Use Gitter for tips and more React <Logical.Components/> is a library of components designed to improve the visual quality and ease of applying logic operations, iterations etc. in React JSx.
The way we currently use the if condition for an element
{condition && <Element />}
See how React <Logical.Components/> simplifies it
<ShowIf value={true}>
<Element />
yarn add react-logical-components
npm install --save react-logical-components
This component will only render children elements if the value attribute is true, see an example usage
<ShowIf value={this.state.hello == 'hello'}>
<input type="text" value="Hello World"/>
This component will not render children elements if the value attribute is true, see an example usage
<HideIf value={this.state.hello == 'hello'}>
<input type="text" value="Hello World"/>
This component already implements the much-used switch, see an example usage
<Switch value={gender}>
<SwitchCase value={'male'}>
<SwitchCase value={'female'}>
This component makes an interaction on a vector or an object using Object.keys, see an example usage.
Use <EmptyCollection/>
to render a default content when collection is empty.
<Each collection={[1, 2, 3]}>
{ (item, index) => <li key={index}>{item}</li>}
<EmptyCollection> Nothing found </EmptyCollection>
If you are tired of importing these components every time you use them, to solve this bother we have the globalRegister function, see its use.
In your index.js of your project.
import {globalRegister} from 'react-logical-components'
globalRegister ();
Or you can tell which components will not be registered.
globalRegister ({foreach: false});
The following properties are accepted in the parameter.
interface IGlobalRegisterOptions {
foreach: boolean;
foreachEmpty: boolean;
hideIF: boolean;
showIF: boolean;
switch: boolean;
switchCase: boolean;
switchDefault: boolean;
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