All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Ferruccio Busoni: Drei Albumblätter BV289
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - Update pagination.
- Frédérich Chopin: Valse - fixes and rewrite introduction notice
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga VI
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga VII
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga VIII
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: add J.S. Bach manuscript
- Frédérich Chopin: Valse (Morgan Library & Museum Manuscript 2024)
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – number of voices of the fugues as in Bach's manuscript
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - automatic page number in the index using \page-ref
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - use a dashed-line as VoiceFollower style
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - fix some "too many colliding rests" warnings
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Klaviersonate Nr.8 c-moll Opus 13 - fixes
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise 6 BWV811
- J.S. Bach: Fuga C-Dur BWV952 - minor changes
- J.S. Bach: Chromatische Fantasie und Fugue - major updates particularly for hand positions
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – add a simple index with pdf links to pages
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise 2 BWV807 - minor fixes
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - fix a typo
- J.S. Bach: Fuga H-Moll BWV951 (on a theme by Albinoni)
- J.S. Bach: Fuga C-Dur BWV952
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga V
- J.S. Bach: Fuga d-Moll BWV948 - make hands positions explicit in extended closing
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier - Fuga IV: rework to make hands positions explicit
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise n.2 BWV807 - better pagination for Bourrée II
- J.S. Bach: Fuga d-Moll BWV948 - minor fixes
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – sparse fixes
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise n.2 BWV807 - fix two "too many colliding rests" warnings
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise n.3 BWV808 - minor fixes
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise 1 BWV806 - sparse fixes
- J.S. Bach: Fuga d-Moll BWV948
- C.P.E Bach: Solfeggio in c-Moll H.220
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise 1 BWV806
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga IV
- Bach/Stark: Siciliano (BWV 1031) - simplify hand position in bar 6
- Minor updates to a few cover pages
- Bach/Petri: Schafe können sicher weiden BWV 208 - update cover page and pagination
- J.S. Bach: Sechs kleine Präludien (BWV 933-938) - minor update in #6
- J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude BWV659 - several enhancements and pagination updates
- J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude BWV668 - fix colorize of cantus firmus
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - fix in the list of subjects
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - fix several links to pages in the index
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise 5 BWV810
- J.S. Bach: Fantasie und Fuge BWV904
- J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude BWV668 (arranged for piano by Ruoshi Sun)
- Ildebrando Pizzetti: Sogno - Better pagination
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga I
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga II
- J.S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Erster Teil: Praeludium und Fuga III
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise 3 BWV808
- J.S. Bach: Partita 6 BWV830 - Air: workaround the issue of \appoggiatura in an alternative block
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise 2 BWV807
- J.S. Bach: Praeludium und Fughetta f-dur (BWV901) + Das wohltemperierte Klavier – Zweiter Teil: Fuga XVII (BWV 886)
- J.S. Bach: Ouverture nach Französischer Art (BWV831)
- J.S. Bach: Praeludium und Fughetta d-moll (BWV899)
- J.S. Bach: Praeludium und Fughetta e-moll (BWV900)
- Bach/Kempff: Siciliano (BWV1031)
- Bach/Kempff: Largo from Harpsichord Concerto BWV1056
- J.S. Bach: Partita 2 BWV826
- J.S. Bach: Partita 4 BWV828
- J.S. Bach: Partita 5 BWV829
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - Add a section containing the list of subjects
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV1080) - Color all the Counterpoint subjects
- Rued Langgaard: Insektarium - better pagination
- Johannes Brahms: Rapsodie Es-Dur op.119 - better pagination
- J.S. Bach: Neun kleine Praludien BWV924-932: Praeambulum BWV924,924a,925-928,930
- J.S. Bach: Partita 1 BWV825
- J.S. Bach: Sechs kleine Präludien BWV935 - completely rework pagination
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge - Bief Notes: better pagination of music snippets
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - Add the Aria bass line to the front page
- Karol Szymanowski, nine-preludes op.1
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV 1080) - Contrapunctus XIV - subjects numbers
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - Use the original 14-word (Bach's number) title
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV 1080) - Prefer Altnikol's title "Die Kunst der Fuga"
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - The preface has been enriched
- J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV 1080) - Notes on structure and Contrapunctus XIV completion
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise n.4 BWV809 - fix wrong alteration
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise n.4 BWV809 - better pagination
- J.S. Bach: Praeludium, Fuge und Allegro in Es-Dur (BWV988)
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - Variatio 6 - move a note to left staff
- J.S. Bach/Stradal: Organ Sonata 4 Andante (BWV528)
- J.S. Bach: Praeludium und Fughetta in G-Dur (BWV902) - minor fixes
- J.S. Bach: Praeludium und Fughetta in G-Dur (BWV902)
- J.S. Bach: Inventionen und Sinfonien (BWV 772-786) - add circle of fifths image
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - Minor Fixes
- J.S. Bach: Inventionen (BWV 772-786)
- J.S. Bach: Sinfonien (BWV 787-801)
- Arnold Schoenberg: Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op.19 - review the page layout of the preface
- Arnold Schoenberg: Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op.19 - fix error: bounds of this piece aren't breakable
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - Variatio 3: move some notes to staffLower
- J.S. Bach: Prepend 'JS-' to all the transcriptions for consistency
- J.S. Bach: Sechs kleine Präludien BWV935 - III: change final hand position
- J.S. Bach - Musikalisches Opfer - Ricercar a 3
- J.S. Bach - Musikalisches Opfer - Ricercar a 6
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen (BWV 988) - better pages layout
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen (BWV 988) - add the famous Haussmann's portrait of Bach
- Baldassare Galuppi: Sonata 5 - Update the cover and rework the entire page layout
- J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen (BWV 988)
- Christoph Willibald Gluck/Giovanni Sgambati: Mélodie de Gluck - rework hands positions
- Franz Liszt: Am Grabe Richard Wagners S.202
- Christoph Willibald Gluck/Giovanni Sgambati: Mélodie de Gluck (depuis "Orfeo ed Euridice")
- Mikhail Glinka: Nocturne - update cover
- Arnold Schoenberg: Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op.19 Preface by Giancarlo Simonacci translated into English
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.141
- Francis Poulenc: Deux Improvisations FP.113
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Klaviersonate Nr.8 c-moll Opus 13 "Grande Sonate Pathétique"
- Bach/Busoni: Chorale Prelude BWV 639 - review paging
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.55 - update fingering
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.55 - dynamic indications
- Bach/Petri: Schafe können sicher weiden BWV 208 - fix a couple of ties
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.387 - fix a slur position
- Franz Liszt: Trauervorspiel und Trauermarsch S.206
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.55 - update fingering
- Arnold Schoenberg: Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op.19 With a preface by Giancarlo Simonacci
- Franz Liszt: Unstern (Sinistre) S.208
- Franz Liszt: En rêve (Nocturne) S.207
- Franz Liszt: Unstern (Sinistre) S.208
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K. 1
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K. 30 ("Cat's Fugue")
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K. 55
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K. 87
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K. 95
- Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K. 387
- Franz List: Trübe Wolken (Nuages Gris) S.199
- Ildebrando Pizzetti: Sogno
- J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude (BWV 610) - better pagination
- Alfredo Casella: Deux contrastes Op. 31
- J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude (BWV 610) - update cover, modify paging, add Crugers' hymn before the transcription
- Build: Standardize directory names in src/johann-sebastian-bach
- Clara Schumann Wieck: Soirées Musicales op.6 - update cover
- J.S. Bach: Chromatische Fantasie und Fugue - cover and pagination rework
- Clara Schumann Wieck: Soirées Musicales op.6 - minor fixes
- README: Remove an extra parenthesis
- J.S. Bach: Partita VI (BWV 830)
- J.S. Bach: Italienisches Konzert - update cover and pagination
- README: Minor updates
- J.S. Bach: Italienisches Konzert - fix accidentalStyle setting
- Bach/Liszt: Praludium und-Fuge BWV543: fixes and enhancements
- Bach/Liszt: Praludium und-Fuge BWV543
- J.S. Bach: Chromatische Fantasie und Fugue - fixes
- J.S. Bach: Sechs kleine Präludien BWV935 - fix wrong note
- J.S. Bach: Sechs kleine Präludien (BWV 933-938)
- Build: Fix
- J.S. Bach: Chromatische Fantasie und Fugue - remove unnecessary load of
- README: Add link to Apostel's Kubiniana Op.13
- Hans-Eric Apostel: Kubiniana op.13
- Build: Update the project template.
- Johannes Brahms: Rapsodie h-moll op.79 n.1 - fingering and fixes
- Johannes Brahms: Rapsodie g-moll op.79 n.2 - minor slur fixes
- Johannes Brahms: Rapsodie g-moll op.79 n.2
- Johannes Brahms: Rapsodie Es-Dur op.119
- README: Add make command for Bach/Busoni's Ciaccona
- Bach/Busoni: Chaconne BWV 1004 - fix multiline tie shape
- Bach/Busoni: Chaconne BWV 1004
- Build: Add some common files to the project template
- Build: Move lilypond sources to the folder
- Build: Remove underscores from source paths
- J.S. Bach: Suite Anglaise n.4 BWV809 - Update cover, fix some rests positions
- README: rework and minor fixes
- Bach/Busoni: Chorale Prelude BWV 615
- Bach/Stark: Siciliano (BWV 1031) - fix midi tempo, a few enhancements
- Bach/Petri: Schafe können sicher weiden (BWV 208) - fixes
- Bach/Petri: Schafe können sicher weiden (BWV 208)
- Bach/Stark: Siciliano (BWV 1031) - fix cover text
- Bach/Stark: Siciliano (BWV 1031) - use
instead of the unicode character - Bach/Stark: Siciliano (BWV 1031) - better pagination
- Bach/Stark: Siciliano (BWV 1031) - fixes
- Bach/Stark: Siciliano (BWV 1031)
- Build: Reorganize the Bach/Busoni Chorale Preludes
- Bach/Busoni: Chorale Prelude (BWV 639) - fixes