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File metadata and controls

65 lines (62 loc) · 6.02 KB

Config usage

The config file has several components. We detail their usage below.

Distributed communication:

  • The script currently supports data parallel training, but does not yet support GPUs.
  • GPU support will be added in the future. See the project wiki for details.
  • The script currently does not support vectorized environments.
  • To use Torch DDP with more than one parallel process, set world_size to the number of processes you want to run.
  • In our initial experiements, we observed higher throughput using the gloo backend than using MPI. We currently only support the gloo backend.
  • Applicable in the future: if using GPUs, be sure to backend parameter to nccl, and set the world_size to the number of GPUs available.


  • The class names of available algorithms can be found in the submodules of drl/algos/.
  • Currently supported class names are: PPO.
  • Depending on the algorithm, different parameter names and their values must be supplied. To see example config files for each implemented algorithm, refer to the models_dir subdirectories in this repo.
  • If any intrinsic rewards are used (discussed later), we require a field reward_weights to be included. Its value should be a dictionary of positive floats, keyed by reward name.


  • We allow training on any OpenAI gym environment.
  • The environment name should be specified by setting the id parameter.


  • We allow a flexible pipeline of wrappers to be applied, similar to the OpenAI gym and baselines libraries.
  • In the config file and its parse, the class names for these wrappers serve as keys in a dictionary, and their values are class-specific arguments.
  • The class names of available wrappers can be found in the submodules of drl/envs/wrappers/.
  • Wrappers are applied in the order they are specified.

Intrinsic rewards:

  • Intrinsic rewards can be included by specifying wrappers in drl/envs/wrappers/stateful/intrinsic/.
  • The name of each reward stream is determined by the property reward_name in the wrapper it came from.
  • Multiple intrinsic rewards can easily be combined by listing multiple wrappers.
  • In our algorithms, we follow the practice of Burda et al., 2018, Badia et al., 2020 and perform credit assignment and value estimation for each reward stream separately.


  • We require algorithm-specific strings corresponding to network names to be listed out as second-level under the networks heading.
  • For example, PPO potentially uses two networks: a policy_net and a value_net. To avoid ambiguity arising from misspecified config files, our PPO implementation requires that if the network architecture is to be shared, the parameter use_shared_architecture under value_net should be set to True. However, both network names must be listed. We follow a similar pattern for all algorithms; all network names expected by the algorithm must be listed.
  • Under each network name should be either use_shared_architecture parameter (set to True), or else five different arguments.


  • The first of the five arguments under each network is preprocessing.
  • In the config file and its parse, the class names for these preprocessing operations serve as keys in a dictionary, and their values are class-specific arguments.
  • Currently, you should only have to use ToChannelMajor (for environments with visual observations) or {}, the dictionary with no elements.
  • In general, preprocessing class names can be found in submodules of drl/agents/preprocessing.
  • Preprocessing operations are applied in the order they are specified.


  • The second of the five arguments under each network is architecture.
  • Under this heading, two values must be specified: cls_name and cls_args.
  • The class names can be found in the submodules of drl/agents/architectures.


  • The third of the five arguments under each network is predictors.
  • We require algorithm-specific predictor names. The names required are a subset of {'policy', 'value_extrinsic', 'action_value_extrinsic'}.
  • Under each predictor name, two values must be specified: cls_name and cls_args.
  • In general, predictor class names can be found in submodules of drl/agents/heads.
  • In general, all predictor class arguments must be supplied, with one exception: the field action_dim or num_actions can be omitted, as it will automatically be inferred per-environment.
  • If intrinsic rewards are used, we additionally require value or action-value heads for each reward stream.
  • The names of the predictors associated with each intrinsic reward stream must be value_{reward_name} or action_value_{reward_name}.


  • The fourth of the five arguments under each network is optimizer.
  • Under this heading, two values must be specified: cls_name and cls_args.
  • The class names can be any optimizer in torch.optim.
  • The cls_args parameter should be specified as a dictionary, whose values depend on the optimizer used.


  • The fifth of the five arguments under each network is scheduler.
  • Under this heading, two values must be specified: cls_name and cls_args.
  • The class names can be any scheduler in torch.optim.lr_schedulers, except ReduceLROnPlateau which requires access to a stream of loss values and is not currently supported by our algorithms.
  • The cls_args parameter should be specified as a dictionary, whose values depend on the scheduler used.
  • The cls_name for the scheduler can also be None.

We reiterate that some example config.yaml files are provided to help you get started.
You can also learn more about YAML syntax here.