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English vocabulary learning software written in .NET Core 6 (C# console application).


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Lexica 1.1.0

English vocabulary learning software written in .NET Core 6 (C# console application). Application works only on Windows 10+.

Table of contents

How it works

In order to use this application first you have to create a set of words (an example set file is available in project). A words set consists of english words and their translations in your native language. Sets have to be kept in txt files in the following format:

compelling ; nieodparty, pociągający
lunatic ; obłąkany, wariacki
rule of thumb ; praktyczna zasada
rage, anger ; gniew
criteria ; kryteria

In every line there is an entry with English meaning + semicolon + meaning in your native language.

Application offers three modes of learning:

  • Spelling - Application plays English pronunciation recording of every word in set and a user has to write what he or she has just heard.
  • Only open questions - Application asks open questions about every entry in a set. For each entry, there are at least two questions (the number of questions depends on configuration):
    • at least one question about English meaning,
    • at least one question about meaning in your native language.
  • Full - Application asks close and open questions about every entry in a set. When a close question is asked, then four possible answers are presented, and a user has to choose one of them. Open questions work in the same way as in the previous mode. For each entry, there are at least four questions, two close questions and two open questions (the number of questions depends on configuration):
    • one close question about English meaning,
    • one close question about meaning in your native language,
    • at least one open question about English meaning,
    • at least one open question about meaning in your native language.

Application uses SQLite database for storing information about user's anwers (more information). In the future data will be used for statistics and for creating sets from entries which made a user the biggest problems.

Application also uses a configuration file (appsettings.json) in which you can change options connected with running modes (more information).

How to use it

The simpliest way is just to open PowerShell in application main folder and use the following command:

.\Lexica.CLI.exe run --mode only-open .\Assets\Examples\set_1.txt

It opens Lexica in 'only open questions' mode with entries from set_1.txt file, which is in subfolder of the application main folder.

The next step can be just showing help. You can do that in the following way:

.\Lexica.CLI.exe --help

You can also show help for 'run' command:

.\Lexica.CLI.exe run --help

If you want, you can open a mode with a few sets:

.\Lexica.CLI.exe run --mode full C:\Lexica\set_1.txt C:\Lexica\set_2.txt

You can also use additional configuration to indicate a folder where you keep your sets. In that case you can pass their paths relatively to that folder. For example, if you indicate a following path in your configuration file:


and in this folder there are following files:


then you can run application in the following way:

.\Lexica.CLI.exe run --mode full set_1.txt set_2.txt


Lexica uses configuration stored in appsettings.json file. Sample configuration with comments:

  // A folder with sets. If you indicate this option, then you can run Lexica with paths to sets which are
  // relative to this folder (more information in 'How to use it' chapter). This part is optional.
  "Words": {
    "SetsDirectoryPath": "C:/Lexica"
  // Modes configuration. This part is required.
  "Learning": {
    // Number of open questions about English meaning and your native language meaning. If you set this value to
    // 3, then in 'full' and 'only open' modes there would be 6 questions for each entry. In the 'spelling' mode there
    // would be only 3 questions because in this mode there are only questions about English spelling. This option is
    // required.
    "NumOfOpenQuestions": 3,
    // Should mode be reset after the first mistake? This option is required.
    "ResetAfterMistake": false,
    // Should pronunciation be played in 'full' and 'only-open' modes? This part is required.
    "PlayPronuncation": {
      // A pronunciation recording is played before answers to questions about English meaning. This option is required.
      "BeforeAnswer": false,
      // A pronunciation recording is played after answers to questions about meaning in your native language. This
      // option is required.
      "AfterAnswer": false
    // Should Lexica save modes logs? These logs are saved in .\Logs\Mode.logs file. This option is required.
    "SaveDebugLogs": false
  // Configuration connected with getting a pronunciation from a web dictionary (it is up to a user which dictionary 
  // will be used). You have to keep in mind that while choosing any web dictionary you should take into consideration 
  // legal restrictions connected with copyright. This part is optional.
  "PronunciationApi": {
    "WebDictionary": {
      // A web dictionary host.
      "Host": "",
      // An url path to a word page (for example /dict/en/{word}, where {word} is automatically replaced with a word
      // for which a pronunciation should be played).
      "UrlPath": "",
      // A directory path to which mp3 files with pronunciation will be downloaded.
      "DownloadDirectoryPath": ""


'Spelling' mode

The main goal of 'spelling' mode

The main goal of this mode is to learn how to spell words and what is their pronunciation. This is the first phase of learning new English words.

How 'spelling' mode works

  1. Each entry from given sets has its own counter which at the beginning is equal 0.
  2. Entries in given sets are randomized.
  3. For each entry, an English pronunciation is played, and a user has to write the particular word.
  4. After giving a correct answer:
    • A translation is showed.
    • A counter for an entry is incremented by 1. If a counter for the particular entry reaches a number stored in Learning.NumOfOpenQuestions configuration option, then a question about this entry is not asked again.
  5. After giving an incorrect answer:
    • A correct answer is showed.
    • A translation is showed.
    • A counter for an entry is set to 0. If Learning.ResetAfterMistake configuration option equals true, then all counters are set to 0.
  6. After playing English pronunciation for all entries the following condition is checked:
    • If there are still entries with a counter lower than a number stored in Learning.NumOfOpenQuestions configuration option, then we go back to the point number 2.
    • Otherwise, the mode is over.

'Full' mode

The main goal of 'full' mode

The main goal of this mode is to learn and memorize the words meaning. This is the second phase of learning new English words.


How 'full' mode works

  1. Each entry from given sets has 4 counters which at the beginning are equal 0:
    • A counter for close questions about English meaning. For each entry, a user has to reach this counter value equals 1.
    • A counter for close questions about your native language meaning. For each entry, a user has to reach this counter value equals 1.
    • A counter for open questions about English meaning. For each entry, a user has to reach this counter value equals a number stored in Learning.NumOfOpenQuestions configuration option.
    • A counter for close questions about your native language meaning. For each entry, a user has to reach this counter value equals a number stored in Learning.NumOfOpenQuestions configuration option.
  2. Entries in given sets are randomized and 7 first entries are taken. For each of them a question is asked.
  3. For each randomly selected entry the following conditions are checked in order to ask a question to a user:
    • If there is at least one not reached close question counter, then a close question is asked. If both counters aren't reached, then the type of close question is randomly selected (question about English meaning or question about your native language meaning). If one counter isn't reached, then the question type of this counter is asked.
    • Otherwise, if there is at least one not reached open question counter, then an open question is asked. If both counters aren't reached, then the type of open question is randomly selected (question about English meaning or question about your native language meaning). If one counter isn't reached, then the question type of this counter is asked.
    • Otherwise, an entry is omitted and conditions for the next entry are analyzed.
  4. After giving a correct answer:
    • The particular counter value is incremented by 1.
  5. After giving a wrong answer:
    • The particular counter value is set to 0. If Learning.ResetAfterMistake configuration option equals true, then all counters all set to 0.
    • A correct answer is showed.
  6. After analyzing 7 entries, again all entries in sets are randomized and the first 7 entries are analyzed.
  7. In order to end this mode a user has to reach all counters.

'Only open questions' mode

The main goal of 'only open questions' mode

The main goal of this mode is providing the last phase of learning and preserving the knowledge.


How 'only open questions' mode works

  1. Each entry from given sets has 2 counters which at the beginning are equal 0:
    • A counter for open questions about English meaning. For each entry, a user has to reach this counter value equals a number stored in Learning.NumOfOpenQuestions configuration option.
    • A counter for open questions about your native language meaning. For each entry, a user has to reach this counter value equals a number stored in Learning.NumOfOpenQuestions configuration option.
  2. Entries in given sets are randomized.
  3. For each randomly selected entry the following conditions are checked in order to ask a question to a user:
    • If there is at least one not reached open question counter, then an open question is asked. If both counters aren't reached, then the type of open question is randomly selected (question about English meaning or question about your native language meaning). If one counter isn't reached, then the question type of this counter is asked.
    • Otherwise, an entry is omitted and conditions for the next entry are analyzed.
  4. After giving a correct answer:
    • The particular counter is incremented by 1.
  5. After giving a wrong answer:
    • The particular counter is set to 0. If Learning.ResetAfterMistake configuration option equals true, then all counters are set to 0.
    • A correct answer is showed.
  6. After asking questions for all entries the following condition is checked:
    • If there are still entries with a counter lower than a number stored in Learning.NumOfOpenQuestions configuration option, then we go back to the point number 2.
    • Otherwise, the mode is over.


Getting English pronunciation recordings

Lexica is able to download pronunciation recordings from web dictionaries. It is up to a user which dictionary will be used. You have to keep in mind that while choosing any web dictionary you should take into consideration legal restrictions connected with copyright.

When in the configuration there are options connected with this functionality, then it is possible to play English pronunciation recording in application modes. Lexica just tries to find an url address to mp3 file in the code of the following page:

PronunciationApi.WebDictionary.Host + UrlPath, where {word} from PronunciationApi.WebDictionary.UrlPath is replaced by the particular word for which Lexica tries to play recording.

An URL address can look like in the following example:


When mp3 file url address is found, then it is downloaded to a folder indicated in the following configuration option:



Lexica saves information about each user's answer in SQLite database. Database is stored in lexica.db file which can be found in the main application folder.

There is only one table in database:

Table name: answer Columns with their description:

  • answer_id - Automatically setting answer id.
  • folder_path - Path to a folder where a set file was during giving the answer.
  • set_file_name - A set file name.
  • mode - Application mode.
  • question - Asked question.
  • question_type - Question type.
  • answer - Given answer.
  • proper_answers - What was the proper answer to a given question.
  • is_correct - A bool value which indicates if an answer was correct.


English vocabulary learning software written in .NET Core 6 (C# console application).








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