- #651 Exp: numeric scalars to support "_"
- #653 Exp syntax: do not support space in the named parameter token
- #654 Exp syntax: function names should not be keywords
- #655 Exp syntax: deprecate case-insensitivity of NULL and booleans
- #658 DeleteBuilder: byIds(..), byMultiIds(..)
- #659 Idempotent DELETE by ids, optimizing performance
- #660 Builders: auto-detect multi-column IDs
- #662 Update expression parser with JavaCC 7.0.13
- #648 NPE in CayenneExpParser for a combination of null and positional parameter
- #649 AgExpression internal cleanup
- #602 Expressions - immutable parameter binding
- #603 Expressions: compact and/or chains
- #638 EntityUpdate.getToMany(String) should return null if the key is not a part of update
- #640 DataResponse to support "304 Not Modified"
- #641 Cayenne IPathResolver may get "poisoned" by per-request overlayed AgEntities
- #642 TokenMgrException is not handled by Agrest
- #643 Static factory methods in Exp for conditions
- #646 org.apache.cayenne.exp.ExpressionException: [v.4.2 May 16 2023 08:31:12] In: invalid parent - Equal
- #630 POST/PUT breaks for Short and BigInteger types
- #631 POST/PUT - can't update multi-key relationships
- #632 POST/PUT gets confused when relationship is passed as object
- #633 Optimize and clean up update parser
- #634 Recursive EntityUpdate parser
- #635 Write constraint only applied to "id" in the path, but not in the body
- #636 Clean up the API of EntityUpdate
- #601 Exp.keyValue() only works with a narrow range of value types
- #621 Problem with timestamp formatting
- #622 Upgrade Jackson to 2.14.2
- #624 Optimization: "relatedViaQueryWithParentIds" strategy when limit is involved
- #629 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.2 GA
- #614 Improve support for Java records as Agrest entities
- #618 Expand the definition of "getter" and "setter"
- #619 Swagger: do not expose UriInfo unless annotated with @Parameter
- #613 Exception on include when entity id is unreadable
- #615 Swagger: ignore UriInfo if @Parameter(hidden=true) is set
- #616 Swagger: duplicate param properties
- #617 Proper handling of ObjectId annotated with @AgId
- #607 OpenAPI docs for EntityUpdate should include relationships
- #610 OpenAPI descriptors should be able to resolve multi-column AgId
- #611 OpenAPI: properties must be sorted in same order as responses
- #612 OpenAPI descriptors - exclude inaccessible properties
- #606 Jackson upgrade, dependency management
- #608 "Path exceeds the max allowed depth" exception for attribute sort and 0 depth
- #609 EntityUpdate-style endpoints behave differently from String and List
- #604 Allow to exclude null properties in responses
- #605 Hide deprecated protocol keys from OpenAPI descriptors
- #582 AgRest own full-featured expression parser
- #594 Support for escape char in "like" expressions
- #597 Upgrade Cayenne to 4.2.RC2
- #598 Max path depth for "Include"
- #600 Max path depth for "mapBy", "sort"
- #590 Can't use inherited relationships in includes
- #583 Upgrade jackson-databind to
- #584 GET - Inheritance support - Cayenne backend
- #587 Inheritance-aware AgEntityOverlay
- #575 Better contextual message for Cayenne ValidationException
- #577 Better default encoder for DataResponse
- #578 Overlaying AgIdPart access rules results in their renaming
- #579 Correct WebApplicationException interception
- #580 Cayenne properties annotated with @AgAttribute/@AgRelationship lose reader
- #574 Can't turn unreadable/unwritable properties to readable/writable with an overlay
- #573 Overlay "ignore" methods are not properly merged when combining overlays
- #571 Allow AgEntityOverlay to clear previous access filters / authorizers
- #572 AgEntityOverlay - strip "redefine" prefix from builder methods
- #570 Define String constants for protocol parameters
- #568 Overlay "writablePropFilter" doesn't block relationships updates
- #515 Switch to Java 11
- #516 Upgrade jackson to 2.13.1
- #517 Remove "agrest-sencha"
- #518 Remove "agrest-openapi-designfirst"
- #519 Remove deprecated EncoderFilter and Constraint
- #520 Stop using Cayenne expression API in Ag core
- #521 Cayenne entity ID part represented by a DB column to be prefixed with "db:"
- #522 "id" appears twice in the response for Ag.create() of Cayenne entity with a mapped id called "id"
- #523 "Unrelate" operation must use AgIdParts to decode ids
- #524 Align APIs for passing ID to requests: "byId" vs "id"
- #525 UnrelateBuilder
- #526 Replace deprecated Cayenne SelectQuery with ObjectSelect/ColumnSelect
- #527 Remove "agrest-client"
- #529 Remove "agrest-openapi-designfirst"
- #530 JAX-RS free exception mapper
- #531 JAX-RS free "agrest-cayenne"
- #532 Encoder.willEncode can be removed
- #533 Look up converters by type, not by entity or attribute; value Encoders based on known converters
- #534 Remove "Encoder.visit()" / "DataResponse.getIncludedObjects()"
- #535 Immutable SimpleResponse/DataResponse
- #536 DataResponse object should resemble its encoded version
- #537 Split JAX-RS interface to Agrest in a separate module
- #538 "agrest-jaxrs3" module
- #541 Remove deprecated metadata responses
- #549 OpenAPI to use format="partial-time" for time attributes
- #557 Upgrade Jackson to 2.13.2.x
- #558 JacksonService swallows parse exception cause
- #561 Protocol changes - v1.2
- #562 Term refactoring: AgDataMap > AgSchema
- #563 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.2.RC1
- #565 Move static builder methods from AgCayenneBuilder to AgCayenneModule
- #567 Terminology refactoring: "reader", "resolver", "dataResolver", "nestedEntity"
- #540 Fetch by ID with filters will return 200 even if the filter excludes the object
- #513 AgEntityOverly with a single root resolver doesn't update the entity
- #514 A simpler way to redefine root data resolver
- #427 AgEntityOverlay support for POST/PUT requests
- #493 Replace Constraint with per-entity API based on AgEntityOverlay
- #497 Agrest fails to build on Java 11
- #498 Made JAX-RS dependency "provided"
- #500 Child relationship of a dynamic relationship fails to resolve
- #501 Replace EntityEncoderFilter with per-entity object filter
- #502 Per-entity CRUD filters and authorizers for UpdateBuilder
- #503 New update stage - MAP_CHANGES
- #504 Update processes result twice
- #505 Authorizer for DeleteBuilder
- #506 DeleteBuilder stage
- #507 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.2.B1
- #509 Removing ExecutorService and ShutdownManager
- #510 "by id" Cayenne resolver fetches entire table in the absence of pagination
- #512 New select/update stage: ENCODE
- #488 Bump to the latest version of openapi-generator (v5.2.0)
- #490 "createOrUpdate" and "idempotentCreateOrUpdate" must return 201 when a single object is created
- #491 Consolidate access control API: fold readable and writable flags into the Ag entity model
- #492 Annotation entity constraints block request-defined attributes
- #494 java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal
- #495 Remove JAX-RS dependency from "agrest-base"
- #496 Replace JAX-RS Status references with int Status
- #487 Bootique dependency leaks to Agrest via BOM import
- #484 Upgrade Jackson to 2.11.3
- #485 Upgrade Cayenne 4.2 to M3
- #476 Composable Exp
- #479 Simple API for returning an empty DataResponse
- #473 Cayenne backend - prefetches do not work if id is excluded from parent AgEntity
- #474 Error encoding Json attributes if entity has more than one attribute
- #468 ClassCastException in combination Agrest 3.4 and Cayenne 4.1.
- #469 AgEntityModelConverter to use predictable alphabetic ordering
- #470 Swagger model must include entities reachable from resource entities
- #472 remove legacy "agrest" module
- #459 "code-first" OpenAPI support and Swagger integration
- #460 Support for the new Cayenne "Json" type
- #462 "exp" key to replace "cayenneExp"
- #465 AgIdPart metadata object
- #466 Deprecate Agrest metadata API
- #467 Injectable AgDataMap, remove redundant IMetadataService
- #456 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.2
- #468 ClassCastException in combination Agrest 3.4 and Cayenne 4.1
- #477 Composable Exp 3.x
- #449 Excludes in overlays: support removing attributes and relationships via overlays
- #450 Minimize Cayenne footprint - remove references to "Property" from API signatures
- #451 Remove API deprecated in 3.4 or earlier
- #452 Replace SelectBuilder.property(..) with overlay-based API
- #453 Remove Cayenne SelectQuery from ResourceEntity
- #454 Remove property name from property reader signature
- #455 Replace Cayenne Ordering in ResourceEntity with Agrest "sort"
- #457 Replace Cayenne "Expression" in ResourceEntity with Agrest "CayenneExp"
- #444 Support id propagation on update from PK properties
- #446 Separate "commit" in its own UpdateStage to intercept uncommitted data
- #447 "CayenneResolvers.nested(..).viaQueryWithParentIds()" strategy must respect pagination settings
- #433 "agrest-cayenne" : isolate a pluggable Cayenne backend for Agrest
- #443 Null-safe AgRequestBuilder
- #413 Pluggable resolver for hierarchical fetches
- #420 Per-request EncoderFilters
- #421 Custom per-request Encoder is ignored on update
- #422 GET: Per-request AgEntityOverlay to customize properties based on request state
- #423 Wrong Encoder for target entities in overlayed relationships
- #424 Unwinding Cayenne dependencies - get rid of AgPersistent models
- #428 Add support for Case Insensitive Sorting
- #430 agrest-client: Use protocol "dir" enum instead of "SortDirection" enum
- #432 Cayenne resolvers reading their objects from parent must follow contract with child resolvers
- #434 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.2
- #435 Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.25
- #436 Metadata pipeline throws for empty @Path("")
- #437 Remove "bootique-bom" references from "agrest-bom" POM
- #440 Upgrade to Jackson 2.10.3
Release 3.3
- #414 Metadata encoding related memory leak in EncoderService
- #415 Exposed id with name different from DB column: ExpressionException: Can't resolve path component
- #418 Obscure exception on entities with no ids
- #419 Upgrade to Jackson 2.10.0.pr1
Release 3.2
- #262 Switch to bootique-test
- #405 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.1
- #406 Overlapping relationship / attribute includes are order dependent
- #407 Stop using Include / Exclude as dummy containers of other Includes / Excludes
- #408 Change parameter injection to Strings / Integers
- #409 Stop using Sort as a dummy container of other Sorts
- #410 "mapBy" doesn't work with relationship path
- #412 "include" with exposed root id: ExpressionException: Can't resolve path component
Release 3.1
- #358 Protocol Enhancement: 'include/exclude' parameters should take an array of values
- #384 Change "include" processing strategy from Cayenne prefetches to individual queries
- #392 Request include/exclude settings are ignored for dynamic request properties
- #394 Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.8
- #402 An Included relation is missed in case of update operation
Release 3.0
LinkRest got renamed to Agrest in 3.0
- #285 OpenApi integration: Design First Approach
- #331 LinkRest to Agrest rebranding: Rename packages and files
- #333 Actualize documentation
- #338 Update gh-pages static documentation
- #340 Removing API deprecated in 2.x
- #341 Create example of application
- #342 Add add an extra method to AgClient that takes a configuration callback
Release 2.13
- #284 Cayenne 4.0.RC1 is out... upgrading
- #300 Removing API deprecated as of 2.7 or earlier
- #301 Move "query" protocol parameter to "link-rest-sencha"
- #309 Capture request state in a new LrRequest object
- #313 Refactor Sencha extension to follow the new pipeline logic
- #314 Refactoring runtime.parser.cache.IPathCache to runtime.path.IPathDescriptorManager
- #315 Upgrade JAX-RS to 2.1
- #318 Add 'request' method to SelectBuilder and UpdateBuilder to process LrRequest with explicit query parameters
- #321 Create protocol value object converters and providers
- #322 Manage exception mappers via DI to simplify overriding
- #328 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0 final
Release 2.12
- #276 Support OffsetDateTime
- #282 Default server side size limitation works incorrectly
Release 2.11
- #200 Automatic JSON to POJO deserialization in LR client
- #273 Intermittent error in UtcDateConverterTest.testConverter_javaUtilDate test
- #275 Stop rendering timezone for all date/time values
- #278 ISO encoding of Java 8 date/time in mapBy keys
Release 2.10
- #245 module auto-loading
- #253 meta: explicit base URL for misconfigured proxies
- #254 Upgrade to Jackson 2.6.4
- #255 Support for constraints in MetadataBuilder
- #256 Built-in JsonValueConverter for enums
- #258 "AdHoc" properties
- #259 NPE in metadata resource when the model has unknown attribute types
- #260 LrEntityOverlay.addAttribute(String) must detect attribute type
- #261 Rename @Resource to @LrResource and move to link-rest-annotations
- #263 link-rest-sencha module
- #267 POST: java.util.Date to Timestamp conversion
- #269 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.B2
Release 2.9
- #247 Split Lr annotations in a separate jar
- #252 link-rest-bom
Release 2.8
- #250 Fix stage method generics boundaries
Release 2.7
- #235 Allow Pojo attributes of type java.util.Collection
- #238 Dynamic relationships do not work with "mapBy"
- #239 Add ResourceEntity.setQualifier(..) method.
- #240 Functional select pipeline interceptors
- #241 Functional update pipeline interceptors
- #242 Functional delete pipeline
- #243 Functional pipeline for unrelate and meta chains
- #244 Remove API deprecated on or before 2.0
Release 2.6
- #234 Error reading relationships: Multi-join relationship propagation is not supported yet
Release 2.5
- #225 Support constraining FK updates
- #229 POST and PUT methods doesn't supports content type header with charset
- #230 Generic object API and type conversion problems
- #233 (2.x) Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.B1
Release 2.4
- #212 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.M4
- #214 Immutable constraint objects
- #218 NPE in LR client when HTTP request fails with something different from LinkRestException
- #219 LinkRest 2.x upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.M5
- #220 Support multi-component paths for root "mapBy"
- #222 Support for Java 8 date time types in the metadata requests
- #223 Rename SelectBuilder.select() to get()
Release 2.3
- #208 NPE on deleting
- #209 Batch delete (Sencha-only)
Release 2.2
- #201 Change license from BSD to Apache 2.0
- #202 Sencha adapter "filter" key can't use "id" property
- #206 Cayenne exception on select by exposed ID
Release 2.1
- #191 Replace Joda Time with java.time in JSON encoders and converters
- #194 Refactor root encoder for easier customization
- #199 Support post/put/delete in LR Client
Release 2.0
- #166 Multiple backends with parallel fetch
- #167 Move to Java 8
- #175 Removing API deprecated prior to 2.0
- #176 LR client
- #178 Encoder "visitor" API
- #182 Support for "mapBy" at the top level of request
- #184 Metadata request: related entity type is NULL for POJO related entities
- #185 Store information about the target entity in LrRelationship
- #188 ExecutorService service
- #189 Shutdown service and API
- #190 "mapBy" breaks on POJOs
Release 1.24
- #104 Compile annotated POJO entities on the fly; no need for explicit entity declarations.
- #137 Change LrAttribute.getJavaType() to return Class object
- #157 Not enough diagnostics on misconfigured listeners
- #161 Unmapped PK causes response encoding to fail
- #163 Redefining public ID attribute
- #164 Auto-compile Lr-annotated properties of entity objects
- #168 Refactor DataResponse use
- #169 Deprecate LinkRest and ILinkRestService methods that take SelectQuery parameter
- #170 Support compound IDs in Create/Update JSON payload
- #172 Disallow null value for to-many relationships in update
Release 1.23
- #144 Merge link-rest-docs repo into link-rest
- #148 Optimizing paginated fetches
- #153 Treat byte[] properties as Base64-encoded when parsing request payload
- #154 Add JSON Converters for Java 8 Dates
- #156 Support encoding of entities with no IDs
- #158 POJO's with relationships can't be encoded.
Release 1.22
- #126 LinkRest JSON Path
- #132 Listener param and return type are forced to be BaseLinearProcessingStage instead of ProcessingStage
- #134 LinkRestException logging should include cause message
- #141 Implement
for advancedinclude
s - #142 PUT fails when existing many-to-many relationship passed into JSON
Release 1.21
- #117 Sync: Linking with to-many relationships
- #120 Custom escape sequences for Unicode characters in JSON
- #121 PropertyMetadataEncoder should work with primitive types
- #123 Update dependency versions
Release 1.20
- #78 Parsed update payload objects as resource method parameters
- #101 Add supporting of id-value for foreign key value during post and put.
- #109 Support for compound IDs in LR service operations
- #115 Refactoring of the service layer
- #116 UpdateBuilder.mapper(String) and UpdateBuilder.mapper(Property)
Release 1.19
- #103 Support for annotation-based stage listeners - select listeners
- #110 Refactor Select stage names to be more meaningful
- #111 Annotation-based listeners for update chains
- #112 Externalizing Processor Chain invocation
- #113 UpdateBuilder / UpdateResponse / EntityUpdate refactoring
- #114 Collection Document: remove "success":true key, keep it under SenchaAdapter
Release 1.18
- #100 LR metadata
- #102 Remove DataResponse.queryProperty
- #105 SenchaAdapter: filter should disengage if “disabled":true option is passed
- #107 Select is run twice within CayenneFetchStage
Release 1.17
- #98 Start weeding out "id is a single attribue" assumption
- #99 Refactor RequestParser expression 'workers' to function-like injectable services
Release 1.16
- #93 Remove methods deprecated since 1.14
- #94 Chain-of-responsibility execution pipeline
- #95 refactoring DAO concept to IProcessorFactory
- #96 Switching IRequestParser to the use of contexts
Release 1.15
- #58 'cayenneExp' positional parameter binding
- #88 Error when using 'cayenneExp' with outer joins ending in relationship
- #89 ConstraintsBuilder to allow individual attribute and relationship excludes
- #91 Expand EntityDAO concept
- #92 Simplify POJO metadata compilation: LR annotations
Release 1.14 2015-03-16
- #79 Simplified API to start request processor builders
- #80 ILinkRestService and related builders API refactoring for consistency
- #81 LinkRestRuntime should implement JAX RS Feature
- #82 LinkRestBuilder: a static shortcut for simple LinkRest stack
- #83 Start deploying releases to Maven central
- #84 Problems with entity attributes of type java.sql.Time
- #87 Upgrade to release version of Cayenne
Release 1.13
- #73 cayenneExp with paths containing plus signs (outer joins) are reportedly broken in 1.12
Release 1.12 2015-01-22
- #63 Object matching with explicit ID fails when callers do not use correct ID type
- #67 Support for per-entity non-persistent properties
- #68 Rename Entity to ResourceEntity
- #69 Own metadata layer
- #70 Added JSON converters for java.sql date/time types
- #71 POJOs should be modeled as LrEntities, not ObjEntities
- #72 Refactor TreeConstraints into visitor-based ConstraintsBuilder
Release 1.11 2015-01-20
- #24 Sencha fake ids and Longs
- #66 LinkRestExceptionMapper should log exception stack traces at DEBUG level
Release 1.10 2014-12-08
- #55 Object matching fails when callers do not use correct implicit ID type
- #57 Support for Long IDs in updates
- #60 Ignore 'query' parameter when no property to match is specified
- #61 Upgrade to to Cayenne 4.0.M2.1ab1caa
Release 1.9 2014-11-24
- #52 Removing hard size limit for 'cayenneExp'
- #56 Upgrade to to Cayenne 4.0.M2.fba700d
Release 1.8 2014-10-14
- #43 upgrade to Jersey 2.12, jackson 2.4.2
- #46 Sencha: update objects order is important on bulk updates
- #47 support for Filter operator option
- #48 Support for implicit propagated ids on create/update
- #49 IRelationshipMapper should use relationship name by default
Release 1.7 2014-09-05
- #29 Batch lookup of relationship objects.
- #38 'idempotentFullSync' method to synchronize collections
- #40 Optionally suppress entity bodies on update requests
- #41 rename CreateOrUpdateBuilder to just UpdateBuilder
Release 1.6 2014-08-29
- #36 StackOverflow on compiling circular constraint annotations
- #37 Redesign default constraints as EntityConstraint's
Release 1.5 2014-08-28
- #9 Chatty merging of config
- #30 Add type generic parameter to TreeConstraint
- #31 Customizable request chain
- #32 Support for default per-entity constraints
- #33 EncoderService: Do not include related_id property by default
- #34 Remove @AnyRole annotation
- #35 Annotations for default constraints
Release 1.4 2014-08-22
- #25 forSelectRelated/constraints causes unqualified fetch ;
- #26 Refactor delete operation to DeleteBuilder with "delete by id" and "delete by parent" options.
- #27 ID that is not a PK can't be used in idempotent requests Refactor 'forSelectRelated' to be setup inside SelectBuilder
Release 1.3 2014-08-20
- #7 Allow TreeConstraints to be applied to insert/update requests
- #17 Support "group" as an object
- #18 CreateOrUpdateBuilder
- #19 Backend support for batch updates of a single entity
- #20 IEncoderService to return Encoder instead of DataResponse
- #21 SelectBuilder.withEntity - rename to SelectBuilder.canRead.
- #22 SenchaAdapter with Incoming id filter
- #23 Refactor EntityConfig and friends into 'constraints'
- #24 LinkRestAdapter - a generic LR extension mechanism
Release 1.2 2014-08-01
- #8 EntityConfig API improvements
- #10 Support for char PK
- #11 Refactoring: rename NoRolesEntityAuthorizationEncoderFilter to EntityEncoderFilter
- #12 Add 'SelectBuilder.selectOne' method
- #13 'filter' processor improvements
- #14 ILinkRestService API for managing relationship operations
- #15 IMetadataService must throw LinkRestException on bad entities
- #16 DataResponseConfig should be attached to SelectBuilder
Release 1.1
- #1 Intercept Cayenne ValidationException
- #3 DataResponseConfig - a server-side request template
- #4 Responses for inserts should return '201 Created' instead of 200
- #5 Rename ClientEntity to Entity, ClientProperty to EntityProperty
- #6 Entity: convert setters to builder methods similar to EntityConfig