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A Geant4 simulation of the ATLAS LAr Barrel beam test setup.

example workflow


Fig. - 100 GeV electron passing through the geometry setup.

Table of Contents
  1. Project description
  2. Authors and contacts
  3. Presentations
  4. Available datasets and analyses
  5. How to
  6. G4HepEm integration
  7. Using VecGeom

Project description

The project targets a standalone Geant4 simulation of the ATLAS LAr Barrel test beam setup. It is used for Geant4 regression testing and physics lists comparison, as well as for testing speeding up solutions.

  • ⏰ Start date: February 2023
  • 📌 Status: development

Authors and contacts

  • 👨‍🔬 Lorenzo Pezzotti (CERN EP-SFT) -
  • 👨‍🔬 Supervisor: Alberto Ribon (CERN EP-SFT)


Available datasets and analyses

We provide datasets and ROOT analyses, as well as instructions for their reproducibility. Ask authors for access to datasets.

ATLLArBarrel Reproduce data Reproduce analysis Comments
Dataset #1
tag 0.3_1
ALLArBarrel v0.3
./ATLLArBarrel -m runcards/run_gps.mac -pl FTFP_BERT -t 8
root -l v0.3/ATLLArBarrelAnalysis.c Preliminary esults for gamma and pi-, assuming run_gps_output/ is alongside root macro. Created on 15/05/2023.

How to

Build, compile and execute on Mac/Linux

  1. git clone the repo
    git clone
  2. source Geant4-11.1 env
    source /relative_path_to/geant4.11.1-install/bin/
  3. cmake build directory and make (using geant4.11.1)
    mkdir build; cd build/
    cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/absolute_path_to/geant4.11.1-install/lib/Geant4-11.1.0/ relative_path_to/ATLLarBarrel/
  4. execute (example with run.mac macro card, 2 threads and FTFP_BERT physics list)
    ./ATLLarBarrel -m run.mac -t 2 -p FTFP_BERT

Parser options

  • -m macro.mac: pass a Geant4 macro card (example -m run.mac available in source directory and automatically copied in build directory)
  • -t integer: pass number of threads for multi-thread execution (example -t 2, default is the number of threads on the machine)
  • -p Physics_List: select Geant4 physics list (example -p FTFP_BERT)

Build, compile and execute on lxplus

  1. git clone the repo
    git clone
  2. cmake build directory and make (using geant4.11.1, check for gcc and cmake dependencies for other versions)
    mkdir build; cd build/
    source /cvmfs/
    source /cvmfs/
    export CXX=`which g++`
    export CC=`which gcc`
    cmake3 -DGeant4_DIR= /cvmfs/ ../ATLLArBarrel/
  3. execute (example with TBrun.mac macro card, 2 threads and FTFP_BERT physics list)
    ./ATLLArBarrel -m run.mac -t 2 -p FTFP_BERT

Debug with lldb

  1. Compile with debug compiler option, make and start debugger
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DGeant4_DIR=/path-to/geant4-11.1.0-install/lib/Geant4-11.1.0/ /path-to-dir/ATLLArBarrel/
  2. Set the lldb target and run with arguments
    target create ATLLArBarrel
    run -m run.mac -p FTFP_BERT -t 2

G4HepEm integration

G4HepEm is a project from the Geant4 Collaboration targeting a library for speeding up the electromagnetic shower generation. G4HepEm is an optional dependency to ATLLarBarrel. The following are istructions for its usage:

  1. Install G4HepEm as described in the documentation
  2. source geant4 env (example with Geant4-11.1)
    source /path-to/geant4-11.1.0/geant4-11.1.0-install/bin/ 
  3. Build and compile with G4HepEm
    cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/path-to/geant4-11.1.0/geant4-11.1.0-install/lib/Geant4-11.1.0/ -DG4HepEm_DIR=/path-to/g4hepem-install/lib/cmake/G4HepEm/ -DWITH_G4HepEm=ON ../ATLLArBarrel/
  4. Execute (example with run.mac macro, 2 threads and FTFP_BERT physics list)
    ./ATLLArBarrel -m run.mac -t 2 -p FTFP_BERT

Note: the -DWITH_G4HepEm=ON will compile the files under hepemlib/ that are needed to register the G4HepEmProcess. It is possible to use the G4HepEmTrackingManager instead of the G4HepEmProcess using the CMAKE option -DWITH_G4HepEmTracking=ON.

cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/path-to/geant4-11.1.0/geant4-11.1.0-install/lib/Geant4-11.1.0/ -DG4HepEm_DIR=/path-to/g4hepem-install/lib/cmake/G4HepEm/ -DWITH_G4HepEm=ON -DWITH_G4HepEmTracking=ON ../ATLLArBarrel/ 

Using VecGeom

VecGeom is a geometry modeller library and optional dependency to Geant4. ATLLArBarrel can be used with VecGeom. The following are my instructions for VecGeom usage:

  1. Install VecGeom (example with VecGeom-v1.2.1)
    cd VecGeom-v1.2.1/
    mkdir build; cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/absolute-path-to/VecGeom-v1.2.1/install/ -DVECGEOM_BUILTIN_VECCORE=ON ..
    cmake --build .
    cmake --build . --target install
  2. Install Geant4 with VecGeom dependency (example with geant4-11.1.0)
    mkdir buildg4vecgeom; cd buildg4vecgeom
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/abolute-path-to/installg4vecgeom -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON -DGEANT4_USE_QT=ON -DGEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED=ON -DGEANT4_USE_USOLIDS=ON -DVecGeom_DIR=/abolute-path-to/VecGeom-v1.2.1/install/lib/cmake/VecGeom/ -DGEANT4_USE_GDML=ON /relative-path-to/geant4-11.1.0/
    make -jN
    make install
  3. Build ATLLArBarrel
    git clone
    source /path_to/installg4vecgeom/bin/
    mkdir build; cd build/
    cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/absolute-path_to/installg4vecgeom/lib/Geant4-11.1.0/ -DVecGeom_DIR=/abolute-path-to/VecGeom-v1.2.1/install/lib/cmake/VecGeom /relative_path_to/ATLLarBarrel/

Note: the instructions above build VecGeom in backend scalar mode. To build it in backend vector use this script, then specify -DVc_DIR when building the simulation.