AWS deployment for Ceph with Keystone integration using ceph-ansible and ansible-role-keystone playbooks.
- git
- vagrant (tested with v1.8.4)
- ansible (tested with v1.9.4)
Assumptions / limitations:
- a security group named 'test-open' exists on AWS
- launched AWS instance has interface 'eth0'
- Clone required repositories and configure
- Modify configuration to specify AWS credentials
vi vagrant_variables.yml
- Use vagrant to launch a Ceph cluster with Keystone integration
- Generate Swift client parameters (v1.0 only)
- Generate Keystone client parameters (v2.0 only)
- Remove cloned repositories
- Clone ceph-ansible
$ git clone
- Specify AWS credentials in 'vagrant_variables.yml' (skip if not using vagrant)
- Copy Vagrantfile from 'conf' (skip if not using vagrant)
cp conf/Vagrantfile .
- Modify ceph-ansible/ansible.cfg
control_path = %(directory)s/%%h-%%r
- Modify ceph-ansible/group_vars/all
monitor_interface: eth0
radosgw_keystone: true
radosgw_keystone_url: http://localhost:35357 #Assuming RGW and keystone services are co-located
radosgw_keystone_admin_token: mKECk0hrJTczWrCd0fCE #Keystone token visible in /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
radosgw_keystone_accepted_roles: Member, _member_, admin
radosgw_keystone_token_cache_size: 10000
radosgw_keystone_revocation_internal: 900
radosgw_nss_db_path: /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-radosgw.{{ ansible_hostname }}/nss
- Modify ceph-ansible/group_vars/mons
mon_group_name: mons
- Modify ceph-ansible/group_vars/osds
journal_collocation: true
- Modify ceph-ansible/group_vars/rgws
copy_admin_key: true
- Clone ansible-role-keystone
$ git clone
- Modify ansible-role-keystone/defaults/main.yml
openstack_identity_admin_token: mKECk0hrJTczWrCd0fCE #Hard-code token instead of auto-generate
- Modify ansible-role-keystone/ansible.cfg
host_key_checking = false
roles_path = roles
gathering = smart
nocows = 1
pipelining = true
- Check health of Ceph cluster on monitor node
sudo ceph -s
sudo ceph health
sudo ceph osd pool ls
sudo rados mkpool data
sudo rados df
sudo rados put -p data test-file.out test-file.out
rados ls -p data
- Create Swift user and key on rados gateway node (only for v1 authentication)
$ sudo radosgw-admin user create --uid=ceph-swift --display-name="Ceph Swift"
$ sudo radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=ceph-swift --subuser=ceph-swift:ceph-swift --access=full
$ sudo radosgw-admin key create --subuser=ceph-swift:ceph-swift --key-type=swift --gen-secret
- Create Keystone user, tenant, service and endpoint (only for v2 authentication)
$ keystone --os-endpoint http://localhost:35357/v2.0 --os-token mKECk0hrJTczWrCd0fCE service-create --name swift --type object-store
$ keystone --os-endpoint http://localhost:35357/v2.0 --os-token mKECk0hrJTczWrCd0fCE endpoint-create --region RegionOne --service-id ${SERVICE_ID} --publicurl http://${MON_HOST}:8080/swift/v1 --internalurl http://${MON_HOST}:8080/swift/v1 --adminurl http://${MON_HOST}:8080/swift/v1
$ keystone --os-endpoint http://localhost:35357/v2.0 --os-token mKECk0hrJTczWrCd0fCE tenant-create --name ceph
$ keystone --os-endpoint http://localhost:35357/v2.0 --os-token mKECk0hrJTczWrCd0fCE user-create --name ceph --pass ceph --tenant-id ceph --enabled true
$ keystone --os-endpoint http://localhost:35357/v2.0 --os-token mKECk0hrJTczWrCd0fCE user-role-add --user ceph --tenant ceph --role admin