- #612 - 'epicli delete' - cannot delete a partially built infrastructure
- #613 - Hotfixes for Ubuntu offline installation in air-gap mode
- #614 - Fixed RotatingFileHandler permission error (for Docker Toolbox on Windows)
- #615 - Minor Azure bugs for 0.4.0 release
- #620 - Incorrect Ansible metadata (prerequisite) for Kubernetes Node
- Offline installation
- Azure cluster deployments with Epicli
- Delete commands to remove clusters from cloud providers (AWS, Azure)
- Devcontainer for Epicli development using VSCode
- Debug flag for Epicli
- Various improvements in Epicli
- Documentation cleanup and updates
- #407 - Deployment/Application role fails because Kubernetes cluster is not ready after reboot.
- #410 - Node_exporter ports are not present in defaults resulting in Prometheus not beeing able to scrape data with minimal cluster data.yaml.
- #548 - Epicli fails on AWS when clustering RabbitMQ nodes.
- #549 - Need to allow traffic on port 5432 to enable PostgreSQL replication on AWS.