LXQt 0.8.0 is out!
++ After several months of hard work, the 0.8.0 version of LXQt is out, bringing + with it full Qt 5 compatibility, two beautiful new themes and a lot of new features, + performance improvements and bugfixes. +
+ +About LXQt
+ LXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE,
+ the Lightweight Desktop Environment.
+ It is the product of the merge between the LXDE-Qt and the Razor-qt projects:
+ A lightweight, modular, blazing-fast and user-friendly desktop environment.
+ LXQt 0.8.0 is a fast and stable desktop environment already usable
+ on production desktops.
+ It will not get in your way. It will not hang or slow down your system.
+ It is focused on being a Classic Desktop with a modern Look & Feel.
+ Already available on most mainstream distributions and with partial FreeBSD support.
+ Try it out at home or in a VM!