Geant4 test for hadron inelastic process final states.
This code is developed by Lorenzo Pezzotti on top of the Geant4 example extended/hadronic/Hadr09/
by Alberto Ribon. It allows to sample secondaries from the hadron inelastic process for a given projectile and nucleus.
./G4HadFSGenerator -pl physicslist -p projectile -e energy_GeV -m material
optional boolean parser options allow to save random seeds or redo a single event
./G4HadFSGenerator -pl physicslist -p projectile -e energy_GeV -m material -seed save_seed -redo redo_an_event
example, FTFP_BERT pl with 10 GeV pi- on copper without seed saving or event redoing
./G4HadFSGenerator -pl FTFP_BERT -p pi- -e 10 -m G4_Cu -seed 0 -redo 0
- 29/11/2022, Geant4 simulation bi-weekly meeting: Investigation on G4HadronInelasticProcess final states