diff --git a/docs/user-guide/database/pagination.rst b/docs/user-guide/database/pagination.rst
index 2d3efca5..415eb603 100644
--- a/docs/user-guide/database/pagination.rst
+++ b/docs/user-guide/database/pagination.rst
@@ -264,10 +264,60 @@ Here is a very simplified example of a route handler that sets this header:
 Here, ``perform_query`` is a wrapper around `~safir.database.PaginatedQueryRunner` that constructs and runs the query.
 A real route handler would have more query parameters and more documentation.
-Note that this example also sets a non-standard ``X-Total-Count`` header containing the total count of entries returned by the underlying query without pagination.
+Including result counts
+The example above also sets a non-standard ``X-Total-Count`` header containing the total count of entries returned by the underlying query without pagination.
 `~safir.database.PaginatedQueryRunner.query_count` will return this information.
 There is no standard way to return this information to the client, but ``X-Total-Count`` is a widely-used informal standard.
+If you will always want to include the count, use `~safir.database.CountedPaginatedQueryRunner` instead.
+Its `~safir.database.CountedPaginatedQueryRunner.query_object` and `~safir.database.CountedPaginatedQueryRunner.query_row` methods will return a `~safir.database.CountedPaginatedList`, which contains a ``count`` attribute holding the count.
+This is equivalent to calling `~safir.database.PaginatedQueryRunner.query_object` or `~safir.database.PaginatedQueryRunner.query_object` followed by `~safir.database.PaginatedQueryRunner.query_count`, but the encapsulation into a data structure makes it easier to pass the results between components of the service.
+Here's the same code above but using that approach:
+.. code-block:: python
+.. code-block:: python
+   :emphasize-lines: 27, 34
+   @router.get("/query", response_class=Model)
+   async def query(
+       *,
+       cursor: Annotated[
+           str | None,
+           Query(
+               title="Pagination cursor",
+               description="Cursor to navigate paginated results",
+           ),
+       ] = None,
+       limit: Annotated[
+           int,
+           Query(
+               title="Row limit",
+               description="Maximum number of entries to return",
+               examples=[100],
+               ge=1,
+               le=100,
+           ),
+       ] = 100,
+       request: Request,
+       response: Response,
+   ) -> list[Model]:
+       parsed_cursor = None
+       if cursor:
+           parsed_cursor = ModelCursor.from_str(cursor)
+       runner = CountedPaginatedQueryRunner(Model, ModelCursor)
+       stmt = build_query(...)
+       results = await runner.query_object(
+           session, stmt, cursor=parsed_cursor, limit=limit
+       )
+       if cursor or limit:
+           response.headers["Link"] = results.link_header(request.url)
+           response.headers["X-Total-Count"] = str(results.count)
+       return results.entries
 Including links in the response
diff --git a/safir/src/safir/database/__init__.py b/safir/src/safir/database/__init__.py
index 5fb86255..3f8d69d3 100644
--- a/safir/src/safir/database/__init__.py
+++ b/safir/src/safir/database/__init__.py
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 from ._pagination import (
+    CountedPaginatedList,
+    CountedPaginatedQueryRunner,
@@ -28,6 +30,8 @@
 __all__ = [
+    "CountedPaginatedList",
+    "CountedPaginatedQueryRunner",
diff --git a/safir/src/safir/database/_pagination.py b/safir/src/safir/database/_pagination.py
index bcaa1eb9..bef0264d 100644
--- a/safir/src/safir/database/_pagination.py
+++ b/safir/src/safir/database/_pagination.py
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 """Type of an entry in a paginated list."""
 __all__ = [
+    "CountedPaginatedList",
+    "CountedPaginatedQueryRunner",
@@ -321,19 +323,18 @@ def __str__(self) -> str:
 class PaginatedList(Generic[E, C]):
     """Paginated SQL results with accompanying pagination metadata.
-    Holds a paginated list of any Pydantic type, complete with a count and
-    cursors. Can hold any type of entry and any type of cursor, but implicitly
-    requires the entry type be one that is meaningfully paginated by that type
-    of cursor.
+    Holds a paginated list of any Pydantic type with pagination cursors. Can
+    hold any type of entry and any type of cursor, but implicitly requires the
+    entry type be one that is meaningfully paginated by that type of cursor.
     entries: list[E]
     """A batch of entries."""
-    next_cursor: C | None = None
+    next_cursor: C | None
     """Cursor for the next batch of entries."""
-    prev_cursor: C | None = None
+    prev_cursor: C | None
     """Cursor for the previous batch of entries."""
     def first_url(self, current_url: URL) -> str:
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ def link_header(self, current_url: URL) -> str:
 class PaginatedQueryRunner(Generic[E, C]):
-    """Construct and run database queries that return paginated results.
+    """Run database queries that return paginated results.
     This class implements the logic for keyset pagination based on arbitrary
     SQLAlchemy ORM where clauses.
@@ -688,3 +689,148 @@ async def _paginated_query(
         return PaginatedList[E, C](
             entries=entries, prev_cursor=prev_cursor, next_cursor=next_cursor
+class CountedPaginatedList(PaginatedList[E, C]):
+    """Paginated SQL results with pagination metadata and total count.
+    Holds a paginated list of any Pydantic type, complete with a count and
+    cursors. Can hold any type of entry and any type of cursor, but implicitly
+    requires the entry type be one that is meaningfully paginated by that type
+    of cursor.
+    """
+    count: int
+    """Total number of entries if queried without pagination."""
+class CountedPaginatedQueryRunner(PaginatedQueryRunner[E, C]):
+    """Run database queries that return paginated results with counts.
+    This variation of `PaginatedQueryRunner` always runs a second query to
+    count the total number of available entries if queried without pagination.
+    It should only be used on small tables or with queries that can be
+    satisfied from the table indices; otherwise, the count query could be
+    undesirably slow.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    entry_type
+        Type of each entry returned by the queries. This must be a Pydantic
+        model.
+    cursor_type
+        Type of the pagination cursor, which encapsulates the logic of how
+        entries are sorted and what set of keys is used to retrieve the next
+        or previous batch of entries.
+    """
+    async def query_object(
+        self,
+        session: async_scoped_session,
+        stmt: Select[tuple],
+        *,
+        cursor: C | None = None,
+        limit: int | None = None,
+    ) -> CountedPaginatedList[E, C]:
+        """Perform a query for objects with an optional cursor and limit.
+        Perform the query provided in ``stmt`` with appropriate sorting and
+        pagination as determined by the cursor type. Also performs a second
+        query to get the total count of entries if retrieved without
+        pagination.
+        This method should be used with queries that return a single
+        SQLAlchemy model. The provided query will be run with the session
+        `~sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.async_scoped_session.scalars` method and the
+        resulting object passed to Pydantic's ``model_validate`` to convert to
+        ``entry_type``. For queries returning a tuple of attributes, use
+        `query_row` instead.
+        Unfortunately, this distinction cannot be type-checked, so be careful
+        to use the correct method.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        session
+            Database session within which to run the query.
+        stmt
+            Select statement to execute. Pagination and ordering will be
+            added, so this statement should not already have limits or order
+            clauses applied. This statement must return a list of SQLAlchemy
+            ORM models that can be converted to ``entry_type`` by Pydantic.
+        cursor
+            If present, continue from the provided keyset cursor.
+        limit
+            If present, limit the result count to at most this number of rows.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        CountedPaginatedList
+            Results of the query wrapped with pagination information and a
+            count of the total number of entries.
+        """
+        result = await super().query_object(
+            session, stmt, cursor=cursor, limit=limit
+        )
+        count = await self.query_count(session, stmt)
+        return CountedPaginatedList[E, C](
+            entries=result.entries,
+            next_cursor=result.next_cursor,
+            prev_cursor=result.prev_cursor,
+            count=count,
+        )
+    async def query_row(
+        self,
+        session: async_scoped_session,
+        stmt: Select[tuple],
+        *,
+        cursor: C | None = None,
+        limit: int | None = None,
+    ) -> CountedPaginatedList[E, C]:
+        """Perform a query for attributes with an optional cursor and limit.
+        Perform the query provided in ``stmt`` with appropriate sorting and
+        pagination as determined by the cursor type. Also performs a second
+        query to get the total count of entries if retrieved without
+        pagination.
+        This method should be used with queries that return a list of
+        attributes that can be converted to the ``entry_type`` Pydantic model.
+        For queries returning a single ORM object, use `query_object` instead.
+        Unfortunately, this distinction cannot be type-checked, so be careful
+        to use the correct method.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        session
+            Database session within which to run the query.
+        stmt
+            Select statement to execute. Pagination and ordering will be
+            added, so this statement should not already have limits or order
+            clauses applied. This statement must return a tuple of attributes
+            that can be converted to ``entry_type`` by Pydantic's
+            ``model_validate``.
+        cursor
+            If present, continue from the provided keyset cursor.
+        limit
+            If present, limit the result count to at most this number of rows.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        CountedPaginatedList
+            Results of the query wrapped with pagination information and a
+            count of the total number of entries.
+        """
+        result = await super().query_row(
+            session, stmt, cursor=cursor, limit=limit
+        )
+        count = await self.query_count(session, stmt)
+        return CountedPaginatedList[E, C](
+            entries=result.entries,
+            next_cursor=result.next_cursor,
+            prev_cursor=result.prev_cursor,
+            count=count,
+        )
diff --git a/safir/tests/database_test.py b/safir/tests/database_test.py
index 4ddddbf8..0ac77d64 100644
--- a/safir/tests/database_test.py
+++ b/safir/tests/database_test.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 from starlette.datastructures import URL
 from safir.database import (
+    CountedPaginatedQueryRunner,
@@ -410,11 +411,12 @@ async def test_pagination(database_url: str, database_password: str) -> None:
     # Query by object and test the pagination cursors going backwards and
     # forwards.
-    builder = PaginatedQueryRunner(PaginationModel, TableCursor)
+    runner = PaginatedQueryRunner(PaginationModel, TableCursor)
+    counted_runner = CountedPaginatedQueryRunner(PaginationModel, TableCursor)
     async with session.begin():
         stmt: Select[tuple] = select(PaginationTable)
-        assert await builder.query_count(session, stmt) == 7
-        result = await builder.query_object(session, stmt, limit=2)
+        assert await runner.query_count(session, stmt) == 7
+        result = await runner.query_object(session, stmt, limit=2)
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows[:2])
         assert not result.prev_cursor
         base_url = URL("https://example.com/query")
@@ -427,7 +429,15 @@ async def test_pagination(database_url: str, database_password: str) -> None:
         assert result.prev_url(base_url) is None
         assert str(result.next_cursor) == "1600000000.5_1"
-        result = await builder.query_object(
+        counted_result = await counted_runner.query_object(
+            session, stmt, limit=2
+        )
+        assert counted_result.entries == result.entries
+        assert counted_result.prev_cursor == result.prev_cursor
+        assert counted_result.next_cursor == result.next_cursor
+        assert counted_result.count == 7
+        result = await runner.query_object(
             session, stmt, cursor=result.next_cursor, limit=3
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows[2:5])
@@ -447,7 +457,7 @@ async def test_pagination(database_url: str, database_password: str) -> None:
         assert result.prev_url(base_url) == prev_url
         next_cursor = result.next_cursor
-        result = await builder.query_object(
+        result = await runner.query_object(
             session, stmt, cursor=result.prev_cursor
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows[:2])
@@ -457,7 +467,7 @@ async def test_pagination(database_url: str, database_password: str) -> None:
             f'<{base_url!s}&cursor={result.next_cursor}>; rel="next"'
-        result = await builder.query_object(session, stmt, cursor=next_cursor)
+        result = await runner.query_object(session, stmt, cursor=next_cursor)
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows[5:])
         assert not result.next_cursor
         base_url = URL("https://example.com/query")
@@ -468,14 +478,14 @@ async def test_pagination(database_url: str, database_password: str) -> None:
         prev_cursor = result.prev_cursor
-        result = await builder.query_object(session, stmt, cursor=prev_cursor)
+        result = await runner.query_object(session, stmt, cursor=prev_cursor)
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows[:5])
         assert result.link_header(base_url) == (
             f'<{base_url!s}>; rel="first", '
             f'<{base_url!s}?cursor={result.next_cursor}>; rel="next"'
-        result = await builder.query_object(
+        result = await runner.query_object(
             session, stmt, cursor=prev_cursor, limit=2
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows[3:5])
@@ -490,26 +500,39 @@ async def test_pagination(database_url: str, database_password: str) -> None:
     # function.
     async with session.begin():
         stmt = select(PaginationTable.time, PaginationTable.id)
-        result = await builder.query_row(session, stmt, limit=2)
+        result = await runner.query_row(session, stmt, limit=2)
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows[:2])
-        assert await builder.query_count(session, stmt) == 7
+        assert await runner.query_count(session, stmt) == 7
+        counted_result = await counted_runner.query_row(session, stmt, limit=2)
+        assert counted_result.entries == result.entries
+        assert counted_result.prev_cursor == result.prev_cursor
+        assert counted_result.next_cursor == result.next_cursor
+        assert counted_result.count == 7
     # Querying for the entire table should return the everything with no
     # pagination cursors. Try this with both an object query and an attribute
     # query.
     async with session.begin():
-        result = await builder.query_object(session, select(PaginationTable))
+        stmt = select(PaginationTable)
+        result = await runner.query_object(session, stmt)
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows)
         assert not result.next_cursor
         assert not result.prev_cursor
         stmt = select(PaginationTable.id, PaginationTable.time)
-        result = await builder.query_row(session, stmt)
+        result = await runner.query_row(session, stmt)
         assert_model_lists_equal(result.entries, rows)
         assert not result.next_cursor
         assert not result.prev_cursor
         base_url = URL("https://example.com/query?foo=b")
         assert result.link_header(base_url) == (f'<{base_url!s}>; rel="first"')
+        counted_result = await counted_runner.query_row(session, stmt)
+        assert counted_result.entries == result.entries
+        assert not counted_result.next_cursor
+        assert not counted_result.prev_cursor
+        assert counted_result.count == len(counted_result.entries)
 def test_link_data() -> None:
     header = (