I'm a tool for making stereoscopic GIFs using image maps. The process is much smoother using this tool than using just Gimp or Photoshop.
- WYSIWYG tool for making stereoscopic GIFs
- set how many frames you want, framerate and depth.
- add scanline to your gif. set width and even animate opacity.
- set how many colors and dithering algorithm
- play around with these parameters in a realtime fashion (sort of)
- gif export
- tested with processing 3.1.1 - http://processing.org/
- controlP5 - http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5/
- gifAnimation - https://extrapixel.github.io/gif-animation/
- put your image inside data/
- put your image map inside data/
- open sketch using processing (stereo2.pde is the main file)
- change FILENAME_IMAGE variable to your image's filename
- change FILENAME_MAP variable to your image map filename
- press play and use
- you can change you imagemap using Gimp or any other image software and the changes will be reflected as you save. pretty neat.
a grayscale image with the same size as your source image. darker gray sections will move less than lighter gray. using HSV color encoding, I recommend to go from 50% of VALUE to 100% (white).
right now it works somehow slow. there is a lot of room for improvement