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Project structure overview

Thomas D edited this page Dec 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

Androwarn has been designed to be as modular as possible. As it consists of an end-to-end analysis-synthesis workflow, its internal structure is organised according to the different component's roles.

At the root of the project you can find those directories :

  • warn: the core system
  • guard: the embedded androguard framework, responsible for APK/Dex parsing and generation of the Smali representation
  • _SampleApplication: a sample Android application, concentrating several potential malicious behaviors
  • _SampleReports: the HTML and TXT reports for the SampleApplication

As you can find more information for the androguard framework on its [official repository] (, I will give some details about the androwarn structure.


  • analysis: responsible for the analysis results aggregation
  • constants: maps the integer values recovered from the data-flow analysis with the constant names for several android classes
  • core: contains the core algorithm for the data-flow analysis
  • report: responsible for the report generation and analysis results filtering according to the user's level
  • search: contains all the analysis criteria targeting malicious behaviors and several Android application's components
  • util: contains some general and useful functions


  • api: harvest classes and packages lists
  • apk: filename and hash for the submitted apk file
  • application: get application package name, description and current version
  • malicious_behaviours: categories of sought behaviors
  • manifest: extract any information included in the AndroidManifest.xml file such as required permissions, activities, services etc.


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