0.0.6 (2022-07-11)
- update logo (151c072)
0.0.5 (2022-07-11)
- fix refresh token 401 (bde394e)
- fixed table component height calculation (f1c941e)
- fixed the bug that the login page cannot be redirected when the refreshing token is invalid (0dc26db)
0.0.4 (2022-02-26)
0.0.3 (2022-02-25)
- env: fix VITE_GLOB_API_URL_PREFIX is undefined (5020ee7)
0.0.2 (2022-02-25)
- an infinite loop caused by route switching (2a8edb3)
- fix bugs (48b1e01)
- fix invalid refresh token token cannot jump to the login page (bb50f37)
- fix select componet display bug (25ec8e6)
- fix stylelint error (91c1a56)
- fix the dark mode bug (dbf71a6)
- Fixed an issue where id could not be obtained when editing categories (7db21af)
- Fixed an issue where role assignment was not selected by default (f11e94c)
- Fixed an issue where tree components could not display actionList (fea4e49)
- Fixed i18N not being displayed (9e34ed2)
- grant .husky/commit-msg permissions (81d0bdd)
- Grant .husky/pre-commit permissions (b88cda7)
- modal: Repair cancel event missing (621f3af)
- solve environment issues (29ea865)
- update path for header.jpg (a9f4309)
- add aliyun-sdk and reference to index.html (0cca289)
- add all navigation guards (53bc1c4)
- add api about course management (7e19f68)
- add api and data model about resource (22788c6)
- add api and data model about resource (56d963f)
- add AppSearch component (b0f91f1)
- add basic resource management (c029c25)
- add BasicForm component (fa004a2)
- add component type (3b9f3e7)
- Add components about menu (9660d8e)
- add ContextMenu component (7534d0f)
- add course management (bb6dd4f)
- add course route and api (6e84a83)
- add date type (e6d0c00)
- add download util and base64 util as well as other utils (0ba5eef)
- Add eslint and prettier configuration (6b9c11a)
- add FormAction component (ffa23de)
- add FormItem component (4b085d1)
- add hooks about Form component (5b3f202)
- add hooks about table component (2a3bbd8)
- add IconPicker component (5397811)
- add Ifame and SessionTimoutLogin component (29f2fcd)
- Add menu-related components (d0e51e1)
- add resource category management (cdf0591)
- add resource management (3bb869d)
- add Role management (c133c9f)
- add setting component (9ef6798)
- add striped for table (51f6b44)
- Add stylelint configuration (c9c8022)
- Add SvgIcon and Icon component (8628357)
- add table hooks (fe1c721)
- add the ability to automatically switch to Dark mode (da33938)
- Add the basic navigation guard (aca4417)
- add Tree component (0f0fb4e)
- add useAdvanced hook (c99a6e7)
- add useAutoFocus hook (2a19d94)
- add useFormContext hook (d89434a)
- add useFormEvents hook (8aa3b60)
- add useFormValues hook (474f2aa)
- add useLabelWidth hook (7507225)
- add usePagination hook in hooks/web (f1aa993)
- add user management (aa043cb)
- App-component: Add the ability to switch light/dark modes automatically (d600a6b)
- app-dark-mode-btn: The new version, it has become more aesthetically pleasing (7002f25)
- configure vite.config.ts (1dfa98d)
- dashboard: Add components about visit (4dac95c)
- dashboard: Add VisitAnalysis component (1c7b8d8)
- Encapsulate axios (8d3c22c)
- Encapsulate axios and configure i18n and add local cache (f9af257)
- hooks: Add useECharts hook (f238df2)
- import the windicss and ant-design-vue (b7b9150)
- Initialize the project (e26e319)
- Layout complete (1f5c5cc)
- Login module completed (dfcf8aa)
- no perceptive refresh (1aef48f)
- pull away props (6a0238e)
- Replace yarn with pnpm (7c258c7)
- rewarp the container component (ac3bc69)
- rewarp the Form component (4977776)
- rewarp the Modal component (bc2ebeb)
- rewarp the table component (daa56e1)
- rewrap markdown component (fdf674d)
- Rewrap the form component (f771ad1)
- rewrap upload component (41c1dea)
- system: add lock page (7c41ccb)
- table component: add 'scrollTo' table action (dbc6ffc)
- update api (44a097e)
- upgrade package (c52bdc4)
- workbench: Add workbench page (f61896c)