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Auth Service

Auth Service manages and distributes data and configuration used for authorization decisions performed by services in a LUCI cluster. It is part of the control plane, and as such it is not directly involved in authorizing every request to LUCI. Auth Service merely tells other services how to do it, and they do it themselves.

There's one Auth Service per LUCI cluster. When a new LUCI service joins the cluster it is configured with the location of Auth Service, and Auth Service is configured with the identity of the new service. This is one time setup. During this initial bootstrap the new service receives the full snapshot of all authorization configuration, which it can cache locally and start using right away. Then the new service can either register a web hook to be called by Auth Service when configuration changes, or it can start polling Auth Service for updates itself.

Whenever authorization configuration changes (e.g. a group is updated), Auth Service prepares a new snapshot of all configuration, makes it available to all polling clients, and pushes it to all registered web hooks until they acknowledge it.

If Auth Service goes down, everything remains operational, except the authorization configuration becomes essentially "frozen" until Auth Service comes back online and resumes distributing it.


Configuration distributed by Auth Service (aka AuthDB)

This section describes what exactly is "data and configuration used for authorization decisions".

See AuthDB message in replication.proto for all details.

Groups graph

Groups are how the lowest layer of ACLs is expressed in LUCI, e.g. a service may authorize some action to members of some group. More complex access control rules use groups as building blocks.

Each group has a name (global to the LUCI cluster), a list of identity strings it includes directly (e.g., a list of nested groups, and a list of glob-like patterns to match against identity strings (e.g. user:*

An identity string encodes a principal that performs an action. It's the result of authentication stage. It looks like <type>:<id> and can represent:

  • user:<email> - Google Accounts (end users and service accounts).
  • anonymous:anonymous - callers that didn't provide any credentials.
  • project:<project> - a LUCI service acting in a context of some LUCI project when calling some other LUCI service. Work in progress.
  • bot:<hostname> - used only by Swarming, individual bots pulling tasks.
  • bot:whitelisted-ip - callers authenticated exclusively through an IP allowlist. Deprecated.
  • service:<app-id> - GAE application authenticated via X-Appengine-Inbound-Appid header. Deprecated.

Note that various UIs and configs may omit user: prefix, it is implied if no other prefix is provided. For example, * in UI actually means user:*

IP allowlists

An IP allowlist as a named set of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. They are primarily used in Swarming when authorizing RPCs from bots. IP allowlists are defined in ip_allowlist.cfg configuration file.

OAuth client ID allowlist

This is a list of Google OAuth client IDs recognized by the LUCI cluster. It lists various OAuth clients (standalone binaries, web apps, AppScripts, etc.) that are allowed to send end-user OAuth access tokens to LUCI. OAuth client ID allowlist is defined in oauth.cfg configuration file.

Security configuration for internal LUCI RPCs.

These are various bits of configuration (defined partially in oauth.cfg and in security.cfg config files) that are centrally distributed to services in a LUCI cluster. Used to establish mutual trust between them.

API surfaces

Groups API

This is a REST API to examine and modify group graph. It is used primarily by Auth Service's own web frontend (i.e. it is mostly used by humans). It is documented right there. Alternatively, read the source code. This API is appropriate for modifying groups and for ad-hoc checks when debugging access errors (and both these tasks can be done through the web UI, so there's rarely a need to use this API directly).

Services that care about availability must not use this API for authorization checks. It has no performance or availability guarantees. If you use this API, and your service goes down because Auth Service is down, it is your fault.

Instead services should use AuthDB replication (normally through a LUCI client library such as components.auth and to obtain and keep up-to-date the snapshot of all groups, and use it locally without hitting Auth Service on every request. See next couple sections for more information.

AuthDB replication

All authorization configuration internally is stored in a single Cloud Datastore entity group. This entity group has a revision number associated with it, which is incremented with every transactional change (e.g. when groups are updated).

For every revision Auth Service creates a consistent snapshot of AuthDB at this particular revision, signs it, uploads it to a preconfigured Google Storage bucket, starts serving it over /auth_service/api/v1/authdb/revisions/... endpoint, sends a PubSub notification to a preconfigured PubSub topic, and finally uploads the snapshot (via POST HTTP request) to all registered web hooks until all of them acknowledge it.

It is distributed in a such diverse way for backward compatibility with variety of AuthDB client implementations (in historical order):

  • Web hooks are how Python GAE services consume AuthDB via components.auth client library.
  • PubSub and /auth_service/api/v1/authdb/revisions/... endpoint is how Go GAE services consume AuthDB via client.
  • /auth_service/api/v1/authdb/revisions/... is also polled by Gerrit cria/ groups plugin.
  • Google Storage dump is consumed by Go GKE services (that don't have non-ephemeral storage to cache AuthDB in). This is also done via client configured by

Hooking up a LUCI service to receive AuthDB updates {#linking}

In all cases the goal is to let Auth Service know the identity of a new service and let the new service know the location of Auth Service. How this looks depends on where the new service is running and what client library it uses.

Python GAE services should use components.auth library. Once the service is deployed, perform this one-time setup:

  • If you are member of administrators group, open https://<auth-service> in a browser, put app ID of the new service in Add service section and click Generate linking URL.
  • If you are not a member of administrators group, ask an administrator to do it on your behalf and share the resulting link with you.
  • If you are GAE admin of the new service, follow the link, it will ask for confirmation. Confirm. If it succeeds, you are done.
  • If you are not a GAE admin, ask the admin to visit the link.
  • During this process the new service receives an initial snapshot of AuthDB and registers a web hook to be called when AuthDB changes.

Go GAE services should use and hooking them to an Auth Service looks different:

  • Make sure Google Cloud Pub/Sub API is enabled in the cloud project that contains the new service.
  • Add GAE service account (<appid> of the new service to auth-trusted-services group (or ask an administrator to do it for you).
  • As a GAE admin, open https://<appid> and put https://<auth-service> into Auth Service URL field.
  • Click Save Settings. If it succeeds, you are done.
  • During this process the new service receives an initial snapshot of AuthDB, creates a new PubSub subscription, asks Auth Service to grant it access to the AuthDB notification PubSub topic and subscribes to this topic, so it knows when to refetch AuthDB from /.../authdb/revisions/... endpoint.

Go GKE/GCE services should use There's no notion of "GAE admin" for them, and no dynamic settings. Instead the configuration is done through command line flags:

  • Add the service account of the new service to auth-trusted-services group (or ask an administrator to do it for you).
  • Pass -auth-service-host <auth-service> flag when launching the server binary.
  • If it starts and responds to /healthz checks, you are done.
  • Beneath the surface -auth-service-host is used to derive a Google Storage path to look for AuthDB snapshots (it can also be provided directly via -auth-db-dump). When server starts it tries to fetch AuthDB from there. On permission errors it asks Auth Service to grant it access to the AuthDB dump and tries again. This normally happens only on the first run. On subsequent runs, the new service doesn't send any RPCs to Auth Service at all and just periodically polls Google Storage bucket. Note that AuthDB is cached only in memory, but this is fine since we assume it is always possible to fetch it from Google Storage (i.e. Google Storage becomes a hard dependency, which has very high availability).

Initial setup


External dependencies

Auth Service depends on following services:

  • App Engine standard: the serving environment.
  • Cloud Datastore: storing the state (including groups graph).
  • Cloud PubSub: sending AuthDB update notifications to authorized clients.
  • Cloud Storage: saving AuthDB dumps to be consumed by authorized clients.
  • Cloud IAM: managing PubSub ACLs to allow authorized clients to subscribe.
  • LUCI Config: receiving own configuration files.