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399 lines (311 loc) · 17.3 KB

File metadata and controls

399 lines (311 loc) · 17.3 KB


Picoh is my take on the JavaScript frontend micro framework, providing event handling, DOM querying/manipulation, XMLHTTP requests and a handful of utility methods.

The focus is on a lean code footprint - minified and gzipped everything weighs in around 2.3KB.

All methods are namespaced under window.$ / window.$$ with no modification of any object prototypes.

What's supported?

  • Picoh takes advantage of core methods available in more modern browsers (such as document.querySelectorAll()) avoiding heavy polyfills to keep the code footprint small.
  • Designed for and tested against the usual suspects of Google Chrome, Firefox and OSX Safari. On the Microsoft front IE9 and above is supported.
  • Expects:
    • A !DOCTYPE that puts your pages into standards mode, with the HTML5 doctype a good selection. More a requirement for full IE compatibility (historically an IE8 gripe), where some core methods used by Picoh won't make themselves available in 'quirks mode'. You can work around such edge cases, but the result is increased code footprint - exactly what I'm trying to avoid here.
    • Picoh loaded ideally from page <head> and executed asynchronously (e.g. <script async src="/uri/to/picoh.js"></script>).
    • Removal of both margin and padding from the <body> element to help cross browser consistency with some DOM methods, such as calculating viewport and document sizes.




Returns a single DOM element from the id given. Just a wrapper around document.getElementByID() we all know and love.


  • Wraps the given handler in a debounce routine that will be called only after delay milliseconds have elapsed since last call to the routine was made.
  • A clear() method allows for the reset of the current debounce timeout in progress.


function callMe() {


var debounceMe = $.debounce(callMe,500);

// log message will only display once, though debounceMe() is called three times

// to clear a current debounce timeout


  • Iterate over the given collection, calling handler for each item.
  • Collection can be of type array, HtmlCollection, NodeList or object.
  • handler passed arguments of value and index for types array, HtmlCollection and NodeList.
  • handler passed arguments of value, key name and iteration count for type object.
  • Returning false from handler will halt the iteration immediately.


function handlerArray(value,index) {

	console.log([value,index].join(' - '));


function handlerObject(value,key,iteration) {

	console.log([value,key,iteration].join(' - '));

	if (key == 'key3') {
		// exit right away
		return false;

	{ key1: 'value1',key2: 'value2',key3: 'value3',key4: 'value4' },

Note: For evaluating HTMLCollection/NodeList types, $.each() uses Duck typing, looking for item and length properties.


  • Emulation of Node.js process.nextTick() method.
  • Produces a faster and more efficient callback on the next event loop vs. window.setTimeout(function() {},0).
  • Implemented using window.postMessage() under the hood.


  • Wrapper for window.requestAnimationFrame, a more efficient method of processing animation frames versus traditional window.setTimeout() use.
  • Handles cross browser API prefixing between browser vendors.
  • A fallback window.setTimeout() polyfill is provided for unsupported browsers which will be called approximately once every 16ms to give a close to 60fps fire rate.



  • Attach an event handler to the given object of the given type.
  • Event type can be given as a space separated list for attaching multiple events to a single object.


function clickTouchHandler(event) {

	console.log('Clicked or touched!');

$.Event.add($('domelement'),'click touchstart',clickTouchHandler);


  • Remove an event handler from the given object of the given type.
  • Event type can be given as a space separated list for removing multiple events from a single object.



Emulates behavior of the mighty handy and IE only (note: Chrome 30+ and Firefox 10+ also natively support) event types of mouseenter and mouseleave.


<div id="watchme">
	<span>Child element</span>
	<span>Another child element</span>
function mouseEnterHandler(event) {

	if ($.Event.isMouseEnterLeave(event,this)) {

function mouseLeaveHandler(event) {

	if ($.Event.isMouseEnterLeave(event,this)) {

var watchMeEl = $('watchme');

With above example messages will only log messages when mouse pointer enters or leaves <div id="watchme">, ignoring all mouseover/mouseout child events fired from <span> elements.


  • Returns the current mouse x/y pixel coordinates from the given event.
  • Data will be returned as an object with the structure of { x: 123,y: 456 }.
  • Note: At time of writing IE10 (and possibly other browser vendors going forward) can/will return mouse coordinates with a sub-pixel resolution, getMousePosition() will round down to whole pixel units.


$$(query) / $$(element,query)

  • A wrapper for querySelectorAll(), returning DOM elements for the given CSS query.
  • In the first form the query will be based from document (entire page), otherwise in the second form from the given element.
  • In the instance query is matching elements containing one or more classes only (e.g. the function will use getElementsByClassName() in place of querySelectorAll() for query speed advantage.
  • Returned DOM elements will be provided as an array, rather than a NodeList.
  • Note: querySelectorAll() will only support queries based upon the browsers CSS implementation and it's capabilities.


  • Will call the given handler upon firing of the document.DOMContentLoaded event.
  • Can be called with multiple handler functions, each of which be called in turn at the point of DOM load completion.
  • If called after DOM has already loaded, the given handler will execute immediately via $.nextTick(handler).


  • Creates a new DOM element with the given node name.
  • Optional attributes given as a key/value object attributeList.
    • Keys are to be given as DOM element properties (e.g. class="myclass" as { className: 'myclass' }.
  • Optional child DOM elements automatically appended given as an array childElementList.
    • Child elements of type string will be appended as a new TextNode.


var myCreatedDOMEl = $.DOM.create(
	'div',{ className: 'myclass' },
		$.DOM.create('span',false,['My span text']),
		$.DOM.create('a',{ href: '/link/to/item' },['Click me']),
		'Another line of text'

// append the following tag structure to end of the document
<div class="myclass">
	<span>My span text</span>
	<a href="/link/to/item">Click me</a>
	Another line of text



Insert the given element before referenceElement within the current document.


Insert the given element after referenceElement within the current document.


Replace the given oldElement within the current document with element. Returns oldElement.


Remove the given element from the DOM, returning element.


Remove all child DOM elements from the given element, returning an array of removed elements.


Returns true if element has the given CSS class name assigned, otherwise return false.


  • Add one or more CSS classes of the given name to element - providing multiple CSS class names space separated.
  • CSS classes already present on element will be silently ignored.


  • Remove one or more CSS classes of the given name from element.
  • Provide multiple CSS class names for removal space separated.


  • Set the given inline CSS styleList (as a key/value object) to element. Essentially an easier way to set multiple inline element style attributes at once.
  • Internally uses a simplistic[styleKey] = value assignment, therefore styleList key(s) must be given using camel cased style names (e.g. backgroundColor).


var myCreatedDOMEl = $.DOM.create('div',false,['Content']);
		backgroundColor: '#f00',
		left: '10px',
		position: 'absolute',
		top: '40px'

// myCreatedDOMEl contains
<div style="background-color:#f00;left:10px;position:absolute;top:40px">


  • Returns the value of the HTML5 data attribute key associated to element.
  • If the given key does not exist returns null.


  • Returns the left/top pixel offset of the given element to either the top left corner of the document, or if toParent is true - to the element's parent.
  • Data will be returned as an object with the structure of { left: 123,top: 456 }.


  • Returns the x/y pixel scroll offset from the top left corner of the document.
  • Data will be returned as an object with the structure of { x: 123,y: 456 }.


  • Returns the pixel width and height of the browser viewport.
  • Data will be returned as an object with the structure of { width: 123,height: 456 }.


  • Returns the pixel width and height of the document.
  • Data will be returned as an object with the structure of { width: 123,height: 456 }.
  • Uses the techniques suggested by Ryan Van Etten.

Animation/transition end DOM events

For the background behind these methods and their use, refer to the cssanimevent library. The following methods have been integrated here.


  • Calls the given handler upon completion of a CSS3 animation applied to element. Lifetime of the handler is one animation end event.
  • For browsers that do not support CSS3 animations, handler will be called instantaneously.
  • Handler will be passed arguments of element and optional data.


Cancel a pending handler assigned to element by a previous call to $.DOM.Anim.onAnimationEnd().


Identical in functionality to $.DOM.Anim.onAnimationEnd(), but for CSS3 transitions.


Identical in functionality to $.DOM.Anim.cancelAnimationEnd(), but for CSS3 transitions.



  • Execute a XMLHttpRequest() call to the given url, returning true if the call was successful made by the browser (e.g. supports XMLHttpRequest()).
  • The method can be one of GET or POST, with false/undefined defaulting to GET.
  • Optional handler will be executed at completion of the URL call (success or fail). Handler will be passed a single parameter of the return status/response as an object with the following keys:
    • ok: Set true if the call returned successfully, otherwise false.
    • status: Numeric HTTP status code returned.
    • text: The response body as a string upon success, otherwise empty string.
    • JSON: If response body is JSON data and could be successfully parsed, will contain a JavaScript object of this data, otherwise an empty object.
  • Optional parameterCollection given as key/value pairs with be passed either:
    • On the query string with HTTP GET.
    • Form data of content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded with HTTP POST.


function myHandler(data) {

	if (data.ok) {
		console.log('HTTP status: ' + data.status);
		console.log('Response text: ' + data.text);

	} else {
		// handle error

// make a POST request to /xmlhttp/endpoint with parameters "key1=value,key2=value"
		key1: 'value',
		key2: 'value'


Has JavaScript? CSS class hook

  • Placing a class attribute of <html class="nojs"> on a document's <html> element will be automatically replaced with <html class="js"> upon load of Picoh.
  • Used as a CSS styling hook for no/has JavaScript scenarios.

Attachment of Picoh to alternative object

  • By default Picoh is attached to the global window object, providing access to it's methods via window.$ and window.$$() respectively, or simply $ and $$().
  • Alternatively, Picoh can be attached to an isolated object to avoid namespace clashes, by modification of the library's IIFE arguments.


var attachHere = {};

// start of Picoh
(function(win,doc,picohAttach,undefined) {

	// SNIP

Picoh will be accessible at attachHere.$/attachHere.$$().