- Explain SQL injection and identify ways to prevent it
- Compare benefits of SQL vs NoSQL databases
- Discuss database query optimization
Copy your blog tempate into a new HTML file named week7_technical.html
Select a topic below to research.
Look up issues with SQL (specifically SQL Injection) Enjoy this XKCD comic for an amusing intro. What is it? Why is it a problem? What can newb programmers do to combat this issue?
Compare SQL databases with NoSQL databases. What are the pros and cons of either? Which are you most excited to work with and why?
Imagine having a huge database with millions of entries. It would probably take a lot of time to run advanced queries on such a large dataset. What are some of the things you can do to optimize SQL queries?
Write a blog post about what you learned. Teach your audience and future employer!
Link to your blog on the index of your github.io site and sync your changes.
Share your blog on the google+ community under "Blog Posts!" Read others blogs. What did you like about them?
Post a comment on their community post to start a discussion or give some feedback. Consider sharing your blog post on Reddit as well.