Put stuff in containers and virtual images so that open source is easy for everybody to contribute!
- Ansible
- Vagrant
- Docker easy from the command line (every app in one docker container and manage them with docker compose)
- GitLab
- chef omnibus
how can DEVOPS make OPENSOURCE more open?
- Create confidence inspiring test environments
- Developer setup effortless
- Distribute painless setup tools
on twitter – working at resin.io
Native support for GPS, Camera Geo Location, Gyro Sensors. Webapp is nice but it doesn't fell native it is a compromise So we have hybrid frameworks -> ends up in a App store (Ionic, Cordova, Titanium, Phonegap, React Native) -> the problem you need to learn the api and you have limited access to hardware but what you build is not really native.
Progressive Web apps!
- Feels like an app
- Caches -> the power of Service Workers! (sw-toolbox.js)
- Push notifications
- Progressive enhancements better features with better browsers and better broadband
- Not great support on Safari yet
- It's not web , so no DOM
- It targets actual apis
- It supports hardware due to being actual native
- but you can use javascript and css
killer features
- you can style with css
- you can use javascript or angular2 with typescript
- hardware accelerated animations
- you can monetize because you have the appstore
- It's pluggable you can use and write own plugins
Android | IOS |
V8 | JavaScriptCore |
NativeScript inject android/ios stuff on runtime!
involkes a callback that native script can intercept, and corresponding c++ callback
Nativescript consists of modules
...camera... / camera.android.js
How to install? npm i nativescript -g
create own app: tns create my-app-name --ng
(--ng) flag for angular app
it is just angular2 with a component layer
Thinking in asynchronous streams in the case of the reactive programming paradigm. It is a new way to work with async data and obsserveables.