generate plots to visualize the inertial data collected from the IMU on the spot (analog, fft, PSD)
- The scripts can be found in scripts/viz_spot_inertial.py
- We are now using the PSD instead of raw analog values of IMU, feet and leg achieved better results, so scripts/train_naturl_representations.py has been modified to use PSD instead of raw analog values.
save the k-means clustering results to a file. Use the GUI to get preferences from human, and save the preferences
- Skipped the GUI part, but the preferences are now hardcoded in the scripts/train_naturl_cost.py
- To manually get the preferences, look at the saved 25 patch grids and assign the preferences in scripts/train_naturl_cost.py
train the cost function network
- We now have trained cost function network for the following 8 terrains : [asphalt, bush, cement, dark_tile, grass, marble_rock, pebble_pavement, red_brick]
- The trained cost function network with 99% accuracy can be found in the folder : models/acc_0.99979_best
write a wrapper script to wrap the encoder and the costfunction network into a single .pt file
- We are saving the wrapped model in scripts/train_naturl_cost.py
- scripts/plot_naturl_cost.py contains scripts that can be used to plot the cost function network, using the wrapped model
QOL Improvement- Make the NATURL representation learning script (cost/train_naturl_representations.py) train parallely on multiple GPUs.
- Now can train both representations and cost function network parallely on multiple GPUs.
Design the experiments. Come up with a list of training terrains and the scenarios we will need to train and test the NATURL algorithm on the spot.
Train the encoder and cost function network for the appropriate terrains and sync with Elvin for the actual experiments on the spot.
Start writing the pre-writing form for this paper. Start writing the Abstract and Introduction, Related Work and Experimental Setup sections.
Start training on hazard / pepi machines