Hints, tips, and tricks for the LEGO NXT Mindstorms robotics system.
On Windows 10 PC, the IDE from LEGO does not always install. See install for some installation tips, extra resources (images), and resetting a clicking brick. For the install on the LEGO club, see below. -
NXT-G is the IDE (integrated development environment) of LEGO Mindstorms NXT. It does have its quirks. See ide for some tips. -
The NXT-G IDE comes with several "blocks" (subroutines, library functions), but you can also make your own. See blocks for some tips. -
Repair The NXT starts to be old, showing failing components, see repair for hardware repair hints.
Made for the LEGO club; only code. -
The Simon says game, no documentation, only code. -
LEGO club
I run a LEGO club in the village, were 8-12 year old children make robots using LEGO Mindstorms NXT. The exercises of the LEGOclub are in Dutch only.