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Paul Draper edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 13 revisions


Relate is a lightweight database access layer for Scala that simplifies database interaction while leaving complete control over the actual SQL query. It was developed at Lucid Software in response to a need for increasingly performant database access software and seeks to abstract away the PreparedStatement's idiosyncrasies while maintaining its speed.

Advantages – Why Use Relate?

  • Works with all JDBC connection types
  • Works with all database engines
  • Performance

Constraints – What Relate Doesn't Do

  • Create connections to databases
  • ORM abstraction

Use Relate - Add the Dependency

To use Relate in your own project, just include the Relate dependency in your build file:

libraryDependencies += "com.lucidchart" %% "relate" % "1.3"

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