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#TidyTuesday Contributions

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Repository for my Tidytuestay data visualizations. Tidytuesday is a weekly data project aimed at the R ecosystem, an emphasis was placed on understanding how to summarize and arrange data to make meaningful charts with ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, and other tools in the tidyverse ecosystem. These are my last 10 contributions.

If you would like to see all my contributions click here.

Contributions 2020

Contributions 2021

Contributions 2022

Week 32 2022: Ferris Wheels 🎡 (code)

Ferris Wheels Construction Costs

Scatterplot with construction cost in million USD on the y axis and date on the x axis. The size of the dots is proportional to the height of the wheel. The plot shows that construction cost have been rising since 2008, going from around 2.2 million USD to 580 million USD in construction costs. The most expensive wheel is the New York Wheel with a height of 192 meters.

Week 04 2022: Board Games 🎲 (code)

Can You and Your Friends Complete These Board Games?

Table that shows the 15 board games that take the longest to complete. The number 1 named 'The campaign for North Africa: The desert war 1940-43' takes 41.67 days to complete, the number 15 named 'The greatest day : sword, juno and gold beaches' takes 4.17 days. Something interesting is that 14 out of the 15 games have War in their categories, the only one that isn't about war is 'The Enigma Box'

Week 03 2022: Chocolate Ratings 🍫 (code)

Bee Colonies Added in the US from 2015 to 2021

Dumbbell plot that shows countries on the y axis and the number of chocolate bars on the x axis. There are 2 dots for each country, one that shows the number of chocolates made in house with the country's own cocoa beans and one that shows the total amount of chocolate bars made with the country's cocoa beans. For countries like Venezuela their cocoa beans are used to make more than 200 chocolate bars, but only 31 of those are made in house.

Week 02 2022: Bee Colonies 🐝 (code)

Bee Colonies Added in the US from 2015 to 2021

Bar plot that shows the number of bee colonies added in the US from 2015 to 2021. It is interesting to notice that in 2019 and in 2021 the number of colonies added dropped considerably when compared to the other years.

Week 01 2022: Bring Your Own Data 👩‍💼 (code)

My Reading Timeline 2022

Line chart showcasing how many books I read per month in 2022. With a dot for each month showcasing the average words I read. Is interesting to note that after september I had a reader´s block that lasted until December. I read 19 books in 2022, a total of 2,754,448 words read.

Week 18 2021: CEO Departures 👩‍💼 (code)

For What Reason Do CEOs Depart Firms?

Bar chart that shows the voluntary and involuntary reasons for CEO departures in the S&P 1500 firms. The reason of departures are ordered from most common to least common: Retirement 3598 departures, Dismissed for job performance 1320, Dismissed for legal violations or concerns 195, left for a new opportunity 183, illness 97 and death 84.

Week 17 2021: Netflix Shows 📺 (code)

Anime Titles are Getting Popular.

Area chart that shows the number of anime titles (in black) and anime movies (in red) that has been added to Netflix from 2016 to 2020. The overall number of titles has increased throught the years. From around 20 titles in 2016 to more than 60 titles in 2020.

Week 16 2021: US Post Offices 📫 (code)

US Post Offices by State.

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Week 15 2021: Deforestation 🌳 (code)

Leading causes of loss of forest in Brazil.

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