diff --git a/MACS3/IO/Parser.py b/MACS3/IO/Parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2477de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MACS3/IO/Parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+# cython: language_level=3
+# cython: profile=True
+# cython: linetrace=True
+# Time-stamp: <2024-10-07 12:21:37 Tao Liu>
+"""Module for all MACS Parser classes for input. Please note that the
+parsers are for reading the alignment files ONLY.
+This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the BSD License (see the file LICENSE included with
+the distribution).
+# ------------------------------------
+# python modules
+# ------------------------------------
+import struct
+from struct import unpack
+from re import findall
+import gzip
+import io
+import sys
+import cython
+from cython.cimports.cpython import bool
+from cython.cimports.libc.stdlib import atoi
+from MACS3.Utilities.Constants import READ_BUFFER_SIZE
+from MACS3.Signal.FixWidthTrack import FWTrack
+from MACS3.Signal.PairedEndTrack import PETrackI
+from MACS3.Utilities.Logger import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+debug = logger.debug
+info = logger.info
+# ------------------------------------
+# Other modules
+# ------------------------------------
+is_le = sys.byteorder == "little"
+if sys.byteorder == "little":
+    endian_prefix = "<"
+elif sys.byteorder == "big":
+    endian_prefix = ">"
+    raise Exception("Byteorder should be either big or little-endian.")
+# ------------------------------------
+# Misc functions
+# ------------------------------------
+def guess_parser(fname, buffer_size: cython.long = 100000):
+    # Note: BAMPE and BEDPE can't be automatically detected.
+    ordered_parser_dict = {"BAM": BAMParser,
+                           "BED": BEDParser,
+                           "ELAND": ELANDResultParser,
+                           "ELANDMULTI": ELANDMultiParser,
+                           "ELANDEXPORT": ELANDExportParser,
+                           "SAM": SAMParser,
+                           "BOWTIE": BowtieParser}
+    for f in ordered_parser_dict:
+        p = ordered_parser_dict[f]
+        t_parser = p(fname, buffer_size=buffer_size)
+        debug("Testing format %s" % f)
+        s = t_parser.sniff()
+        if s:
+            info("Detected format is: %s" % (f))
+            if t_parser.is_gzipped():
+                info("* Input file is gzipped.")
+            return t_parser
+        else:
+            t_parser.close()
+    raise Exception("Can't detect format!")
+def bam_fw_binary_parse(data: cython.pointer[cython.const[cython.uchar]],
+                        endian_prefix=endian_prefix) -> tuple:
+    """Parse a BAM SE entry.
+    If in little endian system, prefix should "<", otherwise,
+    ">".
+    """
+    thisref: cython.int
+    thisstart: cython.int
+    thisstrand: cython.int
+    i: cython.int
+    cigar_code: cython.int
+    cigar_op: tuple
+    n_cigar_op: cython.ushort
+    bwflag: cython.ushort
+    l_read_name: cython.uchar   # length for the read name
+    # we skip lot of the available information in data (i.e. tag name,
+    # quality etc etc) no data, return, does it really happen without
+    # raising struct.error?
+    if not data:
+        return (-1, -1, -1)
+    (n_cigar_op,  bwflag) = unpack(endian_prefix+'HH', data[12:16])
+    # we filter out unmapped sequence or bad sequence or secondary or
+    # supplementary alignment. we filter out 2nd mate, not a proper
+    # pair, mate is unmapped
+    if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)):
+        return (-1, -1, -1)
+    (thisref, thisstart) = unpack(endian_prefix+'ii', data[0:8])
+    # In case of paired-end we have now skipped all possible "bad"
+    # pairs in case of proper pair we have skipped the rightmost
+    # one... if the leftmost pair comes we can treat it as a single
+    # read, so just check the strand and calculate its start
+    # position... hope I'm right!
+    if bwflag & 16:
+        # read mapped to minus strand; then we have to compute cigar
+        # to find the rightmost position
+        (l_read_name, MAPQ) = unpack(endian_prefix+'BB', data[8:10])
+        # need to decipher CIGAR string
+        i = 32 + l_read_name
+        cigar_op = unpack(endian_prefix+'%dI' % (n_cigar_op), data[i: i + n_cigar_op*4])
+        for cigar_code in cigar_op:
+            if cigar_code & 15 in [0, 2, 3, 7, 8]:
+                # they are CIGAR op M/D/N/=/X
+                thisstart += cigar_code >> 4
+        thisstrand = 1
+    else:
+        thisstrand = 0
+    return (thisref, thisstart, thisstrand)
+def bampe_pe_binary_parse(data: cython.pointer[cython.const[cython.uchar]],
+                          endian_prefix=endian_prefix) -> tuple:
+    """Parse a BAMPE record.
+    If in little endian system, prefix should "<", otherwise,
+    ">".
+    """
+    thisref: cython.int
+    thisstart: cython.int
+    thistlen: cython.int
+    nextpos: cython.int
+    pos: cython.int
+    bwflag: cython.ushort
+    # we skip lot of the available information in data (i.e. tag name,
+    # quality etc etc)
+    if not data:
+        return (-1, -1, -1)
+    bwflag = unpack(endian_prefix+'H', data[14:16])[0]
+    # we filter out unmapped, bad sequence, secondary/supplementary
+    # alignment we filter out other mate of paired reads, not a proper
+    # pair, or mate is unmapped
+    if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)):
+        return (-1, -1, -1)
+    (thisref, pos) = unpack(endian_prefix+'ii', data[0:8])
+    (nextpos, thistlen) = unpack(endian_prefix+'ii', data[24:32])
+    # we keep only the leftmost position which means this must be at +
+    # strand. So we don't need to decipher CIGAR string.
+    thisstart = min(pos, nextpos)
+    # Actually, if the value unpacked is negative, then nextpos is the
+    # leftmost position.
+    thistlen = abs(thistlen)
+    return (thisref, thisstart, thistlen)
+# ------------------------------------
+# Classes
+# ------------------------------------
+class StrandFormatError(BaseException):
+    """Exception about strand format error.
+    Example:
+    raise StrandFormatError('Must be F or R','X')
+    """
+    def __init__(self, string, strand):
+        self.strand = strand
+        self.string = string
+    def __str__(self):
+        return repr("Strand information can not be recognized in this line: \"%s\",\"%s\"" % (self.string, self.strand))
+class GenericParser:
+    """Generic Parser class.
+    Inherit this class to write your own parser. In most cases, you
+    need to override:
+    1. tlen_parse_line which returns tag length of a line
+    2.  fw_parse_line which returns tuple of (chromosome, 5'position, strand)
+    """
+    filename: str
+    gzipped: bool
+    tag_size: cython.int
+    fhd: object
+    buffer_size: cython.long
+    def __init__(self, filename: str, buffer_size: cython.long = 100000):
+        """Open input file. Determine whether it's a gzipped file.
+        'filename' must be a string object.
+        This function initialize the following attributes:
+        1. self.filename: the filename for input file.
+        2. self.gzipped: a boolean indicating whether input file is gzipped.
+        3. self.fhd: buffered I/O stream of input file
+        """
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.gzipped = True
+        self.tag_size = -1
+        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
+        # try gzip first
+        f = gzip.open(filename)
+        try:
+            f.read(10)
+        except IOError:
+            # not a gzipped file
+            self.gzipped = False
+        f.close()
+        if self.gzipped:
+            # open with gzip.open, then wrap it with BufferedReader!
+            self.fhd = io.BufferedReader(gzip.open(filename, mode='rb'),
+                                         buffer_size=READ_BUFFER_SIZE)  # buffersize set to 10M
+        else:
+            self.fhd = io.open(filename, mode='rb')  # binary mode! I don't expect unicode here!
+        self.skip_first_commentlines()
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def skip_first_commentlines(self):
+        """Some parser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
+        Redefine this if it's necessary!
+        """
+        return
+    @cython.ccall
+    def tsize(self) -> cython.int:
+        """General function to detect tag size.
+        * Although it can be used by most parsers, it must be
+          rewritten by BAMParser!
+        """
+        s: cython.int = 0
+        n: cython.int = 0    # number of successful/valid read alignments
+        m: cython.int = 0          # number of trials
+        this_taglength: cython.int
+        thisline: bytes
+        if self.tag_size != -1:
+            # if we have already calculated tag size (!= -1),  return it.
+            return self.tag_size
+        # try 10k times or retrieve 10 successfule alignments
+        while n < 10 and m < 10000:
+            m += 1
+            thisline = self.fhd.readline()
+            this_taglength = self.tlen_parse_line(thisline)
+            if this_taglength > 0:
+                # this_taglength == 0 means this line doesn't contain
+                # successful alignment.
+                s += this_taglength
+                n += 1
+        # done
+        self.fhd.seek(0)
+        self.skip_first_commentlines()
+        if n != 0:              # else tsize = -1
+            self.tag_size = cython.cast(cython.int, (s/n))
+        return self.tag_size
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def tlen_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> cython.int:
+        """Abstract function to detect tag length.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @cython.ccall
+    def build_fwtrack(self):
+        """Generic function to build FWTrack object. Create a new
+        FWTrack object. If you want to append new records to an
+        existing FWTrack object, try append_fwtrack function.
+        * BAMParser for binary BAM format should have a different one.
+        """
+        i: cython.long
+        fpos: cython.long
+        strand: cython.long
+        chromosome: bytes
+        tmp: bytes = b""
+        fwtrack = FWTrack(buffer_size=self.buffer_size)
+        i = 0
+        while True:
+            # for each block of input
+            tmp += self.fhd.read(READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
+            if not tmp:
+                break
+            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
+            tmp = lines[-1]
+            for thisline in lines[:-1]:
+                (chromosome, fpos, strand) = self.fw_parse_line(thisline)
+                if fpos < 0 or not chromosome:
+                    # normally fw_parse_line will return -1 if the line
+                    # contains no successful alignment.
+                    continue
+                i += 1
+                if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                    info(" %d reads parsed" % i)
+                fwtrack.add_loc(chromosome, fpos, strand)
+        # last one
+        if tmp:
+            (chromosome, fpos, strand) = self.fw_parse_line(tmp)
+            if fpos >= 0 and chromosome:
+                i += 1
+                fwtrack.add_loc(chromosome, fpos, strand)
+        # close file stream.
+        self.close()
+        return fwtrack
+    @cython.ccall
+    def append_fwtrack(self, fwtrack):
+        """Add more records to an existing FWTrack object.
+        """
+        i: cython.long
+        fpos: cython.long
+        strand: cython.long
+        chromosome: bytes
+        tmp: bytes = b""
+        i = 0
+        while True:
+            # for each block of input
+            tmp += self.fhd.read(READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
+            if not tmp:
+                break
+            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
+            tmp = lines[-1]
+            for thisline in lines[:-1]:
+                (chromosome, fpos, strand) = self.fw_parse_line(thisline)
+                if fpos < 0 or not chromosome:
+                    # normally fw_parse_line will return -1 if the line
+                    # contains no successful alignment.
+                    continue
+                i += 1
+                if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                    info(" %d reads parsed" % i)
+                fwtrack.add_loc(chromosome, fpos, strand)
+        # last one
+        if tmp:
+            (chromosome, fpos, strand) = self.fw_parse_line(tmp)
+            if fpos >= 0 and chromosome:
+                i += 1
+                fwtrack.add_loc(chromosome, fpos, strand)
+        # close file stream.
+        self.close()
+        return fwtrack
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def fw_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> tuple:
+        """Abstract function to parse chromosome, 5' end position and
+        strand.
+        """
+        chromosome: bytes = b""
+        fpos: cython.int = -1
+        strand: cython.int = -1
+        return (chromosome, fpos, strand)
+    @cython.ccall
+    def sniff(self):
+        """Detect whether this parser is the correct parser for input
+        file.
+        Rule: try to find the tag size using this parser, if error
+        occurs or tag size is too small or too big, check is failed.
+        * BAMParser has a different sniff function.
+        """
+        t: cython.int
+        t = self.tsize()
+        if t <= 10 or t >= 10000:  # tsize too small or too big
+            self.fhd.seek(0)
+            return False
+        else:
+            self.fhd.seek(0)
+            self.skip_first_commentlines()
+            return True
+    @cython.ccall
+    def close(self):
+        """Run this when this Parser will be never used.
+        Close file I/O stream.
+        """
+        self.fhd.close()
+    @cython.ccall
+    def is_gzipped(self) -> bool:
+        return self.gzipped
+class BEDParser(GenericParser):
+    """File Parser Class for BED File.
+    """
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def skip_first_commentlines(self):
+        """BEDParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
+        """
+        l_line: cython.int
+        thisline: bytes
+        for thisline in self.fhd:
+            l_line = len(thisline)
+            if thisline and (thisline[:5] != b"track") \
+               and (thisline[:7] != b"browser") \
+               and (thisline[0] != 35):  # 35 is b"#"
+                break
+        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
+        self.fhd.seek(-l_line, 1)
+        return
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def tlen_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> cython.int:
+        """Parse 5' and 3' position, then calculate frag length.
+        """
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return 0
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        return atoi(thisfields[2]) - atoi(thisfields[1])
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def fw_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> tuple:
+        # cdef list thisfields
+        chromname: bytes
+        thisfields: list
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        chromname = thisfields[0]
+        try:
+            if thisfields[5] == b"+":
+                return (chromname,
+                        atoi(thisfields[1]),
+                        0)
+            elif thisfields[5] == b"-":
+                return (chromname,
+                        atoi(thisfields[2]),
+                        1)
+            else:
+                raise StrandFormatError(thisline, thisfields[5])
+        except IndexError:
+            # default pos strand if no strand
+            # info can be found
+            return (chromname,
+                    atoi(thisfields[1]),
+                    0)
+class BEDPEParser(GenericParser):
+    """Parser for BED format file containing PE information, and also
+    can be used for the cases when users predefine the fragment
+    locations by shifting/extending by themselves.
+    Format:
+    chromosome_name	frag_leftend	frag_rightend
+    Note: Only the first columns are used!
+    """
+    n = cython.declare(cython.int, visibility='public')
+    d = cython.declare(cython.float, visibility='public')
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def skip_first_commentlines(self):
+        """BEDPEParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
+        """
+        l_line: cython.int
+        thisline: bytes
+        for thisline in self.fhd:
+            l_line = len(thisline)
+            if thisline and (thisline[:5] != b"track") \
+               and (thisline[:7] != b"browser") \
+               and (thisline[0] != 35):  # 35 is b"#"
+                break
+        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
+        self.fhd.seek(-l_line, 1)
+        return
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def pe_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes):
+        """ Parse each line, and return chromosome, left and right positions
+        """
+        thisfields: list
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        # still only support tabular as delimiter.
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        try:
+            return (thisfields[0],
+                    atoi(thisfields[1]),
+                    atoi(thisfields[2]))
+        except IndexError:
+            raise Exception("Less than 3 columns found at this line: %s\n" % thisline)
+    @cython.ccall
+    def build_petrack(self):
+        """Build PETrackI from all lines.
+        """
+        chromosome: bytes
+        left_pos: cython.int
+        right_pos: cython.int
+        i: cython.long = 0          # number of fragments
+        m: cython.long = 0          # sum of fragment lengths
+        tmp: bytes = b""
+        petrack = PETrackI(buffer_size=self.buffer_size)
+        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
+        while True:
+            # for each block of input
+            tmp += self.fhd.read(READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
+            if not tmp:
+                break
+            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
+            tmp = lines[-1]
+            for thisline in lines[:-1]:
+                (chromosome, left_pos, right_pos) = self.pe_parse_line(thisline)
+                if left_pos < 0 or not chromosome:
+                    continue
+                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
+                m += right_pos - left_pos
+                i += 1
+                if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                    info(" %d fragments parsed" % i)
+                add_loc(chromosome, left_pos, right_pos)
+        # last one
+        if tmp:
+            (chromosome, left_pos, right_pos) = self.pe_parse_line(thisline)
+            if left_pos >= 0 and chromosome:
+                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
+                i += 1
+                m += right_pos - left_pos
+                add_loc(chromosome, left_pos, right_pos)
+        self.d = cython.cast(cython.float, m) / i
+        self.n = i
+        assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative)"
+        self.close()
+        petrack.set_rlengths({"DUMMYCHROM": 0})
+        return petrack
+    @cython.ccall
+    def append_petrack(self, petrack):
+        """Build PETrackI from all lines, return a PETrackI object.
+        """
+        chromosome: bytes
+        left_pos: cython.int
+        right_pos: cython.int
+        i: cython.long = 0          # number of fragments
+        m: cython.long = 0          # sum of fragment lengths
+        tmp: bytes = b""
+        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
+        while True:
+            # for each block of input
+            tmp += self.fhd.read(READ_BUFFER_SIZE)
+            if not tmp:
+                break
+            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
+            tmp = lines[-1]
+            for thisline in lines[:-1]:
+                (chromosome, left_pos, right_pos) = self.pe_parse_line(thisline)
+                if left_pos < 0 or not chromosome:
+                    continue
+                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
+                m += right_pos - left_pos
+                i += 1
+                if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                    info(" %d fragments parsed" % i)
+                add_loc(chromosome, left_pos, right_pos)
+        # last one
+        if tmp:
+            (chromosome, left_pos, right_pos) = self.pe_parse_line(thisline)
+            if left_pos >= 0 and chromosome:
+                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
+                i += 1
+                m += right_pos - left_pos
+                add_loc(chromosome, left_pos, right_pos)
+        self.d = (self.d * self.n + m) / (self.n + i)
+        self.n += i
+        assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative)"
+        self.close()
+        petrack.set_rlengths({"DUMMYCHROM": 0})
+        return petrack
+class ELANDResultParser(GenericParser):
+    """File Parser Class for tabular File.
+    """
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def skip_first_commentlines(self):
+        """ELANDResultParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
+        """
+        l_line: cython.int
+        thisline: bytes
+        for thisline in self.fhd:
+            l_line = len(thisline)
+            if thisline and thisline[0] != 35:  # 35 is b"#"
+                break
+        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
+        self.fhd.seek(-l_line, 1)
+        return
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def tlen_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> cython.int:
+        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
+        """
+        thisfields: list
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return 0
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        if thisfields[1].isdigit():
+            return 0
+        else:
+            return len(thisfields[1])
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def fw_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> tuple:
+        chromname: bytes
+        strand: bytes
+        thistaglength: cython.int
+        thisfields: list
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        thistaglength = len(thisfields[1])
+        if len(thisfields) <= 6:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        try:
+            chromname = thisfields[6]
+            chromname = chromname[:chromname.rindex(b".fa")]
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        if thisfields[2] == b"U0" or thisfields[2] == b"U1" or thisfields[2] == b"U2":
+            # allow up to 2 mismatches...
+            strand = thisfields[8]
+            if strand == b"F":
+                return (chromname,
+                        atoi(thisfields[7]) - 1,
+                        0)
+            elif strand == b"R":
+                return (chromname,
+                        atoi(thisfields[7]) + thistaglength - 1,
+                        1)
+            else:
+                raise StrandFormatError(thisline, strand)
+        else:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+class ELANDMultiParser(GenericParser):
+    """File Parser Class for ELAND multi File.
+    Note this parser can only work for s_N_eland_multi.txt format.
+    Each line of the output file contains the following fields:
+    1. Sequence name
+    2. Sequence
+    3. Either NM, QC, RM (as described above) or the following:
+    4. x:y:z where x, y, and z are the number of exact, single-error, and
+    2-error matches found
+    5. Blank, if no matches found or if too many matches found, or the
+    following:
+    BAC_plus_vector.fa:163022R1,170128F2,E_coli.fa:3909847R1
+    This says there are two matches to BAC_plus_vector.fa: one in the
+    reverse direction starting at position 160322 with one error, one
+    in the forward direction starting at position 170128 with two
+    errors. There is also a single-error match to E_coli.fa.
+    """
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def skip_first_commentlines(self):
+        """ELANDResultParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
+        """
+        l_line: cython.int
+        thisline: bytes
+        for thisline in self.fhd:
+            l_line = len(thisline)
+            if thisline and thisline[0] != 35:  # 35 is b"#"
+                break
+        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
+        self.fhd.seek(-l_line, 1)
+        return
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def tlen_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> cython.int:
+        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
+        """
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return 0
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        if thisfields[1].isdigit():
+            return 0
+        else:
+            return len(thisfields[1])
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def fw_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> tuple:
+        # thistagname: bytes
+        pos: bytes
+        strand: bytes
+        thisfields: list
+        thistaglength: cython.int
+        thistaghits: cython.int
+        if not thisline:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        # thistagname = thisfields[0]        # name of tag
+        thistaglength = len(thisfields[1])  # length of tag
+        if len(thisfields) < 4:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        else:
+            thistaghits = sum([cython.cast(cython.int, x) for x in thisfields[2].split(b':')])
+            if thistaghits > 1:
+                # multiple hits
+                return (b"", -1, -1)
+            else:
+                (chromname, pos) = thisfields[3].split(b':')
+                try:
+                    chromname = chromname[:chromname.rindex(b".fa")]
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+                strand = pos[-2]
+                if strand == b"F":
+                    return (chromname,
+                            cython.cast(cython.int, pos[:-2]) - 1,
+                            0)
+                elif strand == b"R":
+                    return (chromname,
+                            cython.cast(cython.int, pos[:-2]) + thistaglength - 1,
+                            1)
+                else:
+                    raise StrandFormatError(thisline, strand)
+class ELANDExportParser(GenericParser):
+    """File Parser Class for ELAND Export File.
+    """
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def skip_first_commentlines(self):
+        """ELANDResultParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
+        """
+        l_line: cython.int
+        thisline: bytes
+        for thisline in self.fhd:
+            l_line = len(thisline)
+            if thisline and thisline[0] != 35:  # 35 is b"#"
+                break
+        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
+        self.fhd.seek(-l_line, 1)
+        return
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def tlen_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> cython.int:
+        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
+        """
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return 0
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        if len(thisfields) > 12 and thisfields[12]:
+            # a successful alignment has over 12 columns
+            return len(thisfields[8])
+        else:
+            return 0
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def fw_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> tuple:
+        # thisname: bytes
+        strand: bytes
+        thistaglength: cython.int
+        thisfields: list
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b"\t")
+        if len(thisfields) > 12 and thisfields[12]:
+            # thisname = b":".join(thisfields[0:6])
+            thistaglength = len(thisfields[8])
+            strand = thisfields[13]
+            if strand == b"F":
+                return (thisfields[10], atoi(thisfields[12]) - 1, 0)
+            elif strand == b"R":
+                return (thisfields[10], atoi(thisfields[12]) + thistaglength - 1, 1)
+            else:
+                raise StrandFormatError(thisline, strand)
+        else:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+# Contributed by Davide, modified by Tao
+class SAMParser(GenericParser):
+    """File Parser Class for SAM File.
+    Each line of the output file contains at least:
+    1. Sequence name
+    2. Bitwise flag
+    3. Reference name
+    4. 1-based leftmost position fo clipped alignment
+    5. Mapping quality
+    6. CIGAR string
+    7. Mate Reference Name
+    8. 1-based leftmost Mate Position
+    9. Inferred insert size
+    10. Query sequence on the same strand as the reference
+    11. Query quality
+    The bitwise flag is made like this:
+    dec	meaning
+    ---	-------
+    1	paired read
+    2	proper pair
+    4	query unmapped
+    8	mate unmapped
+    16	strand of the query (1 -> reverse)
+    32	strand of the mate
+    64	first read in pair
+    128	second read in pair
+    256	alignment is not primary
+    512	does not pass quality check
+    1024	PCR or optical duplicate
+    2048	supplementary alignment
+    """
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def skip_first_commentlines(self):
+        """SAMParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
+        """
+        l_line: cython.int
+        thisline: bytes
+        for thisline in self.fhd:
+            l_line = len(thisline)
+            if thisline and thisline[0] != 64:  # 64 is b"@"
+                break
+        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
+        self.fhd.seek(-l_line, 1)
+        return
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def tlen_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> cython.int:
+        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
+        """
+        thisfields: list
+        bwflag: cython.int
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return 0
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        bwflag = atoi(thisfields[1])
+        if bwflag & 4 or bwflag & 512 or bwflag & 256 or bwflag & 2048:
+            return 0       #unmapped sequence or bad sequence or 2nd or sup alignment
+        if bwflag & 1:
+            # paired read. We should only keep sequence if the mate is mapped
+            # and if this is the left mate, all is within  the flag!
+            if not bwflag & 2:
+                return 0   # not a proper pair
+            if bwflag & 8:
+                return 0   # the mate is unmapped
+            # From Benjamin Schiller https://github.com/benjschiller
+            if bwflag & 128:
+                # this is not the first read in a pair
+                return 0
+        return len(thisfields[9])
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def fw_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> tuple:
+        # thistagname: bytes
+        thisref: bytes
+        thisfields: list
+        bwflag: cython.int
+        thisstrand: cython.int
+        thisstart: cython.int
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        # thistagname = thisfields[0]         # name of tag
+        thisref = thisfields[2]
+        bwflag = atoi(thisfields[1])
+        CIGAR = thisfields[5]
+        if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)):
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        # if bwflag & 4 or bwflag & 512 or bwflag & 256 or bwflag & 2048:
+        #    return (b"", -1, -1)       #unmapped sequence or bad sequence or 2nd or sup alignment
+        # if bwflag & 1:
+        #    # paired read. We should only keep sequence if the mate is mapped
+        #    # and if this is the left mate, all is within  the flag!
+        #    if not bwflag & 2:
+        #        return (b"", -1, -1)   # not a proper pair
+        #    if bwflag & 8:
+        #        return (b"", -1, -1)   # the mate is unmapped
+        #    # From Benjamin Schiller https://github.com/benjschiller
+        #    if bwflag & 128:
+        #        # this is not the first read in a pair
+        #        return (b"", -1, -1)
+        #    # end of the patch
+        # In case of paired-end we have now skipped all possible "bad" pairs
+        # in case of proper pair we have skipped the rightmost one... if the leftmost pair comes
+        # we can treat it as a single read, so just check the strand and calculate its
+        # start position... hope I'm right!
+        if bwflag & 16:
+            # minus strand, we have to decipher CIGAR string
+            thisstrand = 1
+            thisstart = atoi(thisfields[3]) - 1 + sum([cython.cast(cython.int, x) for x in findall(b"(\d+)[MDNX=]", CIGAR)])  #reverse strand should be shifted alen bp
+        else:
+            thisstrand = 0
+            thisstart = atoi(thisfields[3]) - 1
+        try:
+            thisref = thisref[:thisref.rindex(b".fa")]
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        return (thisref, thisstart, thisstrand)
+class BAMParser(GenericParser):
+    """File Parser Class for BAM File.
+    File is gzip-compatible and binary.
+    Information available is the same that is in SAM format.
+    The bitwise flag is made like this:
+    dec	meaning
+    ---	-------
+    1	paired read
+    2	proper pair
+    4	query unmapped
+    8	mate unmapped
+    16	strand of the query (1 -> reverse)
+    32	strand of the mate
+    64	first read in pair
+    128	second read in pair
+    256	alignment is not primary
+    512	does not pass quality check
+    1024	PCR or optical duplicate
+    2048	supplementary alignment
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename: str,
+                 buffer_size: cython.long = 100000):
+        """Open input file. Determine whether it's a gzipped file.
+        'filename' must be a string object.
+        This function initialize the following attributes:
+        1. self.filename: the filename for input file.
+        2. self.gzipped: a boolean indicating whether input file is gzipped.
+        3. self.fhd: buffered I/O stream of input file
+        """
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.gzipped = True
+        self.tag_size = -1
+        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
+        # try gzip first
+        f = gzip.open(filename)
+        try:
+            f.read(10)
+        except IOError:
+            # not a gzipped file
+            self.gzipped = False
+        f.close()
+        if self.gzipped:
+            # open with gzip.open, then wrap it with BufferedReader!
+            self.fhd = io.BufferedReader(gzip.open(filename, mode='rb'), buffer_size=READ_BUFFER_SIZE)  # buffersize set to 1M
+        else:
+            self.fhd = io.open(filename, mode='rb')  # binary mode! I don't expect unicode here!
+    @cython.ccall
+    def sniff(self):
+        """Check the first 3 bytes of BAM file. If it's 'BAM', check
+        is success.
+        """
+        magic_header: bytes
+        tsize: cython.int
+        magic_header = self.fhd.read(3)
+        if magic_header == b"BAM":
+            tsize = self.tsize()
+            if tsize > 0:
+                self.fhd.seek(0)
+                return True
+            else:
+                self.fhd.seek(0)
+                raise Exception("File is not of a valid BAM format! %d" % tsize)
+        else:
+            self.fhd.seek(0)
+            return False
+    @cython.ccall
+    def tsize(self) -> cython.int:
+        """Get tag size from BAM file -- read l_seq field.
+        Refer to: http://samtools.sourceforge.net/SAM1.pdf
+        * This may not work for BAM file from bedToBAM (bedtools),
+        since the l_seq field seems to be 0.
+        """
+        x: cython.int
+        header_len: cython.int
+        nc: cython.int
+        nlength: cython.int
+        n: cython.int = 0          # successful read of tag size
+        s: cython.double = 0        # sum of tag sizes
+        if self.tag_size != -1:
+            # if we have already calculated tag size (!= -1),  return it.
+            return self.tag_size
+        fseek = self.fhd.seek
+        fread = self.fhd.read
+        ftell = self.fhd.tell
+        # move to pos 4, there starts something
+        fseek(4)
+        header_len = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+        fseek(header_len + ftell())
+        # get the number of chromosome
+        nc = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+        for x in range(nc):
+            # read each chromosome name
+            nlength = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+            # jump over chromosome size, we don't need it
+            fread(nlength)
+            fseek(ftell() + 4)
+        while n < 10:
+            entrylength = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+            data = fread(entrylength)
+            a = unpack('<i', data[16:20])[0]
+            s += a
+            n += 1
+        fseek(0)
+        self.tag_size = cython.cast(cython.int, (s/n))
+        return self.tag_size
+    @cython.ccall
+    def get_references(self) -> tuple:
+        """
+        read in references from BAM header
+        return a tuple (references (list of names),
+                        rlengths (dict of lengths)
+        """
+        header_len: cython.int
+        x: cython.int
+        nc: cython.int
+        nlength: cython.int
+        refname: bytes
+        references: list = []
+        rlengths: dict = {}
+        fseek = self.fhd.seek
+        fread = self.fhd.read
+        ftell = self.fhd.tell
+        # move to pos 4, there starts something
+        fseek(4)
+        header_len = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+        fseek(header_len + ftell())
+        # get the number of chromosome
+        nc = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+        for x in range(nc):
+            # read each chromosome name
+            nlength = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+            refname = fread(nlength)[:-1]
+            references.append(refname)
+            # don't jump over chromosome size
+            # we can use it to avoid falling of chrom ends during peak calling
+            rlengths[refname] = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+        return (references, rlengths)
+    @cython.ccall
+    def build_fwtrack(self):
+        """Build FWTrack from all lines, return a FWTrack object.
+        Note only the unique match for a tag is kept.
+        """
+        i: cython.long = 0          # number of reads kept
+        entrylength: cython.int
+        fpos: cython.int
+        strand: cython.int
+        chrid: cython.int
+        references: list
+        rlengths: dict
+        fwtrack = FWTrack(buffer_size=self.buffer_size)
+        references, rlengths = self.get_references()  # after this, ptr at list of alignments
+        # fseek = self.fhd.seek
+        fread = self.fhd.read
+        # ftell = self.fhd.tell
+        while True:
+            try:
+                entrylength = unpack("<i", fread(4))[0]
+            except struct.error:
+                break
+            (chrid, fpos, strand) = bam_fw_binary_parse(fread(entrylength))
+            if chrid == -1:
+                continue
+            fwtrack.add_loc(references[chrid], fpos, strand)
+            i += 1
+            if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                info(" %d reads parsed" % i)
+        # print(f"{references[chrid]:},{fpos:},{strand:}")
+        info("%d reads have been read." % i)
+        self.fhd.close()
+        fwtrack.set_rlengths(rlengths)
+        return fwtrack
+    @cython.ccall
+    def append_fwtrack(self, fwtrack):
+        """Build FWTrack from all lines, return a FWTrack object.
+        Note only the unique match for a tag is kept.
+        """
+        i: cython.long = 0          # number of reads kept
+        entrylength: cython.int
+        fpos: cython.int
+        strand: cython.int
+        chrid: cython.int
+        references: list
+        rlengths: dict
+        references, rlengths = self.get_references()
+        # fseek = self.fhd.seek
+        fread = self.fhd.read
+        # ftell = self.fhd.tell
+        while True:
+            try:
+                entrylength = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+            except struct.error:
+                break
+            (chrid, fpos, strand) = bam_fw_binary_parse(fread(entrylength))
+            if chrid == -1:
+                continue
+            fwtrack.add_loc(references[chrid], fpos, strand)
+            i += 1
+            if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                info(" %d reads parsed" % i)
+        info("%d reads have been read." % i)
+        self.fhd.close()
+        # fwtrack.finalize()
+        # this is the problematic part. If fwtrack is finalized, then it's impossible to increase the length of it in a step of buffer_size for multiple input files.
+        fwtrack.set_rlengths(rlengths)
+        return fwtrack
+class BAMPEParser(BAMParser):
+    """File Parser Class for BAM File containing paired-end reads
+    Only counts valid pairs, discards everything else
+    Uses the midpoint of every read and calculates the average fragment size
+    on the fly instead of modeling it
+    File is gzip-compatible and binary.
+    Information available is the same that is in SAM format.
+    The bitwise flag is made like this:
+    dec    meaning
+    ---    -------
+    1    paired read
+    2    proper pair
+    4    query unmapped
+    8    mate unmapped
+    16    strand of the query (1 -> reverse)
+    32    strand of the mate
+    64    first read in pair
+    128    second read in pair
+    256    alignment is not primary
+    512    does not pass quality check
+    1024    PCR or optical duplicate
+    2048    supplementary alignment
+    """
+    # total number of fragments
+    n = cython.declare(cython.int, visibility='public')
+    # the average length of fragments
+    d = cython.declare(cython.float, visibility='public')
+    @cython.ccall
+    def build_petrack(self):
+        """Build PETrackI from all lines, return a FWTrack object.
+        """
+        i: cython.long = 0          # number of fragments kept
+        m: cython.long = 0          # sum of fragment lengths
+        entrylength: cython.int
+        fpos: cython.int
+        chrid: cython.int
+        tlen: cython.int
+        references: list
+        rlengths: dict
+        petrack = PETrackI(buffer_size=self.buffer_size)
+        references, rlengths = self.get_references()
+        # fseek = self.fhd.seek
+        fread = self.fhd.read
+        # ftell = self.fhd.tell
+        # for convenience, only count valid pairs
+        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
+        err = struct.error
+        while True:
+            try:
+                entrylength = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+            except err:
+                # e1 += 1
+                break
+            (chrid, fpos, tlen) = bampe_pe_binary_parse(fread(entrylength))
+            if chrid == -1:
+                # e2 += 1
+                continue
+            add_loc(references[chrid], fpos, fpos + tlen)
+            m += tlen
+            i += 1
+            if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                info(" %d fragments parsed" % i)
+        # print(f"{references[chrid]:},{fpos:},{tlen:}")
+        info("%d fragments have been read." % i)
+        # debug(f" {e1} Can't identify the length of entry, it may be the end of file, stop looping...")
+        # debug(f" {e2} Chromosome name can't be found which means this entry is skipped ...")
+        # assert i > 0, "Something went wrong, no fragment has been read! Check input file!"
+        self.d = m / i
+        self.n = i
+        # assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative: %d = %d / %d)" % (self.d, m, i)
+        self.fhd.close()
+        petrack.set_rlengths(rlengths)
+        return petrack
+    @cython.ccall
+    def append_petrack(self, petrack):
+        """Build PETrackI from all lines, return a PETrackI object.
+        """
+        i: cython.long = 0          # number of fragments
+        m: cython.long = 0          # sum of fragment lengths
+        entrylength: cython.int
+        fpos: cython.int
+        chrid: cython.int
+        tlen: cython.int
+        references: list
+        rlengths: dict
+        references, rlengths = self.get_references()
+        # fseek = self.fhd.seek
+        fread = self.fhd.read
+        # ftell = self.fhd.tell
+        # for convenience, only count valid pairs
+        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
+        err = struct.error
+        while True:
+            try:
+                entrylength = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
+            except err:
+                break
+            (chrid, fpos, tlen) = bampe_pe_binary_parse(fread(entrylength))
+            if chrid == -1:
+                continue
+            add_loc(references[chrid], fpos, fpos + tlen)
+            m += tlen
+            i += 1
+            if i % 1000000 == 0:
+                info(" %d fragments parsed" % i)
+        info("%d fragments have been read." % i)
+        self.d = (self.d * self.n + m) / (self.n + i)
+        self.n += i
+        # assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative: %d = %d / %d)" % (self.d, m, i)
+        self.fhd.close()
+        # this is the problematic part. If fwtrack is finalized, then it's impossible to increase the length of it in a step of buffer_size for multiple input files.
+        # petrack.finalize()
+        petrack.set_rlengths(rlengths)
+        return petrack
+class BowtieParser(GenericParser):
+    """File Parser Class for map files from Bowtie or MAQ's maqview
+    program.
+    """
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def tlen_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> cython.int:
+        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
+        """
+        thisfields: list
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        if thisline[0] == b"#":
+            return (b"", -1, -1)  # comment line is skipped
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')  # I hope it will never bring me more trouble
+        return len(thisfields[4])
+    @cython.cfunc
+    def fw_parse_line(self, thisline: bytes) -> tuple:
+        """
+        The following definition comes from bowtie website:
+        The bowtie aligner outputs each alignment on a separate
+        line. Each line is a collection of 8 fields separated by tabs;
+        from left to right, the fields are:
+        1. Name of read that aligned
+        2. Orientation of read in the alignment, - for reverse
+        complement, + otherwise
+        3. Name of reference sequence where alignment occurs, or
+        ordinal ID if no name was provided
+        4. 0-based offset into the forward reference strand where
+        leftmost character of the alignment occurs
+        5. Read sequence (reverse-complemented if orientation is -)
+        6. ASCII-encoded read qualities (reversed if orientation is
+        -). The encoded quality values are on the Phred scale and the
+        encoding is ASCII-offset by 33 (ASCII char !).
+        7. Number of other instances where the same read aligns
+        against the same reference characters as were aligned against
+        in this alignment. This is not the number of other places the
+        read aligns with the same number of mismatches. The number in
+        this column is generally not a good proxy for that number
+        (e.g., the number in this column may be '0' while the number
+        of other alignments with the same number of mismatches might
+        be large). This column was previously described as 'Reserved'.
+        8. Comma-separated list of mismatch descriptors. If there are
+        no mismatches in the alignment, this field is empty. A single
+        descriptor has the format offset:reference-base>read-base. The
+        offset is expressed as a 0-based offset from the high-quality
+        (5') end of the read.
+        """
+        thisfields: list
+        chromname: bytes
+        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
+        if not thisline:
+            return (b"", -1, -1)
+        if thisline[0] == b"#":
+            return (b"", -1, -1)  # comment line is skipped
+        # I hope it will never bring me more trouble
+        thisfields = thisline.split(b'\t')
+        chromname = thisfields[2]
+        try:
+            chromname = chromname[:chromname.rindex(b".fa")]
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+            if thisfields[1] == b"+":
+                return (chromname,
+                        atoi(thisfields[3]),
+                        0)
+            elif thisfields[1] == b"-":
+                return (chromname,
+                        atoi(thisfields[3]) + len(thisfields[4]),
+                        1)
+            else:
+                raise StrandFormatError(thisline, thisfields[1])
diff --git a/MACS3/IO/Parser.pyx b/MACS3/IO/Parser.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 238bd3cd..00000000
--- a/MACS3/IO/Parser.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1481 +0,0 @@
-# cython: language_level=3
-# cython: profile=True
-# cython: linetrace=True
-# Time-stamp: <2023-08-02 14:49:59 Tao Liu>
-"""Module for all MACS Parser classes for input. Please note that the
-parsers are for reading the alignment files ONLY.
-This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the BSD License (see the file LICENSE included with
-the distribution).
-# ------------------------------------
-# python modules
-# ------------------------------------
-import struct
-from struct import unpack
-from re import findall
-import gzip
-import io
-import sys
-import logging
-import MACS3.Utilities.Logger
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-debug   = logger.debug
-info    = logger.info
-# ------------------------------------
-# MACS3 modules
-# ------------------------------------
-from MACS3.Utilities.Constants import *
-from MACS3.Signal.FixWidthTrack import FWTrack
-from MACS3.Signal.PairedEndTrack import PETrackI
-# ------------------------------------
-# Other modules
-# ------------------------------------
-from cpython cimport bool
-import numpy as np
-cimport numpy as np
-from numpy cimport uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float32_t, float64_t
-is_le = sys.byteorder == "little"
-cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
-    ctypedef uint32_t size_t
-    size_t strlen(char *s)
-    void *malloc(size_t size)
-    void *calloc(size_t n, size_t size)
-    void free(void *ptr)
-    int32_t strcmp(char *a, char *b)
-    char * strcpy(char *a, char *b)
-    int64_t atol(char *str)
-    int32_t atoi(char *str)
-# ------------------------------------
-# constants
-# ------------------------------------
-__version__ = "Parser $Revision$"
-__author__ = "Tao Liu <taoliu@jimmy.harvard.edu>"
-__doc__ = "All Parser classes"
-# ------------------------------------
-# Misc functions
-# ------------------------------------
-cpdef guess_parser ( fname, int64_t buffer_size = 100000 ):
-    # Note: BAMPE and BEDPE can't be automatically detected.
-    ordered_parser_dict = {"BAM":BAMParser,
-                           "BED":BEDParser,
-                           "ELAND":ELANDResultParser,
-                           "ELANDMULTI":ELANDMultiParser,
-                           "ELANDEXPORT":ELANDExportParser,
-                           "SAM":SAMParser,
-                           "BOWTIE":BowtieParser}
-    for f in ordered_parser_dict:
-        p = ordered_parser_dict[ f ]
-        t_parser = p( fname, buffer_size = buffer_size )
-        debug( "Testing format %s" % f )
-        s = t_parser.sniff()
-        if s:
-            info( "Detected format is: %s" % ( f ) )
-            if t_parser.is_gzipped():
-                info( "* Input file is gzipped." )
-            return t_parser
-        else:
-            t_parser.close()
-    raise Exception( "Can't detect format!" )
-cdef tuple bam_fw_binary_parse_le ( const unsigned char * data ):
-    """Parse a BAM SE entry in little endian system
-    """
-    cdef:
-        int32_t thisref, thisstart, thisstrand
-        uint16_t bwflag
-        uint8_t l_read_name
-        uint16_t n_cigar_op
-        int32_t cigar_code
-        uint8_t *ui8
-        int32_t *i32
-        uint16_t *ui16
-        uint32_t *ui32
-    # we skip lot of the available information in data (i.e. tag name, quality etc etc)
-    # no data, return, does it really happen without raising struct.error?
-    if not data: return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    ui16 = <uint16_t *>data
-    bwflag = ui16[7]
-    # we filter out unmapped sequence or bad sequence or  secondary or supplementary alignment
-    # we filter out 2nd mate, not a proper pair, mate is unmapped
-    if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)): return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    i32 = <int32_t *>data
-    thisref = i32[0]
-    thisstart = i32[1]
-    n_cigar_op = ui16[6]
-    # In case of paired-end we have now skipped all possible "bad" pairs
-    # in case of proper pair we have skipped the rightmost one... if the leftmost pair comes
-    # we can treat it as a single read, so just check the strand and calculate its
-    # start position... hope I'm right!
-    if bwflag & 16:
-        # read mapped to minus strand; then we have to compute cigar to find the rightmost position
-        ui8 = <uint8_t *>data
-        l_read_name = ui8[8]
-        # need to decipher CIGAR string
-        ui32 = <uint32_t *>(data + 32 + l_read_name) # move pointer to cigar_code
-        for cigar_code in ui32[:n_cigar_op]:#unpack( '<%dI' % (n_cigar_op) , data[ 32 + l_read_name : 32 + l_read_name + n_cigar_op*4 ] ):
-            if cigar_code & 15 in [ 0, 2, 3, 7, 8 ]:   # they are CIGAR op M/D/N/=/X
-                thisstart += cigar_code >> 4
-        thisstrand = 1
-    else:
-        thisstrand = 0
-    return ( thisref, thisstart, thisstrand )
-cdef tuple bam_fw_binary_parse_be ( const unsigned char * data ):
-    """Big endian version. We need byte swap.
-    """
-    cdef:
-        int32_t thisref, thisstart, thisstrand
-        uint16_t bwflag
-        uint8_t l_read_name
-        uint16_t n_cigar_op
-        int32_t cigar_code
-        uint8_t *ui8                      # we will only cast 1 byte at a time
-        int32_t i
-        uint32_t shift0, shift
-    # we skip lot of the available information in data (i.e. tag name, quality etc etc)
-    # no data, return, does it really happen without raising struct.error?
-    if not data: return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    ui8 = <uint8_t *>data
-    bwflag = ui8[15] << 8 | ui8[14]       # it works as bwflag = ui16[7] in little-endian
-    # we filter out unmapped sequence or bad sequence or  secondary or supplementary alignment
-    # we filter out 2nd mate, not a proper pair, mate is unmapped
-    if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)): return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    # the following three lins are for little-endian
-    #thisref = i32[0]
-    #thisstart = i32[1]
-    #n_cigar_op = ui16[6]
-    # to simplify the byte swap, we pretend all original numbers (thisref, pos, nextpos) positive
-    thisref = ui8[3] << 24 | ui8[2] << 16 | ui8[1] << 8 | ui8[0]
-    thisstart = ui8[7] << 24 | ui8[6] << 16 | ui8[5] << 8 | ui8[4]
-    n_cigar_op = ui8[13] << 8 | i8[12]
-    # In case of paired-end we have now skipped all possible "bad" pairs
-    # in case of proper pair we have skipped the rightmost one... if the leftmost pair comes
-    # we can treat it as a single read, so just check the strand and calculate its
-    # start position... hope I'm right!
-    if bwflag & 16:
-        # read mapped to minus strand; then we have to compute cigar to find the rightmost position
-        l_read_name = ui8[8]
-        # need to decipher CIGAR string
-        # move pointer to cigar_code
-        shift0 = 32 + l_read_name
-        for i in range(n_cigar_op):
-            shift = shift0 + i*4          # move 32bit at a time
-            cigar_code = ui8[shift0+3] << 24 | ui8[shift0+2] << 16 | ui8[shift0+1] << 8 | ui8[shift0] # it works like cigar_code = ui32[...] in little-endian
-            if cigar_code & 15 in [ 0, 2, 3, 7, 8 ]:   # they are CIGAR op M/D/N/=/X
-                thisstart += cigar_code >> 4
-        thisstrand = 1
-    else:
-        thisstrand = 0
-    return ( thisref, thisstart, thisstrand )
-cdef tuple bampe_pe_binary_parse_le (const unsigned char * data):
-    """Parse a BAMPE record in little-endian system.
-    """
-    cdef:
-        int32_t thisref, thisstart, thistlen
-        int32_t nextpos, pos
-        uint16_t bwflag
-        uint8_t *ui8
-        int32_t *i32
-        uint16_t *ui16
-    # we skip lot of the available information in data (i.e. tag name, quality etc etc)
-    if not data:
-        return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    ui16 = <uint16_t *>data
-    bwflag = ui16[7]
-    # we filter out unmapped, bad sequence, secondary/supplementary alignment
-    # we filter out other mate of paired reads, not a proper pair, or mate is unmapped
-    if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)):
-        return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    i32 = <int32_t *>data
-    ui8 = <uint8_t *>data
-    thisref = i32[0]
-    pos = i32[1]
-    nextpos = i32[6]
-    thistlen = i32[7]
-    thisstart = min(pos, nextpos) # we keep only the leftmost
-                                  # position which means this must
-                                  # be at + strand. So we don't
-                                  # need to decipher CIGAR string.
-    thistlen = abs( thistlen )                    # Actually, if
-    #                                             # the value
-    #                                             # unpacked is
-    #                                             # negative, then
-    #                                             # nextpos is the
-    #                                             # leftmost
-    #                                             # position.
-    return ( thisref, thisstart, thistlen )
-cdef tuple bampe_pe_binary_parse_be (const unsigned char * data):
-    """Parse a BAMPE record in big-endian system. And we need byte swap.
-    """
-    cdef:
-        int32_t thisref, thisstart, thistlen
-        uint32_t tmp_thistlen
-        int32_t nextpos, pos
-        uint16_t bwflag
-        uint8_t *ui8                      # we will only cast 1 byte at a time
-    # we skip lot of the available information in data (i.e. tag name, quality etc etc)
-    if not data:
-        return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    ui8 = <uint8_t *>data
-    bwflag = ui8[15] << 8 | ui8[14]       # as le: bwflag = ui16[7]
-    # we filter out unmapped, bad sequence, secondary/supplementary alignment
-    # we filter out other mate of paired reads, not a proper pair, or mate is unmapped
-    if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)):
-        return ( -1, -1, -1 )
-    i8 = <int8_t *>data
-    # the following three lins are for little-endian
-    # to simplify the byte swap, we pretend all original numbers (thisref, pos, nextpos) positive
-    thisref = ui8[3] << 24 | ui8[2] << 16 | ui8[1] << 8 | ui8[0]   # as le:thisref = i32[0]
-    pos = ui8[7] << 24 | ui8[6] << 16 | ui8[5] << 8 | ui8[4]       # as le:pos = i32[1]
-    nextpos = ui8[27] << 24 | ui8[26] << 16 | ui8[25] << 8 | ui8[24] # as le:nextpos = i32[6]
-    # thistlen can be negative, so we byte swap it then convert to int32_t then take abs (maybe there is more effecient way?)
-    tmp_thistlen = ui8[31] << 24 | ui8[30] << 16 | ui8[29] << 8 | ui8[28] # as le:tmp_thistlen = ui32[7]
-    thistlen = abs(<int32_t> tmp_thistlen)
-    # position which means this must
-    # be at + strand. So we don't
-    # need to decipher CIGAR string.
-    thisstart = pos if nextpos > pos else nextpos #min(pos, nextpos) # we keep only the leftmost
-    return ( thisref, thisstart, thistlen )
-# choose a parser according to endian
-if is_le:
-    bam_se_entry_parser = bam_fw_binary_parse_le
-    bampe_pe_entry_parser = bampe_pe_binary_parse_le
-    bam_se_entry_parser = bam_fw_binary_parse_be
-    bampe_pe_entry_parser = bampe_pe_binary_parse_be
-# ------------------------------------
-# Classes
-# ------------------------------------
-class StrandFormatError( BaseException ):
-    """Exception about strand format error.
-    Example:
-    raise StrandFormatError('Must be F or R','X')
-    """
-    def __init__ ( self, string, strand ):
-        self.strand = strand
-        self.string = string
-    def __str__ ( self ):
-        return repr( "Strand information can not be recognized in this line: \"%s\",\"%s\"" % ( self.string, self.strand ) )
-cdef class GenericParser:
-    """Generic Parser class.
-    Inherit this class to write your own parser. In most cases, you need to override:
-    1. tlen_parse_line which returns tag length of a line
-    2.  fw_parse_line which returns tuple of ( chromosome, 5'position, strand )
-    """
-    cdef:
-        str filename
-        bool gzipped
-        int32_t tag_size
-        object fhd
-        int64_t buffer_size
-    def __init__ ( self, str filename, int64_t buffer_size = 100000 ):
-        """Open input file. Determine whether it's a gzipped file.
-        'filename' must be a string object.
-        This function initialize the following attributes:
-        1. self.filename: the filename for input file.
-        2. self.gzipped: a boolean indicating whether input file is gzipped.
-        3. self.fhd: buffered I/O stream of input file
-        """
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.gzipped = True
-        self.tag_size = -1
-        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
-        # try gzip first
-        f = gzip.open( filename )
-        try:
-            f.read( 10 )
-        except IOError:
-            # not a gzipped file
-            self.gzipped = False
-        f.close()
-        if self.gzipped:
-            # open with gzip.open, then wrap it with BufferedReader!
-            self.fhd = io.BufferedReader( gzip.open( filename, mode='rb' ), buffer_size = READ_BUFFER_SIZE ) # buffersize set to 10M
-        else:
-            self.fhd = io.open( filename, mode='rb' ) # binary mode! I don't expect unicode here!
-        self.skip_first_commentlines()
-    cdef void skip_first_commentlines ( self ):
-        """Some parser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
-        Redefine this if it's necessary!
-        """
-        return
-    cpdef int32_t tsize( self ):
-        """General function to detect tag size.
-        * Although it can be used by most parsers, it must be
-          rewritten by BAMParser!
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t s = 0
-            int32_t n = 0     # number of successful/valid read alignments
-            int32_t m = 0     # number of trials
-            int32_t this_taglength
-            bytes thisline
-        if self.tag_size != -1:
-            # if we have already calculated tag size (!= -1),  return it.
-            return self.tag_size
-        # try 10k times or retrieve 10 successfule alignments
-        while n < 10 and m < 10000:
-            m += 1
-            thisline = self.fhd.readline()
-            this_taglength = self.tlen_parse_line( thisline )
-            if this_taglength > 0:
-                # this_taglength == 0 means this line doesn't contain
-                # successful alignment.
-                s += this_taglength
-                n += 1
-        # done
-        self.fhd.seek( 0 )
-        self.skip_first_commentlines()
-        if n != 0:              # else tsize = -1
-            self.tag_size = <int32_t>(s/n)
-        return self.tag_size
-    cdef int32_t tlen_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Abstract function to detect tag length.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    cpdef build_fwtrack ( self ):
-        """Generic function to build FWTrack object. Create a new
-        FWTrack object. If you want to append new records to an
-        existing FWTrack object, try append_fwtrack function.
-        * BAMParser for binary BAM format should have a different one.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int64_t i, fpos, strand
-            bytes chromosome
-            bytes tmp = b""
-        fwtrack = FWTrack( buffer_size = self.buffer_size )
-        i = 0
-        while True:
-            # for each block of input
-            tmp += self.fhd.read( READ_BUFFER_SIZE )
-            if not tmp:
-                break
-            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
-            tmp = lines[ -1 ]
-            for thisline in lines[ :-1 ]:
-                ( chromosome, fpos, strand ) = self.fw_parse_line( thisline )
-                if fpos < 0 or not chromosome:
-                    # normally fw_parse_line will return -1 if the line
-                    # contains no successful alignment.
-                    continue
-                i += 1
-                if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                    info( " %d reads parsed" % i )
-                fwtrack.add_loc( chromosome, fpos, strand )
-        # last one
-        if tmp:
-            ( chromosome, fpos, strand ) = self.fw_parse_line( tmp )
-            if fpos >= 0 and chromosome:
-                i += 1
-                fwtrack.add_loc( chromosome, fpos, strand )
-        # close file stream.
-        self.close()
-        return fwtrack
-    cpdef append_fwtrack ( self, fwtrack ):
-        """Add more records to an existing FWTrack object.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int64_t i, fpos, strand
-            bytes chromosome
-            bytes tmp = b""
-        i = 0
-        while True:
-            # for each block of input
-            tmp += self.fhd.read( READ_BUFFER_SIZE )
-            if not tmp:
-                break
-            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
-            tmp = lines[ -1 ]
-            for thisline in lines[ :-1 ]:
-                ( chromosome, fpos, strand ) = self.fw_parse_line( thisline )
-                if fpos < 0 or not chromosome:
-                    # normally fw_parse_line will return -1 if the line
-                    # contains no successful alignment.
-                    continue
-                i += 1
-                if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                    info( " %d reads parsed" % i )
-                fwtrack.add_loc( chromosome, fpos, strand )
-        # last one
-        if tmp:
-            ( chromosome, fpos, strand ) = self.fw_parse_line( tmp )
-            if fpos >= 0 and chromosome:
-                i += 1
-                fwtrack.add_loc( chromosome, fpos, strand )
-        # close file stream.
-        self.close()
-        return fwtrack
-    cdef tuple fw_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Abstract function to parse chromosome, 5' end position and
-        strand.
-        """
-        cdef bytes chromosome = b""
-        cdef int32_t fpos = -1
-        cdef int32_t strand = -1
-        return ( chromosome, fpos, strand )
-    cpdef sniff ( self ):
-        """Detect whether this parser is the correct parser for input
-        file.
-        Rule: try to find the tag size using this parser, if error
-        occurs or tag size is too small or too big, check is failed.
-        * BAMParser has a different sniff function.
-        """
-        cdef int32_t t
-        t = self.tsize()
-        if t <= 10 or t >= 10000: # tsize too small or too big
-            self.fhd.seek( 0 )
-            return False
-        else:
-            self.fhd.seek( 0 )
-            self.skip_first_commentlines()
-            return True
-    cpdef close ( self ):
-        """Run this when this Parser will be never used.
-        Close file I/O stream.
-        """
-        self.fhd.close()
-    cpdef bool is_gzipped ( self ):
-        return self.gzipped
-cdef class BEDParser( GenericParser ):
-    """File Parser Class for BED File.
-    """
-    cdef void skip_first_commentlines ( self ):
-        """BEDParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t l_line
-            bytes this_line
-        for thisline in self.fhd:
-            l_line = len( thisline )
-            if thisline and ( thisline[ :5 ] != b"track" ) \
-               and ( thisline[ :7 ] != b"browser" ) \
-               and ( thisline[ 0 ] != 35 ): # 35 is b"#"
-                break
-        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
-        self.fhd.seek( -l_line, 1 )
-        return
-    cdef int32_t tlen_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Parse 5' and 3' position, then calculate frag length.
-        """
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline:
-            return 0
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        return atoi( thisfields[ 2 ] )-atoi( thisfields[ 1 ] )
-    cdef tuple fw_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        #cdef list thisfields
-        cdef:
-            bytes chromname
-            list thisfields
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        chromname = thisfields[ 0 ]
-        try:
-            #if not strcmp(thisfields[ 5 ],b"+"):
-            if thisfields[5] == b"+":
-                return ( chromname,
-                         atoi( thisfields[ 1 ] ),
-                         0 )
-            #elif not strcmp(thisfields[ 5 ], b"-"):
-            elif thisfields[5] == b"-":
-                return ( chromname,
-                         atoi( thisfields[ 2 ] ),
-                         1 )
-            else:
-                raise StrandFormatError( thisline, thisfields[ 5 ] )
-        except IndexError:
-            # default pos strand if no strand
-            # info can be found
-            return ( chromname,
-                     atoi( thisfields[ 1 ] ),
-                     0 )
-cdef class BEDPEParser(GenericParser):
-    """Parser for BED format file containing PE information, and also
-    can be used for the cases when users predefine the fragment
-    locations by shifting/extending by themselves.
-    Format:
-    chromosome_name	frag_leftend	frag_rightend
-    Note: Only the first columns are used!
-    """
-    cdef public int32_t n
-    cdef public float32_t d
-    cdef void skip_first_commentlines ( self ):
-        """BEDPEParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t l_line
-            bytes this_line
-        for thisline in self.fhd:
-            l_line = len( thisline )
-            if thisline and ( thisline[ :5 ] != b"track" ) \
-               and ( thisline[ :7 ] != b"browser" ) \
-               and ( thisline[ 0 ] != 35 ): # 35 is b"#"
-                break
-        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
-        self.fhd.seek( -l_line, 1 )
-        return
-    cdef pe_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """ Parse each line, and return chromosome, left and right positions
-        """
-        cdef:
-            list thisfields
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        # still only support tabular as delimiter.
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        try:
-            return ( thisfields[ 0 ],
-                     atoi( thisfields[ 1 ] ),
-                     atoi( thisfields[ 2 ] ) )
-        except IndexError:
-            raise Exception("Less than 3 columns found at this line: %s\n" % thisline)
-    cpdef build_petrack ( self ):
-        """Build PETrackI from all lines.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            bytes chromname
-            int32_t left_pos
-            int32_t right_pos
-            int64_t i = 0          # number of fragments
-            int64_t m = 0          # sum of fragment lengths
-            bytes tmp = b""
-        petrack = PETrackI( buffer_size = self.buffer_size )
-        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
-        while True:
-            # for each block of input
-            tmp += self.fhd.read( READ_BUFFER_SIZE )
-            if not tmp:
-                break
-            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
-            tmp = lines[ -1 ]
-            for thisline in lines[ :-1 ]:
-                ( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos ) = self.pe_parse_line( thisline )
-                if left_pos < 0 or not chromosome:
-                    continue
-                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
-                m += right_pos - left_pos
-                i += 1
-                if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                    info( " %d fragments parsed" % i )
-                add_loc( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos )
-        # last one
-        if tmp:
-            ( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos ) = self.pe_parse_line( thisline )
-            if left_pos >= 0 and chromosome:
-                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
-                i += 1
-                m += right_pos - left_pos
-                add_loc( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos )
-        self.d = <float32_t>( m ) / i
-        self.n = i
-        assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative)"
-        self.close()
-        petrack.set_rlengths( {"DUMMYCHROM":0} )
-        return petrack
-    cpdef append_petrack (self, petrack):
-        """Build PETrackI from all lines, return a PETrackI object.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            bytes chromname
-            int32_t left_pos
-            int32_t right_pos
-            int64_t i = 0          # number of fragments
-            int64_t m = 0          # sum of fragment lengths
-            bytes tmp = b""
-        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
-        while True:
-            # for each block of input
-            tmp += self.fhd.read( READ_BUFFER_SIZE )
-            if not tmp:
-                break
-            lines = tmp.split(b"\n")
-            tmp = lines[ -1 ]
-            for thisline in lines[ :-1 ]:
-                ( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos ) = self.pe_parse_line( thisline )
-                if left_pos < 0 or not chromosome:
-                    continue
-                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
-                m += right_pos - left_pos
-                i += 1
-                if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                    info( " %d fragments parsed" % i )
-                add_loc( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos )
-        # last one
-        if tmp:
-            ( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos ) = self.pe_parse_line( thisline )
-            if left_pos >= 0 and chromosome:
-                assert right_pos > left_pos, "Right position must be larger than left position, check your BED file at line: %s" % thisline
-                i += 1
-                m += right_pos - left_pos
-                add_loc( chromosome, left_pos, right_pos )
-        self.d = ( self.d * self.n + m ) / ( self.n + i )
-        self.n += i
-        assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative)"
-        self.close()
-        petrack.set_rlengths( {"DUMMYCHROM":0} )
-        return petrack
-cdef class ELANDResultParser( GenericParser ):
-    """File Parser Class for tabular File.
-    """
-    cdef void skip_first_commentlines ( self ):
-        """ELANDResultParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t l_line
-            bytes this_line
-        for thisline in self.fhd:
-            l_line = len( thisline )
-            if thisline and thisline[ 0 ] != 35: # 35 is b"#"
-                break
-        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
-        self.fhd.seek( -l_line, 1 )
-        return
-    cdef int32_t tlen_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
-        """
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return 0
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        if thisfields[1].isdigit():
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return len( thisfields[ 1 ] )
-    cdef tuple fw_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        cdef:
-            bytes chromname, strand
-            int32_t thistaglength
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        thistaglength = strlen( thisfields[ 1 ] )
-        if len( thisfields ) <= 6:
-            return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        try:
-            chromname = thisfields[ 6 ]
-            chromname = chromname[ :chromname.rindex( b".fa" ) ]
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-        if thisfields[ 2 ] == b"U0" or thisfields[ 2 ] == b"U1" or thisfields[ 2 ] == b"U2":
-            # allow up to 2 mismatches...
-            strand = thisfields[ 8 ]
-            if strand == b"F":
-                return ( chromname,
-                         atoi( thisfields[ 7 ] ) - 1,
-                         0 )
-            elif strand == b"R":
-                return ( chromname,
-                         atoi( thisfields[ 7 ] ) + thistaglength - 1,
-                         1 )
-            else:
-                raise StrandFormatError( thisline, strand )
-        else:
-            return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-cdef class ELANDMultiParser( GenericParser ):
-    """File Parser Class for ELAND multi File.
-    Note this parser can only work for s_N_eland_multi.txt format.
-    Each line of the output file contains the following fields:
-    1. Sequence name
-    2. Sequence
-    3. Either NM, QC, RM (as described above) or the following:
-    4. x:y:z where x, y, and z are the number of exact, single-error, and 2-error matches
-    found
-    5. Blank, if no matches found or if too many matches found, or the following:
-    BAC_plus_vector.fa:163022R1,170128F2,E_coli.fa:3909847R1
-    This says there are two matches to BAC_plus_vector.fa: one in the reverse direction
-    starting at position 160322 with one error, one in the forward direction starting at
-    position 170128 with two errors. There is also a single-error match to E_coli.fa.
-    """
-    cdef void skip_first_commentlines ( self ):
-        """ELANDResultParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t l_line
-            bytes this_line
-        for thisline in self.fhd:
-            l_line = len( thisline )
-            if thisline and thisline[ 0 ] != 35: # 35 is b"#"
-                break
-        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
-        self.fhd.seek( -l_line, 1 )
-        return
-    cdef int32_t tlen_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
-        """
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return 0
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        if thisfields[1].isdigit():
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return len( thisfields[ 1 ] )
-    cdef tuple fw_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        cdef:
-            list thisfields
-            bytes thistagname, pos, strand
-            int32_t thistaglength, thistaghits
-        if not thisline: return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        thistagname = thisfields[ 0 ]        # name of tag
-        thistaglength = len( thisfields[ 1 ] ) # length of tag
-        if len( thisfields ) < 4:
-            return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        else:
-            thistaghits = sum( [<int32_t>(x) for x in thisfields[ 2 ].split( b':' ) ] )
-            if thistaghits > 1:
-                # multiple hits
-                return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-            else:
-                ( chromname, pos ) = thisfields[ 3 ].split( b':' )
-                try:
-                    chromname = chromname[ :chromname.rindex( b".fa" ) ]
-                except ValueError:
-                    pass
-                strand  = pos[ -2 ]
-                if strand == b"F":
-                    return ( chromname,
-                             <int32_t>( pos[ :-2 ] )-1,
-                             0 )
-                elif strand == b"R":
-                    return ( chromname,
-                             <int32_t>( pos[ :-2 ] ) + thistaglength - 1,
-                             1 )
-                else:
-                    raise StrandFormatError( thisline,strand )
-cdef class ELANDExportParser( GenericParser ):
-    """File Parser Class for ELAND Export File.
-    """
-    cdef void skip_first_commentlines ( self ):
-        """ELANDResultParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t l_line
-            bytes this_line
-        for thisline in self.fhd:
-            l_line = len( thisline )
-            if thisline and thisline[ 0 ] != 35: # 35 is b"#"
-                break
-        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
-        self.fhd.seek( -l_line, 1 )
-        return
-    cdef int32_t tlen_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
-        """
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return 0
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        if len( thisfields ) > 12 and thisfields[ 12 ]:
-            # a successful alignment has over 12 columns
-            return len( thisfields[ 8 ] )
-        else:
-            return 0
-    cdef tuple fw_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        cdef:
-            list thisfields
-            bytes thisname, strand
-            int32_t thistaglength
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b"\t" )
-        if len(thisfields) > 12 and thisfields[ 12 ]:
-            thisname = b":".join( thisfields[ 0:6 ] )
-            thistaglength = len( thisfields[ 8 ] )
-            strand = thisfields[ 13 ]
-            if strand == b"F":
-                return ( thisfields[ 10 ], atoi( thisfields[ 12 ] ) - 1, 0 )
-            elif strand == b"R":
-                return ( thisfields[ 10 ], atoi( thisfields[ 12 ] ) + thistaglength - 1, 1 )
-            else:
-                raise StrandFormatError( thisline, strand )
-        else:
-            return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-### Contributed by Davide, modified by Tao
-cdef class SAMParser( GenericParser ):
-    """File Parser Class for SAM File.
-    Each line of the output file contains at least:
-    1. Sequence name
-    2. Bitwise flag
-    3. Reference name
-    4. 1-based leftmost position fo clipped alignment
-    5. Mapping quality
-    6. CIGAR string
-    7. Mate Reference Name
-    8. 1-based leftmost Mate Position
-    9. Inferred insert size
-    10. Query sequence on the same strand as the reference
-    11. Query quality
-    The bitwise flag is made like this:
-    dec	meaning
-    ---	-------
-    1	paired read
-    2	proper pair
-    4	query unmapped
-    8	mate unmapped
-    16	strand of the query (1 -> reverse)
-    32	strand of the mate
-    64	first read in pair
-    128	second read in pair
-    256	alignment is not primary
-    512	does not pass quality check
-    1024	PCR or optical duplicate
-    2048	supplementary alignment
-    """
-    cdef void skip_first_commentlines ( self ):
-        """SAMParser needs to skip the first several comment lines.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t l_line
-            bytes this_line
-        for thisline in self.fhd:
-            l_line = len( thisline )
-            if thisline and thisline[ 0 ] != 64: # 64 is b"@"
-                break
-        # rewind from SEEK_CUR
-        self.fhd.seek( -l_line, 1 )
-        return
-    cdef int32_t tlen_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            list thisfields
-            int32_t bwflag
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return 0
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        bwflag = atoi( thisfields[ 1 ] )
-        if bwflag & 4 or bwflag & 512 or bwflag & 256 or bwflag & 2048:
-            return 0       #unmapped sequence or bad sequence or 2nd or sup alignment
-        if bwflag & 1:
-            # paired read. We should only keep sequence if the mate is mapped
-            # and if this is the left mate, all is within  the flag!
-            if not bwflag & 2:
-                return 0   # not a proper pair
-            if bwflag & 8:
-                return 0   # the mate is unmapped
-            # From Benjamin Schiller https://github.com/benjschiller
-            if bwflag & 128:
-                # this is not the first read in a pair
-                return 0
-        return len( thisfields[ 9 ] )
-    cdef tuple fw_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        cdef:
-            list thisfields
-            bytes thistagname, thisref
-            int32_t bwflag, thisstrand, thisstart
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' )
-        thistagname = thisfields[ 0 ]         # name of tag
-        thisref = thisfields[ 2 ]
-        bwflag = atoi( thisfields[ 1 ] )
-        CIGAR = thisfields[ 5 ]
-        if (bwflag & 2820) or (bwflag & 1 and (bwflag & 136 or not bwflag & 2)): return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        #if bwflag & 4 or bwflag & 512 or bwflag & 256 or bwflag & 2048:
-        #    return ( b"", -1, -1 )       #unmapped sequence or bad sequence or 2nd or sup alignment
-        #if bwflag & 1:
-        #    # paired read. We should only keep sequence if the mate is mapped
-        #    # and if this is the left mate, all is within  the flag!
-        #    if not bwflag & 2:
-        #        return ( b"", -1, -1 )   # not a proper pair
-        #    if bwflag & 8:
-        #        return ( b"", -1, -1 )   # the mate is unmapped
-        #    # From Benjamin Schiller https://github.com/benjschiller
-        #    if bwflag & 128:
-        #        # this is not the first read in a pair
-        #        return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        #    # end of the patch
-        # In case of paired-end we have now skipped all possible "bad" pairs
-        # in case of proper pair we have skipped the rightmost one... if the leftmost pair comes
-        # we can treat it as a single read, so just check the strand and calculate its
-        # start position... hope I'm right!
-        if bwflag & 16:
-            # minus strand, we have to decipher CIGAR string
-            thisstrand = 1
-            thisstart = atoi( thisfields[ 3 ] ) - 1 + sum( [ <int32_t>(x) for x in findall(b"(\d+)[MDNX=]",CIGAR) ] )	#reverse strand should be shifted alen bp
-        else:
-            thisstrand = 0
-            thisstart = atoi( thisfields[ 3 ] ) - 1
-        try:
-            thisref = thisref[ :thisref.rindex( b".fa" ) ]
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-        return ( thisref, thisstart, thisstrand )
-cdef class BAMParser( GenericParser ):
-    """File Parser Class for BAM File.
-    File is gzip-compatible and binary.
-    Information available is the same that is in SAM format.
-    The bitwise flag is made like this:
-    dec	meaning
-    ---	-------
-    1	paired read
-    2	proper pair
-    4	query unmapped
-    8	mate unmapped
-    16	strand of the query (1 -> reverse)
-    32	strand of the mate
-    64	first read in pair
-    128	second read in pair
-    256	alignment is not primary
-    512	does not pass quality check
-    1024	PCR or optical duplicate
-    2048	supplementary alignment
-    """
-    def __init__ ( self, str filename, int64_t buffer_size = 100000 ):
-        """Open input file. Determine whether it's a gzipped file.
-        'filename' must be a string object.
-        This function initialize the following attributes:
-        1. self.filename: the filename for input file.
-        2. self.gzipped: a boolean indicating whether input file is gzipped.
-        3. self.fhd: buffered I/O stream of input file
-        """
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.gzipped = True
-        self.tag_size = -1
-        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
-        # try gzip first
-        f = gzip.open( filename )
-        try:
-            f.read( 10 )
-        except IOError:
-            # not a gzipped file
-            self.gzipped = False
-        f.close()
-        if self.gzipped:
-            # open with gzip.open, then wrap it with BufferedReader!
-            self.fhd = io.BufferedReader( gzip.open( filename, mode='rb' ), buffer_size = READ_BUFFER_SIZE) # buffersize set to 1M
-        else:
-            self.fhd = io.open( filename, mode='rb' ) # binary mode! I don't expect unicode here!
-    cpdef sniff( self ):
-        """Check the first 3 bytes of BAM file. If it's 'BAM', check
-        is success.
-        """
-        magic_header = self.fhd.read( 3 )
-        if magic_header == b"BAM":
-            tsize  = self.tsize()
-            if tsize > 0:
-                self.fhd.seek( 0 )
-                return True
-            else:
-                self.fhd.seek( 0 )
-                raise Exception( "File is not of a valid BAM format! %d" % tsize )
-        else:
-            self.fhd.seek( 0 )
-            return False
-    cpdef int32_t tsize ( self ):
-        """Get tag size from BAM file -- read l_seq field.
-        Refer to: http://samtools.sourceforge.net/SAM1.pdf
-        * This may not work for BAM file from bedToBAM (bedtools),
-        since the l_seq field seems to be 0.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t x, header_len, nc, nlength
-            int32_t n = 0                   # successful read of tag size
-            float64_t s = 0                # sum of tag sizes
-        if self.tag_size != -1:
-            # if we have already calculated tag size (!= -1),  return it.
-            return self.tag_size
-        fseek = self.fhd.seek
-        fread = self.fhd.read
-        ftell = self.fhd.tell
-        # move to pos 4, there starts something
-        fseek( 4 )
-        header_len =  unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-        fseek( header_len + ftell() )
-        # get the number of chromosome
-        nc = unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-        for x in range( nc ):
-            # read each chromosome name
-            nlength = unpack( '<i' , fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-            # jump over chromosome size, we don't need it
-            fread( nlength )
-            fseek( ftell() + 4 )
-        while n < 10:
-            entrylength = unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-            data = fread( entrylength )
-            a = unpack( '<i', data[16:20] )[ 0 ]
-            s += a
-            n += 1
-        fseek( 0 )
-        self.tag_size = <int32_t>(s/n)
-        return self.tag_size
-    cpdef tuple get_references( self ):
-        """
-        read in references from BAM header
-        return a tuple (references (list of names),
-                        rlengths (dict of lengths)
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int32_t header_len, x, nc, nlength
-            bytes refname
-            list references = []
-            dict rlengths = {}
-        fseek = self.fhd.seek
-        fread = self.fhd.read
-        ftell = self.fhd.tell
-        # move to pos 4, there starts something
-        fseek(4)
-        header_len =  unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-        fseek( header_len + ftell() )
-        # get the number of chromosome
-        nc = unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-        for x in range( nc ):
-            # read each chromosome name
-            nlength = unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-            refname = fread( nlength )[ :-1 ]
-            references.append( refname )
-            # don't jump over chromosome size
-            # we can use it to avoid falling of chrom ends during peak calling
-            rlengths[refname] = unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-        return (references, rlengths)
-    cpdef build_fwtrack ( self ):
-        """Build FWTrack from all lines, return a FWTrack object.
-        Note only the unique match for a tag is kept.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int64_t i = 0                           #number of reads kept
-            int32_t entrylength, fpos, strand, chrid
-            list references
-            dict rlengths
-        fwtrack = FWTrack( buffer_size = self.buffer_size )
-        references, rlengths = self.get_references() # after this, ptr at list of alignments
-        fseek = self.fhd.seek
-        fread = self.fhd.read
-        ftell = self.fhd.tell
-        while True:
-            try:
-                entrylength = unpack( "<i", fread( 4 ) )[0]
-            except struct.error:
-                break
-            ( chrid, fpos, strand ) = bam_se_entry_parser( fread( entrylength ) )
-            if chrid == -1: continue
-            fwtrack.add_loc( references[ chrid ], fpos, strand )
-            i += 1
-            if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                info( " %d reads parsed" % i )
-        #print( f"{references[chrid]:},{fpos:},{strand:}" )
-        info( "%d reads have been read." % i )
-        self.fhd.close()
-        fwtrack.set_rlengths( rlengths )
-        return fwtrack
-    cpdef append_fwtrack ( self, fwtrack ):
-        """Build FWTrack from all lines, return a FWTrack object.
-        Note only the unique match for a tag is kept.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int64_t i = 0                     #number of reads kept
-            int32_t entrylength, fpos, strand, chrid
-            list references
-            dict rlengths
-        references, rlengths = self.get_references()
-        fseek = self.fhd.seek
-        fread = self.fhd.read
-        ftell = self.fhd.tell
-        while True:
-            try:
-                entrylength = unpack( '<i', fread( 4 ) )[ 0 ]
-            except struct.error:
-                break
-            ( chrid, fpos, strand ) = bam_se_entry_parser( fread( entrylength ) )
-            if chrid == -1: continue
-            fwtrack.add_loc( references[ chrid ], fpos, strand )
-            i += 1
-            if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                info( " %d reads parsed" % i )
-        info( "%d reads have been read." % i )
-        self.fhd.close()
-        #fwtrack.finalize()
-        # this is the problematic part. If fwtrack is finalized, then it's impossible to increase the length of it in a step of buffer_size for multiple input files.
-        fwtrack.set_rlengths( rlengths )
-        return fwtrack
-cdef class BAMPEParser(BAMParser):
-    """File Parser Class for BAM File containing paired-end reads
-    Only counts valid pairs, discards everything else
-    Uses the midpoint of every read and calculates the average fragment size
-    on the fly instead of modeling it
-    File is gzip-compatible and binary.
-    Information available is the same that is in SAM format.
-    The bitwise flag is made like this:
-    dec    meaning
-    ---    -------
-    1    paired read
-    2    proper pair
-    4    query unmapped
-    8    mate unmapped
-    16    strand of the query (1 -> reverse)
-    32    strand of the mate
-    64    first read in pair
-    128    second read in pair
-    256    alignment is not primary
-    512    does not pass quality check
-    1024    PCR or optical duplicate
-    2048    supplementary alignment
-    """
-    cdef public int32_t n           # total number of fragments
-    cdef public float32_t d         # the average length of fragments
-    cpdef object build_petrack ( self ):
-        """Build PETrackI from all lines, return a FWTrack object.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int64_t i          # number of fragments kept
-            int64_t m          # sum of fragment lengths
-            int32_t entrylength, fpos, chrid, tlen
-            list references
-            dict rlengths
-        i = 0
-        m = 0
-        petrack = PETrackI( buffer_size = self.buffer_size )
-        references, rlengths = self.get_references()
-        fseek = self.fhd.seek
-        fread = self.fhd.read
-        ftell = self.fhd.tell
-        # for convenience, only count valid pairs
-        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
-        err = struct.error
-        while True:
-            try:
-                entrylength = unpack( '<i', fread(4) )[0]
-            except err:
-                #e1 += 1
-                break
-            ( chrid, fpos, tlen ) = bampe_pe_entry_parser( fread(entrylength) )
-            if chrid == -1:
-                #e2 += 1
-                continue
-            add_loc(references[ chrid ], fpos, fpos + tlen)
-            m += tlen
-            i += 1
-            if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                info( " %d fragments parsed" % i )
-        #print( f"{references[chrid]:},{fpos:},{tlen:}" )
-        info( "%d fragments have been read." % i )
-        #debug( f" {e1} Can't identify the length of entry, it may be the end of file, stop looping..." )
-        #debug( f" {e2} Chromosome name can't be found which means this entry is skipped ..." )
-        #assert i > 0, "Something went wrong, no fragment has been read! Check input file!"
-        self.d = m / i
-        self.n = i
-        #assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative: %d = %d / %d)" % (self.d, m, i)
-        self.fhd.close()
-        petrack.set_rlengths( rlengths )
-        return petrack
-    cpdef append_petrack (self, petrack):
-        """Build PETrackI from all lines, return a PETrackI object.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            int64_t i = 0          # number of fragments kept
-            int64_t m = 0          # sum of fragment lengths
-            int32_t entrylength, fpos, chrid, tlen
-            list references
-            dict rlengths
-        references, rlengths = self.get_references()
-        fseek = self.fhd.seek
-        fread = self.fhd.read
-        ftell = self.fhd.tell
-        # for convenience, only count valid pairs
-        add_loc = petrack.add_loc
-        err = struct.error
-        while True:
-            try:
-                entrylength = unpack('<i', fread(4))[0]
-            except err:
-                break
-            ( chrid, fpos, tlen ) = bampe_pe_entry_parser( fread(entrylength) )
-            if chrid == -1:
-                continue
-            add_loc(references[ chrid ], fpos, fpos + tlen)
-            m += tlen
-            i += 1
-            if i % 1000000 == 0:
-                info(" %d fragments parsed" % i)
-        info( "%d fragments have been read." % i )
-        self.d = ( self.d * self.n + m ) / ( self.n + i )
-        self.n += i
-        #assert self.d >= 0, "Something went wrong (mean fragment size was negative: %d = %d / %d)" % (self.d, m, i)
-        self.fhd.close()
-        # this is the problematic part. If fwtrack is finalized, then it's impossible to increase the length of it in a step of buffer_size for multiple input files.
-        # petrack.finalize()
-        petrack.set_rlengths( rlengths )
-        return petrack
-cdef class BowtieParser( GenericParser ):
-    """File Parser Class for map files from Bowtie or MAQ's maqview
-    program.
-    """
-    cdef int32_t tlen_parse_line ( self, bytes thisline ):
-        """Parse tag sequence, then tag length.
-        """
-        cdef list thisfields
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        if thisline[ 0 ] == b"#": return ( b"", -1 , -1 ) # comment line is skipped
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' ) # I hope it will never bring me more trouble
-        return len( thisfields[ 4 ] )
-    cdef tuple fw_parse_line (self, bytes thisline ):
-        """
-        The following definition comes from bowtie website:
-        The bowtie aligner outputs each alignment on a separate
-        line. Each line is a collection of 8 fields separated by tabs;
-        from left to right, the fields are:
-        1. Name of read that aligned
-        2. Orientation of read in the alignment, - for reverse
-        complement, + otherwise
-        3. Name of reference sequence where alignment occurs, or
-        ordinal ID if no name was provided
-        4. 0-based offset into the forward reference strand where
-        leftmost character of the alignment occurs
-        5. Read sequence (reverse-complemented if orientation is -)
-        6. ASCII-encoded read qualities (reversed if orientation is
-        -). The encoded quality values are on the Phred scale and the
-        encoding is ASCII-offset by 33 (ASCII char !).
-        7. Number of other instances where the same read aligns
-        against the same reference characters as were aligned against
-        in this alignment. This is not the number of other places the
-        read aligns with the same number of mismatches. The number in
-        this column is generally not a good proxy for that number
-        (e.g., the number in this column may be '0' while the number
-        of other alignments with the same number of mismatches might
-        be large). This column was previously described as 'Reserved'.
-        8. Comma-separated list of mismatch descriptors. If there are
-        no mismatches in the alignment, this field is empty. A single
-        descriptor has the format offset:reference-base>read-base. The
-        offset is expressed as a 0-based offset from the high-quality
-        (5') end of the read.
-        """
-        cdef:
-            list thisfields
-            bytes chromname
-        thisline = thisline.rstrip()
-        if not thisline: return ( b"", -1, -1 )
-        if thisline[ 0 ] == b"#": return ( b"", -1, -1 ) # comment line is skipped
-        thisfields = thisline.split( b'\t' ) # I hope it will never bring me more trouble
-        chromname = thisfields[ 2 ]
-        try:
-            chromname = chromname[ :chromname.rindex( b".fa" ) ]
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-            if thisfields[ 1 ] == b"+":
-                return ( chromname,
-                         atoi( thisfields[ 3 ] ),
-                         0 )
-            elif thisfields[ 1 ] == b"-":
-                return ( chromname,
-                         atoi( thisfields[ 3 ] ) + strlen( thisfields[ 4 ] ),
-                         1 )
-            else:
-                raise StrandFormatError( thisline, thisfields[ 1 ] )
diff --git a/MACS3/Signal/Pileup.py b/MACS3/Signal/Pileup.py
index 8625f7c1..e5068c65 100644
--- a/MACS3/Signal/Pileup.py
+++ b/MACS3/Signal/Pileup.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # cython: language_level=3
 # cython: profile=True
-# Time-stamp: <2024-10-04 23:57:29 Tao Liu>
+# Time-stamp: <2024-10-06 20:51:44 Tao Liu>
 """Module Description: For pileup functions.
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 # ------------------------------------
 # C lib
 # ------------------------------------
-from cython.cimports.libc.stdlib import malloc, free, qsort
+from cython.cimports.libc.stdlib import free
 # ------------------------------------
 # utility internal functions
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 010dec75..47d7b88a 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ def main():
-                             # include_dirs=numpy_include_dir,
@@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ def main():
-                             #include_dirs=numpy_include_dir,
@@ -187,8 +185,7 @@ def main():
-                             ["MACS3/IO/Parser.pyx"],
-                             include_dirs=numpy_include_dir,
+                             ["MACS3/IO/Parser.py"],