For a new test you need a new folder in "run" directory contains a script named "RUN". "RUN" can be written in any scripting language but make sure that you have the runtime environment everywhere. For your script you may consider these points.
It should be possible to generate reference file(if it is necessary) using "GEN" environment variable.
Reference files should be saved with .$REF extension this helps to keep ref file for both parallel and non parallel calculations.
You can use input template file also wave function to avoid unnecessary repeated files but it is not mandatory.
in case of failure "FAILED=1" environment variable should be exported and a warning should be printed (red color code font) is preferred.
You can look at "run/01_sample" folder as an example.
Only do this for a good reason! Has to be discussed with the Amolqc administrator!
cd testsuite/run
chmod +x
./ GEN
generates reference files for single core calculations
generates reference files for calculations with two cores