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English Version


Table: Product

| Column Name  | Type    |
| product_id   | int     |
| product_name | varchar |
| unit_price   | int     |
product_id 是这张表的主键

Table: Sales

| Column Name | Type    |
| seller_id   | int     |
| product_id  | int     |
| buyer_id    | int     |
| sale_date   | date    |
| quantity    | int     |
| price       | int     |
+------ ------+---------+
product_id 是 Product 表的外键.

编写一个 SQL 查询,查询购买了 S8 手机却没有购买 iPhone 的买家。注意这里 S8 和 iPhone 是 Product 表中的产品。


Product table:
| product_id | product_name | unit_price |
| 1          | S8           | 1000       |
| 2          | G4           | 800        |
| 3          | iPhone       | 1400       |

Sales table:
| seller_id | product_id | buyer_id | sale_date  | quantity | price |
| 1         | 1          | 1        | 2019-01-21 | 2        | 2000  |
| 1         | 2          | 2        | 2019-02-17 | 1        | 800   |
| 2         | 1          | 3        | 2019-06-02 | 1        | 800   |
| 3         | 3          | 3        | 2019-05-13 | 2        | 2800  |

Result table:
| buyer_id    |
| 1           |
id 为 1 的买家购买了一部 S8,但是却没有购买 iPhone,而 id 为 3 的买家却同时购买了这 2 部手机。



# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT  buyer_id
	SELECT  buyer_id
	       ,CASE WHEN p.product_name = 'S8' THEN 1  ELSE 0 END     AS s8
	       ,CASE WHEN p.product_name = 'iPhone' THEN 1  ELSE 0 END AS iPhone
	FROM Product p
	JOIN Sales s
	ON p.product_id = s.product_id
) t
GROUP BY  buyer_id
HAVING SUM(S8) > 0 AND SUM(iPhone) = 0;