Releases: m-lab/prometheus-support
Releases · m-lab/prometheus-support
Add PCAP index and increase reprocessing rate in legacy pipeline
Bumps version of gcp-service-discovery to v1.5.1 (#832)
Add pcap to existing bigquery exporter queries (833)
Configures BBE to probe ndt7 using TLS (#835)
Diff v2.51.5...v2.51.6
Removes platform cluster alerts
Platform cluster alerts were moved into the platform cluster. This release removes the, now duplicate, alerts from this cluster.
Fix bug/issue in script-exporter for wehe-cmdline
This release only brings an updated version of the script-exporter-supporter Docker image. The only change in the image is to remove all wehe-cmdline logs after each run. This should prevent the filesystem from filling up with too many inodes due to unneeded logs hanging around.
Weekly release
- Fixes alert for switch interface errors.
- Bumps script-exporter-support Docker image to v0.2.8
Weekly release
- Implements Wehe e2e testing through the script-exporter
- Pins node_exporter version, and configures it to tolerate running on the static-outbound-ip nodes
- Configures the CAdvisor DaemonSet to tolerate running on the the static-outbound-ip nodes
Weekly release
- Introduces e2e testing for Wehe.
- Improvements to the SRE Overview dashboard
- Improvement to the MLABNS_Stackdriver dashboard