Given a real number between O and 1 (e.g., 0.72) that is passed in as a double, print the binary representation. If the number cannot be represented accurately in binary with at most 32 characters, print "ERROR".
Input: 0.625
Output: "0.101"
Input: 0.1
Output: "ERROR"
Note: 0.1 cannot be represented accurately in binary.
- This two charaters "0." should be counted into 32 characters.
class Solution:
def printBin(self, num: float) -> str:
ans = '0.'
while len(ans) < 32 and num:
num *= 2
x = int(num)
ans += str(x)
num -= x
return 'ERROR' if num else ans
class Solution {
public String printBin(double num) {
StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder("0.");
while (ans.length() < 32 && num != 0) {
num *= 2;
int x = (int) num;
num -= x;
return num != 0 ? "ERROR" : ans.toString();
class Solution {
string printBin(double num) {
string ans = "0.";
while (ans.size() < 32 && num != 0) {
num *= 2;
int x = (int) num;
ans.push_back('0' + x);
num -= x;
return num != 0 ? "ERROR" : ans;
func printBin(num float64) string {
ans := &strings.Builder{}
for ans.Len() < 32 && num != 0 {
num *= 2
x := byte(num)
ans.WriteByte('0' + x)
num -= float64(x)
if num != 0 {
return "ERROR"
return ans.String()