil -} - -// QueryOwner queries the "owner" edge of the APIKey entity. -func (ak *APIKey) QueryOwner() *UserQuery { - return (&APIKeyClient{config: ak.config}).QueryOwner(ak) -} - -// Update returns a builder for updating this APIKey. -// Note that you need to call APIKey.Unwrap() before calling this method if this APIKey -// was returned from a transaction, and the transaction was committed or rolled back. -func (ak *APIKey) Update() *APIKeyUpdateOne { - return (&APIKeyClient{config: ak.config}).UpdateOne(ak) -} - -// Unwrap unwraps the APIKey entity that was returned from a transaction after it was closed, -// so that all future queries will be executed through the driver which created the transaction. -func (ak *APIKey) Unwrap() *APIKey { - _tx, ok := ak.config.driver.(*txDriver) - if !ok { - panic("ent: APIKey is not a transactional entity") - } - ak.config.driver = _tx.drv - return ak -} - -// String implements the fmt.Stringer. -func (ak *APIKey) String() string { - var builder strings.Builder - builder.WriteString("APIKey(") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("id=%v, ", ak.ID)) - builder.WriteString("created_at=") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", ak.CreatedAt)) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("name=") - builder.WriteString(ak.Name) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("value=") - builder.WriteString(ak.Value) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("secret=") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", ak.Secret)) - builder.WriteByte(')') - return builder.String() -} - -// APIKeys is a parsable slice of APIKey. -type APIKeys []*APIKey - -func (ak APIKeys) config(cfg config) { - for _i := range ak { - ak[_i].config = cfg - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey/apikey.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey/apikey.go deleted file mode 100644 index 85e867a..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey/apikey.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package apikey - -const ( - // Label holds the string label denoting the apikey type in the database. - Label = "api_key" - // FieldID holds the string denoting the id field in the database. - FieldID = "id" - // FieldCreatedAt holds the string denoting the created_at field in the database. - FieldCreatedAt = "created_at" - // FieldName holds the string denoting the name field in the database. - FieldName = "name" - // FieldValue holds the string denoting the value field in the database. - FieldValue = "value" - // FieldSecret holds the string denoting the secret field in the database. - FieldSecret = "secret" - // EdgeOwner holds the string denoting the owner edge name in mutations. - EdgeOwner = "owner" - // Table holds the table name of the apikey in the database. - Table = "api_keys" - // OwnerTable is the table that holds the owner relation/edge. - OwnerTable = "api_keys" - // OwnerInverseTable is the table name for the User entity. - // It exists in this package in order to avoid circular dependency with the "user" package. - OwnerInverseTable = "users" - // OwnerColumn is the table column denoting the owner relation/edge. - OwnerColumn = "user_apikeys" -) - -// Columns holds all SQL columns for apikey fields. -var Columns = []string{ - FieldID, - FieldCreatedAt, - FieldName, - FieldValue, - FieldSecret, -} - -// ForeignKeys holds the SQL foreign-keys that are owned by the "api_keys" -// table and are not defined as standalone fields in the schema. -var ForeignKeys = []string{ - "user_apikeys", -} - -// ValidColumn reports if the column name is valid (part of the table columns). -func ValidColumn(column string) bool { - for i := range Columns { - if column == Columns[i] { - return true - } - } - for i := range ForeignKeys { - if column == ForeignKeys[i] { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -var ( - // DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the "created_at" field. - DefaultCreatedAt func() int64 - // NameValidator is a validator for the "name" field. It is called by the builders before save. - NameValidator func(string) error - // ValueValidator is a validator for the "value" field. It is called by the builders before save. - ValueValidator func(string) error -) diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey/where.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey/where.go deleted file mode 100644 index e5ed0c3..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey/where.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,494 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package apikey - -import ( - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" -) - -// ID filters vertices based on their ID field. -func ID(id int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDEQ applies the EQ predicate on the ID field. -func IDEQ(id int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the ID field. -func IDNEQ(id int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDIn applies the In predicate on the ID field. -func IDIn(ids ...int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - v := make([]any, len(ids)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = ids[i] - } - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldID), v...)) - }) -} - -// IDNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the ID field. -func IDNotIn(ids ...int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - v := make([]any, len(ids)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = ids[i] - } - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldID), v...)) - }) -} - -// IDGT applies the GT predicate on the ID field. -func IDGT(id int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDGTE applies the GTE predicate on the ID field. -func IDGTE(id int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDLT applies the LT predicate on the ID field. -func IDLT(id int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDLTE applies the LTE predicate on the ID field. -func IDLTE(id int) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAt applies equality check predicate on the "created_at" field. It's identical to CreatedAtEQ. -func CreatedAt(v int64) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// Name applies equality check predicate on the "name" field. It's identical to NameEQ. -func Name(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// Value applies equality check predicate on the "value" field. It's identical to ValueEQ. -func Value(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// Secret applies equality check predicate on the "secret" field. It's identical to SecretEQ. -func Secret(v []byte) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtEQ(v int64) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtNEQ(v int64) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtIn applies the In predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtIn(vs ...int64) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtNotIn(vs ...int64) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtGT applies the GT predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtGT(v int64) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtGTE(v int64) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtLT applies the LT predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtLT(v int64) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtLTE(v int64) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// NameEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "name" field. -func NameEQ(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "name" field. -func NameNEQ(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameIn applies the In predicate on the "name" field. -func NameIn(vs ...string) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldName), v...)) - }) -} - -// NameNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "name" field. -func NameNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldName), v...)) - }) -} - -// NameGT applies the GT predicate on the "name" field. -func NameGT(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "name" field. -func NameGTE(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameLT applies the LT predicate on the "name" field. -func NameLT(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "name" field. -func NameLTE(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameContains applies the Contains predicate on the "name" field. -func NameContains(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "name" field. -func NameHasPrefix(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "name" field. -func NameHasSuffix(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "name" field. -func NameEqualFold(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "name" field. -func NameContainsFold(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueEQ(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueNEQ(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueIn applies the In predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueIn(vs ...string) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldValue), v...)) - }) -} - -// ValueNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldValue), v...)) - }) -} - -// ValueGT applies the GT predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueGT(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueGTE(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueLT applies the LT predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueLT(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueLTE(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueContains applies the Contains predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueContains(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueHasPrefix(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueHasSuffix(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueEqualFold(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueContainsFold(v string) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretEQ(v []byte) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretNEQ(v []byte) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretIn applies the In predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretIn(vs ...[]byte) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldSecret), v...)) - }) -} - -// SecretNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretNotIn(vs ...[]byte) predicate.APIKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldSecret), v...)) - }) -} - -// SecretGT applies the GT predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretGT(v []byte) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretGTE(v []byte) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretLT applies the LT predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretLT(v []byte) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretLTE(v []byte) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// HasOwner applies the HasEdge predicate on the "owner" edge. -func HasOwner() predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(OwnerTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, OwnerTable, OwnerColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighbors(s, step) - }) -} - -// HasOwnerWith applies the HasEdge predicate on the "owner" edge with a given conditions (other predicates). -func HasOwnerWith(preds ...predicate.User) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(OwnerInverseTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, OwnerTable, OwnerColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighborsWith(s, step, func(s *sql.Selector) { - for _, p := range preds { - p(s) - } - }) - }) -} - -// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them. -func And(predicates ...predicate.APIKey) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) - for _, p := range predicates { - p(s1) - } - s.Where(s1.P()) - }) -} - -// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them. -func Or(predicates ...predicate.APIKey) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) - for i, p := range predicates { - if i > 0 { - s1.Or() - } - p(s1) - } - s.Where(s1.P()) - }) -} - -// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate. -func Not(p predicate.APIKey) predicate.APIKey { - return predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - p(s.Not()) - }) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_create.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_create.go deleted file mode 100644 index b64f0ad..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_create.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,345 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// APIKeyCreate is the builder for creating a APIKey entity. -type APIKeyCreate struct { - config - mutation *APIKeyMutation - hooks []Hook -} - -// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetCreatedAt(i int64) *APIKeyCreate { - akc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(i) - return akc -} - -// SetNillableCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field if the given value is not nil. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetNillableCreatedAt(i *int64) *APIKeyCreate { - if i != nil { - akc.SetCreatedAt(*i) - } - return akc -} - -// SetName sets the "name" field. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetName(s string) *APIKeyCreate { - akc.mutation.SetName(s) - return akc -} - -// SetValue sets the "value" field. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetValue(s string) *APIKeyCreate { - akc.mutation.SetValue(s) - return akc -} - -// SetSecret sets the "secret" field. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetSecret(b []byte) *APIKeyCreate { - akc.mutation.SetSecret(b) - return akc -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetOwnerID(id int) *APIKeyCreate { - akc.mutation.SetOwnerID(id) - return akc -} - -// SetNillableOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID if the given value is not nil. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetNillableOwnerID(id *int) *APIKeyCreate { - if id != nil { - akc = akc.SetOwnerID(*id) - } - return akc -} - -// SetOwner sets the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SetOwner(u *User) *APIKeyCreate { - return akc.SetOwnerID(u.ID) -} - -// Mutation returns the APIKeyMutation object of the builder. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) Mutation() *APIKeyMutation { - return akc.mutation -} - -// Save creates the APIKey in the database. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) Save(ctx context.Context) (*APIKey, error) { - var ( - err error - node *APIKey - ) - akc.defaults() - if len(akc.hooks) == 0 { - if err = akc.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - node, err = akc.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*APIKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - if err = akc.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - akc.mutation = mutation - if node, err = akc.sqlSave(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mutation.id = &node.ID - mutation.done = true - return node, err - }) - for i := len(akc.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if akc.hooks[i] == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = akc.hooks[i](mut) - } - v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, akc.mutation) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nv, ok := v.(*APIKey) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from APIKeyMutation", v) - } - node = nv - } - return node, err -} - -// SaveX calls Save and panics if Save returns an error. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *APIKey { - v, err := akc.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return v -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := akc.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := akc.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -// defaults sets the default values of the builder before save. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) defaults() { - if _, ok := akc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { - v := apikey.DefaultCreatedAt() - akc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(v) - } -} - -// check runs all checks and user-defined validators on the builder. -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) check() error { - if _, ok := akc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "created_at", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "APIKey.created_at"`)} - } - if _, ok := akc.mutation.Name(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "name", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "APIKey.name"`)} - } - if v, ok := akc.mutation.Name(); ok { - if err := apikey.NameValidator(v); err != nil { - return &ValidationError{Name: "name", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "APIKey.name": %w`, err)} - } - } - if _, ok := akc.mutation.Value(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "value", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "APIKey.value"`)} - } - if v, ok := akc.mutation.Value(); ok { - if err := apikey.ValueValidator(v); err != nil { - return &ValidationError{Name: "value", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "APIKey.value": %w`, err)} - } - } - if _, ok := akc.mutation.Secret(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "secret", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "APIKey.secret"`)} - } - return nil -} - -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (*APIKey, error) { - _node, _spec := akc.createSpec() - if err := sqlgraph.CreateNode(ctx, akc.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return nil, err - } - id := _spec.ID.Value.(int64) - _node.ID = int(id) - return _node, nil -} - -func (akc *APIKeyCreate) createSpec() (*APIKey, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) { - var ( - _node = &APIKey{config: akc.config} - _spec = &sqlgraph.CreateSpec{ - Table: apikey.Table, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - } - ) - if value, ok := akc.mutation.CreatedAt(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: apikey.FieldCreatedAt, - }) - _node.CreatedAt = value - } - if value, ok := akc.mutation.Name(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: apikey.FieldName, - }) - _node.Name = value - } - if value, ok := akc.mutation.Value(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: apikey.FieldValue, - }) - _node.Value = value - } - if value, ok := akc.mutation.Secret(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeBytes, - Value: value, - Column: apikey.FieldSecret, - }) - _node.Secret = value - } - if nodes := akc.mutation.OwnerIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: apikey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{apikey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _node.user_apikeys = &nodes[0] - _spec.Edges = append(_spec.Edges, edge) - } - return _node, _spec -} - -// APIKeyCreateBulk is the builder for creating many APIKey entities in bulk. -type APIKeyCreateBulk struct { - config - builders []*APIKeyCreate -} - -// Save creates the APIKey entities in the database. -func (akcb *APIKeyCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*APIKey, error) { - specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(akcb.builders)) - nodes := make([]*APIKey, len(akcb.builders)) - mutators := make([]Mutator, len(akcb.builders)) - for i := range akcb.builders { - func(i int, root context.Context) { - builder := akcb.builders[i] - builder.defaults() - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*APIKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - if err := builder.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - builder.mutation = mutation - nodes[i], specs[i] = builder.createSpec() - var err error - if i < len(mutators)-1 { - _, err = mutators[i+1].Mutate(root, akcb.builders[i+1].mutation) - } else { - spec := &sqlgraph.BatchCreateSpec{Nodes: specs} - // Invoke the actual operation on the latest mutation in the chain. - if err = sqlgraph.BatchCreate(ctx, akcb.driver, spec); err != nil { - if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - } - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mutation.id = &nodes[i].ID - if specs[i].ID.Value != nil { - id := specs[i].ID.Value.(int64) - nodes[i].ID = int(id) - } - mutation.done = true - return nodes[i], nil - }) - for i := len(builder.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - mut = builder.hooks[i](mut) - } - mutators[i] = mut - }(i, ctx) - } - if len(mutators) > 0 { - if _, err := mutators[0].Mutate(ctx, akcb.builders[0].mutation); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akcb *APIKeyCreateBulk) SaveX(ctx context.Context) []*APIKey { - v, err := akcb.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return v -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (akcb *APIKeyCreateBulk) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := akcb.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akcb *APIKeyCreateBulk) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := akcb.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_delete.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_delete.go deleted file mode 100644 index a157b8f..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_delete.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" -) - -// APIKeyDelete is the builder for deleting a APIKey entity. -type APIKeyDelete struct { - config - hooks []Hook - mutation *APIKeyMutation -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the APIKeyDelete builder. -func (akd *APIKeyDelete) Where(ps ...predicate.APIKey) *APIKeyDelete { - akd.mutation.Where(ps...) - return akd -} - -// Exec executes the deletion query and returns how many vertices were deleted. -func (akd *APIKeyDelete) Exec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - var ( - err error - affected int - ) - if len(akd.hooks) == 0 { - affected, err = akd.sqlExec(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*APIKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - akd.mutation = mutation - affected, err = akd.sqlExec(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return affected, err - }) - for i := len(akd.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if akd.hooks[i] == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = akd.hooks[i](mut) - } - if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, akd.mutation); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } - return affected, err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akd *APIKeyDelete) ExecX(ctx context.Context) int { - n, err := akd.Exec(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return n -} - -func (akd *APIKeyDelete) sqlExec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.DeleteSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: apikey.Table, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - if ps := akd.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - affected, err := sqlgraph.DeleteNodes(ctx, akd.driver, _spec) - if err != nil && sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return affected, err -} - -// APIKeyDeleteOne is the builder for deleting a single APIKey entity. -type APIKeyDeleteOne struct { - akd *APIKeyDelete -} - -// Exec executes the deletion query. -func (akdo *APIKeyDeleteOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - n, err := akdo.akd.Exec(ctx) - switch { - case err != nil: - return err - case n == 0: - return &NotFoundError{apikey.Label} - default: - return nil - } -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akdo *APIKeyDeleteOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - akdo.akd.ExecX(ctx) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_query.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_query.go deleted file mode 100644 index b20817e..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_query.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,613 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - "math" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// APIKeyQuery is the builder for querying APIKey entities. -type APIKeyQuery struct { - config - limit *int - offset *int - unique *bool - order []OrderFunc - fields []string - predicates []predicate.APIKey - withOwner *UserQuery - withFKs bool - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector - path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) -} - -// Where adds a new predicate for the APIKeyQuery builder. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Where(ps ...predicate.APIKey) *APIKeyQuery { - akq.predicates = append(akq.predicates, ps...) - return akq -} - -// Limit adds a limit step to the query. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Limit(limit int) *APIKeyQuery { - akq.limit = &limit - return akq -} - -// Offset adds an offset step to the query. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Offset(offset int) *APIKeyQuery { - akq.offset = &offset - return akq -} - -// Unique configures the query builder to filter duplicate records on query. -// By default, unique is set to true, and can be disabled using this method. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Unique(unique bool) *APIKeyQuery { - akq.unique = &unique - return akq -} - -// Order adds an order step to the query. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Order(o ...OrderFunc) *APIKeyQuery { - akq.order = append(akq.order, o...) - return akq -} - -// QueryOwner chains the current query on the "owner" edge. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) QueryOwner() *UserQuery { - query := &UserQuery{config: akq.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromU *sql.Selector, err error) { - if err := akq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - selector := akq.sqlQuery(ctx) - if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(apikey.Table, apikey.FieldID, selector), - sqlgraph.To(user.Table, user.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, apikey.OwnerTable, apikey.OwnerColumn), - ) - fromU = sqlgraph.SetNeighbors(akq.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromU, nil - } - return query -} - -// First returns the first APIKey entity from the query. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no APIKey was found. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) First(ctx context.Context) (*APIKey, error) { - nodes, err := akq.Limit(1).All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(nodes) == 0 { - return nil, &NotFoundError{apikey.Label} - } - return nodes[0], nil -} - -// FirstX is like First, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) FirstX(ctx context.Context) *APIKey { - node, err := akq.First(ctx) - if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// FirstID returns the first APIKey ID from the query. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no APIKey ID was found. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) FirstID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { - var ids []int - if ids, err = akq.Limit(1).IDs(ctx); err != nil { - return - } - if len(ids) == 0 { - err = &NotFoundError{apikey.Label} - return - } - return ids[0], nil -} - -// FirstIDX is like FirstID, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) FirstIDX(ctx context.Context) int { - id, err := akq.FirstID(ctx) - if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { - panic(err) - } - return id -} - -// Only returns a single APIKey entity found by the query, ensuring it only returns one. -// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one APIKey entity is found. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no APIKey entities are found. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Only(ctx context.Context) (*APIKey, error) { - nodes, err := akq.Limit(2).All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch len(nodes) { - case 1: - return nodes[0], nil - case 0: - return nil, &NotFoundError{apikey.Label} - default: - return nil, &NotSingularError{apikey.Label} - } -} - -// OnlyX is like Only, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) OnlyX(ctx context.Context) *APIKey { - node, err := akq.Only(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// OnlyID is like Only, but returns the only APIKey ID in the query. -// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one APIKey ID is found. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no entities are found. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) OnlyID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { - var ids []int - if ids, err = akq.Limit(2).IDs(ctx); err != nil { - return - } - switch len(ids) { - case 1: - id = ids[0] - case 0: - err = &NotFoundError{apikey.Label} - default: - err = &NotSingularError{apikey.Label} - } - return -} - -// OnlyIDX is like OnlyID, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) OnlyIDX(ctx context.Context) int { - id, err := akq.OnlyID(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return id -} - -// All executes the query and returns a list of APIKeys. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) All(ctx context.Context) ([]*APIKey, error) { - if err := akq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return akq.sqlAll(ctx) -} - -// AllX is like All, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) AllX(ctx context.Context) []*APIKey { - nodes, err := akq.All(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return nodes -} - -// IDs executes the query and returns a list of APIKey IDs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { - var ids []int - if err := akq.Select(apikey.FieldID).Scan(ctx, &ids); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return ids, nil -} - -// IDsX is like IDs, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) IDsX(ctx context.Context) []int { - ids, err := akq.IDs(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return ids -} - -// Count returns the count of the given query. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Count(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - if err := akq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - return akq.sqlCount(ctx) -} - -// CountX is like Count, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) CountX(ctx context.Context) int { - count, err := akq.Count(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return count -} - -// Exist returns true if the query has elements in the graph. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Exist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { - if err := akq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return false, err - } - return akq.sqlExist(ctx) -} - -// ExistX is like Exist, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) ExistX(ctx context.Context) bool { - exist, err := akq.Exist(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return exist -} - -// Clone returns a duplicate of the APIKeyQuery builder, including all associated steps. It can be -// used to prepare common query builders and use them differently after the clone is made. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Clone() *APIKeyQuery { - if akq == nil { - return nil - } - return &APIKeyQuery{ - config: akq.config, - limit: akq.limit, - offset: akq.offset, - order: append([]OrderFunc{}, akq.order...), - predicates: append([]predicate.APIKey{}, akq.predicates...), - withOwner: akq.withOwner.Clone(), - // clone intermediate query. - sql: akq.sql.Clone(), - path: akq.path, - unique: akq.unique, - } -} - -// WithOwner tells the query-builder to eager-load the nodes that are connected to -// the "owner" edge. The optional arguments are used to configure the query builder of the edge. -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) WithOwner(opts ...func(*UserQuery)) *APIKeyQuery { - query := &UserQuery{config: akq.config} - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(query) - } - akq.withOwner = query - return akq -} - -// GroupBy is used to group vertices by one or more fields/columns. -// It is often used with aggregate functions, like: count, max, mean, min, sum. -// -// Example: -// -// var v []struct { -// CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` -// Count int `json:"count,omitempty"` -// } -// -// client.APIKey.Query(). -// GroupBy(apikey.FieldCreatedAt). -// Aggregate(ent.Count()). -// Scan(ctx, &v) -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) GroupBy(field string, fields ...string) *APIKeyGroupBy { - grbuild := &APIKeyGroupBy{config: akq.config} - grbuild.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) - grbuild.path = func(ctx context.Context) (prev *sql.Selector, err error) { - if err := akq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return akq.sqlQuery(ctx), nil - } - grbuild.label = apikey.Label - grbuild.flds, grbuild.scan = &grbuild.fields, grbuild.Scan - return grbuild -} - -// Select allows the selection one or more fields/columns for the given query, -// instead of selecting all fields in the entity. -// -// Example: -// -// var v []struct { -// CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` -// } -// -// client.APIKey.Query(). -// Select(apikey.FieldCreatedAt). -// Scan(ctx, &v) -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) Select(fields ...string) *APIKeySelect { - akq.fields = append(akq.fields, fields...) - selbuild := &APIKeySelect{APIKeyQuery: akq} - selbuild.label = apikey.Label - selbuild.flds, selbuild.scan = &akq.fields, selbuild.Scan - return selbuild -} - -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) prepareQuery(ctx context.Context) error { - for _, f := range akq.fields { - if !apikey.ValidColumn(f) { - return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} - } - } - if akq.path != nil { - prev, err := akq.path(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - akq.sql = prev - } - return nil -} - -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) sqlAll(ctx context.Context, hooks ...queryHook) ([]*APIKey, error) { - var ( - nodes = []*APIKey{} - withFKs = akq.withFKs - _spec = akq.querySpec() - loadedTypes = [1]bool{ - akq.withOwner != nil, - } - ) - if akq.withOwner != nil { - withFKs = true - } - if withFKs { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, apikey.ForeignKeys...) - } - _spec.ScanValues = func(columns []string) ([]any, error) { - return (*APIKey).scanValues(nil, columns) - } - _spec.Assign = func(columns []string, values []any) error { - node := &APIKey{config: akq.config} - nodes = append(nodes, node) - node.Edges.loadedTypes = loadedTypes - return node.assignValues(columns, values) - } - for i := range hooks { - hooks[i](ctx, _spec) - } - if err := sqlgraph.QueryNodes(ctx, akq.driver, _spec); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(nodes) == 0 { - return nodes, nil - } - if query := akq.withOwner; query != nil { - if err := akq.loadOwner(ctx, query, nodes, nil, - func(n *APIKey, e *User) { n.Edges.Owner = e }); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) loadOwner(ctx context.Context, query *UserQuery, nodes []*APIKey, init func(*APIKey), assign func(*APIKey, *User)) error { - ids := make([]int, 0, len(nodes)) - nodeids := make(map[int][]*APIKey) - for i := range nodes { - if nodes[i].user_apikeys == nil { - continue - } - fk := *nodes[i].user_apikeys - if _, ok := nodeids[fk]; !ok { - ids = append(ids, fk) - } - nodeids[fk] = append(nodeids[fk], nodes[i]) - } - query.Where(user.IDIn(ids...)) - neighbors, err := query.All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, n := range neighbors { - nodes, ok := nodeids[n.ID] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf(`unexpected foreign-key "user_apikeys" returned %v`, n.ID) - } - for i := range nodes { - assign(nodes[i], n) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) sqlCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - _spec := akq.querySpec() - _spec.Node.Columns = akq.fields - if len(akq.fields) > 0 { - _spec.Unique = akq.unique != nil && *akq.unique - } - return sqlgraph.CountNodes(ctx, akq.driver, _spec) -} - -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) sqlExist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { - switch _, err := akq.FirstID(ctx); { - case IsNotFound(err): - return false, nil - case err != nil: - return false, fmt.Errorf("ent: check existence: %w", err) - default: - return true, nil - } -} - -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) querySpec() *sqlgraph.QuerySpec { - _spec := &sqlgraph.QuerySpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: apikey.Table, - Columns: apikey.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - From: akq.sql, - Unique: true, - } - if unique := akq.unique; unique != nil { - _spec.Unique = *unique - } - if fields := akq.fields; len(fields) > 0 { - _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, apikey.FieldID) - for i := range fields { - if fields[i] != apikey.FieldID { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, fields[i]) - } - } - } - if ps := akq.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if limit := akq.limit; limit != nil { - _spec.Limit = *limit - } - if offset := akq.offset; offset != nil { - _spec.Offset = *offset - } - if ps := akq.order; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Order = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - return _spec -} - -func (akq *APIKeyQuery) sqlQuery(ctx context.Context) *sql.Selector { - builder := sql.Dialect(akq.driver.Dialect()) - t1 := builder.Table(apikey.Table) - columns := akq.fields - if len(columns) == 0 { - columns = apikey.Columns - } - selector := builder.Select(t1.Columns(columns...)...).From(t1) - if akq.sql != nil { - selector = akq.sql - selector.Select(selector.Columns(columns...)...) - } - if akq.unique != nil && *akq.unique { - selector.Distinct() - } - for _, p := range akq.predicates { - p(selector) - } - for _, p := range akq.order { - p(selector) - } - if offset := akq.offset; offset != nil { - // limit is mandatory for offset clause. We start - // with default value, and override it below if needed. - selector.Offset(*offset).Limit(math.MaxInt32) - } - if limit := akq.limit; limit != nil { - selector.Limit(*limit) - } - return selector -} - -// APIKeyGroupBy is the group-by builder for APIKey entities. -type APIKeyGroupBy struct { - config - selector - fields []string - fns []AggregateFunc - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector - path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) -} - -// Aggregate adds the given aggregation functions to the group-by query. -func (akgb *APIKeyGroupBy) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *APIKeyGroupBy { - akgb.fns = append(akgb.fns, fns...) - return akgb -} - -// Scan applies the group-by query and scans the result into the given value. -func (akgb *APIKeyGroupBy) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - query, err := akgb.path(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - akgb.sql = query - return akgb.sqlScan(ctx, v) -} - -func (akgb *APIKeyGroupBy) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - for _, f := range akgb.fields { - if !apikey.ValidColumn(f) { - return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("invalid field %q for group-by", f)} - } - } - selector := akgb.sqlQuery() - if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { - return err - } - rows := &sql.Rows{} - query, args := selector.Query() - if err := akgb.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { - return err - } - defer rows.Close() - return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) -} - -func (akgb *APIKeyGroupBy) sqlQuery() *sql.Selector { - selector := akgb.sql.Select() - aggregation := make([]string, 0, len(akgb.fns)) - for _, fn := range akgb.fns { - aggregation = append(aggregation, fn(selector)) - } - // If no columns were selected in a custom aggregation function, the default - // selection is the fields used for "group-by", and the aggregation functions. - if len(selector.SelectedColumns()) == 0 { - columns := make([]string, 0, len(akgb.fields)+len(akgb.fns)) - for _, f := range akgb.fields { - columns = append(columns, selector.C(f)) - } - columns = append(columns, aggregation...) - selector.Select(columns...) - } - return selector.GroupBy(selector.Columns(akgb.fields...)...) -} - -// APIKeySelect is the builder for selecting fields of APIKey entities. -type APIKeySelect struct { - *APIKeyQuery - selector - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector -} - -// Scan applies the selector query and scans the result into the given value. -func (aks *APIKeySelect) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - if err := aks.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return err - } - aks.sql = aks.APIKeyQuery.sqlQuery(ctx) - return aks.sqlScan(ctx, v) -} - -func (aks *APIKeySelect) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - rows := &sql.Rows{} - query, args := aks.sql.Query() - if err := aks.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { - return err - } - defer rows.Close() - return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_update.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_update.go deleted file mode 100644 index d0c8170..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey_update.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,366 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// APIKeyUpdate is the builder for updating APIKey entities. -type APIKeyUpdate struct { - config - hooks []Hook - mutation *APIKeyMutation -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the APIKeyUpdate builder. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) Where(ps ...predicate.APIKey) *APIKeyUpdate { - aku.mutation.Where(ps...) - return aku -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) SetOwnerID(id int) *APIKeyUpdate { - aku.mutation.SetOwnerID(id) - return aku -} - -// SetNillableOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID if the given value is not nil. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) SetNillableOwnerID(id *int) *APIKeyUpdate { - if id != nil { - aku = aku.SetOwnerID(*id) - } - return aku -} - -// SetOwner sets the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) SetOwner(u *User) *APIKeyUpdate { - return aku.SetOwnerID(u.ID) -} - -// Mutation returns the APIKeyMutation object of the builder. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) Mutation() *APIKeyMutation { - return aku.mutation -} - -// ClearOwner clears the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) ClearOwner() *APIKeyUpdate { - aku.mutation.ClearOwner() - return aku -} - -// Save executes the query and returns the number of nodes affected by the update operation. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) Save(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - var ( - err error - affected int - ) - if len(aku.hooks) == 0 { - affected, err = aku.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*APIKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - aku.mutation = mutation - affected, err = aku.sqlSave(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return affected, err - }) - for i := len(aku.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if aku.hooks[i] == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = aku.hooks[i](mut) - } - if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, aku.mutation); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } - return affected, err -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) int { - affected, err := aku.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return affected -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := aku.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := aku.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -func (aku *APIKeyUpdate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (n int, err error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: apikey.Table, - Columns: apikey.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - if ps := aku.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if aku.mutation.OwnerCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: apikey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{apikey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := aku.mutation.OwnerIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: apikey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{apikey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - if n, err = sqlgraph.UpdateNodes(ctx, aku.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { - err = &NotFoundError{apikey.Label} - } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return 0, err - } - return n, nil -} - -// APIKeyUpdateOne is the builder for updating a single APIKey entity. -type APIKeyUpdateOne struct { - config - fields []string - hooks []Hook - mutation *APIKeyMutation -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) SetOwnerID(id int) *APIKeyUpdateOne { - akuo.mutation.SetOwnerID(id) - return akuo -} - -// SetNillableOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID if the given value is not nil. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) SetNillableOwnerID(id *int) *APIKeyUpdateOne { - if id != nil { - akuo = akuo.SetOwnerID(*id) - } - return akuo -} - -// SetOwner sets the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) SetOwner(u *User) *APIKeyUpdateOne { - return akuo.SetOwnerID(u.ID) -} - -// Mutation returns the APIKeyMutation object of the builder. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) Mutation() *APIKeyMutation { - return akuo.mutation -} - -// ClearOwner clears the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) ClearOwner() *APIKeyUpdateOne { - akuo.mutation.ClearOwner() - return akuo -} - -// Select allows selecting one or more fields (columns) of the returned entity. -// The default is selecting all fields defined in the entity schema. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) Select(field string, fields ...string) *APIKeyUpdateOne { - akuo.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) - return akuo -} - -// Save executes the query and returns the updated APIKey entity. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) Save(ctx context.Context) (*APIKey, error) { - var ( - err error - node *APIKey - ) - if len(akuo.hooks) == 0 { - node, err = akuo.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*APIKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - akuo.mutation = mutation - node, err = akuo.sqlSave(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return node, err - }) - for i := len(akuo.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if akuo.hooks[i] == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = akuo.hooks[i](mut) - } - v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, akuo.mutation) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nv, ok := v.(*APIKey) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from APIKeyMutation", v) - } - node = nv - } - return node, err -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *APIKey { - node, err := akuo.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// Exec executes the query on the entity. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := akuo.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := akuo.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -func (akuo *APIKeyUpdateOne) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (_node *APIKey, err error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: apikey.Table, - Columns: apikey.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - id, ok := akuo.mutation.ID() - if !ok { - return nil, &ValidationError{Name: "id", err: errors.New(`ent: missing "APIKey.id" for update`)} - } - _spec.Node.ID.Value = id - if fields := akuo.fields; len(fields) > 0 { - _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, apikey.FieldID) - for _, f := range fields { - if !apikey.ValidColumn(f) { - return nil, &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} - } - if f != apikey.FieldID { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, f) - } - } - } - if ps := akuo.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if akuo.mutation.OwnerCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: apikey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{apikey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := akuo.mutation.OwnerIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: apikey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{apikey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - _node = &APIKey{config: akuo.config} - _spec.Assign = _node.assignValues - _spec.ScanValues = _node.scanValues - if err = sqlgraph.UpdateNode(ctx, akuo.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { - err = &NotFoundError{apikey.Label} - } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return nil, err - } - return _node, nil -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/client.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6fdcec2..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "log" - - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate" - - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" -) - -// Client is the client that holds all ent builders. -type Client struct { - config - // Schema is the client for creating, migrating and dropping schema. - Schema *migrate.Schema - // APIKey is the client for interacting with the APIKey builders. - APIKey *APIKeyClient - // ServiceKey is the client for interacting with the ServiceKey builders. - ServiceKey *ServiceKeyClient - // User is the client for interacting with the User builders. - User *UserClient -} - -// NewClient creates a new client configured with the given options. -func NewClient(opts ...Option) *Client { - cfg := config{log: log.Println, hooks: &hooks{}} - cfg.options(opts...) - client := &Client{config: cfg} - client.init() - return client -} - -func (c *Client) init() { - c.Schema = migrate.NewSchema(c.driver) - c.APIKey = NewAPIKeyClient(c.config) - c.ServiceKey = NewServiceKeyClient(c.config) - c.User = NewUserClient(c.config) -} - -// Open opens a database/sql.DB specified by the driver name and -// the data source name, and returns a new client attached to it. -// Optional parameters can be added for configuring the client. -func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string, options ...Option) (*Client, error) { - switch driverName { - case dialect.MySQL, dialect.Postgres, dialect.SQLite: - drv, err := sql.Open(driverName, dataSourceName) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return NewClient(append(options, Driver(drv))...), nil - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported driver: %q", driverName) - } -} - -// Tx returns a new transactional client. The provided context -// is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back. -func (c *Client) Tx(ctx context.Context) (*Tx, error) { - if _, ok := c.driver.(*txDriver); ok { - return nil, errors.New("ent: cannot start a transaction within a transaction") - } - tx, err := newTx(ctx, c.driver) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: starting a transaction: %w", err) - } - cfg := c.config - cfg.driver = tx - return &Tx{ - ctx: ctx, - config: cfg, - APIKey: NewAPIKeyClient(cfg), - ServiceKey: NewServiceKeyClient(cfg), - User: NewUserClient(cfg), - }, nil -} - -// BeginTx returns a transactional client with specified options. -func (c *Client) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*Tx, error) { - if _, ok := c.driver.(*txDriver); ok { - return nil, errors.New("ent: cannot start a transaction within a transaction") - } - tx, err := c.driver.(interface { - BeginTx(context.Context, *sql.TxOptions) (dialect.Tx, error) - }).BeginTx(ctx, opts) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: starting a transaction: %w", err) - } - cfg := c.config - cfg.driver = &txDriver{tx: tx, drv: c.driver} - return &Tx{ - ctx: ctx, - config: cfg, - APIKey: NewAPIKeyClient(cfg), - ServiceKey: NewServiceKeyClient(cfg), - User: NewUserClient(cfg), - }, nil -} - -// Debug returns a new debug-client. It's used to get verbose logging on specific operations. -// -// client.Debug(). -// APIKey. -// Query(). -// Count(ctx) -func (c *Client) Debug() *Client { - if c.debug { - return c - } - cfg := c.config - cfg.driver = dialect.Debug(c.driver, c.log) - client := &Client{config: cfg} - client.init() - return client -} - -// Close closes the database connection and prevents new queries from starting. -func (c *Client) Close() error { - return c.driver.Close() -} - -// Use adds the mutation hooks to all the entity clients. -// In order to add hooks to a specific client, call: `client.Node.Use(...)`. -func (c *Client) Use(hooks ...Hook) { - c.APIKey.Use(hooks...) - c.ServiceKey.Use(hooks...) - c.User.Use(hooks...) -} - -// APIKeyClient is a client for the APIKey schema. -type APIKeyClient struct { - config -} - -// NewAPIKeyClient returns a client for the APIKey from the given config. -func NewAPIKeyClient(c config) *APIKeyClient { - return &APIKeyClient{config: c} -} - -// Use adds a list of mutation hooks to the hooks stack. -// A call to `Use(f, g, h)` equals to `apikey.Hooks(f(g(h())))`. -func (c *APIKeyClient) Use(hooks ...Hook) { - c.hooks.APIKey = append(c.hooks.APIKey, hooks...) -} - -// Create returns a builder for creating a APIKey entity. -func (c *APIKeyClient) Create() *APIKeyCreate { - mutation := newAPIKeyMutation(c.config, OpCreate) - return &APIKeyCreate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// CreateBulk returns a builder for creating a bulk of APIKey entities. -func (c *APIKeyClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*APIKeyCreate) *APIKeyCreateBulk { - return &APIKeyCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders} -} - -// Update returns an update builder for APIKey. -func (c *APIKeyClient) Update() *APIKeyUpdate { - mutation := newAPIKeyMutation(c.config, OpUpdate) - return &APIKeyUpdate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// UpdateOne returns an update builder for the given entity. -func (c *APIKeyClient) UpdateOne(ak *APIKey) *APIKeyUpdateOne { - mutation := newAPIKeyMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withAPIKey(ak)) - return &APIKeyUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// UpdateOneID returns an update builder for the given id. -func (c *APIKeyClient) UpdateOneID(id int) *APIKeyUpdateOne { - mutation := newAPIKeyMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withAPIKeyID(id)) - return &APIKeyUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// Delete returns a delete builder for APIKey. -func (c *APIKeyClient) Delete() *APIKeyDelete { - mutation := newAPIKeyMutation(c.config, OpDelete) - return &APIKeyDelete{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity. -func (c *APIKeyClient) DeleteOne(ak *APIKey) *APIKeyDeleteOne { - return c.DeleteOneID(ak.ID) -} - -// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity by its id. -func (c *APIKeyClient) DeleteOneID(id int) *APIKeyDeleteOne { - builder := c.Delete().Where(apikey.ID(id)) - builder.mutation.id = &id - builder.mutation.op = OpDeleteOne - return &APIKeyDeleteOne{builder} -} - -// Query returns a query builder for APIKey. -func (c *APIKeyClient) Query() *APIKeyQuery { - return &APIKeyQuery{ - config: c.config, - } -} - -// Get returns a APIKey entity by its id. -func (c *APIKeyClient) Get(ctx context.Context, id int) (*APIKey, error) { - return c.Query().Where(apikey.ID(id)).Only(ctx) -} - -// GetX is like Get, but panics if an error occurs. -func (c *APIKeyClient) GetX(ctx context.Context, id int) *APIKey { - obj, err := c.Get(ctx, id) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return obj -} - -// QueryOwner queries the owner edge of a APIKey. -func (c *APIKeyClient) QueryOwner(ak *APIKey) *UserQuery { - query := &UserQuery{config: c.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromV *sql.Selector, _ error) { - id := ak.ID - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(apikey.Table, apikey.FieldID, id), - sqlgraph.To(user.Table, user.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, apikey.OwnerTable, apikey.OwnerColumn), - ) - fromV = sqlgraph.Neighbors(ak.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromV, nil - } - return query -} - -// Hooks returns the client hooks. -func (c *APIKeyClient) Hooks() []Hook { - return c.hooks.APIKey -} - -// ServiceKeyClient is a client for the ServiceKey schema. -type ServiceKeyClient struct { - config -} - -// NewServiceKeyClient returns a client for the ServiceKey from the given config. -func NewServiceKeyClient(c config) *ServiceKeyClient { - return &ServiceKeyClient{config: c} -} - -// Use adds a list of mutation hooks to the hooks stack. -// A call to `Use(f, g, h)` equals to `servicekey.Hooks(f(g(h())))`. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) Use(hooks ...Hook) { - c.hooks.ServiceKey = append(c.hooks.ServiceKey, hooks...) -} - -// Create returns a builder for creating a ServiceKey entity. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) Create() *ServiceKeyCreate { - mutation := newServiceKeyMutation(c.config, OpCreate) - return &ServiceKeyCreate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// CreateBulk returns a builder for creating a bulk of ServiceKey entities. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*ServiceKeyCreate) *ServiceKeyCreateBulk { - return &ServiceKeyCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders} -} - -// Update returns an update builder for ServiceKey. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) Update() *ServiceKeyUpdate { - mutation := newServiceKeyMutation(c.config, OpUpdate) - return &ServiceKeyUpdate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// UpdateOne returns an update builder for the given entity. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) UpdateOne(sk *ServiceKey) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - mutation := newServiceKeyMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withServiceKey(sk)) - return &ServiceKeyUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// UpdateOneID returns an update builder for the given id. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) UpdateOneID(id int) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - mutation := newServiceKeyMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withServiceKeyID(id)) - return &ServiceKeyUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// Delete returns a delete builder for ServiceKey. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) Delete() *ServiceKeyDelete { - mutation := newServiceKeyMutation(c.config, OpDelete) - return &ServiceKeyDelete{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) DeleteOne(sk *ServiceKey) *ServiceKeyDeleteOne { - return c.DeleteOneID(sk.ID) -} - -// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity by its id. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) DeleteOneID(id int) *ServiceKeyDeleteOne { - builder := c.Delete().Where(servicekey.ID(id)) - builder.mutation.id = &id - builder.mutation.op = OpDeleteOne - return &ServiceKeyDeleteOne{builder} -} - -// Query returns a query builder for ServiceKey. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) Query() *ServiceKeyQuery { - return &ServiceKeyQuery{ - config: c.config, - } -} - -// Get returns a ServiceKey entity by its id. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) Get(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ServiceKey, error) { - return c.Query().Where(servicekey.ID(id)).Only(ctx) -} - -// GetX is like Get, but panics if an error occurs. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) GetX(ctx context.Context, id int) *ServiceKey { - obj, err := c.Get(ctx, id) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return obj -} - -// QueryOwner queries the owner edge of a ServiceKey. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) QueryOwner(sk *ServiceKey) *UserQuery { - query := &UserQuery{config: c.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromV *sql.Selector, _ error) { - id := sk.ID - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(servicekey.Table, servicekey.FieldID, id), - sqlgraph.To(user.Table, user.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, servicekey.OwnerTable, servicekey.OwnerColumn), - ) - fromV = sqlgraph.Neighbors(sk.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromV, nil - } - return query -} - -// Hooks returns the client hooks. -func (c *ServiceKeyClient) Hooks() []Hook { - return c.hooks.ServiceKey -} - -// UserClient is a client for the User schema. -type UserClient struct { - config -} - -// NewUserClient returns a client for the User from the given config. -func NewUserClient(c config) *UserClient { - return &UserClient{config: c} -} - -// Use adds a list of mutation hooks to the hooks stack. -// A call to `Use(f, g, h)` equals to `user.Hooks(f(g(h())))`. -func (c *UserClient) Use(hooks ...Hook) { - c.hooks.User = append(c.hooks.User, hooks...) -} - -// Create returns a builder for creating a User entity. -func (c *UserClient) Create() *UserCreate { - mutation := newUserMutation(c.config, OpCreate) - return &UserCreate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// CreateBulk returns a builder for creating a bulk of User entities. -func (c *UserClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*UserCreate) *UserCreateBulk { - return &UserCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders} -} - -// Update returns an update builder for User. -func (c *UserClient) Update() *UserUpdate { - mutation := newUserMutation(c.config, OpUpdate) - return &UserUpdate{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// UpdateOne returns an update builder for the given entity. -func (c *UserClient) UpdateOne(u *User) *UserUpdateOne { - mutation := newUserMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withUser(u)) - return &UserUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// UpdateOneID returns an update builder for the given id. -func (c *UserClient) UpdateOneID(id int) *UserUpdateOne { - mutation := newUserMutation(c.config, OpUpdateOne, withUserID(id)) - return &UserUpdateOne{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// Delete returns a delete builder for User. -func (c *UserClient) Delete() *UserDelete { - mutation := newUserMutation(c.config, OpDelete) - return &UserDelete{config: c.config, hooks: c.Hooks(), mutation: mutation} -} - -// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity. -func (c *UserClient) DeleteOne(u *User) *UserDeleteOne { - return c.DeleteOneID(u.ID) -} - -// DeleteOne returns a builder for deleting the given entity by its id. -func (c *UserClient) DeleteOneID(id int) *UserDeleteOne { - builder := c.Delete().Where(user.ID(id)) - builder.mutation.id = &id - builder.mutation.op = OpDeleteOne - return &UserDeleteOne{builder} -} - -// Query returns a query builder for User. -func (c *UserClient) Query() *UserQuery { - return &UserQuery{ - config: c.config, - } -} - -// Get returns a User entity by its id. -func (c *UserClient) Get(ctx context.Context, id int) (*User, error) { - return c.Query().Where(user.ID(id)).Only(ctx) -} - -// GetX is like Get, but panics if an error occurs. -func (c *UserClient) GetX(ctx context.Context, id int) *User { - obj, err := c.Get(ctx, id) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return obj -} - -// QueryServicekeys queries the servicekeys edge of a User. -func (c *UserClient) QueryServicekeys(u *User) *ServiceKeyQuery { - query := &ServiceKeyQuery{config: c.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromV *sql.Selector, _ error) { - id := u.ID - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(user.Table, user.FieldID, id), - sqlgraph.To(servicekey.Table, servicekey.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, user.ServicekeysTable, user.ServicekeysColumn), - ) - fromV = sqlgraph.Neighbors(u.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromV, nil - } - return query -} - -// QueryApikeys queries the apikeys edge of a User. -func (c *UserClient) QueryApikeys(u *User) *APIKeyQuery { - query := &APIKeyQuery{config: c.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromV *sql.Selector, _ error) { - id := u.ID - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(user.Table, user.FieldID, id), - sqlgraph.To(apikey.Table, apikey.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, user.ApikeysTable, user.ApikeysColumn), - ) - fromV = sqlgraph.Neighbors(u.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromV, nil - } - return query -} - -// Hooks returns the client hooks. -func (c *UserClient) Hooks() []Hook { - return c.hooks.User -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/generate.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/generate.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8d3fdfd..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/generate.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -package ent - -//go:generate go run -mod=mod entgo.io/ent/cmd/ent generate ./schema diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate/schema.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate/schema.go deleted file mode 100644 index e8578bc..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/migrate/schema.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package migrate - -import ( - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/schema" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" -) - -var ( - // APIKeysColumns holds the columns for the "api_keys" table. - APIKeysColumns = []*schema.Column{ - {Name: "id", Type: field.TypeInt, Increment: true}, - {Name: "created_at", Type: field.TypeInt64}, - {Name: "name", Type: field.TypeString}, - {Name: "value", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, - {Name: "secret", Type: field.TypeBytes}, - {Name: "user_apikeys", Type: field.TypeInt, Nullable: true}, - } - // APIKeysTable holds the schema information for the "api_keys" table. - APIKeysTable = &schema.Table{ - Name: "api_keys", - Columns: APIKeysColumns, - PrimaryKey: []*schema.Column{APIKeysColumns[0]}, - ForeignKeys: []*schema.ForeignKey{ - { - Symbol: "api_keys_users_apikeys", - Columns: []*schema.Column{APIKeysColumns[5]}, - RefColumns: []*schema.Column{UsersColumns[0]}, - OnDelete: schema.SetNull, - }, - }, - } - // ServiceKeysColumns holds the columns for the "service_keys" table. - ServiceKeysColumns = []*schema.Column{ - {Name: "id", Type: field.TypeInt, Increment: true}, - {Name: "created_at", Type: field.TypeInt64}, - {Name: "name", Type: field.TypeString}, - {Name: "value", Type: field.TypeString, Unique: true}, - {Name: "secret", Type: field.TypeBytes}, - {Name: "resource", Type: field.TypeString, Default: ""}, - {Name: "num_used", Type: field.TypeInt64, Default: 0}, - {Name: "max_uses", Type: field.TypeInt64, Default: 0}, - {Name: "expires", Type: field.TypeInt64, Default: 0}, - {Name: "user_servicekeys", Type: field.TypeInt, Nullable: true}, - } - // ServiceKeysTable holds the schema information for the "service_keys" table. - ServiceKeysTable = &schema.Table{ - Name: "service_keys", - Columns: ServiceKeysColumns, - PrimaryKey: []*schema.Column{ServiceKeysColumns[0]}, - ForeignKeys: []*schema.ForeignKey{ - { - Symbol: "service_keys_users_servicekeys", - Columns: []*schema.Column{ServiceKeysColumns[9]}, - RefColumns: []*schema.Column{UsersColumns[0]}, - OnDelete: schema.SetNull, - }, - }, - } - // UsersColumns holds the columns for the "users" table. - UsersColumns = []*schema.Column{ - {Name: "id", Type: field.TypeInt, Increment: true}, - {Name: "username", Type: field.TypeString, Default: "unknown"}, - {Name: "created_at", Type: field.TypeTime}, - } - // UsersTable holds the schema information for the "users" table. - UsersTable = &schema.Table{ - Name: "users", - Columns: UsersColumns, - PrimaryKey: []*schema.Column{UsersColumns[0]}, - } - // Tables holds all the tables in the schema. - Tables = []*schema.Table{ - APIKeysTable, - ServiceKeysTable, - UsersTable, - } -) - -func init() { - APIKeysTable.ForeignKeys[0].RefTable = UsersTable - ServiceKeysTable.ForeignKeys[0].RefTable = UsersTable -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/mutation.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/mutation.go deleted file mode 100644 index ab9de45..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/mutation.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2040 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "sync" - "time" - - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" - - "entgo.io/ent" -) - -const ( - // Operation types. - OpCreate = ent.OpCreate - OpDelete = ent.OpDelete - OpDeleteOne = ent.OpDeleteOne - OpUpdate = ent.OpUpdate - OpUpdateOne = ent.OpUpdateOne - - // Node types. - TypeAPIKey = "APIKey" - TypeServiceKey = "ServiceKey" - TypeUser = "User" -) - -// APIKeyMutation represents an operation that mutates the APIKey nodes in the graph. -type APIKeyMutation struct { - config - op Op - typ string - id *int - created_at *int64 - addcreated_at *int64 - name *string - value *string - secret *[]byte - clearedFields map[string]struct{} - owner *int - clearedowner bool - done bool - oldValue func(context.Context) (*APIKey, error) - predicates []predicate.APIKey -} - -var _ ent.Mutation = (*APIKeyMutation)(nil) - -// apikeyOption allows management of the mutation configuration using functional options. -type apikeyOption func(*APIKeyMutation) - -// newAPIKeyMutation creates new mutation for the APIKey entity. -func newAPIKeyMutation(c config, op Op, opts ...apikeyOption) *APIKeyMutation { - m := &APIKeyMutation{ - config: c, - op: op, - typ: TypeAPIKey, - clearedFields: make(map[string]struct{}), - } - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(m) - } - return m -} - -// withAPIKeyID sets the ID field of the mutation. -func withAPIKeyID(id int) apikeyOption { - return func(m *APIKeyMutation) { - var ( - err error - once sync.Once - value *APIKey - ) - m.oldValue = func(ctx context.Context) (*APIKey, error) { - once.Do(func() { - if m.done { - err = errors.New("querying old values post mutation is not allowed") - } else { - value, err = m.Client().APIKey.Get(ctx, id) - } - }) - return value, err - } - m.id = &id - } -} - -// withAPIKey sets the old APIKey of the mutation. -func withAPIKey(node *APIKey) apikeyOption { - return func(m *APIKeyMutation) { - m.oldValue = func(context.Context) (*APIKey, error) { - return node, nil - } - m.id = &node.ID - } -} - -// Client returns a new `ent.Client` from the mutation. If the mutation was -// executed in a transaction (ent.Tx), a transactional client is returned. -func (m APIKeyMutation) Client() *Client { - client := &Client{config: m.config} - client.init() - return client -} - -// Tx returns an `ent.Tx` for mutations that were executed in transactions; -// it returns an error otherwise. -func (m APIKeyMutation) Tx() (*Tx, error) { - if _, ok := m.driver.(*txDriver); !ok { - return nil, errors.New("ent: mutation is not running in a transaction") - } - tx := &Tx{config: m.config} - tx.init() - return tx, nil -} - -// ID returns the ID value in the mutation. Note that the ID is only available -// if it was provided to the builder or after it was returned from the database. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ID() (id int, exists bool) { - if m.id == nil { - return - } - return *m.id, true -} - -// IDs queries the database and returns the entity ids that match the mutation's predicate. -// That means, if the mutation is applied within a transaction with an isolation level such -// as sql.LevelSerializable, the returned ids match the ids of the rows that will be updated -// or updated by the mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { - switch { - case m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne | OpDeleteOne): - id, exists := m.ID() - if exists { - return []int{id}, nil - } - fallthrough - case m.op.Is(OpUpdate | OpDelete): - return m.Client().APIKey.Query().Where(m.predicates...).IDs(ctx) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("IDs is not allowed on %s operations", m.op) - } -} - -// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) SetCreatedAt(i int64) { - m.created_at = &i - m.addcreated_at = nil -} - -// CreatedAt returns the value of the "created_at" field in the mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) CreatedAt() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.created_at - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldCreatedAt returns the old "created_at" field's value of the APIKey entity. -// If the APIKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OldCreatedAt(ctx context.Context) (v int64, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldCreatedAt: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.CreatedAt, nil -} - -// AddCreatedAt adds i to the "created_at" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) AddCreatedAt(i int64) { - if m.addcreated_at != nil { - *m.addcreated_at += i - } else { - m.addcreated_at = &i - } -} - -// AddedCreatedAt returns the value that was added to the "created_at" field in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) AddedCreatedAt() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.addcreated_at - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// ResetCreatedAt resets all changes to the "created_at" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ResetCreatedAt() { - m.created_at = nil - m.addcreated_at = nil -} - -// SetName sets the "name" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) SetName(s string) { - m.name = &s -} - -// Name returns the value of the "name" field in the mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Name() (r string, exists bool) { - v := m.name - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldName returns the old "name" field's value of the APIKey entity. -// If the APIKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OldName(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldName is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldName requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldName: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Name, nil -} - -// ResetName resets all changes to the "name" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ResetName() { - m.name = nil -} - -// SetValue sets the "value" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) SetValue(s string) { - m.value = &s -} - -// Value returns the value of the "value" field in the mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Value() (r string, exists bool) { - v := m.value - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldValue returns the old "value" field's value of the APIKey entity. -// If the APIKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OldValue(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldValue is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldValue requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldValue: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Value, nil -} - -// ResetValue resets all changes to the "value" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ResetValue() { - m.value = nil -} - -// SetSecret sets the "secret" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) SetSecret(b []byte) { - m.secret = &b -} - -// Secret returns the value of the "secret" field in the mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Secret() (r []byte, exists bool) { - v := m.secret - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldSecret returns the old "secret" field's value of the APIKey entity. -// If the APIKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OldSecret(ctx context.Context) (v []byte, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldSecret is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldSecret requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldSecret: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Secret, nil -} - -// ResetSecret resets all changes to the "secret" field. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ResetSecret() { - m.secret = nil -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by id. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) SetOwnerID(id int) { - m.owner = &id -} - -// ClearOwner clears the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ClearOwner() { - m.clearedowner = true -} - -// OwnerCleared reports if the "owner" edge to the User entity was cleared. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OwnerCleared() bool { - return m.clearedowner -} - -// OwnerID returns the "owner" edge ID in the mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OwnerID() (id int, exists bool) { - if m.owner != nil { - return *m.owner, true - } - return -} - -// OwnerIDs returns the "owner" edge IDs in the mutation. -// Note that IDs always returns len(IDs) <= 1 for unique edges, and you should use -// OwnerID instead. It exists only for internal usage by the builders. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OwnerIDs() (ids []int) { - if id := m.owner; id != nil { - ids = append(ids, *id) - } - return -} - -// ResetOwner resets all changes to the "owner" edge. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ResetOwner() { - m.owner = nil - m.clearedowner = false -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the APIKeyMutation builder. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Where(ps ...predicate.APIKey) { - m.predicates = append(m.predicates, ps...) -} - -// Op returns the operation name. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Op() Op { - return m.op -} - -// Type returns the node type of this mutation (APIKey). -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Type() string { - return m.typ -} - -// Fields returns all fields that were changed during this mutation. Note that in -// order to get all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented, call -// AddedFields(). -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Fields() []string { - fields := make([]string, 0, 4) - if m.created_at != nil { - fields = append(fields, apikey.FieldCreatedAt) - } - if m.name != nil { - fields = append(fields, apikey.FieldName) - } - if m.value != nil { - fields = append(fields, apikey.FieldValue) - } - if m.secret != nil { - fields = append(fields, apikey.FieldSecret) - } - return fields -} - -// Field returns the value of a field with the given name. The second boolean -// return value indicates that this field was not set, or was not defined in the -// schema. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) Field(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { - switch name { - case apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.CreatedAt() - case apikey.FieldName: - return m.Name() - case apikey.FieldValue: - return m.Value() - case apikey.FieldSecret: - return m.Secret() - } - return nil, false -} - -// OldField returns the old value of the field from the database. An error is -// returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the query to the -// database failed. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) OldField(ctx context.Context, name string) (ent.Value, error) { - switch name { - case apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.OldCreatedAt(ctx) - case apikey.FieldName: - return m.OldName(ctx) - case apikey.FieldValue: - return m.OldValue(ctx) - case apikey.FieldSecret: - return m.OldSecret(ctx) - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown APIKey field %s", name) -} - -// SetField sets the value of a field with the given name. It returns an error if -// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field -// type. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) SetField(name string, value ent.Value) error { - switch name { - case apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetCreatedAt(v) - return nil - case apikey.FieldName: - v, ok := value.(string) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetName(v) - return nil - case apikey.FieldValue: - v, ok := value.(string) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetValue(v) - return nil - case apikey.FieldSecret: - v, ok := value.([]byte) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetSecret(v) - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown APIKey field %s", name) -} - -// AddedFields returns all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented during -// this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) AddedFields() []string { - var fields []string - if m.addcreated_at != nil { - fields = append(fields, apikey.FieldCreatedAt) - } - return fields -} - -// AddedField returns the numeric value that was incremented/decremented on a field -// with the given name. The second boolean return value indicates that this field -// was not set, or was not defined in the schema. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) AddedField(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { - switch name { - case apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.AddedCreatedAt() - } - return nil, false -} - -// AddField adds the value to the field with the given name. It returns an error if -// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field -// type. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) AddField(name string, value ent.Value) error { - switch name { - case apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.AddCreatedAt(v) - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown APIKey numeric field %s", name) -} - -// ClearedFields returns all nullable fields that were cleared during this -// mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ClearedFields() []string { - return nil -} - -// FieldCleared returns a boolean indicating if a field with the given name was -// cleared in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) FieldCleared(name string) bool { - _, ok := m.clearedFields[name] - return ok -} - -// ClearField clears the value of the field with the given name. It returns an -// error if the field is not defined in the schema. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ClearField(name string) error { - return fmt.Errorf("unknown APIKey nullable field %s", name) -} - -// ResetField resets all changes in the mutation for the field with the given name. -// It returns an error if the field is not defined in the schema. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ResetField(name string) error { - switch name { - case apikey.FieldCreatedAt: - m.ResetCreatedAt() - return nil - case apikey.FieldName: - m.ResetName() - return nil - case apikey.FieldValue: - m.ResetValue() - return nil - case apikey.FieldSecret: - m.ResetSecret() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown APIKey field %s", name) -} - -// AddedEdges returns all edge names that were set/added in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) AddedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 1) - if m.owner != nil { - edges = append(edges, apikey.EdgeOwner) - } - return edges -} - -// AddedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were added for the given edge -// name in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) AddedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { - switch name { - case apikey.EdgeOwner: - if id := m.owner; id != nil { - return []ent.Value{*id} - } - } - return nil -} - -// RemovedEdges returns all edge names that were removed in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) RemovedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 1) - return edges -} - -// RemovedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were removed for the edge with -// the given name in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) RemovedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { - return nil -} - -// ClearedEdges returns all edge names that were cleared in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ClearedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 1) - if m.clearedowner { - edges = append(edges, apikey.EdgeOwner) - } - return edges -} - -// EdgeCleared returns a boolean which indicates if the edge with the given name -// was cleared in this mutation. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) EdgeCleared(name string) bool { - switch name { - case apikey.EdgeOwner: - return m.clearedowner - } - return false -} - -// ClearEdge clears the value of the edge with the given name. It returns an error -// if that edge is not defined in the schema. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ClearEdge(name string) error { - switch name { - case apikey.EdgeOwner: - m.ClearOwner() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown APIKey unique edge %s", name) -} - -// ResetEdge resets all changes to the edge with the given name in this mutation. -// It returns an error if the edge is not defined in the schema. -func (m *APIKeyMutation) ResetEdge(name string) error { - switch name { - case apikey.EdgeOwner: - m.ResetOwner() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown APIKey edge %s", name) -} - -// ServiceKeyMutation represents an operation that mutates the ServiceKey nodes in the graph. -type ServiceKeyMutation struct { - config - op Op - typ string - id *int - created_at *int64 - addcreated_at *int64 - name *string - value *string - secret *[]byte - resource *string - num_used *int64 - addnum_used *int64 - max_uses *int64 - addmax_uses *int64 - expires *int64 - addexpires *int64 - clearedFields map[string]struct{} - owner *int - clearedowner bool - done bool - oldValue func(context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) - predicates []predicate.ServiceKey -} - -var _ ent.Mutation = (*ServiceKeyMutation)(nil) - -// servicekeyOption allows management of the mutation configuration using functional options. -type servicekeyOption func(*ServiceKeyMutation) - -// newServiceKeyMutation creates new mutation for the ServiceKey entity. -func newServiceKeyMutation(c config, op Op, opts ...servicekeyOption) *ServiceKeyMutation { - m := &ServiceKeyMutation{ - config: c, - op: op, - typ: TypeServiceKey, - clearedFields: make(map[string]struct{}), - } - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(m) - } - return m -} - -// withServiceKeyID sets the ID field of the mutation. -func withServiceKeyID(id int) servicekeyOption { - return func(m *ServiceKeyMutation) { - var ( - err error - once sync.Once - value *ServiceKey - ) - m.oldValue = func(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) { - once.Do(func() { - if m.done { - err = errors.New("querying old values post mutation is not allowed") - } else { - value, err = m.Client().ServiceKey.Get(ctx, id) - } - }) - return value, err - } - m.id = &id - } -} - -// withServiceKey sets the old ServiceKey of the mutation. -func withServiceKey(node *ServiceKey) servicekeyOption { - return func(m *ServiceKeyMutation) { - m.oldValue = func(context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) { - return node, nil - } - m.id = &node.ID - } -} - -// Client returns a new `ent.Client` from the mutation. If the mutation was -// executed in a transaction (ent.Tx), a transactional client is returned. -func (m ServiceKeyMutation) Client() *Client { - client := &Client{config: m.config} - client.init() - return client -} - -// Tx returns an `ent.Tx` for mutations that were executed in transactions; -// it returns an error otherwise. -func (m ServiceKeyMutation) Tx() (*Tx, error) { - if _, ok := m.driver.(*txDriver); !ok { - return nil, errors.New("ent: mutation is not running in a transaction") - } - tx := &Tx{config: m.config} - tx.init() - return tx, nil -} - -// ID returns the ID value in the mutation. Note that the ID is only available -// if it was provided to the builder or after it was returned from the database. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ID() (id int, exists bool) { - if m.id == nil { - return - } - return *m.id, true -} - -// IDs queries the database and returns the entity ids that match the mutation's predicate. -// That means, if the mutation is applied within a transaction with an isolation level such -// as sql.LevelSerializable, the returned ids match the ids of the rows that will be updated -// or updated by the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { - switch { - case m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne | OpDeleteOne): - id, exists := m.ID() - if exists { - return []int{id}, nil - } - fallthrough - case m.op.Is(OpUpdate | OpDelete): - return m.Client().ServiceKey.Query().Where(m.predicates...).IDs(ctx) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("IDs is not allowed on %s operations", m.op) - } -} - -// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetCreatedAt(i int64) { - m.created_at = &i - m.addcreated_at = nil -} - -// CreatedAt returns the value of the "created_at" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) CreatedAt() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.created_at - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldCreatedAt returns the old "created_at" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldCreatedAt(ctx context.Context) (v int64, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldCreatedAt: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.CreatedAt, nil -} - -// AddCreatedAt adds i to the "created_at" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddCreatedAt(i int64) { - if m.addcreated_at != nil { - *m.addcreated_at += i - } else { - m.addcreated_at = &i - } -} - -// AddedCreatedAt returns the value that was added to the "created_at" field in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedCreatedAt() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.addcreated_at - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// ResetCreatedAt resets all changes to the "created_at" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetCreatedAt() { - m.created_at = nil - m.addcreated_at = nil -} - -// SetName sets the "name" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetName(s string) { - m.name = &s -} - -// Name returns the value of the "name" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Name() (r string, exists bool) { - v := m.name - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldName returns the old "name" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldName(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldName is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldName requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldName: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Name, nil -} - -// ResetName resets all changes to the "name" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetName() { - m.name = nil -} - -// SetValue sets the "value" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetValue(s string) { - m.value = &s -} - -// Value returns the value of the "value" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Value() (r string, exists bool) { - v := m.value - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldValue returns the old "value" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldValue(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldValue is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldValue requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldValue: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Value, nil -} - -// ResetValue resets all changes to the "value" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetValue() { - m.value = nil -} - -// SetSecret sets the "secret" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetSecret(b []byte) { - m.secret = &b -} - -// Secret returns the value of the "secret" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Secret() (r []byte, exists bool) { - v := m.secret - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldSecret returns the old "secret" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldSecret(ctx context.Context) (v []byte, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldSecret is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldSecret requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldSecret: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Secret, nil -} - -// ResetSecret resets all changes to the "secret" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetSecret() { - m.secret = nil -} - -// SetResource sets the "resource" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetResource(s string) { - m.resource = &s -} - -// Resource returns the value of the "resource" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Resource() (r string, exists bool) { - v := m.resource - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldResource returns the old "resource" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldResource(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldResource is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldResource requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldResource: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Resource, nil -} - -// ResetResource resets all changes to the "resource" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetResource() { - m.resource = nil -} - -// SetNumUsed sets the "num_used" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetNumUsed(i int64) { - m.num_used = &i - m.addnum_used = nil -} - -// NumUsed returns the value of the "num_used" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) NumUsed() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.num_used - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldNumUsed returns the old "num_used" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldNumUsed(ctx context.Context) (v int64, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldNumUsed is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldNumUsed requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldNumUsed: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.NumUsed, nil -} - -// AddNumUsed adds i to the "num_used" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddNumUsed(i int64) { - if m.addnum_used != nil { - *m.addnum_used += i - } else { - m.addnum_used = &i - } -} - -// AddedNumUsed returns the value that was added to the "num_used" field in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedNumUsed() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.addnum_used - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// ResetNumUsed resets all changes to the "num_used" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetNumUsed() { - m.num_used = nil - m.addnum_used = nil -} - -// SetMaxUses sets the "max_uses" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetMaxUses(i int64) { - m.max_uses = &i - m.addmax_uses = nil -} - -// MaxUses returns the value of the "max_uses" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) MaxUses() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.max_uses - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldMaxUses returns the old "max_uses" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldMaxUses(ctx context.Context) (v int64, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldMaxUses is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldMaxUses requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldMaxUses: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.MaxUses, nil -} - -// AddMaxUses adds i to the "max_uses" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddMaxUses(i int64) { - if m.addmax_uses != nil { - *m.addmax_uses += i - } else { - m.addmax_uses = &i - } -} - -// AddedMaxUses returns the value that was added to the "max_uses" field in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedMaxUses() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.addmax_uses - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// ResetMaxUses resets all changes to the "max_uses" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetMaxUses() { - m.max_uses = nil - m.addmax_uses = nil -} - -// SetExpires sets the "expires" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetExpires(i int64) { - m.expires = &i - m.addexpires = nil -} - -// Expires returns the value of the "expires" field in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Expires() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.expires - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldExpires returns the old "expires" field's value of the ServiceKey entity. -// If the ServiceKey object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldExpires(ctx context.Context) (v int64, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldExpires is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldExpires requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldExpires: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Expires, nil -} - -// AddExpires adds i to the "expires" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddExpires(i int64) { - if m.addexpires != nil { - *m.addexpires += i - } else { - m.addexpires = &i - } -} - -// AddedExpires returns the value that was added to the "expires" field in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedExpires() (r int64, exists bool) { - v := m.addexpires - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// ResetExpires resets all changes to the "expires" field. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetExpires() { - m.expires = nil - m.addexpires = nil -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by id. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetOwnerID(id int) { - m.owner = &id -} - -// ClearOwner clears the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ClearOwner() { - m.clearedowner = true -} - -// OwnerCleared reports if the "owner" edge to the User entity was cleared. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OwnerCleared() bool { - return m.clearedowner -} - -// OwnerID returns the "owner" edge ID in the mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OwnerID() (id int, exists bool) { - if m.owner != nil { - return *m.owner, true - } - return -} - -// OwnerIDs returns the "owner" edge IDs in the mutation. -// Note that IDs always returns len(IDs) <= 1 for unique edges, and you should use -// OwnerID instead. It exists only for internal usage by the builders. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OwnerIDs() (ids []int) { - if id := m.owner; id != nil { - ids = append(ids, *id) - } - return -} - -// ResetOwner resets all changes to the "owner" edge. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetOwner() { - m.owner = nil - m.clearedowner = false -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the ServiceKeyMutation builder. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Where(ps ...predicate.ServiceKey) { - m.predicates = append(m.predicates, ps...) -} - -// Op returns the operation name. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Op() Op { - return m.op -} - -// Type returns the node type of this mutation (ServiceKey). -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Type() string { - return m.typ -} - -// Fields returns all fields that were changed during this mutation. Note that in -// order to get all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented, call -// AddedFields(). -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Fields() []string { - fields := make([]string, 0, 8) - if m.created_at != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldCreatedAt) - } - if m.name != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldName) - } - if m.value != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldValue) - } - if m.secret != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldSecret) - } - if m.resource != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldResource) - } - if m.num_used != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldNumUsed) - } - if m.max_uses != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldMaxUses) - } - if m.expires != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldExpires) - } - return fields -} - -// Field returns the value of a field with the given name. The second boolean -// return value indicates that this field was not set, or was not defined in the -// schema. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) Field(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { - switch name { - case servicekey.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.CreatedAt() - case servicekey.FieldName: - return m.Name() - case servicekey.FieldValue: - return m.Value() - case servicekey.FieldSecret: - return m.Secret() - case servicekey.FieldResource: - return m.Resource() - case servicekey.FieldNumUsed: - return m.NumUsed() - case servicekey.FieldMaxUses: - return m.MaxUses() - case servicekey.FieldExpires: - return m.Expires() - } - return nil, false -} - -// OldField returns the old value of the field from the database. An error is -// returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the query to the -// database failed. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) OldField(ctx context.Context, name string) (ent.Value, error) { - switch name { - case servicekey.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.OldCreatedAt(ctx) - case servicekey.FieldName: - return m.OldName(ctx) - case servicekey.FieldValue: - return m.OldValue(ctx) - case servicekey.FieldSecret: - return m.OldSecret(ctx) - case servicekey.FieldResource: - return m.OldResource(ctx) - case servicekey.FieldNumUsed: - return m.OldNumUsed(ctx) - case servicekey.FieldMaxUses: - return m.OldMaxUses(ctx) - case servicekey.FieldExpires: - return m.OldExpires(ctx) - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown ServiceKey field %s", name) -} - -// SetField sets the value of a field with the given name. It returns an error if -// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field -// type. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) SetField(name string, value ent.Value) error { - switch name { - case servicekey.FieldCreatedAt: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetCreatedAt(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldName: - v, ok := value.(string) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetName(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldValue: - v, ok := value.(string) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetValue(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldSecret: - v, ok := value.([]byte) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetSecret(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldResource: - v, ok := value.(string) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetResource(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldNumUsed: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetNumUsed(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldMaxUses: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetMaxUses(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldExpires: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetExpires(v) - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown ServiceKey field %s", name) -} - -// AddedFields returns all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented during -// this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedFields() []string { - var fields []string - if m.addcreated_at != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldCreatedAt) - } - if m.addnum_used != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldNumUsed) - } - if m.addmax_uses != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldMaxUses) - } - if m.addexpires != nil { - fields = append(fields, servicekey.FieldExpires) - } - return fields -} - -// AddedField returns the numeric value that was incremented/decremented on a field -// with the given name. The second boolean return value indicates that this field -// was not set, or was not defined in the schema. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedField(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { - switch name { - case servicekey.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.AddedCreatedAt() - case servicekey.FieldNumUsed: - return m.AddedNumUsed() - case servicekey.FieldMaxUses: - return m.AddedMaxUses() - case servicekey.FieldExpires: - return m.AddedExpires() - } - return nil, false -} - -// AddField adds the value to the field with the given name. It returns an error if -// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field -// type. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddField(name string, value ent.Value) error { - switch name { - case servicekey.FieldCreatedAt: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.AddCreatedAt(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldNumUsed: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.AddNumUsed(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldMaxUses: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.AddMaxUses(v) - return nil - case servicekey.FieldExpires: - v, ok := value.(int64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.AddExpires(v) - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown ServiceKey numeric field %s", name) -} - -// ClearedFields returns all nullable fields that were cleared during this -// mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ClearedFields() []string { - return nil -} - -// FieldCleared returns a boolean indicating if a field with the given name was -// cleared in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) FieldCleared(name string) bool { - _, ok := m.clearedFields[name] - return ok -} - -// ClearField clears the value of the field with the given name. It returns an -// error if the field is not defined in the schema. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ClearField(name string) error { - return fmt.Errorf("unknown ServiceKey nullable field %s", name) -} - -// ResetField resets all changes in the mutation for the field with the given name. -// It returns an error if the field is not defined in the schema. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetField(name string) error { - switch name { - case servicekey.FieldCreatedAt: - m.ResetCreatedAt() - return nil - case servicekey.FieldName: - m.ResetName() - return nil - case servicekey.FieldValue: - m.ResetValue() - return nil - case servicekey.FieldSecret: - m.ResetSecret() - return nil - case servicekey.FieldResource: - m.ResetResource() - return nil - case servicekey.FieldNumUsed: - m.ResetNumUsed() - return nil - case servicekey.FieldMaxUses: - m.ResetMaxUses() - return nil - case servicekey.FieldExpires: - m.ResetExpires() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown ServiceKey field %s", name) -} - -// AddedEdges returns all edge names that were set/added in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 1) - if m.owner != nil { - edges = append(edges, servicekey.EdgeOwner) - } - return edges -} - -// AddedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were added for the given edge -// name in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) AddedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { - switch name { - case servicekey.EdgeOwner: - if id := m.owner; id != nil { - return []ent.Value{*id} - } - } - return nil -} - -// RemovedEdges returns all edge names that were removed in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) RemovedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 1) - return edges -} - -// RemovedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were removed for the edge with -// the given name in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) RemovedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { - return nil -} - -// ClearedEdges returns all edge names that were cleared in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ClearedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 1) - if m.clearedowner { - edges = append(edges, servicekey.EdgeOwner) - } - return edges -} - -// EdgeCleared returns a boolean which indicates if the edge with the given name -// was cleared in this mutation. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) EdgeCleared(name string) bool { - switch name { - case servicekey.EdgeOwner: - return m.clearedowner - } - return false -} - -// ClearEdge clears the value of the edge with the given name. It returns an error -// if that edge is not defined in the schema. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ClearEdge(name string) error { - switch name { - case servicekey.EdgeOwner: - m.ClearOwner() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown ServiceKey unique edge %s", name) -} - -// ResetEdge resets all changes to the edge with the given name in this mutation. -// It returns an error if the edge is not defined in the schema. -func (m *ServiceKeyMutation) ResetEdge(name string) error { - switch name { - case servicekey.EdgeOwner: - m.ResetOwner() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown ServiceKey edge %s", name) -} - -// UserMutation represents an operation that mutates the User nodes in the graph. -type UserMutation struct { - config - op Op - typ string - id *int - username *string - created_at *time.Time - clearedFields map[string]struct{} - servicekeys map[int]struct{} - removedservicekeys map[int]struct{} - clearedservicekeys bool - apikeys map[int]struct{} - removedapikeys map[int]struct{} - clearedapikeys bool - done bool - oldValue func(context.Context) (*User, error) - predicates []predicate.User -} - -var _ ent.Mutation = (*UserMutation)(nil) - -// userOption allows management of the mutation configuration using functional options. -type userOption func(*UserMutation) - -// newUserMutation creates new mutation for the User entity. -func newUserMutation(c config, op Op, opts ...userOption) *UserMutation { - m := &UserMutation{ - config: c, - op: op, - typ: TypeUser, - clearedFields: make(map[string]struct{}), - } - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(m) - } - return m -} - -// withUserID sets the ID field of the mutation. -func withUserID(id int) userOption { - return func(m *UserMutation) { - var ( - err error - once sync.Once - value *User - ) - m.oldValue = func(ctx context.Context) (*User, error) { - once.Do(func() { - if m.done { - err = errors.New("querying old values post mutation is not allowed") - } else { - value, err = m.Client().User.Get(ctx, id) - } - }) - return value, err - } - m.id = &id - } -} - -// withUser sets the old User of the mutation. -func withUser(node *User) userOption { - return func(m *UserMutation) { - m.oldValue = func(context.Context) (*User, error) { - return node, nil - } - m.id = &node.ID - } -} - -// Client returns a new `ent.Client` from the mutation. If the mutation was -// executed in a transaction (ent.Tx), a transactional client is returned. -func (m UserMutation) Client() *Client { - client := &Client{config: m.config} - client.init() - return client -} - -// Tx returns an `ent.Tx` for mutations that were executed in transactions; -// it returns an error otherwise. -func (m UserMutation) Tx() (*Tx, error) { - if _, ok := m.driver.(*txDriver); !ok { - return nil, errors.New("ent: mutation is not running in a transaction") - } - tx := &Tx{config: m.config} - tx.init() - return tx, nil -} - -// ID returns the ID value in the mutation. Note that the ID is only available -// if it was provided to the builder or after it was returned from the database. -func (m *UserMutation) ID() (id int, exists bool) { - if m.id == nil { - return - } - return *m.id, true -} - -// IDs queries the database and returns the entity ids that match the mutation's predicate. -// That means, if the mutation is applied within a transaction with an isolation level such -// as sql.LevelSerializable, the returned ids match the ids of the rows that will be updated -// or updated by the mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { - switch { - case m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne | OpDeleteOne): - id, exists := m.ID() - if exists { - return []int{id}, nil - } - fallthrough - case m.op.Is(OpUpdate | OpDelete): - return m.Client().User.Query().Where(m.predicates...).IDs(ctx) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("IDs is not allowed on %s operations", m.op) - } -} - -// SetUsername sets the "username" field. -func (m *UserMutation) SetUsername(s string) { - m.username = &s -} - -// Username returns the value of the "username" field in the mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) Username() (r string, exists bool) { - v := m.username - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldUsername returns the old "username" field's value of the User entity. -// If the User object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *UserMutation) OldUsername(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldUsername is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldUsername requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldUsername: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.Username, nil -} - -// ResetUsername resets all changes to the "username" field. -func (m *UserMutation) ResetUsername() { - m.username = nil -} - -// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. -func (m *UserMutation) SetCreatedAt(t time.Time) { - m.created_at = &t -} - -// CreatedAt returns the value of the "created_at" field in the mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) CreatedAt() (r time.Time, exists bool) { - v := m.created_at - if v == nil { - return - } - return *v, true -} - -// OldCreatedAt returns the old "created_at" field's value of the User entity. -// If the User object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database. -// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails. -func (m *UserMutation) OldCreatedAt(ctx context.Context) (v time.Time, err error) { - if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) { - return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt is only allowed on UpdateOne operations") - } - if m.id == nil || m.oldValue == nil { - return v, errors.New("OldCreatedAt requires an ID field in the mutation") - } - oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx) - if err != nil { - return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldCreatedAt: %w", err) - } - return oldValue.CreatedAt, nil -} - -// ResetCreatedAt resets all changes to the "created_at" field. -func (m *UserMutation) ResetCreatedAt() { - m.created_at = nil -} - -// AddServicekeyIDs adds the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity by ids. -func (m *UserMutation) AddServicekeyIDs(ids ...int) { - if m.servicekeys == nil { - m.servicekeys = make(map[int]struct{}) - } - for i := range ids { - m.servicekeys[ids[i]] = struct{}{} - } -} - -// ClearServicekeys clears the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity. -func (m *UserMutation) ClearServicekeys() { - m.clearedservicekeys = true -} - -// ServicekeysCleared reports if the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity was cleared. -func (m *UserMutation) ServicekeysCleared() bool { - return m.clearedservicekeys -} - -// RemoveServicekeyIDs removes the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity by IDs. -func (m *UserMutation) RemoveServicekeyIDs(ids ...int) { - if m.removedservicekeys == nil { - m.removedservicekeys = make(map[int]struct{}) - } - for i := range ids { - delete(m.servicekeys, ids[i]) - m.removedservicekeys[ids[i]] = struct{}{} - } -} - -// RemovedServicekeys returns the removed IDs of the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity. -func (m *UserMutation) RemovedServicekeysIDs() (ids []int) { - for id := range m.removedservicekeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return -} - -// ServicekeysIDs returns the "servicekeys" edge IDs in the mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) ServicekeysIDs() (ids []int) { - for id := range m.servicekeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return -} - -// ResetServicekeys resets all changes to the "servicekeys" edge. -func (m *UserMutation) ResetServicekeys() { - m.servicekeys = nil - m.clearedservicekeys = false - m.removedservicekeys = nil -} - -// AddApikeyIDs adds the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity by ids. -func (m *UserMutation) AddApikeyIDs(ids ...int) { - if m.apikeys == nil { - m.apikeys = make(map[int]struct{}) - } - for i := range ids { - m.apikeys[ids[i]] = struct{}{} - } -} - -// ClearApikeys clears the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity. -func (m *UserMutation) ClearApikeys() { - m.clearedapikeys = true -} - -// ApikeysCleared reports if the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity was cleared. -func (m *UserMutation) ApikeysCleared() bool { - return m.clearedapikeys -} - -// RemoveApikeyIDs removes the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity by IDs. -func (m *UserMutation) RemoveApikeyIDs(ids ...int) { - if m.removedapikeys == nil { - m.removedapikeys = make(map[int]struct{}) - } - for i := range ids { - delete(m.apikeys, ids[i]) - m.removedapikeys[ids[i]] = struct{}{} - } -} - -// RemovedApikeys returns the removed IDs of the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity. -func (m *UserMutation) RemovedApikeysIDs() (ids []int) { - for id := range m.removedapikeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return -} - -// ApikeysIDs returns the "apikeys" edge IDs in the mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) ApikeysIDs() (ids []int) { - for id := range m.apikeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return -} - -// ResetApikeys resets all changes to the "apikeys" edge. -func (m *UserMutation) ResetApikeys() { - m.apikeys = nil - m.clearedapikeys = false - m.removedapikeys = nil -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the UserMutation builder. -func (m *UserMutation) Where(ps ...predicate.User) { - m.predicates = append(m.predicates, ps...) -} - -// Op returns the operation name. -func (m *UserMutation) Op() Op { - return m.op -} - -// Type returns the node type of this mutation (User). -func (m *UserMutation) Type() string { - return m.typ -} - -// Fields returns all fields that were changed during this mutation. Note that in -// order to get all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented, call -// AddedFields(). -func (m *UserMutation) Fields() []string { - fields := make([]string, 0, 2) - if m.username != nil { - fields = append(fields, user.FieldUsername) - } - if m.created_at != nil { - fields = append(fields, user.FieldCreatedAt) - } - return fields -} - -// Field returns the value of a field with the given name. The second boolean -// return value indicates that this field was not set, or was not defined in the -// schema. -func (m *UserMutation) Field(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { - switch name { - case user.FieldUsername: - return m.Username() - case user.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.CreatedAt() - } - return nil, false -} - -// OldField returns the old value of the field from the database. An error is -// returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the query to the -// database failed. -func (m *UserMutation) OldField(ctx context.Context, name string) (ent.Value, error) { - switch name { - case user.FieldUsername: - return m.OldUsername(ctx) - case user.FieldCreatedAt: - return m.OldCreatedAt(ctx) - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown User field %s", name) -} - -// SetField sets the value of a field with the given name. It returns an error if -// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field -// type. -func (m *UserMutation) SetField(name string, value ent.Value) error { - switch name { - case user.FieldUsername: - v, ok := value.(string) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetUsername(v) - return nil - case user.FieldCreatedAt: - v, ok := value.(time.Time) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name) - } - m.SetCreatedAt(v) - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown User field %s", name) -} - -// AddedFields returns all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented during -// this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) AddedFields() []string { - return nil -} - -// AddedField returns the numeric value that was incremented/decremented on a field -// with the given name. The second boolean return value indicates that this field -// was not set, or was not defined in the schema. -func (m *UserMutation) AddedField(name string) (ent.Value, bool) { - return nil, false -} - -// AddField adds the value to the field with the given name. It returns an error if -// the field is not defined in the schema, or if the type mismatched the field -// type. -func (m *UserMutation) AddField(name string, value ent.Value) error { - switch name { - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown User numeric field %s", name) -} - -// ClearedFields returns all nullable fields that were cleared during this -// mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) ClearedFields() []string { - return nil -} - -// FieldCleared returns a boolean indicating if a field with the given name was -// cleared in this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) FieldCleared(name string) bool { - _, ok := m.clearedFields[name] - return ok -} - -// ClearField clears the value of the field with the given name. It returns an -// error if the field is not defined in the schema. -func (m *UserMutation) ClearField(name string) error { - return fmt.Errorf("unknown User nullable field %s", name) -} - -// ResetField resets all changes in the mutation for the field with the given name. -// It returns an error if the field is not defined in the schema. -func (m *UserMutation) ResetField(name string) error { - switch name { - case user.FieldUsername: - m.ResetUsername() - return nil - case user.FieldCreatedAt: - m.ResetCreatedAt() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown User field %s", name) -} - -// AddedEdges returns all edge names that were set/added in this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) AddedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 2) - if m.servicekeys != nil { - edges = append(edges, user.EdgeServicekeys) - } - if m.apikeys != nil { - edges = append(edges, user.EdgeApikeys) - } - return edges -} - -// AddedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were added for the given edge -// name in this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) AddedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { - switch name { - case user.EdgeServicekeys: - ids := make([]ent.Value, 0, len(m.servicekeys)) - for id := range m.servicekeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return ids - case user.EdgeApikeys: - ids := make([]ent.Value, 0, len(m.apikeys)) - for id := range m.apikeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return ids - } - return nil -} - -// RemovedEdges returns all edge names that were removed in this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) RemovedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 2) - if m.removedservicekeys != nil { - edges = append(edges, user.EdgeServicekeys) - } - if m.removedapikeys != nil { - edges = append(edges, user.EdgeApikeys) - } - return edges -} - -// RemovedIDs returns all IDs (to other nodes) that were removed for the edge with -// the given name in this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) RemovedIDs(name string) []ent.Value { - switch name { - case user.EdgeServicekeys: - ids := make([]ent.Value, 0, len(m.removedservicekeys)) - for id := range m.removedservicekeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return ids - case user.EdgeApikeys: - ids := make([]ent.Value, 0, len(m.removedapikeys)) - for id := range m.removedapikeys { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - return ids - } - return nil -} - -// ClearedEdges returns all edge names that were cleared in this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) ClearedEdges() []string { - edges := make([]string, 0, 2) - if m.clearedservicekeys { - edges = append(edges, user.EdgeServicekeys) - } - if m.clearedapikeys { - edges = append(edges, user.EdgeApikeys) - } - return edges -} - -// EdgeCleared returns a boolean which indicates if the edge with the given name -// was cleared in this mutation. -func (m *UserMutation) EdgeCleared(name string) bool { - switch name { - case user.EdgeServicekeys: - return m.clearedservicekeys - case user.EdgeApikeys: - return m.clearedapikeys - } - return false -} - -// ClearEdge clears the value of the edge with the given name. It returns an error -// if that edge is not defined in the schema. -func (m *UserMutation) ClearEdge(name string) error { - switch name { - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown User unique edge %s", name) -} - -// ResetEdge resets all changes to the edge with the given name in this mutation. -// It returns an error if the edge is not defined in the schema. -func (m *UserMutation) ResetEdge(name string) error { - switch name { - case user.EdgeServicekeys: - m.ResetServicekeys() - return nil - case user.EdgeApikeys: - m.ResetApikeys() - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("unknown User edge %s", name) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate/predicate.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate/predicate.go deleted file mode 100644 index dea6f2d..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate/predicate.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package predicate - -import ( - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" -) - -// APIKey is the predicate function for apikey builders. -type APIKey func(*sql.Selector) - -// ServiceKey is the predicate function for servicekey builders. -type ServiceKey func(*sql.Selector) - -// User is the predicate function for user builders. -type User func(*sql.Selector) diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime.go deleted file mode 100644 index b01321c..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "time" - - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// The init function reads all schema descriptors with runtime code -// (default values, validators, hooks and policies) and stitches it -// to their package variables. -func init() { - apikeyFields := schema.APIKey{}.Fields() - _ = apikeyFields - // apikeyDescCreatedAt is the schema descriptor for created_at field. - apikeyDescCreatedAt := apikeyFields[0].Descriptor() - // apikey.DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the created_at field. - apikey.DefaultCreatedAt = apikeyDescCreatedAt.Default.(func() int64) - // apikeyDescName is the schema descriptor for name field. - apikeyDescName := apikeyFields[1].Descriptor() - // apikey.NameValidator is a validator for the "name" field. It is called by the builders before save. - apikey.NameValidator = apikeyDescName.Validators[0].(func(string) error) - // apikeyDescValue is the schema descriptor for value field. - apikeyDescValue := apikeyFields[2].Descriptor() - // apikey.ValueValidator is a validator for the "value" field. It is called by the builders before save. - apikey.ValueValidator = apikeyDescValue.Validators[0].(func(string) error) - servicekeyFields := schema.ServiceKey{}.Fields() - _ = servicekeyFields - // servicekeyDescCreatedAt is the schema descriptor for created_at field. - servicekeyDescCreatedAt := servicekeyFields[0].Descriptor() - // servicekey.DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the created_at field. - servicekey.DefaultCreatedAt = servicekeyDescCreatedAt.Default.(func() int64) - // servicekeyDescName is the schema descriptor for name field. - servicekeyDescName := servicekeyFields[1].Descriptor() - // servicekey.NameValidator is a validator for the "name" field. It is called by the builders before save. - servicekey.NameValidator = servicekeyDescName.Validators[0].(func(string) error) - // servicekeyDescValue is the schema descriptor for value field. - servicekeyDescValue := servicekeyFields[2].Descriptor() - // servicekey.ValueValidator is a validator for the "value" field. It is called by the builders before save. - servicekey.ValueValidator = servicekeyDescValue.Validators[0].(func(string) error) - // servicekeyDescSecret is the schema descriptor for secret field. - servicekeyDescSecret := servicekeyFields[3].Descriptor() - // servicekey.SecretValidator is a validator for the "secret" field. It is called by the builders before save. - servicekey.SecretValidator = servicekeyDescSecret.Validators[0].(func([]byte) error) - // servicekeyDescResource is the schema descriptor for resource field. - servicekeyDescResource := servicekeyFields[4].Descriptor() - // servicekey.DefaultResource holds the default value on creation for the resource field. - servicekey.DefaultResource = servicekeyDescResource.Default.(string) - // servicekeyDescNumUsed is the schema descriptor for num_used field. - servicekeyDescNumUsed := servicekeyFields[5].Descriptor() - // servicekey.DefaultNumUsed holds the default value on creation for the num_used field. - servicekey.DefaultNumUsed = servicekeyDescNumUsed.Default.(int64) - // servicekeyDescMaxUses is the schema descriptor for max_uses field. - servicekeyDescMaxUses := servicekeyFields[6].Descriptor() - // servicekey.DefaultMaxUses holds the default value on creation for the max_uses field. - servicekey.DefaultMaxUses = servicekeyDescMaxUses.Default.(int64) - // servicekeyDescExpires is the schema descriptor for expires field. - servicekeyDescExpires := servicekeyFields[7].Descriptor() - // servicekey.DefaultExpires holds the default value on creation for the expires field. - servicekey.DefaultExpires = servicekeyDescExpires.Default.(int64) - userFields := schema.User{}.Fields() - _ = userFields - // userDescUsername is the schema descriptor for username field. - userDescUsername := userFields[0].Descriptor() - // user.DefaultUsername holds the default value on creation for the username field. - user.DefaultUsername = userDescUsername.Default.(string) - // userDescCreatedAt is the schema descriptor for created_at field. - userDescCreatedAt := userFields[1].Descriptor() - // user.DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the created_at field. - user.DefaultCreatedAt = userDescCreatedAt.Default.(func() time.Time) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime/runtime.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime/runtime.go deleted file mode 100644 index 989cc21..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime/runtime.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package runtime - -// The schema-stitching logic is generated in github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/runtime.go - -const ( - Version = "v0.11.3" // Version of ent codegen. - Sum = "h1:F5FBGAWiDCGder7YT+lqMnyzXl6d0xU3xMBM/SO3CMc=" // Sum of ent codegen. -) diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/apiKey.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/apiKey.go deleted file mode 100644 index 38ab07b..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/apiKey.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -package schema - -import ( - "entgo.io/ent" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/edge" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" -) - -// APIKey holds the schema definition for the APIKey entity. -type APIKey struct { - ent.Schema -} - -// Fields of the APIKey. -func (APIKey) Fields() []ent.Field { - return []ent.Field{ - field.Int64("created_at").Immutable().DefaultFunc(utils.TimeInt64Now), - field.String("name").NotEmpty().Immutable(), - field.String("value").Unique().NotEmpty().Immutable(), - field.Bytes("secret").Immutable(), - } -} - -// Edges of the APIKey. -func (APIKey) Edges() []ent.Edge { - return []ent.Edge{ - edge.From("owner", User.Type).Ref("apikeys").Unique(), - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/serviceKey.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/serviceKey.go deleted file mode 100644 index 58b4bc0..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/serviceKey.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -package schema - -import ( - "entgo.io/ent" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/edge" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" -) - -// ServiceKey holds the schema definition for the ServiceKey entity. -type ServiceKey struct { - ent.Schema -} - -// Fields of the RefreshToken. -func (ServiceKey) Fields() []ent.Field { - return []ent.Field{ - field.Int64("created_at").Immutable().DefaultFunc(utils.TimeInt64Now), - field.String("name").NotEmpty().Immutable(), - field.String("value").Unique().NotEmpty().Immutable(), - field.Bytes("secret").NotEmpty().Immutable(), - field.String("resource").Default(""), - field.Int64("num_used").Default(0), - field.Int64("max_uses").Default(0), - field.Int64("expires").Default(0), - } -} - -// Edges of the RefreshToken. -func (ServiceKey) Edges() []ent.Edge { - return []ent.Edge{ - edge.From("owner", User.Type).Ref("servicekeys").Unique(), - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/user.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/user.go deleted file mode 100644 index e379561..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/schema/user.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -package schema - -import ( - "entgo.io/ent" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/edge" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "time" -) - -// User holds the schema definition for the User entity. -type User struct { - ent.Schema -} - -// Fields of the User. -func (User) Fields() []ent.Field { - return []ent.Field{ - field.String("username").Default("unknown"), - field.Time("created_at").Immutable().Default(time.Now), - } -} - -// Edges of the User. -func (User) Edges() []ent.Edge { - return []ent.Edge{ - edge.To("servicekeys", ServiceKey.Type), - edge.To("apikeys", APIKey.Type), - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6d5e700..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// ServiceKey is the model entity for the ServiceKey schema. -type ServiceKey struct { - config `json:"-"` - // ID of the ent. - ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` - // CreatedAt holds the value of the "created_at" field. - CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` - // Name holds the value of the "name" field. - Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` - // Value holds the value of the "value" field. - Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` - // Secret holds the value of the "secret" field. - Secret []byte `json:"secret,omitempty"` - // Resource holds the value of the "resource" field. - Resource string `json:"resource,omitempty"` - // NumUsed holds the value of the "num_used" field. - NumUsed int64 `json:"num_used,omitempty"` - // MaxUses holds the value of the "max_uses" field. - MaxUses int64 `json:"max_uses,omitempty"` - // Expires holds the value of the "expires" field. - Expires int64 `json:"expires,omitempty"` - // Edges holds the relations/edges for other nodes in the graph. - // The values are being populated by the ServiceKeyQuery when eager-loading is set. - Edges ServiceKeyEdges `json:"edges"` - user_servicekeys *int -} - -// ServiceKeyEdges holds the relations/edges for other nodes in the graph. -type ServiceKeyEdges struct { - // Owner holds the value of the owner edge. - Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"` - // loadedTypes holds the information for reporting if a - // type was loaded (or requested) in eager-loading or not. - loadedTypes [1]bool -} - -// OwnerOrErr returns the Owner value or an error if the edge -// was not loaded in eager-loading, or loaded but was not found. -func (e ServiceKeyEdges) OwnerOrErr() (*User, error) { - if e.loadedTypes[0] { - if e.Owner == nil { - // Edge was loaded but was not found. - return nil, &NotFoundError{label: user.Label} - } - return e.Owner, nil - } - return nil, &NotLoadedError{edge: "owner"} -} - -// scanValues returns the types for scanning values from sql.Rows. -func (*ServiceKey) scanValues(columns []string) ([]any, error) { - values := make([]any, len(columns)) - for i := range columns { - switch columns[i] { - case servicekey.FieldSecret: - values[i] = new([]byte) - case servicekey.FieldID, servicekey.FieldCreatedAt, servicekey.FieldNumUsed, servicekey.FieldMaxUses, servicekey.FieldExpires: - values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64) - case servicekey.FieldName, servicekey.FieldValue, servicekey.FieldResource: - values[i] = new(sql.NullString) - case servicekey.ForeignKeys[0]: // user_servicekeys - values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected column %q for type ServiceKey", columns[i]) - } - } - return values, nil -} - -// assignValues assigns the values that were returned from sql.Rows (after scanning) -// to the ServiceKey fields. -func (sk *ServiceKey) assignValues(columns []string, values []any) error { - if m, n := len(values), len(columns); m < n { - return fmt.Errorf("mismatch number of scan values: %d != %d", m, n) - } - for i := range columns { - switch columns[i] { - case servicekey.FieldID: - value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field id", value) - } - sk.ID = int(value.Int64) - case servicekey.FieldCreatedAt: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field created_at", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.CreatedAt = value.Int64 - } - case servicekey.FieldName: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field name", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.Name = value.String - } - case servicekey.FieldValue: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field value", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.Value = value.String - } - case servicekey.FieldSecret: - if value, ok := values[i].(*[]byte); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field secret", values[i]) - } else if value != nil { - sk.Secret = *value - } - case servicekey.FieldResource: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field resource", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.Resource = value.String - } - case servicekey.FieldNumUsed: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field num_used", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.NumUsed = value.Int64 - } - case servicekey.FieldMaxUses: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field max_uses", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.MaxUses = value.Int64 - } - case servicekey.FieldExpires: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field expires", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.Expires = value.Int64 - } - case servicekey.ForeignKeys[0]: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for edge-field user_servicekeys", value) - } else if value.Valid { - sk.user_servicekeys = new(int) - *sk.user_servicekeys = int(value.Int64) - } - } - } - return nil -} - -// QueryOwner queries the "owner" edge of the ServiceKey entity. -func (sk *ServiceKey) QueryOwner() *UserQuery { - return (&ServiceKeyClient{config: sk.config}).QueryOwner(sk) -} - -// Update returns a builder for updating this ServiceKey. -// Note that you need to call ServiceKey.Unwrap() before calling this method if this ServiceKey -// was returned from a transaction, and the transaction was committed or rolled back. -func (sk *ServiceKey) Update() *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - return (&ServiceKeyClient{config: sk.config}).UpdateOne(sk) -} - -// Unwrap unwraps the ServiceKey entity that was returned from a transaction after it was closed, -// so that all future queries will be executed through the driver which created the transaction. -func (sk *ServiceKey) Unwrap() *ServiceKey { - _tx, ok := sk.config.driver.(*txDriver) - if !ok { - panic("ent: ServiceKey is not a transactional entity") - } - sk.config.driver = _tx.drv - return sk -} - -// String implements the fmt.Stringer. -func (sk *ServiceKey) String() string { - var builder strings.Builder - builder.WriteString("ServiceKey(") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("id=%v, ", sk.ID)) - builder.WriteString("created_at=") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sk.CreatedAt)) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("name=") - builder.WriteString(sk.Name) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("value=") - builder.WriteString(sk.Value) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("secret=") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sk.Secret)) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("resource=") - builder.WriteString(sk.Resource) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("num_used=") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sk.NumUsed)) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("max_uses=") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sk.MaxUses)) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("expires=") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sk.Expires)) - builder.WriteByte(')') - return builder.String() -} - -// ServiceKeys is a parsable slice of ServiceKey. -type ServiceKeys []*ServiceKey - -func (sk ServiceKeys) config(cfg config) { - for _i := range sk { - sk[_i].config = cfg - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey/servicekey.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey/servicekey.go deleted file mode 100644 index c01d5f1..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey/servicekey.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package servicekey - -const ( - // Label holds the string label denoting the servicekey type in the database. - Label = "service_key" - // FieldID holds the string denoting the id field in the database. - FieldID = "id" - // FieldCreatedAt holds the string denoting the created_at field in the database. - FieldCreatedAt = "created_at" - // FieldName holds the string denoting the name field in the database. - FieldName = "name" - // FieldValue holds the string denoting the value field in the database. - FieldValue = "value" - // FieldSecret holds the string denoting the secret field in the database. - FieldSecret = "secret" - // FieldResource holds the string denoting the resource field in the database. - FieldResource = "resource" - // FieldNumUsed holds the string denoting the num_used field in the database. - FieldNumUsed = "num_used" - // FieldMaxUses holds the string denoting the max_uses field in the database. - FieldMaxUses = "max_uses" - // FieldExpires holds the string denoting the expires field in the database. - FieldExpires = "expires" - // EdgeOwner holds the string denoting the owner edge name in mutations. - EdgeOwner = "owner" - // Table holds the table name of the servicekey in the database. - Table = "service_keys" - // OwnerTable is the table that holds the owner relation/edge. - OwnerTable = "service_keys" - // OwnerInverseTable is the table name for the User entity. - // It exists in this package in order to avoid circular dependency with the "user" package. - OwnerInverseTable = "users" - // OwnerColumn is the table column denoting the owner relation/edge. - OwnerColumn = "user_servicekeys" -) - -// Columns holds all SQL columns for servicekey fields. -var Columns = []string{ - FieldID, - FieldCreatedAt, - FieldName, - FieldValue, - FieldSecret, - FieldResource, - FieldNumUsed, - FieldMaxUses, - FieldExpires, -} - -// ForeignKeys holds the SQL foreign-keys that are owned by the "service_keys" -// table and are not defined as standalone fields in the schema. -var ForeignKeys = []string{ - "user_servicekeys", -} - -// ValidColumn reports if the column name is valid (part of the table columns). -func ValidColumn(column string) bool { - for i := range Columns { - if column == Columns[i] { - return true - } - } - for i := range ForeignKeys { - if column == ForeignKeys[i] { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -var ( - // DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the "created_at" field. - DefaultCreatedAt func() int64 - // NameValidator is a validator for the "name" field. It is called by the builders before save. - NameValidator func(string) error - // ValueValidator is a validator for the "value" field. It is called by the builders before save. - ValueValidator func(string) error - // SecretValidator is a validator for the "secret" field. It is called by the builders before save. - SecretValidator func([]byte) error - // DefaultResource holds the default value on creation for the "resource" field. - DefaultResource string - // DefaultNumUsed holds the default value on creation for the "num_used" field. - DefaultNumUsed int64 - // DefaultMaxUses holds the default value on creation for the "max_uses" field. - DefaultMaxUses int64 - // DefaultExpires holds the default value on creation for the "expires" field. - DefaultExpires int64 -) diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey/where.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey/where.go deleted file mode 100644 index 66e9e48..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey/where.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,813 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package servicekey - -import ( - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" -) - -// ID filters vertices based on their ID field. -func ID(id int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDEQ applies the EQ predicate on the ID field. -func IDEQ(id int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the ID field. -func IDNEQ(id int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDIn applies the In predicate on the ID field. -func IDIn(ids ...int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - v := make([]any, len(ids)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = ids[i] - } - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldID), v...)) - }) -} - -// IDNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the ID field. -func IDNotIn(ids ...int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - v := make([]any, len(ids)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = ids[i] - } - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldID), v...)) - }) -} - -// IDGT applies the GT predicate on the ID field. -func IDGT(id int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDGTE applies the GTE predicate on the ID field. -func IDGTE(id int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDLT applies the LT predicate on the ID field. -func IDLT(id int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDLTE applies the LTE predicate on the ID field. -func IDLTE(id int) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAt applies equality check predicate on the "created_at" field. It's identical to CreatedAtEQ. -func CreatedAt(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// Name applies equality check predicate on the "name" field. It's identical to NameEQ. -func Name(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// Value applies equality check predicate on the "value" field. It's identical to ValueEQ. -func Value(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// Secret applies equality check predicate on the "secret" field. It's identical to SecretEQ. -func Secret(v []byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// Resource applies equality check predicate on the "resource" field. It's identical to ResourceEQ. -func Resource(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// NumUsed applies equality check predicate on the "num_used" field. It's identical to NumUsedEQ. -func NumUsed(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v)) - }) -} - -// MaxUses applies equality check predicate on the "max_uses" field. It's identical to MaxUsesEQ. -func MaxUses(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v)) - }) -} - -// Expires applies equality check predicate on the "expires" field. It's identical to ExpiresEQ. -func Expires(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldExpires), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtNEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtIn applies the In predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtNotIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtGT applies the GT predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtGT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtGTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtLT applies the LT predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtLT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtLTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// NameEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "name" field. -func NameEQ(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "name" field. -func NameNEQ(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameIn applies the In predicate on the "name" field. -func NameIn(vs ...string) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldName), v...)) - }) -} - -// NameNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "name" field. -func NameNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldName), v...)) - }) -} - -// NameGT applies the GT predicate on the "name" field. -func NameGT(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "name" field. -func NameGTE(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameLT applies the LT predicate on the "name" field. -func NameLT(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "name" field. -func NameLTE(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameContains applies the Contains predicate on the "name" field. -func NameContains(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "name" field. -func NameHasPrefix(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "name" field. -func NameHasSuffix(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "name" field. -func NameEqualFold(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// NameContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "name" field. -func NameContainsFold(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldName), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueEQ(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueNEQ(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueIn applies the In predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueIn(vs ...string) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldValue), v...)) - }) -} - -// ValueNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldValue), v...)) - }) -} - -// ValueGT applies the GT predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueGT(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueGTE(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueLT applies the LT predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueLT(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueLTE(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueContains applies the Contains predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueContains(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueHasPrefix(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueHasSuffix(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueEqualFold(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// ValueContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "value" field. -func ValueContainsFold(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldValue), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretEQ(v []byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretNEQ(v []byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretIn applies the In predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretIn(vs ...[]byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldSecret), v...)) - }) -} - -// SecretNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretNotIn(vs ...[]byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldSecret), v...)) - }) -} - -// SecretGT applies the GT predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretGT(v []byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretGTE(v []byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretLT applies the LT predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretLT(v []byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// SecretLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "secret" field. -func SecretLTE(v []byte) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldSecret), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceEQ(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceNEQ(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceIn applies the In predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceIn(vs ...string) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldResource), v...)) - }) -} - -// ResourceNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldResource), v...)) - }) -} - -// ResourceGT applies the GT predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceGT(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceGTE(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceLT applies the LT predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceLT(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceLTE(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceContains applies the Contains predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceContains(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceHasPrefix(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceHasSuffix(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceEqualFold(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// ResourceContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "resource" field. -func ResourceContainsFold(v string) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldResource), v)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedNEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedIn applies the In predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v...)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedNotIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v...)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedGT applies the GT predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedGT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedGTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedLT applies the LT predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedLT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v)) - }) -} - -// NumUsedLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "num_used" field. -func NumUsedLTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldNumUsed), v)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesNEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesIn applies the In predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v...)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesNotIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v...)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesGT applies the GT predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesGT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesGTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesLT applies the LT predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesLT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v)) - }) -} - -// MaxUsesLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "max_uses" field. -func MaxUsesLTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldMaxUses), v)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldExpires), v)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresNEQ(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldExpires), v)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresIn applies the In predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldExpires), v...)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresNotIn(vs ...int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldExpires), v...)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresGT applies the GT predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresGT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldExpires), v)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresGTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldExpires), v)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresLT applies the LT predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresLT(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldExpires), v)) - }) -} - -// ExpiresLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "expires" field. -func ExpiresLTE(v int64) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldExpires), v)) - }) -} - -// HasOwner applies the HasEdge predicate on the "owner" edge. -func HasOwner() predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(OwnerTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, OwnerTable, OwnerColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighbors(s, step) - }) -} - -// HasOwnerWith applies the HasEdge predicate on the "owner" edge with a given conditions (other predicates). -func HasOwnerWith(preds ...predicate.User) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(OwnerInverseTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, OwnerTable, OwnerColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighborsWith(s, step, func(s *sql.Selector) { - for _, p := range preds { - p(s) - } - }) - }) -} - -// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them. -func And(predicates ...predicate.ServiceKey) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) - for _, p := range predicates { - p(s1) - } - s.Where(s1.P()) - }) -} - -// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them. -func Or(predicates ...predicate.ServiceKey) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) - for i, p := range predicates { - if i > 0 { - s1.Or() - } - p(s1) - } - s.Where(s1.P()) - }) -} - -// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate. -func Not(p predicate.ServiceKey) predicate.ServiceKey { - return predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - p(s.Not()) - }) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_create.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_create.go deleted file mode 100644 index 076c90c..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_create.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,466 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// ServiceKeyCreate is the builder for creating a ServiceKey entity. -type ServiceKeyCreate struct { - config - mutation *ServiceKeyMutation - hooks []Hook -} - -// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetCreatedAt(i int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(i) - return skc -} - -// SetNillableCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetNillableCreatedAt(i *int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - if i != nil { - skc.SetCreatedAt(*i) - } - return skc -} - -// SetName sets the "name" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetName(s string) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetName(s) - return skc -} - -// SetValue sets the "value" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetValue(s string) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetValue(s) - return skc -} - -// SetSecret sets the "secret" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetSecret(b []byte) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetSecret(b) - return skc -} - -// SetResource sets the "resource" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetResource(s string) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetResource(s) - return skc -} - -// SetNillableResource sets the "resource" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetNillableResource(s *string) *ServiceKeyCreate { - if s != nil { - skc.SetResource(*s) - } - return skc -} - -// SetNumUsed sets the "num_used" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetNumUsed(i int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetNumUsed(i) - return skc -} - -// SetNillableNumUsed sets the "num_used" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetNillableNumUsed(i *int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - if i != nil { - skc.SetNumUsed(*i) - } - return skc -} - -// SetMaxUses sets the "max_uses" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetMaxUses(i int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetMaxUses(i) - return skc -} - -// SetNillableMaxUses sets the "max_uses" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetNillableMaxUses(i *int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - if i != nil { - skc.SetMaxUses(*i) - } - return skc -} - -// SetExpires sets the "expires" field. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetExpires(i int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetExpires(i) - return skc -} - -// SetNillableExpires sets the "expires" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetNillableExpires(i *int64) *ServiceKeyCreate { - if i != nil { - skc.SetExpires(*i) - } - return skc -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetOwnerID(id int) *ServiceKeyCreate { - skc.mutation.SetOwnerID(id) - return skc -} - -// SetNillableOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID if the given value is not nil. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetNillableOwnerID(id *int) *ServiceKeyCreate { - if id != nil { - skc = skc.SetOwnerID(*id) - } - return skc -} - -// SetOwner sets the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SetOwner(u *User) *ServiceKeyCreate { - return skc.SetOwnerID(u.ID) -} - -// Mutation returns the ServiceKeyMutation object of the builder. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) Mutation() *ServiceKeyMutation { - return skc.mutation -} - -// Save creates the ServiceKey in the database. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) Save(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) { - var ( - err error - node *ServiceKey - ) - skc.defaults() - if len(skc.hooks) == 0 { - if err = skc.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - node, err = skc.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*ServiceKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - if err = skc.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - skc.mutation = mutation - if node, err = skc.sqlSave(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mutation.id = &node.ID - mutation.done = true - return node, err - }) - for i := len(skc.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if skc.hooks[i] == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = skc.hooks[i](mut) - } - v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, skc.mutation) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nv, ok := v.(*ServiceKey) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from ServiceKeyMutation", v) - } - node = nv - } - return node, err -} - -// SaveX calls Save and panics if Save returns an error. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *ServiceKey { - v, err := skc.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return v -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := skc.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := skc.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -// defaults sets the default values of the builder before save. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) defaults() { - if _, ok := skc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { - v := servicekey.DefaultCreatedAt() - skc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(v) - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.Resource(); !ok { - v := servicekey.DefaultResource - skc.mutation.SetResource(v) - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.NumUsed(); !ok { - v := servicekey.DefaultNumUsed - skc.mutation.SetNumUsed(v) - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.MaxUses(); !ok { - v := servicekey.DefaultMaxUses - skc.mutation.SetMaxUses(v) - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.Expires(); !ok { - v := servicekey.DefaultExpires - skc.mutation.SetExpires(v) - } -} - -// check runs all checks and user-defined validators on the builder. -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) check() error { - if _, ok := skc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "created_at", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.created_at"`)} - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.Name(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "name", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.name"`)} - } - if v, ok := skc.mutation.Name(); ok { - if err := servicekey.NameValidator(v); err != nil { - return &ValidationError{Name: "name", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "ServiceKey.name": %w`, err)} - } - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.Value(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "value", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.value"`)} - } - if v, ok := skc.mutation.Value(); ok { - if err := servicekey.ValueValidator(v); err != nil { - return &ValidationError{Name: "value", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "ServiceKey.value": %w`, err)} - } - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.Secret(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "secret", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.secret"`)} - } - if v, ok := skc.mutation.Secret(); ok { - if err := servicekey.SecretValidator(v); err != nil { - return &ValidationError{Name: "secret", err: fmt.Errorf(`ent: validator failed for field "ServiceKey.secret": %w`, err)} - } - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.Resource(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "resource", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.resource"`)} - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.NumUsed(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "num_used", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.num_used"`)} - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.MaxUses(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "max_uses", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.max_uses"`)} - } - if _, ok := skc.mutation.Expires(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "expires", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "ServiceKey.expires"`)} - } - return nil -} - -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) { - _node, _spec := skc.createSpec() - if err := sqlgraph.CreateNode(ctx, skc.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return nil, err - } - id := _spec.ID.Value.(int64) - _node.ID = int(id) - return _node, nil -} - -func (skc *ServiceKeyCreate) createSpec() (*ServiceKey, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) { - var ( - _node = &ServiceKey{config: skc.config} - _spec = &sqlgraph.CreateSpec{ - Table: servicekey.Table, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - } - ) - if value, ok := skc.mutation.CreatedAt(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldCreatedAt, - }) - _node.CreatedAt = value - } - if value, ok := skc.mutation.Name(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldName, - }) - _node.Name = value - } - if value, ok := skc.mutation.Value(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldValue, - }) - _node.Value = value - } - if value, ok := skc.mutation.Secret(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeBytes, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldSecret, - }) - _node.Secret = value - } - if value, ok := skc.mutation.Resource(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldResource, - }) - _node.Resource = value - } - if value, ok := skc.mutation.NumUsed(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldNumUsed, - }) - _node.NumUsed = value - } - if value, ok := skc.mutation.MaxUses(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldMaxUses, - }) - _node.MaxUses = value - } - if value, ok := skc.mutation.Expires(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldExpires, - }) - _node.Expires = value - } - if nodes := skc.mutation.OwnerIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: servicekey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{servicekey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _node.user_servicekeys = &nodes[0] - _spec.Edges = append(_spec.Edges, edge) - } - return _node, _spec -} - -// ServiceKeyCreateBulk is the builder for creating many ServiceKey entities in bulk. -type ServiceKeyCreateBulk struct { - config - builders []*ServiceKeyCreate -} - -// Save creates the ServiceKey entities in the database. -func (skcb *ServiceKeyCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*ServiceKey, error) { - specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(skcb.builders)) - nodes := make([]*ServiceKey, len(skcb.builders)) - mutators := make([]Mutator, len(skcb.builders)) - for i := range skcb.builders { - func(i int, root context.Context) { - builder := skcb.builders[i] - builder.defaults() - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*ServiceKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - if err := builder.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - builder.mutation = mutation - nodes[i], specs[i] = builder.createSpec() - var err error - if i < len(mutators)-1 { - _, err = mutators[i+1].Mutate(root, skcb.builders[i+1].mutation) - } else { - spec := &sqlgraph.BatchCreateSpec{Nodes: specs} - // Invoke the actual operation on the latest mutation in the chain. - if err = sqlgraph.BatchCreate(ctx, skcb.driver, spec); err != nil { - if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - } - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mutation.id = &nodes[i].ID - if specs[i].ID.Value != nil { - id := specs[i].ID.Value.(int64) - nodes[i].ID = int(id) - } - mutation.done = true - return nodes[i], nil - }) - for i := len(builder.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - mut = builder.hooks[i](mut) - } - mutators[i] = mut - }(i, ctx) - } - if len(mutators) > 0 { - if _, err := mutators[0].Mutate(ctx, skcb.builders[0].mutation); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skcb *ServiceKeyCreateBulk) SaveX(ctx context.Context) []*ServiceKey { - v, err := skcb.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return v -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (skcb *ServiceKeyCreateBulk) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := skcb.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skcb *ServiceKeyCreateBulk) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := skcb.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_delete.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_delete.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6a506a7..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_delete.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" -) - -// ServiceKeyDelete is the builder for deleting a ServiceKey entity. -type ServiceKeyDelete struct { - config - hooks []Hook - mutation *ServiceKeyMutation -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the ServiceKeyDelete builder. -func (skd *ServiceKeyDelete) Where(ps ...predicate.ServiceKey) *ServiceKeyDelete { - skd.mutation.Where(ps...) - return skd -} - -// Exec executes the deletion query and returns how many vertices were deleted. -func (skd *ServiceKeyDelete) Exec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - var ( - err error - affected int - ) - if len(skd.hooks) == 0 { - affected, err = skd.sqlExec(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*ServiceKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - skd.mutation = mutation - affected, err = skd.sqlExec(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return affected, err - }) - for i := len(skd.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if skd.hooks[i] == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = skd.hooks[i](mut) - } - if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, skd.mutation); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } - return affected, err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skd *ServiceKeyDelete) ExecX(ctx context.Context) int { - n, err := skd.Exec(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return n -} - -func (skd *ServiceKeyDelete) sqlExec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.DeleteSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: servicekey.Table, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - if ps := skd.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - affected, err := sqlgraph.DeleteNodes(ctx, skd.driver, _spec) - if err != nil && sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return affected, err -} - -// ServiceKeyDeleteOne is the builder for deleting a single ServiceKey entity. -type ServiceKeyDeleteOne struct { - skd *ServiceKeyDelete -} - -// Exec executes the deletion query. -func (skdo *ServiceKeyDeleteOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - n, err := skdo.skd.Exec(ctx) - switch { - case err != nil: - return err - case n == 0: - return &NotFoundError{servicekey.Label} - default: - return nil - } -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skdo *ServiceKeyDeleteOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - skdo.skd.ExecX(ctx) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_query.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_query.go deleted file mode 100644 index e137211..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_query.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,613 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - "math" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// ServiceKeyQuery is the builder for querying ServiceKey entities. -type ServiceKeyQuery struct { - config - limit *int - offset *int - unique *bool - order []OrderFunc - fields []string - predicates []predicate.ServiceKey - withOwner *UserQuery - withFKs bool - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector - path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) -} - -// Where adds a new predicate for the ServiceKeyQuery builder. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Where(ps ...predicate.ServiceKey) *ServiceKeyQuery { - skq.predicates = append(skq.predicates, ps...) - return skq -} - -// Limit adds a limit step to the query. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Limit(limit int) *ServiceKeyQuery { - skq.limit = &limit - return skq -} - -// Offset adds an offset step to the query. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Offset(offset int) *ServiceKeyQuery { - skq.offset = &offset - return skq -} - -// Unique configures the query builder to filter duplicate records on query. -// By default, unique is set to true, and can be disabled using this method. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Unique(unique bool) *ServiceKeyQuery { - skq.unique = &unique - return skq -} - -// Order adds an order step to the query. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Order(o ...OrderFunc) *ServiceKeyQuery { - skq.order = append(skq.order, o...) - return skq -} - -// QueryOwner chains the current query on the "owner" edge. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) QueryOwner() *UserQuery { - query := &UserQuery{config: skq.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromU *sql.Selector, err error) { - if err := skq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - selector := skq.sqlQuery(ctx) - if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(servicekey.Table, servicekey.FieldID, selector), - sqlgraph.To(user.Table, user.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.M2O, true, servicekey.OwnerTable, servicekey.OwnerColumn), - ) - fromU = sqlgraph.SetNeighbors(skq.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromU, nil - } - return query -} - -// First returns the first ServiceKey entity from the query. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no ServiceKey was found. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) First(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) { - nodes, err := skq.Limit(1).All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(nodes) == 0 { - return nil, &NotFoundError{servicekey.Label} - } - return nodes[0], nil -} - -// FirstX is like First, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) FirstX(ctx context.Context) *ServiceKey { - node, err := skq.First(ctx) - if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// FirstID returns the first ServiceKey ID from the query. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no ServiceKey ID was found. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) FirstID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { - var ids []int - if ids, err = skq.Limit(1).IDs(ctx); err != nil { - return - } - if len(ids) == 0 { - err = &NotFoundError{servicekey.Label} - return - } - return ids[0], nil -} - -// FirstIDX is like FirstID, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) FirstIDX(ctx context.Context) int { - id, err := skq.FirstID(ctx) - if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { - panic(err) - } - return id -} - -// Only returns a single ServiceKey entity found by the query, ensuring it only returns one. -// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one ServiceKey entity is found. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no ServiceKey entities are found. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Only(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) { - nodes, err := skq.Limit(2).All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch len(nodes) { - case 1: - return nodes[0], nil - case 0: - return nil, &NotFoundError{servicekey.Label} - default: - return nil, &NotSingularError{servicekey.Label} - } -} - -// OnlyX is like Only, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) OnlyX(ctx context.Context) *ServiceKey { - node, err := skq.Only(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// OnlyID is like Only, but returns the only ServiceKey ID in the query. -// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one ServiceKey ID is found. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no entities are found. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) OnlyID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { - var ids []int - if ids, err = skq.Limit(2).IDs(ctx); err != nil { - return - } - switch len(ids) { - case 1: - id = ids[0] - case 0: - err = &NotFoundError{servicekey.Label} - default: - err = &NotSingularError{servicekey.Label} - } - return -} - -// OnlyIDX is like OnlyID, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) OnlyIDX(ctx context.Context) int { - id, err := skq.OnlyID(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return id -} - -// All executes the query and returns a list of ServiceKeys. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) All(ctx context.Context) ([]*ServiceKey, error) { - if err := skq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return skq.sqlAll(ctx) -} - -// AllX is like All, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) AllX(ctx context.Context) []*ServiceKey { - nodes, err := skq.All(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return nodes -} - -// IDs executes the query and returns a list of ServiceKey IDs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { - var ids []int - if err := skq.Select(servicekey.FieldID).Scan(ctx, &ids); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return ids, nil -} - -// IDsX is like IDs, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) IDsX(ctx context.Context) []int { - ids, err := skq.IDs(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return ids -} - -// Count returns the count of the given query. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Count(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - if err := skq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - return skq.sqlCount(ctx) -} - -// CountX is like Count, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) CountX(ctx context.Context) int { - count, err := skq.Count(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return count -} - -// Exist returns true if the query has elements in the graph. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Exist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { - if err := skq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return false, err - } - return skq.sqlExist(ctx) -} - -// ExistX is like Exist, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) ExistX(ctx context.Context) bool { - exist, err := skq.Exist(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return exist -} - -// Clone returns a duplicate of the ServiceKeyQuery builder, including all associated steps. It can be -// used to prepare common query builders and use them differently after the clone is made. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Clone() *ServiceKeyQuery { - if skq == nil { - return nil - } - return &ServiceKeyQuery{ - config: skq.config, - limit: skq.limit, - offset: skq.offset, - order: append([]OrderFunc{}, skq.order...), - predicates: append([]predicate.ServiceKey{}, skq.predicates...), - withOwner: skq.withOwner.Clone(), - // clone intermediate query. - sql: skq.sql.Clone(), - path: skq.path, - unique: skq.unique, - } -} - -// WithOwner tells the query-builder to eager-load the nodes that are connected to -// the "owner" edge. The optional arguments are used to configure the query builder of the edge. -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) WithOwner(opts ...func(*UserQuery)) *ServiceKeyQuery { - query := &UserQuery{config: skq.config} - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(query) - } - skq.withOwner = query - return skq -} - -// GroupBy is used to group vertices by one or more fields/columns. -// It is often used with aggregate functions, like: count, max, mean, min, sum. -// -// Example: -// -// var v []struct { -// CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` -// Count int `json:"count,omitempty"` -// } -// -// client.ServiceKey.Query(). -// GroupBy(servicekey.FieldCreatedAt). -// Aggregate(ent.Count()). -// Scan(ctx, &v) -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) GroupBy(field string, fields ...string) *ServiceKeyGroupBy { - grbuild := &ServiceKeyGroupBy{config: skq.config} - grbuild.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) - grbuild.path = func(ctx context.Context) (prev *sql.Selector, err error) { - if err := skq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return skq.sqlQuery(ctx), nil - } - grbuild.label = servicekey.Label - grbuild.flds, grbuild.scan = &grbuild.fields, grbuild.Scan - return grbuild -} - -// Select allows the selection one or more fields/columns for the given query, -// instead of selecting all fields in the entity. -// -// Example: -// -// var v []struct { -// CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` -// } -// -// client.ServiceKey.Query(). -// Select(servicekey.FieldCreatedAt). -// Scan(ctx, &v) -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) Select(fields ...string) *ServiceKeySelect { - skq.fields = append(skq.fields, fields...) - selbuild := &ServiceKeySelect{ServiceKeyQuery: skq} - selbuild.label = servicekey.Label - selbuild.flds, selbuild.scan = &skq.fields, selbuild.Scan - return selbuild -} - -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) prepareQuery(ctx context.Context) error { - for _, f := range skq.fields { - if !servicekey.ValidColumn(f) { - return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} - } - } - if skq.path != nil { - prev, err := skq.path(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - skq.sql = prev - } - return nil -} - -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) sqlAll(ctx context.Context, hooks ...queryHook) ([]*ServiceKey, error) { - var ( - nodes = []*ServiceKey{} - withFKs = skq.withFKs - _spec = skq.querySpec() - loadedTypes = [1]bool{ - skq.withOwner != nil, - } - ) - if skq.withOwner != nil { - withFKs = true - } - if withFKs { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, servicekey.ForeignKeys...) - } - _spec.ScanValues = func(columns []string) ([]any, error) { - return (*ServiceKey).scanValues(nil, columns) - } - _spec.Assign = func(columns []string, values []any) error { - node := &ServiceKey{config: skq.config} - nodes = append(nodes, node) - node.Edges.loadedTypes = loadedTypes - return node.assignValues(columns, values) - } - for i := range hooks { - hooks[i](ctx, _spec) - } - if err := sqlgraph.QueryNodes(ctx, skq.driver, _spec); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(nodes) == 0 { - return nodes, nil - } - if query := skq.withOwner; query != nil { - if err := skq.loadOwner(ctx, query, nodes, nil, - func(n *ServiceKey, e *User) { n.Edges.Owner = e }); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) loadOwner(ctx context.Context, query *UserQuery, nodes []*ServiceKey, init func(*ServiceKey), assign func(*ServiceKey, *User)) error { - ids := make([]int, 0, len(nodes)) - nodeids := make(map[int][]*ServiceKey) - for i := range nodes { - if nodes[i].user_servicekeys == nil { - continue - } - fk := *nodes[i].user_servicekeys - if _, ok := nodeids[fk]; !ok { - ids = append(ids, fk) - } - nodeids[fk] = append(nodeids[fk], nodes[i]) - } - query.Where(user.IDIn(ids...)) - neighbors, err := query.All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, n := range neighbors { - nodes, ok := nodeids[n.ID] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf(`unexpected foreign-key "user_servicekeys" returned %v`, n.ID) - } - for i := range nodes { - assign(nodes[i], n) - } - } - return nil -} - -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) sqlCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - _spec := skq.querySpec() - _spec.Node.Columns = skq.fields - if len(skq.fields) > 0 { - _spec.Unique = skq.unique != nil && *skq.unique - } - return sqlgraph.CountNodes(ctx, skq.driver, _spec) -} - -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) sqlExist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { - switch _, err := skq.FirstID(ctx); { - case IsNotFound(err): - return false, nil - case err != nil: - return false, fmt.Errorf("ent: check existence: %w", err) - default: - return true, nil - } -} - -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) querySpec() *sqlgraph.QuerySpec { - _spec := &sqlgraph.QuerySpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: servicekey.Table, - Columns: servicekey.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - From: skq.sql, - Unique: true, - } - if unique := skq.unique; unique != nil { - _spec.Unique = *unique - } - if fields := skq.fields; len(fields) > 0 { - _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, servicekey.FieldID) - for i := range fields { - if fields[i] != servicekey.FieldID { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, fields[i]) - } - } - } - if ps := skq.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if limit := skq.limit; limit != nil { - _spec.Limit = *limit - } - if offset := skq.offset; offset != nil { - _spec.Offset = *offset - } - if ps := skq.order; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Order = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - return _spec -} - -func (skq *ServiceKeyQuery) sqlQuery(ctx context.Context) *sql.Selector { - builder := sql.Dialect(skq.driver.Dialect()) - t1 := builder.Table(servicekey.Table) - columns := skq.fields - if len(columns) == 0 { - columns = servicekey.Columns - } - selector := builder.Select(t1.Columns(columns...)...).From(t1) - if skq.sql != nil { - selector = skq.sql - selector.Select(selector.Columns(columns...)...) - } - if skq.unique != nil && *skq.unique { - selector.Distinct() - } - for _, p := range skq.predicates { - p(selector) - } - for _, p := range skq.order { - p(selector) - } - if offset := skq.offset; offset != nil { - // limit is mandatory for offset clause. We start - // with default value, and override it below if needed. - selector.Offset(*offset).Limit(math.MaxInt32) - } - if limit := skq.limit; limit != nil { - selector.Limit(*limit) - } - return selector -} - -// ServiceKeyGroupBy is the group-by builder for ServiceKey entities. -type ServiceKeyGroupBy struct { - config - selector - fields []string - fns []AggregateFunc - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector - path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) -} - -// Aggregate adds the given aggregation functions to the group-by query. -func (skgb *ServiceKeyGroupBy) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *ServiceKeyGroupBy { - skgb.fns = append(skgb.fns, fns...) - return skgb -} - -// Scan applies the group-by query and scans the result into the given value. -func (skgb *ServiceKeyGroupBy) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - query, err := skgb.path(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - skgb.sql = query - return skgb.sqlScan(ctx, v) -} - -func (skgb *ServiceKeyGroupBy) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - for _, f := range skgb.fields { - if !servicekey.ValidColumn(f) { - return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("invalid field %q for group-by", f)} - } - } - selector := skgb.sqlQuery() - if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { - return err - } - rows := &sql.Rows{} - query, args := selector.Query() - if err := skgb.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { - return err - } - defer rows.Close() - return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) -} - -func (skgb *ServiceKeyGroupBy) sqlQuery() *sql.Selector { - selector := skgb.sql.Select() - aggregation := make([]string, 0, len(skgb.fns)) - for _, fn := range skgb.fns { - aggregation = append(aggregation, fn(selector)) - } - // If no columns were selected in a custom aggregation function, the default - // selection is the fields used for "group-by", and the aggregation functions. - if len(selector.SelectedColumns()) == 0 { - columns := make([]string, 0, len(skgb.fields)+len(skgb.fns)) - for _, f := range skgb.fields { - columns = append(columns, selector.C(f)) - } - columns = append(columns, aggregation...) - selector.Select(columns...) - } - return selector.GroupBy(selector.Columns(skgb.fields...)...) -} - -// ServiceKeySelect is the builder for selecting fields of ServiceKey entities. -type ServiceKeySelect struct { - *ServiceKeyQuery - selector - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector -} - -// Scan applies the selector query and scans the result into the given value. -func (sks *ServiceKeySelect) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - if err := sks.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return err - } - sks.sql = sks.ServiceKeyQuery.sqlQuery(ctx) - return sks.sqlScan(ctx, v) -} - -func (sks *ServiceKeySelect) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - rows := &sql.Rows{} - query, args := sks.sql.Query() - if err := sks.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { - return err - } - defer rows.Close() - return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_update.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_update.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2e51b9c..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey_update.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,618 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// ServiceKeyUpdate is the builder for updating ServiceKey entities. -type ServiceKeyUpdate struct { - config - hooks []Hook - mutation *ServiceKeyMutation -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the ServiceKeyUpdate builder. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) Where(ps ...predicate.ServiceKey) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.Where(ps...) - return sku -} - -// SetResource sets the "resource" field. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetResource(s string) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.SetResource(s) - return sku -} - -// SetNillableResource sets the "resource" field if the given value is not nil. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetNillableResource(s *string) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - if s != nil { - sku.SetResource(*s) - } - return sku -} - -// SetNumUsed sets the "num_used" field. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetNumUsed(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.ResetNumUsed() - sku.mutation.SetNumUsed(i) - return sku -} - -// SetNillableNumUsed sets the "num_used" field if the given value is not nil. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetNillableNumUsed(i *int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - if i != nil { - sku.SetNumUsed(*i) - } - return sku -} - -// AddNumUsed adds i to the "num_used" field. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) AddNumUsed(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.AddNumUsed(i) - return sku -} - -// SetMaxUses sets the "max_uses" field. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetMaxUses(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.ResetMaxUses() - sku.mutation.SetMaxUses(i) - return sku -} - -// SetNillableMaxUses sets the "max_uses" field if the given value is not nil. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetNillableMaxUses(i *int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - if i != nil { - sku.SetMaxUses(*i) - } - return sku -} - -// AddMaxUses adds i to the "max_uses" field. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) AddMaxUses(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.AddMaxUses(i) - return sku -} - -// SetExpires sets the "expires" field. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetExpires(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.ResetExpires() - sku.mutation.SetExpires(i) - return sku -} - -// SetNillableExpires sets the "expires" field if the given value is not nil. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetNillableExpires(i *int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - if i != nil { - sku.SetExpires(*i) - } - return sku -} - -// AddExpires adds i to the "expires" field. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) AddExpires(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.AddExpires(i) - return sku -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetOwnerID(id int) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.SetOwnerID(id) - return sku -} - -// SetNillableOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID if the given value is not nil. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetNillableOwnerID(id *int) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - if id != nil { - sku = sku.SetOwnerID(*id) - } - return sku -} - -// SetOwner sets the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SetOwner(u *User) *ServiceKeyUpdate { - return sku.SetOwnerID(u.ID) -} - -// Mutation returns the ServiceKeyMutation object of the builder. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) Mutation() *ServiceKeyMutation { - return sku.mutation -} - -// ClearOwner clears the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) ClearOwner() *ServiceKeyUpdate { - sku.mutation.ClearOwner() - return sku -} - -// Save executes the query and returns the number of nodes affected by the update operation. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) Save(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - var ( - err error - affected int - ) - if len(sku.hooks) == 0 { - affected, err = sku.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*ServiceKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - sku.mutation = mutation - affected, err = sku.sqlSave(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return affected, err - }) - for i := len(sku.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if sku.hooks[i] == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = sku.hooks[i](mut) - } - if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, sku.mutation); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } - return affected, err -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) int { - affected, err := sku.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return affected -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := sku.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := sku.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -func (sku *ServiceKeyUpdate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (n int, err error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: servicekey.Table, - Columns: servicekey.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - if ps := sku.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if value, ok := sku.mutation.Resource(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldResource, - }) - } - if value, ok := sku.mutation.NumUsed(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldNumUsed, - }) - } - if value, ok := sku.mutation.AddedNumUsed(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Add = append(_spec.Fields.Add, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldNumUsed, - }) - } - if value, ok := sku.mutation.MaxUses(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldMaxUses, - }) - } - if value, ok := sku.mutation.AddedMaxUses(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Add = append(_spec.Fields.Add, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldMaxUses, - }) - } - if value, ok := sku.mutation.Expires(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldExpires, - }) - } - if value, ok := sku.mutation.AddedExpires(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Add = append(_spec.Fields.Add, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldExpires, - }) - } - if sku.mutation.OwnerCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: servicekey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{servicekey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := sku.mutation.OwnerIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: servicekey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{servicekey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - if n, err = sqlgraph.UpdateNodes(ctx, sku.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { - err = &NotFoundError{servicekey.Label} - } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return 0, err - } - return n, nil -} - -// ServiceKeyUpdateOne is the builder for updating a single ServiceKey entity. -type ServiceKeyUpdateOne struct { - config - fields []string - hooks []Hook - mutation *ServiceKeyMutation -} - -// SetResource sets the "resource" field. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetResource(s string) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.SetResource(s) - return skuo -} - -// SetNillableResource sets the "resource" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetNillableResource(s *string) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - if s != nil { - skuo.SetResource(*s) - } - return skuo -} - -// SetNumUsed sets the "num_used" field. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetNumUsed(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.ResetNumUsed() - skuo.mutation.SetNumUsed(i) - return skuo -} - -// SetNillableNumUsed sets the "num_used" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetNillableNumUsed(i *int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - if i != nil { - skuo.SetNumUsed(*i) - } - return skuo -} - -// AddNumUsed adds i to the "num_used" field. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) AddNumUsed(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.AddNumUsed(i) - return skuo -} - -// SetMaxUses sets the "max_uses" field. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetMaxUses(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.ResetMaxUses() - skuo.mutation.SetMaxUses(i) - return skuo -} - -// SetNillableMaxUses sets the "max_uses" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetNillableMaxUses(i *int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - if i != nil { - skuo.SetMaxUses(*i) - } - return skuo -} - -// AddMaxUses adds i to the "max_uses" field. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) AddMaxUses(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.AddMaxUses(i) - return skuo -} - -// SetExpires sets the "expires" field. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetExpires(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.ResetExpires() - skuo.mutation.SetExpires(i) - return skuo -} - -// SetNillableExpires sets the "expires" field if the given value is not nil. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetNillableExpires(i *int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - if i != nil { - skuo.SetExpires(*i) - } - return skuo -} - -// AddExpires adds i to the "expires" field. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) AddExpires(i int64) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.AddExpires(i) - return skuo -} - -// SetOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetOwnerID(id int) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.SetOwnerID(id) - return skuo -} - -// SetNillableOwnerID sets the "owner" edge to the User entity by ID if the given value is not nil. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetNillableOwnerID(id *int) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - if id != nil { - skuo = skuo.SetOwnerID(*id) - } - return skuo -} - -// SetOwner sets the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SetOwner(u *User) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - return skuo.SetOwnerID(u.ID) -} - -// Mutation returns the ServiceKeyMutation object of the builder. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) Mutation() *ServiceKeyMutation { - return skuo.mutation -} - -// ClearOwner clears the "owner" edge to the User entity. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) ClearOwner() *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.mutation.ClearOwner() - return skuo -} - -// Select allows selecting one or more fields (columns) of the returned entity. -// The default is selecting all fields defined in the entity schema. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) Select(field string, fields ...string) *ServiceKeyUpdateOne { - skuo.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) - return skuo -} - -// Save executes the query and returns the updated ServiceKey entity. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) Save(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceKey, error) { - var ( - err error - node *ServiceKey - ) - if len(skuo.hooks) == 0 { - node, err = skuo.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*ServiceKeyMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - skuo.mutation = mutation - node, err = skuo.sqlSave(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return node, err - }) - for i := len(skuo.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if skuo.hooks[i] == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = skuo.hooks[i](mut) - } - v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, skuo.mutation) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nv, ok := v.(*ServiceKey) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from ServiceKeyMutation", v) - } - node = nv - } - return node, err -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *ServiceKey { - node, err := skuo.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// Exec executes the query on the entity. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := skuo.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := skuo.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -func (skuo *ServiceKeyUpdateOne) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (_node *ServiceKey, err error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: servicekey.Table, - Columns: servicekey.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - id, ok := skuo.mutation.ID() - if !ok { - return nil, &ValidationError{Name: "id", err: errors.New(`ent: missing "ServiceKey.id" for update`)} - } - _spec.Node.ID.Value = id - if fields := skuo.fields; len(fields) > 0 { - _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, servicekey.FieldID) - for _, f := range fields { - if !servicekey.ValidColumn(f) { - return nil, &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} - } - if f != servicekey.FieldID { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, f) - } - } - } - if ps := skuo.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if value, ok := skuo.mutation.Resource(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldResource, - }) - } - if value, ok := skuo.mutation.NumUsed(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldNumUsed, - }) - } - if value, ok := skuo.mutation.AddedNumUsed(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Add = append(_spec.Fields.Add, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldNumUsed, - }) - } - if value, ok := skuo.mutation.MaxUses(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldMaxUses, - }) - } - if value, ok := skuo.mutation.AddedMaxUses(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Add = append(_spec.Fields.Add, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldMaxUses, - }) - } - if value, ok := skuo.mutation.Expires(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldExpires, - }) - } - if value, ok := skuo.mutation.AddedExpires(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Add = append(_spec.Fields.Add, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt64, - Value: value, - Column: servicekey.FieldExpires, - }) - } - if skuo.mutation.OwnerCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: servicekey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{servicekey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := skuo.mutation.OwnerIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.M2O, - Inverse: true, - Table: servicekey.OwnerTable, - Columns: []string{servicekey.OwnerColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - _node = &ServiceKey{config: skuo.config} - _spec.Assign = _node.assignValues - _spec.ScanValues = _node.scanValues - if err = sqlgraph.UpdateNode(ctx, skuo.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { - err = &NotFoundError{servicekey.Label} - } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return nil, err - } - return _node, nil -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/user.go deleted file mode 100644 index 78f3e92..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - "time" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// User is the model entity for the User schema. -type User struct { - config `json:"-"` - // ID of the ent. - ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` - // Username holds the value of the "username" field. - Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` - // CreatedAt holds the value of the "created_at" field. - CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` - // Edges holds the relations/edges for other nodes in the graph. - // The values are being populated by the UserQuery when eager-loading is set. - Edges UserEdges `json:"edges"` -} - -// UserEdges holds the relations/edges for other nodes in the graph. -type UserEdges struct { - // Servicekeys holds the value of the servicekeys edge. - Servicekeys []*ServiceKey `json:"servicekeys,omitempty"` - // Apikeys holds the value of the apikeys edge. - Apikeys []*APIKey `json:"apikeys,omitempty"` - // loadedTypes holds the information for reporting if a - // type was loaded (or requested) in eager-loading or not. - loadedTypes [2]bool -} - -// ServicekeysOrErr returns the Servicekeys value or an error if the edge -// was not loaded in eager-loading. -func (e UserEdges) ServicekeysOrErr() ([]*ServiceKey, error) { - if e.loadedTypes[0] { - return e.Servicekeys, nil - } - return nil, &NotLoadedError{edge: "servicekeys"} -} - -// ApikeysOrErr returns the Apikeys value or an error if the edge -// was not loaded in eager-loading. -func (e UserEdges) ApikeysOrErr() ([]*APIKey, error) { - if e.loadedTypes[1] { - return e.Apikeys, nil - } - return nil, &NotLoadedError{edge: "apikeys"} -} - -// scanValues returns the types for scanning values from sql.Rows. -func (*User) scanValues(columns []string) ([]any, error) { - values := make([]any, len(columns)) - for i := range columns { - switch columns[i] { - case user.FieldID: - values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64) - case user.FieldUsername: - values[i] = new(sql.NullString) - case user.FieldCreatedAt: - values[i] = new(sql.NullTime) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected column %q for type User", columns[i]) - } - } - return values, nil -} - -// assignValues assigns the values that were returned from sql.Rows (after scanning) -// to the User fields. -func (u *User) assignValues(columns []string, values []any) error { - if m, n := len(values), len(columns); m < n { - return fmt.Errorf("mismatch number of scan values: %d != %d", m, n) - } - for i := range columns { - switch columns[i] { - case user.FieldID: - value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullInt64) - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field id", value) - } - u.ID = int(value.Int64) - case user.FieldUsername: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field username", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - u.Username = value.String - } - case user.FieldCreatedAt: - if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullTime); !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field created_at", values[i]) - } else if value.Valid { - u.CreatedAt = value.Time - } - } - } - return nil -} - -// QueryServicekeys queries the "servicekeys" edge of the User entity. -func (u *User) QueryServicekeys() *ServiceKeyQuery { - return (&UserClient{config: u.config}).QueryServicekeys(u) -} - -// QueryApikeys queries the "apikeys" edge of the User entity. -func (u *User) QueryApikeys() *APIKeyQuery { - return (&UserClient{config: u.config}).QueryApikeys(u) -} - -// Update returns a builder for updating this User. -// Note that you need to call User.Unwrap() before calling this method if this User -// was returned from a transaction, and the transaction was committed or rolled back. -func (u *User) Update() *UserUpdateOne { - return (&UserClient{config: u.config}).UpdateOne(u) -} - -// Unwrap unwraps the User entity that was returned from a transaction after it was closed, -// so that all future queries will be executed through the driver which created the transaction. -func (u *User) Unwrap() *User { - _tx, ok := u.config.driver.(*txDriver) - if !ok { - panic("ent: User is not a transactional entity") - } - u.config.driver = _tx.drv - return u -} - -// String implements the fmt.Stringer. -func (u *User) String() string { - var builder strings.Builder - builder.WriteString("User(") - builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("id=%v, ", u.ID)) - builder.WriteString("username=") - builder.WriteString(u.Username) - builder.WriteString(", ") - builder.WriteString("created_at=") - builder.WriteString(u.CreatedAt.Format(time.ANSIC)) - builder.WriteByte(')') - return builder.String() -} - -// Users is a parsable slice of User. -type Users []*User - -func (u Users) config(cfg config) { - for _i := range u { - u[_i].config = cfg - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user/user.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/user/user.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2413474..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user/user.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package user - -import ( - "time" -) - -const ( - // Label holds the string label denoting the user type in the database. - Label = "user" - // FieldID holds the string denoting the id field in the database. - FieldID = "id" - // FieldUsername holds the string denoting the username field in the database. - FieldUsername = "username" - // FieldCreatedAt holds the string denoting the created_at field in the database. - FieldCreatedAt = "created_at" - // EdgeServicekeys holds the string denoting the servicekeys edge name in mutations. - EdgeServicekeys = "servicekeys" - // EdgeApikeys holds the string denoting the apikeys edge name in mutations. - EdgeApikeys = "apikeys" - // Table holds the table name of the user in the database. - Table = "users" - // ServicekeysTable is the table that holds the servicekeys relation/edge. - ServicekeysTable = "service_keys" - // ServicekeysInverseTable is the table name for the ServiceKey entity. - // It exists in this package in order to avoid circular dependency with the "servicekey" package. - ServicekeysInverseTable = "service_keys" - // ServicekeysColumn is the table column denoting the servicekeys relation/edge. - ServicekeysColumn = "user_servicekeys" - // ApikeysTable is the table that holds the apikeys relation/edge. - ApikeysTable = "api_keys" - // ApikeysInverseTable is the table name for the APIKey entity. - // It exists in this package in order to avoid circular dependency with the "apikey" package. - ApikeysInverseTable = "api_keys" - // ApikeysColumn is the table column denoting the apikeys relation/edge. - ApikeysColumn = "user_apikeys" -) - -// Columns holds all SQL columns for user fields. -var Columns = []string{ - FieldID, - FieldUsername, - FieldCreatedAt, -} - -// ValidColumn reports if the column name is valid (part of the table columns). -func ValidColumn(column string) bool { - for i := range Columns { - if column == Columns[i] { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -var ( - // DefaultUsername holds the default value on creation for the "username" field. - DefaultUsername string - // DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the "created_at" field. - DefaultCreatedAt func() time.Time -) diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user/where.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/user/where.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6935321..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user/where.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package user - -import ( - "time" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" -) - -// ID filters vertices based on their ID field. -func ID(id int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDEQ applies the EQ predicate on the ID field. -func IDEQ(id int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the ID field. -func IDNEQ(id int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDIn applies the In predicate on the ID field. -func IDIn(ids ...int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - v := make([]any, len(ids)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = ids[i] - } - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldID), v...)) - }) -} - -// IDNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the ID field. -func IDNotIn(ids ...int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - v := make([]any, len(ids)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = ids[i] - } - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldID), v...)) - }) -} - -// IDGT applies the GT predicate on the ID field. -func IDGT(id int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDGTE applies the GTE predicate on the ID field. -func IDGTE(id int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDLT applies the LT predicate on the ID field. -func IDLT(id int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// IDLTE applies the LTE predicate on the ID field. -func IDLTE(id int) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldID), id)) - }) -} - -// Username applies equality check predicate on the "username" field. It's identical to UsernameEQ. -func Username(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAt applies equality check predicate on the "created_at" field. It's identical to CreatedAtEQ. -func CreatedAt(v time.Time) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameEQ(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameNEQ(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameIn applies the In predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameIn(vs ...string) predicate.User { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldUsername), v...)) - }) -} - -// UsernameNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.User { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldUsername), v...)) - }) -} - -// UsernameGT applies the GT predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameGT(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameGTE(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameLT applies the LT predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameLT(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameLTE(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameContains applies the Contains predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameContains(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameHasPrefix(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameHasSuffix(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameEqualFold(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// UsernameContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "username" field. -func UsernameContainsFold(v string) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldUsername), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtEQ(v time.Time) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtNEQ(v time.Time) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtIn applies the In predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.User { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtNotIn(vs ...time.Time) predicate.User { - v := make([]any, len(vs)) - for i := range v { - v[i] = vs[i] - } - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v...)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtGT applies the GT predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtGT(v time.Time) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtGTE(v time.Time) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtLT applies the LT predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtLT(v time.Time) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// CreatedAtLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "created_at" field. -func CreatedAtLTE(v time.Time) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldCreatedAt), v)) - }) -} - -// HasServicekeys applies the HasEdge predicate on the "servicekeys" edge. -func HasServicekeys() predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(ServicekeysTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, ServicekeysTable, ServicekeysColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighbors(s, step) - }) -} - -// HasServicekeysWith applies the HasEdge predicate on the "servicekeys" edge with a given conditions (other predicates). -func HasServicekeysWith(preds ...predicate.ServiceKey) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(ServicekeysInverseTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, ServicekeysTable, ServicekeysColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighborsWith(s, step, func(s *sql.Selector) { - for _, p := range preds { - p(s) - } - }) - }) -} - -// HasApikeys applies the HasEdge predicate on the "apikeys" edge. -func HasApikeys() predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(ApikeysTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, ApikeysTable, ApikeysColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighbors(s, step) - }) -} - -// HasApikeysWith applies the HasEdge predicate on the "apikeys" edge with a given conditions (other predicates). -func HasApikeysWith(preds ...predicate.APIKey) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(Table, FieldID), - sqlgraph.To(ApikeysInverseTable, FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, ApikeysTable, ApikeysColumn), - ) - sqlgraph.HasNeighborsWith(s, step, func(s *sql.Selector) { - for _, p := range preds { - p(s) - } - }) - }) -} - -// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them. -func And(predicates ...predicate.User) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) - for _, p := range predicates { - p(s1) - } - s.Where(s1.P()) - }) -} - -// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them. -func Or(predicates ...predicate.User) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil) - for i, p := range predicates { - if i > 0 { - s1.Or() - } - p(s1) - } - s.Where(s1.P()) - }) -} - -// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate. -func Not(p predicate.User) predicate.User { - return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) { - p(s.Not()) - }) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_create.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_create.go deleted file mode 100644 index d7c2858..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_create.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,344 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "time" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// UserCreate is the builder for creating a User entity. -type UserCreate struct { - config - mutation *UserMutation - hooks []Hook -} - -// SetUsername sets the "username" field. -func (uc *UserCreate) SetUsername(s string) *UserCreate { - uc.mutation.SetUsername(s) - return uc -} - -// SetNillableUsername sets the "username" field if the given value is not nil. -func (uc *UserCreate) SetNillableUsername(s *string) *UserCreate { - if s != nil { - uc.SetUsername(*s) - } - return uc -} - -// SetCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field. -func (uc *UserCreate) SetCreatedAt(t time.Time) *UserCreate { - uc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(t) - return uc -} - -// SetNillableCreatedAt sets the "created_at" field if the given value is not nil. -func (uc *UserCreate) SetNillableCreatedAt(t *time.Time) *UserCreate { - if t != nil { - uc.SetCreatedAt(*t) - } - return uc -} - -// AddServicekeyIDs adds the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity by IDs. -func (uc *UserCreate) AddServicekeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserCreate { - uc.mutation.AddServicekeyIDs(ids...) - return uc -} - -// AddServicekeys adds the "servicekeys" edges to the ServiceKey entity. -func (uc *UserCreate) AddServicekeys(s ...*ServiceKey) *UserCreate { - ids := make([]int, len(s)) - for i := range s { - ids[i] = s[i].ID - } - return uc.AddServicekeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// AddApikeyIDs adds the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity by IDs. -func (uc *UserCreate) AddApikeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserCreate { - uc.mutation.AddApikeyIDs(ids...) - return uc -} - -// AddApikeys adds the "apikeys" edges to the APIKey entity. -func (uc *UserCreate) AddApikeys(a ...*APIKey) *UserCreate { - ids := make([]int, len(a)) - for i := range a { - ids[i] = a[i].ID - } - return uc.AddApikeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// Mutation returns the UserMutation object of the builder. -func (uc *UserCreate) Mutation() *UserMutation { - return uc.mutation -} - -// Save creates the User in the database. -func (uc *UserCreate) Save(ctx context.Context) (*User, error) { - var ( - err error - node *User - ) - uc.defaults() - if len(uc.hooks) == 0 { - if err = uc.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - node, err = uc.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*UserMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - if err = uc.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - uc.mutation = mutation - if node, err = uc.sqlSave(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mutation.id = &node.ID - mutation.done = true - return node, err - }) - for i := len(uc.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if uc.hooks[i] == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = uc.hooks[i](mut) - } - v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, uc.mutation) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nv, ok := v.(*User) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from UserMutation", v) - } - node = nv - } - return node, err -} - -// SaveX calls Save and panics if Save returns an error. -func (uc *UserCreate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *User { - v, err := uc.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return v -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (uc *UserCreate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := uc.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uc *UserCreate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := uc.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -// defaults sets the default values of the builder before save. -func (uc *UserCreate) defaults() { - if _, ok := uc.mutation.Username(); !ok { - v := user.DefaultUsername - uc.mutation.SetUsername(v) - } - if _, ok := uc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { - v := user.DefaultCreatedAt() - uc.mutation.SetCreatedAt(v) - } -} - -// check runs all checks and user-defined validators on the builder. -func (uc *UserCreate) check() error { - if _, ok := uc.mutation.Username(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "username", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "User.username"`)} - } - if _, ok := uc.mutation.CreatedAt(); !ok { - return &ValidationError{Name: "created_at", err: errors.New(`ent: missing required field "User.created_at"`)} - } - return nil -} - -func (uc *UserCreate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (*User, error) { - _node, _spec := uc.createSpec() - if err := sqlgraph.CreateNode(ctx, uc.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return nil, err - } - id := _spec.ID.Value.(int64) - _node.ID = int(id) - return _node, nil -} - -func (uc *UserCreate) createSpec() (*User, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) { - var ( - _node = &User{config: uc.config} - _spec = &sqlgraph.CreateSpec{ - Table: user.Table, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - } - ) - if value, ok := uc.mutation.Username(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: user.FieldUsername, - }) - _node.Username = value - } - if value, ok := uc.mutation.CreatedAt(); ok { - _spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeTime, - Value: value, - Column: user.FieldCreatedAt, - }) - _node.CreatedAt = value - } - if nodes := uc.mutation.ServicekeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ServicekeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ServicekeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges = append(_spec.Edges, edge) - } - if nodes := uc.mutation.ApikeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ApikeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ApikeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges = append(_spec.Edges, edge) - } - return _node, _spec -} - -// UserCreateBulk is the builder for creating many User entities in bulk. -type UserCreateBulk struct { - config - builders []*UserCreate -} - -// Save creates the User entities in the database. -func (ucb *UserCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*User, error) { - specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(ucb.builders)) - nodes := make([]*User, len(ucb.builders)) - mutators := make([]Mutator, len(ucb.builders)) - for i := range ucb.builders { - func(i int, root context.Context) { - builder := ucb.builders[i] - builder.defaults() - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*UserMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - if err := builder.check(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - builder.mutation = mutation - nodes[i], specs[i] = builder.createSpec() - var err error - if i < len(mutators)-1 { - _, err = mutators[i+1].Mutate(root, ucb.builders[i+1].mutation) - } else { - spec := &sqlgraph.BatchCreateSpec{Nodes: specs} - // Invoke the actual operation on the latest mutation in the chain. - if err = sqlgraph.BatchCreate(ctx, ucb.driver, spec); err != nil { - if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - } - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - mutation.id = &nodes[i].ID - if specs[i].ID.Value != nil { - id := specs[i].ID.Value.(int64) - nodes[i].ID = int(id) - } - mutation.done = true - return nodes[i], nil - }) - for i := len(builder.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - mut = builder.hooks[i](mut) - } - mutators[i] = mut - }(i, ctx) - } - if len(mutators) > 0 { - if _, err := mutators[0].Mutate(ctx, ucb.builders[0].mutation); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (ucb *UserCreateBulk) SaveX(ctx context.Context) []*User { - v, err := ucb.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return v -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (ucb *UserCreateBulk) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := ucb.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (ucb *UserCreateBulk) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := ucb.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_delete.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_delete.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9865cc6..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_delete.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// UserDelete is the builder for deleting a User entity. -type UserDelete struct { - config - hooks []Hook - mutation *UserMutation -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the UserDelete builder. -func (ud *UserDelete) Where(ps ...predicate.User) *UserDelete { - ud.mutation.Where(ps...) - return ud -} - -// Exec executes the deletion query and returns how many vertices were deleted. -func (ud *UserDelete) Exec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - var ( - err error - affected int - ) - if len(ud.hooks) == 0 { - affected, err = ud.sqlExec(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*UserMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - ud.mutation = mutation - affected, err = ud.sqlExec(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return affected, err - }) - for i := len(ud.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if ud.hooks[i] == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = ud.hooks[i](mut) - } - if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, ud.mutation); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } - return affected, err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (ud *UserDelete) ExecX(ctx context.Context) int { - n, err := ud.Exec(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return n -} - -func (ud *UserDelete) sqlExec(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.DeleteSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: user.Table, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - if ps := ud.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - affected, err := sqlgraph.DeleteNodes(ctx, ud.driver, _spec) - if err != nil && sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return affected, err -} - -// UserDeleteOne is the builder for deleting a single User entity. -type UserDeleteOne struct { - ud *UserDelete -} - -// Exec executes the deletion query. -func (udo *UserDeleteOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - n, err := udo.ud.Exec(ctx) - switch { - case err != nil: - return err - case n == 0: - return &NotFoundError{user.Label} - default: - return nil - } -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (udo *UserDeleteOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - udo.ud.ExecX(ctx) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_query.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_query.go deleted file mode 100644 index 46e5bdd..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_query.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,684 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "database/sql/driver" - "fmt" - "math" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// UserQuery is the builder for querying User entities. -type UserQuery struct { - config - limit *int - offset *int - unique *bool - order []OrderFunc - fields []string - predicates []predicate.User - withServicekeys *ServiceKeyQuery - withApikeys *APIKeyQuery - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector - path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) -} - -// Where adds a new predicate for the UserQuery builder. -func (uq *UserQuery) Where(ps ...predicate.User) *UserQuery { - uq.predicates = append(uq.predicates, ps...) - return uq -} - -// Limit adds a limit step to the query. -func (uq *UserQuery) Limit(limit int) *UserQuery { - uq.limit = &limit - return uq -} - -// Offset adds an offset step to the query. -func (uq *UserQuery) Offset(offset int) *UserQuery { - uq.offset = &offset - return uq -} - -// Unique configures the query builder to filter duplicate records on query. -// By default, unique is set to true, and can be disabled using this method. -func (uq *UserQuery) Unique(unique bool) *UserQuery { - uq.unique = &unique - return uq -} - -// Order adds an order step to the query. -func (uq *UserQuery) Order(o ...OrderFunc) *UserQuery { - uq.order = append(uq.order, o...) - return uq -} - -// QueryServicekeys chains the current query on the "servicekeys" edge. -func (uq *UserQuery) QueryServicekeys() *ServiceKeyQuery { - query := &ServiceKeyQuery{config: uq.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromU *sql.Selector, err error) { - if err := uq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - selector := uq.sqlQuery(ctx) - if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(user.Table, user.FieldID, selector), - sqlgraph.To(servicekey.Table, servicekey.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, user.ServicekeysTable, user.ServicekeysColumn), - ) - fromU = sqlgraph.SetNeighbors(uq.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromU, nil - } - return query -} - -// QueryApikeys chains the current query on the "apikeys" edge. -func (uq *UserQuery) QueryApikeys() *APIKeyQuery { - query := &APIKeyQuery{config: uq.config} - query.path = func(ctx context.Context) (fromU *sql.Selector, err error) { - if err := uq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - selector := uq.sqlQuery(ctx) - if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - step := sqlgraph.NewStep( - sqlgraph.From(user.Table, user.FieldID, selector), - sqlgraph.To(apikey.Table, apikey.FieldID), - sqlgraph.Edge(sqlgraph.O2M, false, user.ApikeysTable, user.ApikeysColumn), - ) - fromU = sqlgraph.SetNeighbors(uq.driver.Dialect(), step) - return fromU, nil - } - return query -} - -// First returns the first User entity from the query. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no User was found. -func (uq *UserQuery) First(ctx context.Context) (*User, error) { - nodes, err := uq.Limit(1).All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(nodes) == 0 { - return nil, &NotFoundError{user.Label} - } - return nodes[0], nil -} - -// FirstX is like First, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) FirstX(ctx context.Context) *User { - node, err := uq.First(ctx) - if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// FirstID returns the first User ID from the query. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no User ID was found. -func (uq *UserQuery) FirstID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { - var ids []int - if ids, err = uq.Limit(1).IDs(ctx); err != nil { - return - } - if len(ids) == 0 { - err = &NotFoundError{user.Label} - return - } - return ids[0], nil -} - -// FirstIDX is like FirstID, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) FirstIDX(ctx context.Context) int { - id, err := uq.FirstID(ctx) - if err != nil && !IsNotFound(err) { - panic(err) - } - return id -} - -// Only returns a single User entity found by the query, ensuring it only returns one. -// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one User entity is found. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no User entities are found. -func (uq *UserQuery) Only(ctx context.Context) (*User, error) { - nodes, err := uq.Limit(2).All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - switch len(nodes) { - case 1: - return nodes[0], nil - case 0: - return nil, &NotFoundError{user.Label} - default: - return nil, &NotSingularError{user.Label} - } -} - -// OnlyX is like Only, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) OnlyX(ctx context.Context) *User { - node, err := uq.Only(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// OnlyID is like Only, but returns the only User ID in the query. -// Returns a *NotSingularError when more than one User ID is found. -// Returns a *NotFoundError when no entities are found. -func (uq *UserQuery) OnlyID(ctx context.Context) (id int, err error) { - var ids []int - if ids, err = uq.Limit(2).IDs(ctx); err != nil { - return - } - switch len(ids) { - case 1: - id = ids[0] - case 0: - err = &NotFoundError{user.Label} - default: - err = &NotSingularError{user.Label} - } - return -} - -// OnlyIDX is like OnlyID, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) OnlyIDX(ctx context.Context) int { - id, err := uq.OnlyID(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return id -} - -// All executes the query and returns a list of Users. -func (uq *UserQuery) All(ctx context.Context) ([]*User, error) { - if err := uq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return uq.sqlAll(ctx) -} - -// AllX is like All, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) AllX(ctx context.Context) []*User { - nodes, err := uq.All(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return nodes -} - -// IDs executes the query and returns a list of User IDs. -func (uq *UserQuery) IDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) { - var ids []int - if err := uq.Select(user.FieldID).Scan(ctx, &ids); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return ids, nil -} - -// IDsX is like IDs, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) IDsX(ctx context.Context) []int { - ids, err := uq.IDs(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return ids -} - -// Count returns the count of the given query. -func (uq *UserQuery) Count(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - if err := uq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - return uq.sqlCount(ctx) -} - -// CountX is like Count, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) CountX(ctx context.Context) int { - count, err := uq.Count(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return count -} - -// Exist returns true if the query has elements in the graph. -func (uq *UserQuery) Exist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { - if err := uq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return false, err - } - return uq.sqlExist(ctx) -} - -// ExistX is like Exist, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uq *UserQuery) ExistX(ctx context.Context) bool { - exist, err := uq.Exist(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return exist -} - -// Clone returns a duplicate of the UserQuery builder, including all associated steps. It can be -// used to prepare common query builders and use them differently after the clone is made. -func (uq *UserQuery) Clone() *UserQuery { - if uq == nil { - return nil - } - return &UserQuery{ - config: uq.config, - limit: uq.limit, - offset: uq.offset, - order: append([]OrderFunc{}, uq.order...), - predicates: append([]predicate.User{}, uq.predicates...), - withServicekeys: uq.withServicekeys.Clone(), - withApikeys: uq.withApikeys.Clone(), - // clone intermediate query. - sql: uq.sql.Clone(), - path: uq.path, - unique: uq.unique, - } -} - -// WithServicekeys tells the query-builder to eager-load the nodes that are connected to -// the "servicekeys" edge. The optional arguments are used to configure the query builder of the edge. -func (uq *UserQuery) WithServicekeys(opts ...func(*ServiceKeyQuery)) *UserQuery { - query := &ServiceKeyQuery{config: uq.config} - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(query) - } - uq.withServicekeys = query - return uq -} - -// WithApikeys tells the query-builder to eager-load the nodes that are connected to -// the "apikeys" edge. The optional arguments are used to configure the query builder of the edge. -func (uq *UserQuery) WithApikeys(opts ...func(*APIKeyQuery)) *UserQuery { - query := &APIKeyQuery{config: uq.config} - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(query) - } - uq.withApikeys = query - return uq -} - -// GroupBy is used to group vertices by one or more fields/columns. -// It is often used with aggregate functions, like: count, max, mean, min, sum. -// -// Example: -// -// var v []struct { -// Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` -// Count int `json:"count,omitempty"` -// } -// -// client.User.Query(). -// GroupBy(user.FieldUsername). -// Aggregate(ent.Count()). -// Scan(ctx, &v) -func (uq *UserQuery) GroupBy(field string, fields ...string) *UserGroupBy { - grbuild := &UserGroupBy{config: uq.config} - grbuild.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) - grbuild.path = func(ctx context.Context) (prev *sql.Selector, err error) { - if err := uq.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return uq.sqlQuery(ctx), nil - } - grbuild.label = user.Label - grbuild.flds, grbuild.scan = &grbuild.fields, grbuild.Scan - return grbuild -} - -// Select allows the selection one or more fields/columns for the given query, -// instead of selecting all fields in the entity. -// -// Example: -// -// var v []struct { -// Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` -// } -// -// client.User.Query(). -// Select(user.FieldUsername). -// Scan(ctx, &v) -func (uq *UserQuery) Select(fields ...string) *UserSelect { - uq.fields = append(uq.fields, fields...) - selbuild := &UserSelect{UserQuery: uq} - selbuild.label = user.Label - selbuild.flds, selbuild.scan = &uq.fields, selbuild.Scan - return selbuild -} - -func (uq *UserQuery) prepareQuery(ctx context.Context) error { - for _, f := range uq.fields { - if !user.ValidColumn(f) { - return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} - } - } - if uq.path != nil { - prev, err := uq.path(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - uq.sql = prev - } - return nil -} - -func (uq *UserQuery) sqlAll(ctx context.Context, hooks ...queryHook) ([]*User, error) { - var ( - nodes = []*User{} - _spec = uq.querySpec() - loadedTypes = [2]bool{ - uq.withServicekeys != nil, - uq.withApikeys != nil, - } - ) - _spec.ScanValues = func(columns []string) ([]any, error) { - return (*User).scanValues(nil, columns) - } - _spec.Assign = func(columns []string, values []any) error { - node := &User{config: uq.config} - nodes = append(nodes, node) - node.Edges.loadedTypes = loadedTypes - return node.assignValues(columns, values) - } - for i := range hooks { - hooks[i](ctx, _spec) - } - if err := sqlgraph.QueryNodes(ctx, uq.driver, _spec); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(nodes) == 0 { - return nodes, nil - } - if query := uq.withServicekeys; query != nil { - if err := uq.loadServicekeys(ctx, query, nodes, - func(n *User) { n.Edges.Servicekeys = []*ServiceKey{} }, - func(n *User, e *ServiceKey) { n.Edges.Servicekeys = append(n.Edges.Servicekeys, e) }); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - if query := uq.withApikeys; query != nil { - if err := uq.loadApikeys(ctx, query, nodes, - func(n *User) { n.Edges.Apikeys = []*APIKey{} }, - func(n *User, e *APIKey) { n.Edges.Apikeys = append(n.Edges.Apikeys, e) }); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - return nodes, nil -} - -func (uq *UserQuery) loadServicekeys(ctx context.Context, query *ServiceKeyQuery, nodes []*User, init func(*User), assign func(*User, *ServiceKey)) error { - fks := make([]driver.Value, 0, len(nodes)) - nodeids := make(map[int]*User) - for i := range nodes { - fks = append(fks, nodes[i].ID) - nodeids[nodes[i].ID] = nodes[i] - if init != nil { - init(nodes[i]) - } - } - query.withFKs = true - query.Where(predicate.ServiceKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.InValues(user.ServicekeysColumn, fks...)) - })) - neighbors, err := query.All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, n := range neighbors { - fk := n.user_servicekeys - if fk == nil { - return fmt.Errorf(`foreign-key "user_servicekeys" is nil for node %v`, n.ID) - } - node, ok := nodeids[*fk] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf(`unexpected foreign-key "user_servicekeys" returned %v for node %v`, *fk, n.ID) - } - assign(node, n) - } - return nil -} -func (uq *UserQuery) loadApikeys(ctx context.Context, query *APIKeyQuery, nodes []*User, init func(*User), assign func(*User, *APIKey)) error { - fks := make([]driver.Value, 0, len(nodes)) - nodeids := make(map[int]*User) - for i := range nodes { - fks = append(fks, nodes[i].ID) - nodeids[nodes[i].ID] = nodes[i] - if init != nil { - init(nodes[i]) - } - } - query.withFKs = true - query.Where(predicate.APIKey(func(s *sql.Selector) { - s.Where(sql.InValues(user.ApikeysColumn, fks...)) - })) - neighbors, err := query.All(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - for _, n := range neighbors { - fk := n.user_apikeys - if fk == nil { - return fmt.Errorf(`foreign-key "user_apikeys" is nil for node %v`, n.ID) - } - node, ok := nodeids[*fk] - if !ok { - return fmt.Errorf(`unexpected foreign-key "user_apikeys" returned %v for node %v`, *fk, n.ID) - } - assign(node, n) - } - return nil -} - -func (uq *UserQuery) sqlCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - _spec := uq.querySpec() - _spec.Node.Columns = uq.fields - if len(uq.fields) > 0 { - _spec.Unique = uq.unique != nil && *uq.unique - } - return sqlgraph.CountNodes(ctx, uq.driver, _spec) -} - -func (uq *UserQuery) sqlExist(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { - switch _, err := uq.FirstID(ctx); { - case IsNotFound(err): - return false, nil - case err != nil: - return false, fmt.Errorf("ent: check existence: %w", err) - default: - return true, nil - } -} - -func (uq *UserQuery) querySpec() *sqlgraph.QuerySpec { - _spec := &sqlgraph.QuerySpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: user.Table, - Columns: user.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - From: uq.sql, - Unique: true, - } - if unique := uq.unique; unique != nil { - _spec.Unique = *unique - } - if fields := uq.fields; len(fields) > 0 { - _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, user.FieldID) - for i := range fields { - if fields[i] != user.FieldID { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, fields[i]) - } - } - } - if ps := uq.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if limit := uq.limit; limit != nil { - _spec.Limit = *limit - } - if offset := uq.offset; offset != nil { - _spec.Offset = *offset - } - if ps := uq.order; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Order = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - return _spec -} - -func (uq *UserQuery) sqlQuery(ctx context.Context) *sql.Selector { - builder := sql.Dialect(uq.driver.Dialect()) - t1 := builder.Table(user.Table) - columns := uq.fields - if len(columns) == 0 { - columns = user.Columns - } - selector := builder.Select(t1.Columns(columns...)...).From(t1) - if uq.sql != nil { - selector = uq.sql - selector.Select(selector.Columns(columns...)...) - } - if uq.unique != nil && *uq.unique { - selector.Distinct() - } - for _, p := range uq.predicates { - p(selector) - } - for _, p := range uq.order { - p(selector) - } - if offset := uq.offset; offset != nil { - // limit is mandatory for offset clause. We start - // with default value, and override it below if needed. - selector.Offset(*offset).Limit(math.MaxInt32) - } - if limit := uq.limit; limit != nil { - selector.Limit(*limit) - } - return selector -} - -// UserGroupBy is the group-by builder for User entities. -type UserGroupBy struct { - config - selector - fields []string - fns []AggregateFunc - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector - path func(context.Context) (*sql.Selector, error) -} - -// Aggregate adds the given aggregation functions to the group-by query. -func (ugb *UserGroupBy) Aggregate(fns ...AggregateFunc) *UserGroupBy { - ugb.fns = append(ugb.fns, fns...) - return ugb -} - -// Scan applies the group-by query and scans the result into the given value. -func (ugb *UserGroupBy) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - query, err := ugb.path(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - ugb.sql = query - return ugb.sqlScan(ctx, v) -} - -func (ugb *UserGroupBy) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - for _, f := range ugb.fields { - if !user.ValidColumn(f) { - return &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("invalid field %q for group-by", f)} - } - } - selector := ugb.sqlQuery() - if err := selector.Err(); err != nil { - return err - } - rows := &sql.Rows{} - query, args := selector.Query() - if err := ugb.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { - return err - } - defer rows.Close() - return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) -} - -func (ugb *UserGroupBy) sqlQuery() *sql.Selector { - selector := ugb.sql.Select() - aggregation := make([]string, 0, len(ugb.fns)) - for _, fn := range ugb.fns { - aggregation = append(aggregation, fn(selector)) - } - // If no columns were selected in a custom aggregation function, the default - // selection is the fields used for "group-by", and the aggregation functions. - if len(selector.SelectedColumns()) == 0 { - columns := make([]string, 0, len(ugb.fields)+len(ugb.fns)) - for _, f := range ugb.fields { - columns = append(columns, selector.C(f)) - } - columns = append(columns, aggregation...) - selector.Select(columns...) - } - return selector.GroupBy(selector.Columns(ugb.fields...)...) -} - -// UserSelect is the builder for selecting fields of User entities. -type UserSelect struct { - *UserQuery - selector - // intermediate query (i.e. traversal path). - sql *sql.Selector -} - -// Scan applies the selector query and scans the result into the given value. -func (us *UserSelect) Scan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - if err := us.prepareQuery(ctx); err != nil { - return err - } - us.sql = us.UserQuery.sqlQuery(ctx) - return us.sqlScan(ctx, v) -} - -func (us *UserSelect) sqlScan(ctx context.Context, v any) error { - rows := &sql.Rows{} - query, args := us.sql.Query() - if err := us.driver.Query(ctx, query, args, rows); err != nil { - return err - } - defer rows.Close() - return sql.ScanSlice(rows, v) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_update.go b/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_update.go deleted file mode 100644 index 203f3c7..0000000 --- a/pkg/storage/default/ent/user_update.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,649 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT. - -package ent - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql" - "entgo.io/ent/dialect/sql/sqlgraph" - "entgo.io/ent/schema/field" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/apikey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/predicate" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/servicekey" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/storage/default/ent/user" -) - -// UserUpdate is the builder for updating User entities. -type UserUpdate struct { - config - hooks []Hook - mutation *UserMutation -} - -// Where appends a list predicates to the UserUpdate builder. -func (uu *UserUpdate) Where(ps ...predicate.User) *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.Where(ps...) - return uu -} - -// SetUsername sets the "username" field. -func (uu *UserUpdate) SetUsername(s string) *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.SetUsername(s) - return uu -} - -// SetNillableUsername sets the "username" field if the given value is not nil. -func (uu *UserUpdate) SetNillableUsername(s *string) *UserUpdate { - if s != nil { - uu.SetUsername(*s) - } - return uu -} - -// AddServicekeyIDs adds the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity by IDs. -func (uu *UserUpdate) AddServicekeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.AddServicekeyIDs(ids...) - return uu -} - -// AddServicekeys adds the "servicekeys" edges to the ServiceKey entity. -func (uu *UserUpdate) AddServicekeys(s ...*ServiceKey) *UserUpdate { - ids := make([]int, len(s)) - for i := range s { - ids[i] = s[i].ID - } - return uu.AddServicekeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// AddApikeyIDs adds the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity by IDs. -func (uu *UserUpdate) AddApikeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.AddApikeyIDs(ids...) - return uu -} - -// AddApikeys adds the "apikeys" edges to the APIKey entity. -func (uu *UserUpdate) AddApikeys(a ...*APIKey) *UserUpdate { - ids := make([]int, len(a)) - for i := range a { - ids[i] = a[i].ID - } - return uu.AddApikeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// Mutation returns the UserMutation object of the builder. -func (uu *UserUpdate) Mutation() *UserMutation { - return uu.mutation -} - -// ClearServicekeys clears all "servicekeys" edges to the ServiceKey entity. -func (uu *UserUpdate) ClearServicekeys() *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.ClearServicekeys() - return uu -} - -// RemoveServicekeyIDs removes the "servicekeys" edge to ServiceKey entities by IDs. -func (uu *UserUpdate) RemoveServicekeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.RemoveServicekeyIDs(ids...) - return uu -} - -// RemoveServicekeys removes "servicekeys" edges to ServiceKey entities. -func (uu *UserUpdate) RemoveServicekeys(s ...*ServiceKey) *UserUpdate { - ids := make([]int, len(s)) - for i := range s { - ids[i] = s[i].ID - } - return uu.RemoveServicekeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// ClearApikeys clears all "apikeys" edges to the APIKey entity. -func (uu *UserUpdate) ClearApikeys() *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.ClearApikeys() - return uu -} - -// RemoveApikeyIDs removes the "apikeys" edge to APIKey entities by IDs. -func (uu *UserUpdate) RemoveApikeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdate { - uu.mutation.RemoveApikeyIDs(ids...) - return uu -} - -// RemoveApikeys removes "apikeys" edges to APIKey entities. -func (uu *UserUpdate) RemoveApikeys(a ...*APIKey) *UserUpdate { - ids := make([]int, len(a)) - for i := range a { - ids[i] = a[i].ID - } - return uu.RemoveApikeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// Save executes the query and returns the number of nodes affected by the update operation. -func (uu *UserUpdate) Save(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { - var ( - err error - affected int - ) - if len(uu.hooks) == 0 { - affected, err = uu.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*UserMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - uu.mutation = mutation - affected, err = uu.sqlSave(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return affected, err - }) - for i := len(uu.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if uu.hooks[i] == nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = uu.hooks[i](mut) - } - if _, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, uu.mutation); err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } - return affected, err -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uu *UserUpdate) SaveX(ctx context.Context) int { - affected, err := uu.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return affected -} - -// Exec executes the query. -func (uu *UserUpdate) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := uu.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uu *UserUpdate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := uu.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -func (uu *UserUpdate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (n int, err error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: user.Table, - Columns: user.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - if ps := uu.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if value, ok := uu.mutation.Username(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: user.FieldUsername, - }) - } - if uu.mutation.ServicekeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ServicekeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ServicekeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uu.mutation.RemovedServicekeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 && !uu.mutation.ServicekeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ServicekeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ServicekeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uu.mutation.ServicekeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ServicekeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ServicekeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - if uu.mutation.ApikeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ApikeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ApikeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uu.mutation.RemovedApikeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 && !uu.mutation.ApikeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ApikeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ApikeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uu.mutation.ApikeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ApikeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ApikeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - if n, err = sqlgraph.UpdateNodes(ctx, uu.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { - err = &NotFoundError{user.Label} - } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return 0, err - } - return n, nil -} - -// UserUpdateOne is the builder for updating a single User entity. -type UserUpdateOne struct { - config - fields []string - hooks []Hook - mutation *UserMutation -} - -// SetUsername sets the "username" field. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetUsername(s string) *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.mutation.SetUsername(s) - return uuo -} - -// SetNillableUsername sets the "username" field if the given value is not nil. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetNillableUsername(s *string) *UserUpdateOne { - if s != nil { - uuo.SetUsername(*s) - } - return uuo -} - -// AddServicekeyIDs adds the "servicekeys" edge to the ServiceKey entity by IDs. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) AddServicekeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.mutation.AddServicekeyIDs(ids...) - return uuo -} - -// AddServicekeys adds the "servicekeys" edges to the ServiceKey entity. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) AddServicekeys(s ...*ServiceKey) *UserUpdateOne { - ids := make([]int, len(s)) - for i := range s { - ids[i] = s[i].ID - } - return uuo.AddServicekeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// AddApikeyIDs adds the "apikeys" edge to the APIKey entity by IDs. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) AddApikeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.mutation.AddApikeyIDs(ids...) - return uuo -} - -// AddApikeys adds the "apikeys" edges to the APIKey entity. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) AddApikeys(a ...*APIKey) *UserUpdateOne { - ids := make([]int, len(a)) - for i := range a { - ids[i] = a[i].ID - } - return uuo.AddApikeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// Mutation returns the UserMutation object of the builder. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) Mutation() *UserMutation { - return uuo.mutation -} - -// ClearServicekeys clears all "servicekeys" edges to the ServiceKey entity. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) ClearServicekeys() *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.mutation.ClearServicekeys() - return uuo -} - -// RemoveServicekeyIDs removes the "servicekeys" edge to ServiceKey entities by IDs. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) RemoveServicekeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.mutation.RemoveServicekeyIDs(ids...) - return uuo -} - -// RemoveServicekeys removes "servicekeys" edges to ServiceKey entities. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) RemoveServicekeys(s ...*ServiceKey) *UserUpdateOne { - ids := make([]int, len(s)) - for i := range s { - ids[i] = s[i].ID - } - return uuo.RemoveServicekeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// ClearApikeys clears all "apikeys" edges to the APIKey entity. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) ClearApikeys() *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.mutation.ClearApikeys() - return uuo -} - -// RemoveApikeyIDs removes the "apikeys" edge to APIKey entities by IDs. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) RemoveApikeyIDs(ids ...int) *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.mutation.RemoveApikeyIDs(ids...) - return uuo -} - -// RemoveApikeys removes "apikeys" edges to APIKey entities. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) RemoveApikeys(a ...*APIKey) *UserUpdateOne { - ids := make([]int, len(a)) - for i := range a { - ids[i] = a[i].ID - } - return uuo.RemoveApikeyIDs(ids...) -} - -// Select allows selecting one or more fields (columns) of the returned entity. -// The default is selecting all fields defined in the entity schema. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) Select(field string, fields ...string) *UserUpdateOne { - uuo.fields = append([]string{field}, fields...) - return uuo -} - -// Save executes the query and returns the updated User entity. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) Save(ctx context.Context) (*User, error) { - var ( - err error - node *User - ) - if len(uuo.hooks) == 0 { - node, err = uuo.sqlSave(ctx) - } else { - var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) { - mutation, ok := m.(*UserMutation) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mutation type %T", m) - } - uuo.mutation = mutation - node, err = uuo.sqlSave(ctx) - mutation.done = true - return node, err - }) - for i := len(uuo.hooks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if uuo.hooks[i] == nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ent: uninitialized hook (forgotten import ent/runtime?)") - } - mut = uuo.hooks[i](mut) - } - v, err := mut.Mutate(ctx, uuo.mutation) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - nv, ok := v.(*User) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %T returned from UserMutation", v) - } - node = nv - } - return node, err -} - -// SaveX is like Save, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SaveX(ctx context.Context) *User { - node, err := uuo.Save(ctx) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return node -} - -// Exec executes the query on the entity. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) Exec(ctx context.Context) error { - _, err := uuo.Save(ctx) - return err -} - -// ExecX is like Exec, but panics if an error occurs. -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) ExecX(ctx context.Context) { - if err := uuo.Exec(ctx); err != nil { - panic(err) - } -} - -func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (_node *User, err error) { - _spec := &sqlgraph.UpdateSpec{ - Node: &sqlgraph.NodeSpec{ - Table: user.Table, - Columns: user.Columns, - ID: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: user.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - id, ok := uuo.mutation.ID() - if !ok { - return nil, &ValidationError{Name: "id", err: errors.New(`ent: missing "User.id" for update`)} - } - _spec.Node.ID.Value = id - if fields := uuo.fields; len(fields) > 0 { - _spec.Node.Columns = make([]string, 0, len(fields)) - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, user.FieldID) - for _, f := range fields { - if !user.ValidColumn(f) { - return nil, &ValidationError{Name: f, err: fmt.Errorf("ent: invalid field %q for query", f)} - } - if f != user.FieldID { - _spec.Node.Columns = append(_spec.Node.Columns, f) - } - } - } - if ps := uuo.mutation.predicates; len(ps) > 0 { - _spec.Predicate = func(selector *sql.Selector) { - for i := range ps { - ps[i](selector) - } - } - } - if value, ok := uuo.mutation.Username(); ok { - _spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeString, - Value: value, - Column: user.FieldUsername, - }) - } - if uuo.mutation.ServicekeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ServicekeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ServicekeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uuo.mutation.RemovedServicekeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 && !uuo.mutation.ServicekeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ServicekeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ServicekeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uuo.mutation.ServicekeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ServicekeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ServicekeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: servicekey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - if uuo.mutation.ApikeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ApikeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ApikeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uuo.mutation.RemovedApikeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 && !uuo.mutation.ApikeysCleared() { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ApikeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ApikeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Clear = append(_spec.Edges.Clear, edge) - } - if nodes := uuo.mutation.ApikeysIDs(); len(nodes) > 0 { - edge := &sqlgraph.EdgeSpec{ - Rel: sqlgraph.O2M, - Inverse: false, - Table: user.ApikeysTable, - Columns: []string{user.ApikeysColumn}, - Bidi: false, - Target: &sqlgraph.EdgeTarget{ - IDSpec: &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{ - Type: field.TypeInt, - Column: apikey.FieldID, - }, - }, - } - for _, k := range nodes { - edge.Target.Nodes = append(edge.Target.Nodes, k) - } - _spec.Edges.Add = append(_spec.Edges.Add, edge) - } - _node = &User{config: uuo.config} - _spec.Assign = _node.assignValues - _spec.ScanValues = _node.scanValues - if err = sqlgraph.UpdateNode(ctx, uuo.driver, _spec); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok { - err = &NotFoundError{user.Label} - } else if sqlgraph.IsConstraintError(err) { - err = &ConstraintError{msg: err.Error(), wrap: err} - } - return nil, err - } - return _node, nil -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/storage.go b/pkg/storage/storage.go index 3ec76c8..c54779c 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/storage.go +++ b/pkg/storage/storage.go @@ -1,19 +1,200 @@ +/* + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. +*/ + package storage import ( - dexStorage "github.com/dexidp/dex/storage" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token" + "context" + "errors" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/apikey" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/claims" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/servicekey" + "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/session" +) + +var ( + ErrNotFound = errors.New("key not found") ) -type ServiceKeyValid func(key *token.ServiceKey) error -type ServiceKeyUpdate func(key *token.ServiceKey) +// SessionEvent is the event that is triggered when a session is created, updated, or deleted +type SessionEvent struct { + // Session ID is the Session's unique identifier + SessionID string + + // Deleted indicates whether the session was deleted + Deleted bool +} + +// SecretKeyEvent is the event that is emitted when a secret key is rotated +type SecretKeyEvent struct { + // SecretKey is the new secret key + SecretKey []byte +} + +// RegistrationEvent is the event that is emitted when registration is enabled or disabled +type RegistrationEvent struct { + // Enabled indicates whether registration is enabled + Enabled bool +} + +// APIKeyEvent is the event that is emitted when an API key is created, updated, or deleted +type APIKeyEvent struct { + // APIKeyID is the API Key Identifier + APIKeyID string + + // Deleted indicates whether the API Key was deleted + Deleted bool + + // APIKey is the API Key that was created or updated. + // This will be nil if the API Key was deleted. + APIKey *apikey.APIKey +} + +// ServiceKeySessionEvent is the event that is triggered when a service key session is created, updated, or deleted +type ServiceKeySessionEvent struct { + // ServiceKeySessionID is the Service Key Session's unique identifier + ServiceKeySessionID string + + // Deleted indicates whether the session was deleted + Deleted bool + // ServiceKeySession is the Service Key Session that was created or updated. + // This will be nil if the Service Key Session was deleted. + ServiceKeySession *servicekey.Session +} + +// Storage is the interface that must be implemented by the application +// using this auth library for authentication and session handling. type Storage interface { - dexStorage.Storage + // UserExists verifies whether the given userID exists. If there is an error + // while checking if the user exists, an error is returned, otherwise + // the boolean indicates whether the user exists. An error should not be + // returned if the user does not exist. + UserExists(ctx context.Context, userID string) (bool, error) + // UserOrganizationExists verifies whether the given userID is part of the + // given organization. If there is an error while checking if the user + // exists, an error is returned, otherwise the boolean indicates whether + // the user exists. An error should not be returned if the user does not + // exist or if the user is not part of the organization. + UserOrganizationExists(ctx context.Context, userID string, organization string) (bool, error) + // NewUser creates a new user with the given claims. If the user already + // exists, an error is returned. If the user does not exist, the user is + // created and the claims are set. If there is an error while creating the + // user, an error is returned. + NewUser(ctx context.Context, claims *claims.Claims) error + + // SubscribeToRegistration subscribes to registration events. When registration + // is enabled or disabled, the event is emitted on the given channel. Cancelling + // the provided context will unsubscribe from registration events. + SubscribeToRegistration(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *RegistrationEvent, error) + // GetRegistration returns whether registration is enabled. If there is an error + // while getting the registration status, an error is returned. If there is no + // error, the boolean indicates whether registration is enabled. + GetRegistration(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) + // SetRegistration sets whether registration is enabled. If there is an error + // while setting the registration status, an error is returned. + // If there is no error, the boolean indicates whether registration is enabled. + SetRegistration(ctx context.Context, enabled bool) error + + // SubscribeToSecretKey subscribes to secret key events. When the secret key is + // rotated, the event is emitted on the given channel. Cancelling the provided + // context will unsubscribe from secret key events. + SubscribeToSecretKey(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *SecretKeyEvent, error) + // GetSecretKey returns the current secret key. If there is an error while + // getting the secret key, an error is returned. + // If there is no error, the secret key is returned. + // The secret key should be exactly 32 bytes long. + GetSecretKey(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) + // SetSecretKey sets the current secret key. If there is an error while + // setting the secret key, an error is returned. + // If there is no error, the secret key is returned. + // The secret key should be exactly 32 bytes long. + SetSecretKey(ctx context.Context, secretKey []byte) error + + // SubscribeToSessionIDs subscribes to session events. When a session is created, + // updated, or deleted, the event is emitted on the given channel. Cancelling + // the provided context will unsubscribe from session events. + SubscribeToSessionIDs(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *SessionEvent, error) + // ListSessionIDs returns a list of all session IDs. If there is an error while + // listing the session IDs, an error is returned. + // If there is no error, the list of session IDs is returned. + ListSessionIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) + //SessionIDExists verifies whether the given sessionID exists. If there is an error + // while checking if the sessionID exists, an error is returned, otherwise + // the boolean indicates whether the sessionID exists. An error should not be + // returned if the sessionID does not exist. + SessionIDExists(ctx context.Context, sessionID string) (bool, error) + + // SetSession sets the session for the given session.ID. If there is an error + // while setting the session, an error is returned. If the organization + // associated with the session is not empty, the session is associated with + // the organization. If the organization is empty, the session is associated + // with the user. If the session is associated with an organization and that + // organization is deleted, the session should also be deleted. + SetSession(ctx context.Context, session *session.Session) error + // DeleteSession deletes the session for the given sessionID. If + // there is an error while deleting the session, an error is returned. + // An error is returned if the session does not exist. + DeleteSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID string) error - UserExists(id string) (bool, error) + // SubscribeToAPIKeys subscribes to API key events. When an API key is created, + // updated, or deleted, the event is emitted on the given channel. Cancelling + // the provided context will unsubscribe from API key events. + SubscribeToAPIKeys(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *APIKeyEvent, error) + // ListAPIKeys returns a list of all API keys. If there is an error while + // listing the API keys, an error is returned. If there is no error, the list + // of API keys is returned. + ListAPIKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]*apikey.APIKey, error) + // GetAPIKey returns the API key for the given API key ID. If + // there is an error while getting the API key, an error is returned. + // If there is no error, the API key is returned. + GetAPIKey(ctx context.Context, id string) (*apikey.APIKey, error) - GetAPIKey(id string) (*token.APIKey, error) + // SubscribeToServiceKeySessions subscribes to service key session events. + // When a service key session is created, updated, or deleted, the event is + // emitted on the given channel. Cancelling the provided context will unsubscribe from + // service key session events. + SubscribeToServiceKeySessions(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *ServiceKeySessionEvent, error) + // ListServiceKeySessions returns a list of all service key session IDs. If there is an error while + // listing the service key session IDs, an error is returned. If there is no error, the list + // of service key session IDs is returned. + ListServiceKeySessions(ctx context.Context) ([]*servicekey.Session, error) + // SetServiceKeySession sets the service key session for the given servicekeySession.ID. If + // there is an error while setting the service key session, an error is returned. + // If the organization associated with the service key session is not empty, the service key session is associated with + // the organization. If the organization is empty, the service key session is associated + // with the user. If the service key session is associated with an organization and that + // organization is deleted, the service key session and the service key itself should be deleted. + // If the service key associated with the service key session is deleted, the service key session should be deleted. + SetServiceKeySession(ctx context.Context, servicekeySession *servicekey.Session) error + // GetServiceKeySession returns the service key session for the given servicekeySessionID. If + // there is an error while getting the service key session, an error is returned. + // If there is no error, the service key session is returned. + GetServiceKeySession(ctx context.Context, servicekeySessionID string) (*servicekey.Session, error) + // DeleteServiceKeySession deletes the service key session for the given servicekeySessionID. If + // there is an error while deleting the service key session, an error is returned. + // An error is returned if the service key session does not exist. + DeleteServiceKeySession(ctx context.Context, servicekeySessionID string) error - GetServiceKey(id string, valid ServiceKeyValid, update ServiceKeyUpdate) (*token.ServiceKey, error) + // GetServiceKey returns the service key for the given service key ID. If there is an error + // while getting the service key, an error is returned. If there is no error, the service key + // is returned. + GetServiceKey(ctx context.Context, servicekeyID string) (*servicekey.ServiceKey, error) + // IncrementServiceKeyNumUsed increments the number of times the service key has been used. + // If there is an error while incrementing the number of times the service key has been used, + // an error is returned. If the service key does not exist, an error is returned. + IncrementServiceKeyNumUsed(ctx context.Context, servicekeyID string) error } diff --git a/pkg/token/api.go b/pkg/token/api.go deleted file mode 100644 index f407a3a..0000000 --- a/pkg/token/api.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package token - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "github.com/google/uuid" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/keyset" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "time" -) - -// APIKey should be of the form "A.<ID>.<SECRET>" - when the secret is stored in the database, it should be hashed -// to a byte slice. -// -// The 'A' prefix is used to differentiate between API keys and Service Keys. -type APIKey struct { - Created int64 - Name string - ID string - Secret []byte - User string -} - -func NewAPIKey(name string, user string) (*APIKey, string, error) { - id := uuid.New().String() - secret := uuid.New().String() - encoded := Encode("A", id, secret) - hashedSecret, err := Hash(secret) - if err != nil { - return nil, "", err - } - return &APIKey{ - Created: utils.TimeToInt64(time.Now()), - Name: name, - ID: id, - Secret: hashedSecret, - User: user, - }, encoded, nil -} - -type APIClaims struct { - ID string `json:"id"` - Name string `json:"name"` -} - -func (c *APIClaims) Valid() bool { - return len(c.ID) == 36 -} - -type APIToken struct { - BaseClaims - APIClaims -} - -func NewAPIToken(issuer string, apiKey *APIKey, audience Audience) *APIToken { - return &APIToken{ - BaseClaims: BaseClaims{ - Issuer: issuer, - Subject: apiKey.User, - Audience: audience, - Expiry: Time(time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 5)), - IssuedAt: Time(time.Now()), - Kind: tokenKind.APITokenKind, - }, - APIClaims: APIClaims{ - ID: apiKey.ID, - Name: apiKey.Name, - }, - } -} - -func (t *APIToken) Payload() ([]byte, error) { - return json.Marshal(t) -} - -func (t *APIToken) Sign(keySet *keyset.Private, alg jose.SignatureAlgorithm) (string, error) { - payload, err := t.Payload() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return keySet.Sign(alg, payload) -} - -func (t *APIToken) Populate(jws string, keySet *keyset.Public) error { - sig, err := jose.ParseSigned(jws) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - payload, err := keySet.Verify(sig) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, t) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if t.Kind != tokenKind.APITokenKind { - return InvalidTokenKindError - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/pkg/token/identity/identity.go b/pkg/token/identity/identity.go deleted file mode 100644 index f1840ca..0000000 --- a/pkg/token/identity/identity.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package identity - -import "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token" - -type FederatedIDClaims struct { - ConnectorID string `json:"connector_id,omitempty"` - UserID string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` -} - -type TokenResponse struct { - AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` - TokenType string `json:"token_type"` - ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in"` - RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"` - IDToken string `json:"id_token"` -} - -type IDClaims struct { - AuthorizingParty string `json:"azp,omitempty"` - Nonce string `json:"nonce,omitempty"` - AccessTokenHash string `json:"at_hash,omitempty"` - CodeHash string `json:"c_hash,omitempty"` - Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` - EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified,omitempty"` - Groups []string `json:"groups,omitempty"` - Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` - PreferredUsername string `json:"preferred_username,omitempty"` - FederatedIDClaims *FederatedIDClaims `json:"federated_claims,omitempty"` -} - -type IDToken struct { - token.BaseClaims - IDClaims -} diff --git a/pkg/token/refresh.go b/pkg/token/refresh.go deleted file mode 100644 index d5c0fb0..0000000 --- a/pkg/token/refresh.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package token - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/keyset" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "time" -) - -type RefreshClaims struct { - ID string `json:"id"` - For tokenKind.Kind `json:"for"` -} - -func (c *RefreshClaims) Valid() bool { - return len(c.ID) == 36 -} - -type RefreshToken struct { - BaseClaims - RefreshClaims -} - -func NewRefreshTokenForAPIKey(issuer string, apiKey *APIKey, audience Audience) *RefreshToken { - return &RefreshToken{ - BaseClaims: BaseClaims{ - Issuer: issuer, - Subject: apiKey.User, - Audience: audience, - Expiry: Time(time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 7)), - IssuedAt: Time(time.Now()), - Kind: tokenKind.RefreshTokenKind, - }, - RefreshClaims: RefreshClaims{ - ID: apiKey.ID, - For: tokenKind.APITokenKind, - }, - } -} - -func NewRefreshTokenForServiceKey(issuer string, serviceKey *ServiceKey, audience Audience) *RefreshToken { - return &RefreshToken{ - BaseClaims: BaseClaims{ - Issuer: issuer, - Subject: serviceKey.User, - Audience: audience, - Expiry: Time(time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 7)), - IssuedAt: Time(time.Now()), - Kind: tokenKind.RefreshTokenKind, - }, - RefreshClaims: RefreshClaims{ - ID: serviceKey.ID, - For: tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind, - }, - } -} - -func (t *RefreshToken) Payload() ([]byte, error) { - return json.Marshal(t) -} - -func (t *RefreshToken) Sign(keySet *keyset.Private, alg jose.SignatureAlgorithm) (string, error) { - payload, err := t.Payload() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return keySet.Sign(alg, payload) -} - -func (t *RefreshToken) Populate(jws string, keySet *keyset.Public) error { - sig, err := jose.ParseSigned(jws) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - payload, err := keySet.Verify(sig) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, t) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if t.Kind != tokenKind.RefreshTokenKind { - return InvalidTokenKindError - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/pkg/token/service.go b/pkg/token/service.go deleted file mode 100644 index ea4afb7..0000000 --- a/pkg/token/service.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package token - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "github.com/google/uuid" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/keyset" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "time" -) - -// ServiceKey should be of the form "S.<ID>.<SECRET>" - when the secret is stored in the database, it should be hashed -// to a byte slice. -// -// The 'S' prefix is used to differentiate between API keys and Service Keys. -type ServiceKey struct { - Created int64 - Name string - ID string - Secret []byte - User string - Resource string - NumUsed int64 - MaxUses int64 - Expires int64 -} - -func NewServiceKey(name string, user string, resource string, maxUses int64, expires int64) (*ServiceKey, string, error) { - id := uuid.New().String() - secret := uuid.New().String() - encoded := Encode("S", id, secret) - hashedSecret, err := Hash(secret) - if err != nil { - return nil, "", err - } - return &ServiceKey{ - Created: utils.TimeToInt64(time.Now()), - Name: name, - ID: id, - Secret: hashedSecret, - User: user, - Resource: resource, - MaxUses: maxUses, - Expires: expires, - }, encoded, nil -} - -type ServiceClaims struct { - ID string `json:"id"` - Name string `json:"name"` - Resource string `json:"resource"` -} - -func (c *ServiceClaims) Valid() bool { - return len(c.ID) == 36 -} - -type ServiceToken struct { - BaseClaims - ServiceClaims -} - -func NewServiceToken(issuer string, serviceKey *ServiceKey, audience Audience) *ServiceToken { - return &ServiceToken{ - BaseClaims: BaseClaims{ - Issuer: issuer, - Subject: serviceKey.User, - Audience: audience, - Expiry: Time(time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 5)), - IssuedAt: Time(time.Now()), - Kind: tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind, - }, - ServiceClaims: ServiceClaims{ - ID: serviceKey.ID, - Name: serviceKey.Name, - Resource: serviceKey.Resource, - }, - } -} - -func (t *ServiceToken) Payload() ([]byte, error) { - return json.Marshal(t) -} - -func (t *ServiceToken) Sign(keySet *keyset.Private, alg jose.SignatureAlgorithm) (string, error) { - payload, err := t.Payload() - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return keySet.Sign(alg, payload) -} - -func (t *ServiceToken) Populate(jws string, keySet *keyset.Public) error { - sig, err := jose.ParseSigned(jws) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - payload, err := keySet.Verify(sig) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, t) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if t.Kind != tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind { - return InvalidTokenKindError - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/pkg/token/token.go b/pkg/token/token.go deleted file mode 100644 index 40fd206..0000000 --- a/pkg/token/token.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package token - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/keyset" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/token/tokenKind" - "golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt" - "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2" - "strings" - "time" -) - -var ( - InvalidTokenKindError = errors.New("invalid token kind") - MalformedTokenError = errors.New("encoded token is malformed") -) - -var ( - Separator = "." -) - -func Hash(secret string) ([]byte, error) { - return bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(secret), bcrypt.DefaultCost) -} - -func Encode(kind string, identifier string, secret string) string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s", kind, Separator, identifier, Separator, secret) -} - -func Decode(encoded string) (string, string, string, error) { - separated := strings.Split(encoded, Separator) - if len(separated) != 3 { - return "", "", "", MalformedTokenError - } - - return separated[0], separated[1], separated[2], nil -} - -func Verify(secret string, hash []byte) bool { - return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hash, []byte(secret)) == nil -} - -type BaseClaims struct { - Issuer string `json:"iss"` - Subject string `json:"sub"` - Audience Audience `json:"aud"` - Expiry Time `json:"exp"` - IssuedAt Time `json:"iat"` - Kind tokenKind.Kind `json:"kind"` -} - -type OAuthTime struct { - Expiry int64 `json:"exp"` - IssuedAt int64 `json:"iat"` -} - -type PartialToken BaseClaims - -func PartialPopulate(keySet keyset.Verifier, token string) (*PartialToken, []byte, error) { - sig, err := jose.ParseSigned(token) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - payload, err := keySet.Verify(sig) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - partialToken := new(PartialToken) - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, partialToken) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - switch partialToken.Kind { - case tokenKind.OAuthKind: - oauthTime := new(OAuthTime) - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, oauthTime) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - partialToken.Expiry = Time(time.Unix(oauthTime.Expiry, 0)) - partialToken.IssuedAt = Time(time.Unix(oauthTime.IssuedAt, 0)) - return partialToken, payload, nil - case tokenKind.APITokenKind, tokenKind.ServiceTokenKind: - return partialToken, payload, nil - } - - return nil, nil, InvalidTokenKindError -} - -func UnsafePartialPopulate(token string) (*PartialToken, []byte, error) { - sig, err := jose.ParseSigned(token) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - payload := sig.UnsafePayloadWithoutVerification() - partialToken := new(PartialToken) - return partialToken, payload, json.Unmarshal(payload, partialToken) -} - -func (p *PartialToken) ValidExpiry() bool { - return time.Time(p.Expiry).After(time.Now()) -} - -func (p *PartialToken) ValidKind(kind tokenKind.Kind) bool { - return p.Kind == kind -} - -func (p *PartialToken) ValidIssuer(issuer string) bool { - return p.Issuer == issuer -} - -func (p *PartialToken) ValidAudience(audience string) bool { - for _, a := range p.Audience { - if a == audience { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func (p *PartialToken) ValidSubject(subject string) bool { - return p.Subject == subject -} diff --git a/pkg/token/types.go b/pkg/token/types.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5ccf8d9..0000000 --- a/pkg/token/types.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package token - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "github.com/loopholelabs/auth/pkg/utils" - "time" -) - -var _ json.Marshaler = (*Time)(nil) -var _ json.Marshaler = Time{} -var _ json.Unmarshaler = (*Time)(nil) - -var _ json.Marshaler = (*Audience)(nil) -var _ json.Marshaler = Audience{} -var _ json.Unmarshaler = (*Audience)(nil) - -type Audience []string - -func (a Audience) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - if len(a) == 1 { - return json.Marshal((a)[0]) - } - return json.Marshal([]string(a)) -} - -func (a *Audience) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) error { - var s string - if json.Unmarshal(bytes, &s) == nil { - *a = Audience{s} - return nil - } - var auds []string - if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &auds); err != nil { - return err - } - *a = auds - return nil -} - -type Time time.Time - -func (t Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - return json.Marshal(utils.TimeToInt64(time.Time(t))) -} - -func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - var n json.Number - if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &n); err != nil { - return err - } - var unix int64 - - if t, err := n.Int64(); err == nil { - unix = t - } else { - f, err := n.Float64() - if err != nil { - return err - } - unix = int64(f) - } - *t = Time(utils.Int64ToTime(unix)) - return nil -} diff --git a/pkg/token/types_test.go b/pkg/token/types_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index f01b158..0000000 --- a/pkg/token/types_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -*/ - -package token - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" - "testing" - "time" -) - -func TestAudience(t *testing.T) { - a := Audience{"a", "b"} - sa := Audience{"single"} - - b, err := json.Marshal(a) - assert.NoError(t, err) - - bt, err := a.MarshalJSON() - assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.Equal(t, b, bt) - - sb, err := json.Marshal(sa) - assert.NoError(t, err) - - sbt, err := sa.MarshalJSON() - assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.Equal(t, sb, sbt) - - var ta Audience - err = json.Unmarshal(b, &ta) - assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.Equal(t, a, ta) - - var tsa Audience - err = json.Unmarshal(sb, &tsa) - assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.Equal(t, sa, tsa) -} - -func TestTime(t *testing.T) { - ti := Time(time.UnixMilli(time.Now().UnixMilli())) - bti, err := ti.MarshalJSON() - assert.NoError(t, err) - - var tt Time - err = tt.UnmarshalJSON(bti) - assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.True(t, time.Time(tt).Equal(time.Time(ti))) - - bti, err = json.Marshal(ti) - assert.NoError(t, err) - - err = json.Unmarshal(bti, &tt) - assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.True(t, time.Time(tt).Equal(time.Time(ti))) -} diff --git a/pkg/utils/utils.go b/pkg/utils/utils.go index b707960..4e730c6 100644 --- a/pkg/utils/utils.go +++ b/pkg/utils/utils.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - Copyright 2022 Loophole Labs + Copyright 2023 Loophole Labs Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @@ -16,18 +16,48 @@ package utils -import "time" - -// Int64ToTime converts an int64 to a time.Time in a standardized way -func Int64ToTime(i int64) time.Time { - return time.UnixMilli(i).UTC() +import ( + "crypto/rand" + "encoding/json" + "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" + "math/big" + "time" + "unsafe" +) + +const ( + letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" +) + +var ( + maxLetterBytes = big.NewInt(int64(len(letterBytes))) +) + +// RandomBytes generates a random byte slice of length n +func RandomBytes(n int) []byte { + b := make([]byte, n) + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + num, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, maxLetterBytes) + b[i] = letterBytes[num.Int64()] + } + + return b } -// TimeToInt64 converts a time.Time to an int64 in a standardized way -func TimeToInt64(t time.Time) int64 { - return t.UTC().UnixMilli() +// RandomString generates a random string of length n +func RandomString(n int) string { + b := RandomBytes(n) + return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) } -func TimeInt64Now() int64 { - return TimeToInt64(time.Now()) +// DefaultFiberApp returns a new fiber app with sensible defaults +func DefaultFiberApp() *fiber.App { + return fiber.New(fiber.Config{ + DisableStartupMessage: true, + ReadTimeout: time.Second * 10, + WriteTimeout: time.Second * 10, + IdleTimeout: time.Second * 10, + JSONEncoder: json.Marshal, + JSONDecoder: json.Unmarshal, + }) }