Transformer-based model to predict genome-wide chromosome spatial position
UNADON predicts the genome-wide cytological distance to a specific type of nuclear body measured by TSA-seq using both sequence features and epigenomic signals. The neural network architecture is described in the figure below.
The major contributions of UNADON are as follows:
- UNADON is a deep learning-based model to specifically predict chromatin spatial positioning relative to nuclear bodies;
- The distinctive neural architecture design enables UNADON to learn the long-range dependencies more effectively;
- UNADON generalizes well in the cross-cell-type predictions, which can be applied to infer spatial positioning in new cell types.
- Interpretation of UNADON reveals potential mechanisms for targeting nuclear bodies.
UNADON is developed and tested under python 3.7.10. List of required python packages for running UNADON:
- bedtools=2.30.0
- biopython=1.79
- captum=0.5.0
- h5py=3.1.0
- numpy=1.19.5
- pybedtools=0.8.2
- pybigwig=0.3.18
- scikit-learn=0.24.2
- scipy=1.7.2
- torch=1.12.1
- xgboost=1.5.0
The workflow of UNADON includes three steps: (1) Data preprocessing; (2) Model training and evaluation; (3) Model interpretation.
To prepare the data for training UNADON, run the following command:
The configuration for data preprocessing is defined in config/config_data.json, which contains:
- seq_path: the path to the genome sequences
- cell_type: the cell type for preprocessing
- output_file: the path to the output hdf5 file
- kmer_list: the list of k for k-mers
- resolution: the size of the genomic bin
- signal_path: the path to the epigenomic features and TSA-seq
- epi_name: the names of the epigenomic features
- centromere_path: the path to the centromere annotation
- tsa_type: the list of TSA-seq targets (["SON", "LMNB"])
- tsa_scaling: the scaling factor used for TSA-seq preprocessing
UNADON can be trained by running the following command:
The configuration for model training and evaluation is defined in config/config.json, which contains:
- num_of_epochs: the maximum number of epochs for training
- dropout: the dropout rate
- base_lr: the base learning rate
- batch: the batch size
- reg: the parameter for weight decay in AdamW
- window_size: the size of the context window
- training_cell_type: the list of training cell types
- validation_cell_type: the list of validation cell types
- testing_cell_type: the list of testing cell types
- mode: the type of experiment. "Single" for single-cell-type experiments, "Cross" for cross-cell-type experiments
- run_test: whether to run the evaluation on the testing set. Should be False for hyperparameter tuning.
- training_chr: the training chromosomes
- validation_chr: the validation chromosomes
- testing_chr: the testing chromosomes
- train_data_path: the path to the processed data for training set
- valid_data_path: the path to the processed data for validation set
- test_data_path: the path to the processed data for testing set
- feature: the input features to include (sequence features and epigenomic features)
- y: the TSA-seq target for prediction. Can be "SON" or "LMNB".
- output_path: the path to the output directory
- output_name: the name of the output files
- histone: the list of ATAC-seq and histone features
- IML_cell_type: the cell type used for model interpretation
- dense dim: the number of hidden units in the dense layer for the data processing subnetwork
- dense_num_layers: the number of dense layers for the data processing subnetwork
- nhead: the number of heads in the multi-head attention layer
- attn_layers: the number of transformer encoder layers
- attn_hidden_dim: the hidden dimension for the transformer encoder module
- random_state: the random seed to ensure reproducibility
Besides, we have attached the architecture of the baseline models that we used for benchmarking, which can be found in
We have included the code for running Integrated Gradients to derive the feature importance score ( and performing k-means clusteringto identify the feature contribution patterns ( as reference.