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68 lines (67 loc) · 3.17 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (67 loc) · 3.17 KB


  • Add a "new algo" wizard to make it easy to bootstap a new algo
    • Auto-populate build and run commands
  • FPS optimizations
    • Use one buffer for static attributes, one for dynamic
      • Static: tile xy-coords, tile corner color, texture v-coords
      • Dynamic: tile base color, tile wall alpha, texture xyu-coords
    • Ensure data in VBOs is aligned properly
    • Memmap for better attribute streaming
    • Use unsigned char for texture v-coord
    • Use index buffer objects
  • Make a system for quickly checking stats on many mazes
    • solved or not
    • how many steps
    • ave # of steps
  • Add more builtin mazes, rename them


  • Edge-based movement
    • Fix stats for non-standard movements
    • Make it possible to check for walls a full step away
    • Support curve turns and other fancy movements
    • Update all templates to include new methods
    • Update the README and explain edge-based movements
    • Make it possible to accelerate the mouse
    • Make it possible to draw lines connecting semi-positions
  • Fix mack algo assertion failure on Windows when reset pressed
  • Run and build command should be lists of strings, not single string
  • Add unit tests
  • Lint the codebase
  • Rather than showing a warning message box if build and run commands are empty, just disable the buttons if they're empty (may also have to validate that directory is nonempty within the config diaglog)
  • Remove superfluous include statements
  • Move mouse-related state from window class into mouse class
  • Look into using vsync so the graphics don't tear
  • MacOS retina vispy/vispy#99
  • Get rid of unnecessary QString wrapping, like QString()
  • Use keyword explicit on one argument constructors
  • Mark some default constructors as ASSERT NEVER RUNS
  • Make methods const where appropriate
  • Use const references in for-loops where possible
  • Update the codebase to make use of implicit sharing
  • Replace lambdas with normal methods (easy to reason about)
    • Audit pass-by-reference or pass-by-value in lambdas
  • Make sure all QObjects have parents
  • Make sure all QObject members are stored on the heap
  • QSet instead of QVector in some places
  • QStringLiteral instead of QString
  • Use tr() on all user-facing strings to make text translatable
  • Use uniform syntax for signal/slot connections
  • Fix up so that -Wall -Werror -pedantic-error flags pass
    • Wall: Show all warning messages
    • Werror: Fail compilation on warnings
    • pedantic-errors: Flag even the most pedantic of errors
  • Put MazeView into MazeGraphic (it should all be encapsulated in there)
  • Pointers to wall polygons in each tile, save space by not breaking up walls/corners into multiple tiles
  • Convert primitive types to GL types (or vice versa)
  • Change "bool foo(false)" to "bool foo = false" for primitive - they look like function calls
  • Rename Tile to Cell
  • Rename the whole texture vs polygon thing
  • Rename TriangleTexture and VertexTexture
  • Position vs. location vs. coordinate, direction vs. rotation vs. angle
  • Shrink icon file size